Virgin Sacrifice Ch. 03


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She quickly turned her face in his lap while she frantically unbuckled and unzipped his pants and as his hard thrusting cock sprang from his pants, he heard her whisper in a quivering voice "Oh Gawd" just before her mouth engulfed the head of his cock. It felt unbelievably good as she took his cock in her mouth and he savored it for a few moments before he reached down, grabbed her by her tiny waist lifted her in the air and flipped her around until her thighs were resting on his shoulders with his mouth poised to ravish her pussy.

During James manhandling of her body, Charlie lost his cock but reacquired it just as James began to lick and nibble on her weeping pussy lips. As she slid his cock into her mouth and down her throat she began to moan and quiver. She frantically bobbed her head up and down his cock because she was already on the edge of an orgasm. All of her preparations coupled with her anticipation had kept her wet and excited all day. When she started dancing for James, her excitement escalated to the point of mania and she knew with just a few touches from his mouth she was going to explode into a massive orgasm that had been building all day.

As James lips latched onto her clit Charlie exploded into a mind bending cum, with her whole body going spastic, her eyes blinded by the fireworks in her head and her body forgot to breathe. James cock was still buried deep in Charlie's throat and James felt his cock clamped inside her throat with vibrations from her moans making it almost impossible for him to stop from cumming, but he somehow did stop. Charlie slid her head off of his cock as James kept her orgasms coming, one on top of the other until her body seemed to lose all coordination, and James having had enough, pulled her from his face, flipped her right side up and slid his cock into her clutching pussy.

Charlie was so wet and he slid all the way inside her without any effort. When he nudged against her cervix, Charlie's body shattered again, bowing her back and throwing her head back as she screamed.

"Oh My God, Oh God ... you're so deep ... Oh Shit ... you're so Big ... Oh Take Me, God Take me Hard."

Charlie's body was being buffeted by intense orgasms and she would alternately bow her back, throwing her head back and orgasmic rapture, but during each hard cum her stomach muscles would knot, curling her forward, slamming into James chest. After her first scream Charlie lost the breath to voice her bliss with the opening and closing of her mouth, only silence expressing the exultation of her rapture. Charlie's teasing and her massive orgasms had James to the point of no return and very quickly he began to fire his hard ropes of cum, filling her pussy.

The two lovers clung to each other as they felt their orgasms quiver and pulse where they were joined together. As the passion of sex started to wane, the deep and abiding love started to take over and they kissed softly and sweetly while Charlie's body still shook as her teeth chattered with the intensity of their love. James wasn't going to let this end here so he stood up and sat Charlie's limp boneless body in the chair, gathered her outfits, wrapped her in a robe and carried her and her bag out to her car. Since his dad had brought him, he didn't have his car, but she had hers. As he set her in the car, her eyes were melting him with the love she felt. He kissed her lightly and said.

"Baby I love you so much, thank you for doing this. But now I'm going to take you home and I'm not letting this night end. I'm going to make love to you all night and show you just how much love I have for you."

Charlie, still shaking from her orgasms had a full body shiver in anticipation of the night to come. James drove them home and carried Charlie into the house and after he stripped her robe from her he proceeded to do exactly what he had told her he was going to. James made love to Charlie in every way he could think of and for nearly all night he drove her from orgasm to orgasm and when the sun was starting to peek over the horizon, they both fell into a fulfilled passionately exhausted, dreamless sleep holding each other tightly.

Somewhere around noon James woke to the loud hammering on their front door and after slipping on a pair of pants, he opened their door to find a frantic Brigid. She was relieved when he answered the door, because they weren't answering any of their phones, she was afraid something had happened to them. James put his mom to work making coffee and breakfast while he went and gathered Charlie into a quick shower.

When they came out breakfast was ready and James saw Brigid give a wistful smile as she saw Charlie walking kind of bowlegged and sat very gingerly into a chair. Nothing was said, but everyone smiled at the love that seemed to resonate from the room. After breakfast everyone went back to their routines and Charlie went with Brigid to continue her apprenticeship and dress making. James opened up his laptop and continued his work as well. He had to hurry because the wedding was now only two days away.

On the day before the wedding most of the men in the clan, including James and his dad, went to the site where the wedding, reception and the rites of the Union are being held and made sure everything was in readiness. Together the clan had bought some land that shared a lot of common property with the national forest so they had lots of forest land to use. They had set up some chairs for those that would not participate in the wedding and the exchange of vows would take place under a grape arbor in the middle of stone circle surrounded by the men and the women of the clan. Tents were set up further back for the reception and tables were set for the meals, drink, cake and champagne.

The rites of the union would be held about a half mile further up almost exactly on the border with the national forest. Two bonfires were built but not yet lit. A special grassy area between the two bonfires was prepared and roped off. It was a long day and all the preparations were complete thanks to all the help from everyone.

The day of the wedding arrived and Charlie had spent the night at his parents' house so she could be made up and dressed in time for the wedding. James drove to the area in his car and brought several changes of clothes for both he and Charlie, plus cleaning wipes, water and just about anything else he could think of that they might need. One other thing he included where two diaphanous robes that would be used during the rites of the Union.

The weather was perfect and clear as a bell. James had some lunch from his stash and then waited until it was time to change into his tux. Then his father belted his ceremonial sword around his waist, the one that had been passed from grandfather to father to son. A half hour before the ceremony the entire clan was assembled and musicians set up just outside the stone circle around the arbor. The officiating priest and priestess ( James father and mother ) blessed the rings and the ceremonial wine before the ceremony.

The time came and all of the men in the clan preceded James to the outside the stone circle, with James behind the wall of men. The music began and rather than traditional acoustic music James and Charlie had chosen a guitar Trio playing and singing "Time in a bottle." As the music began the women of the clan entered from the opposite side of the circle at the very back was Charlie and as she came near all the audience not participating murmured and gasp at the vision heading toward them and everyone heard thousands of cameras clicking and taking pictures of this moment.

James stared at his bride and he was constantly amazed at her different very beautiful looks and today was no exception, she looked incredibly beautiful and stunning, she truly looked like Branwen the goddess of love and beauty. The bottom of her white dress was a mermaid silhouette, but very different from any he had ever seen. First off the skintight portion only came to the top of her thighs and then gently flared into a flowing train so as not to be as confining as most mermaid dresses. As she made the turn toward the altar, the seductiveness of the dress became apparent. Directly under her butt the dress was gathered producing the perfect skin tight framing of her hips and butt, with effect producing the perfect womanly hips and presenting her very sexy ass. James was not particularly an ass man, but with this presentation it was tempting.

As dramatic as the bottom was, the top was even more incredible. Starting very low on her hips it looked like vines were growing out of the bottom of the dress that would curl around her hiding and exposing different parts of her body. The vines were white with a green cast and sparkle, curling and clinging to her belly like a second skin. As they climbed higher they curled around her breasts with leaves creating a bodice, hiding yet presenting her breasts. The vines continued to climb past her breasts and wrapped around her neck until they joined to form a very subtle leafy mask on her face.

Her hair was gathered toward the back of her head, with a leafy crown adorning the top of her head. From the behind the crowned extended a gauze vale that trickled down her completely naked and beautifully muscled back. She continued to move forward with the procession. As she saw James her whole face lit up into a radiant glow, beaming the love she felt for James. James felt a lump in his throat as he realized within a few minutes she would be his wife and his partner.

As the procession stopped and James could get a good look at her wedding dress, he realized that the entire top had been painted on Charlie. No wonder she had to spend the night at his parents house. This incredibly elaborate painting must have taken all night long and it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. Charlie was not only radiantly beautiful, but now she was also an incredible work of art. He marveled at the detail wondering how they got all three-dimensional effects, then he looked into her eyes and saw the love for him exposed for all to see and forgot about her dress seeing only her.

When the procession ended the men were on one side with James rounding out the back and the women on the other side with Charlie at the back. Everyone waited until the music finished and in a moment of silence while everyone listened to the wind blowing through the trees, the priest ( James Senior ) asked to clarify the intent of this gathering and Charlie stepped forward into the circle holding a ram's horn filled with wine and a gesture of her hand, James joined her with his sword held pointed down. With a nod from the priest Charlie holds out the horn and James dips the tip of his sword into the wine. The symbolism here is obvious as the man dips the tip of his sword into the woman's horn filled with nectar and it's a silent agreement of the Union about to take place.

With the intent given and clear, James sheaths his sword and Charlie hands the horn filled with wine to her attendant. The priest now calls the hand fasting ceremony to order and sends a call to the men and women of the clan. All the men and women of the clan mixed together forming a horseshoe around the circle. A woman representative of the clan steps into the circle presenting the glowing qualities of Charlie, when she is finished a man representative of the clan steps into the circle and describes the manly qualities of James. The ceremony will now begin.

They align themselves according to the compass. The bride on the west, the Groom on the east, the Elder Priest on the north and the Marriage Guardian on the south. Then James Senior begins the ceremony.

"We honour the idea of Gods and Goddesses as the Source of all Creation. We celebrate the Gaelic Druid Festivals on the cycles of the Sun and Moon. We acknowledge the inherent life force in all things."

Charlie and James turned to face each other and from this moment on their eyes never leave each other. They both extended their hands and place their palms together, one on top of the other with each of their right hands on top. This represents the adjoining yet equality, since both have one hand in a dominant position. A white ribbon is placed over Charlie's hand and the black ribbon over James hand. Then together they recite.

"You cannot possess me for I belong to myself.
But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give.
You cannot command me for I am a free person.
I pledge to you that it will be your eyes into which I smile every morning.
I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care.
I shall be a shield for your back, and you for mine.
I shall not slander you, nor you me.
I shall honor you above all others, and when we quarrel,
we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances.
This is my wedding vow to you.
This is the marriage of equals."

Then the priest says. "These promises you make by the sun and the moon, by fire and water, by day and night, by land and sea and sky, promises that are made in truth. With these vows you swear, by the Gods and Goddesses, to be full partners, each to the other. If one drops the load, the other will pick it up. The union of one and one creates a new one."

James Senior raises his hands and his head to the heavens and says. "This is a couple, and each of you now pledges to work at making this couple happy and safe in the Light of Truth. Who will be the guardian to help you in times of turmoil?

The marriage Guardian, James's mother Brigid, spoke up and said. "I am the guardian of this marriage and with the help of the gods and goddesses, and the Sun, Earth and Moon I will provide guidance on how to clear grievances and help you both to have the bravery to do what is needed. I will help you to keep the oath you pledge today in the knowledge that you have the support of your many loved ones."

James Senior continued. "Night becomes day, day becomes night and night becomes day again. The moon waxes and wanes and waxes again. There is Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and then the Spring returns. All of life is an unending circle symbolized by a ring. James and Charlene, do you bring your symbols of an unending circle?"

James and Charlie say together "We do."

James Senior takes the hand fasting ribbons and ties the Black ribbon around James right wrist and then ties to white ribbon around Charlie's right wrist. He now addresses the audience and says. "The hand fasting ribbons will stay tied to your wrist until the next sunrise, now James and Charlene have written a private vows that they now wish to say to each other in the presence of all gathered here."

Looking deeply into Charlie's eyes, a voice filled with emotion James says.

"In your eyes, I have found my home.
In your heart, I have found my love.
In your soul, I have found my mate.
With you, I am whole, full, alive.
You are my breath, my every heartbeat.
I am yours. You are mine.
You are lodged in my heart and you will stay there forever.
Today I James Hewitt, take you Charlene for my wife.
Each of us will be shelter for the other, there is only one life before us,
and our seasons will be good and long.
I will cherish the gift of your love, and together we will persevere no matter what lies before us."

James places the ring on Charlie's left-hand ring finger and says. "Accept in freedom this circle of gold as a token of my vows. With it I pledge my love, my strength and my friendship. I bring thee joy now and forever. I vow in the face of Heaven that through you I will honor all women."

Looking deeply into James eyes and in a soft voice expressing her deep love, Charlie says.

"You are my inspiration and my soul's fire.
You are the magic of my days.
You help me laugh, you teach me love.
You provide a safe place for me, unlike I've ever known.
You free me to sing my own song.
You are more of an amazement to me. Each day I rediscover you.
I am yours. You are mine.
You are lodged into my heart and you will stay there forever.
Today I Charlene Everett, take you James for my husband.
Each of us will be shelter for the other, there is only one life before us,
and our seasons will be good and long.
I will nourish the gift of your love, and together we will persevere no matter what lies before us."

Charlie places the ring on James left-hand ring finger and says. "Accept in freedom this circle of gold as a token of my vows. With it I pledge my love, my strength and my friendship. I bring thee joy now and forever. I vow upon this Holy Earth that through you I will honor all men."

James Senior concludes. "As the Ancients and those within this grove are witness to this rite, I now proclaim you are husband and wife, thus are your hands fasted, two are now made one. You may seal your union with a kiss."

Charlie reached her hands around James neck. James reached up, removing her mask, caressing her cheek as they stared into each other's eyes for a second before their lips joined in a deep, loving and emotional kiss.

For the next several hours everyone enjoyed the raucous party with James and Charlie enduring thousands of pictures and endless congratulations. Everyone at Charlie's bookstore couldn't believe that this was the same woman they knew and loved, but everyone was in awe of her dress. Through the entire reception James and Charlie had their fingers tightly woven together and when breaks in the action allowed, they would kiss or just stare into each other's eyes. Neither would separate and they desperately wanted to feel each other and be wrapped in each other's arms. The party went on and on with lots of food and drink being consumed. As the sun began to get low on the horizon those guests that were not part of the clan began to leave and after the last picture was taken and the last guest left, Charlie kissed her new husband and went to prepare for the Rite of the Union.

Both James and Charlie adjourned to separate tents that really went through the cleansing and purification rituals. First was a cleansing bath in which the body was cleaned and then rinsed with purified water. In Charlie's case that meant riding her body of her painted on dress and all remnants of the paint. Once the body was cleaned they were wrapped and diaphanous robe and adjourned to a small corner of the tent for intense meditation and in this case the cleansing of the mind, and readying the spirit for the union.

With the properly prepared participants and harmonics and alignment generated by the two beings would create a circuit of Divine Alignment between themselves. Yet it would also create the proper balance of magnetic attraction and polar balance between the Masculine and Feminine energies that would create a vertical, as well as horizontal, integration of Matter and Spirit.

The lunar eclipse was scheduled to start at 10:30 PM and would last approximately 3 hours. The rite would only last for approximately half that time so approximately 11:15PM the rite was scheduled to start. Because of the length of the eclipse the anointing of the woman's body as the altar would be done during a ceremony.

About 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony the two bonfires on either side of the sacred circle were lit. Three candles were lit and placed together with a chalice of wine and sacred oils were also brought to the site of the Union.

At 11:15 PM the circle formed with everyone facing inward, with holes at each end. James covered with a diaphanous robe approached from the east as Charlie in an identical robe approached from the West. As they entered the circle their eyes met and everyone in the circle felt the loving energy that pasted between them. They met in the middle of the sacred circle with the place of the Union beneath their feet. With their eyes still exuding their love, James unbelted Charlie's robe and gently pulled it from her, leaving her naked before the gods and the entire clan, then Charlie repeated the disrobing on James.