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Runaway waits for salvation on alien planet.
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Author’s note: The following story is a draft version of some work written for a market other than Literotica. It does have sex of a sort in it, but I have to warn you it isn’t intended to be particularly erotic. If you’re looking to be turned on you may wish to visit some of my other work. If you can cope with just a story with sex in it then read on, and please do send me feedback, as that’s why this work is submitted.


Tee and Cabe hung around the track gates, waiting for a mark. It would have been better to wait inside, but the grunts were being all on edge. Cabe kept needling Tee to choose a mark, but Tee wouldn’t be pressed. She wanted one that felt right, and that meant waiting.

She hoped she wouldn’t have to wait long. She and Cabe hadn’t eaten for a couple of days now, and Cabe was getting desperate. A mark had come along for Cabe, but she had been unwilling to subject her brother to the possible dangers. He was just too young. Besides, she had a feel for it. So she let the mark go, and waited.

‘Grunt’, said Cabe, gesturing with his head. Further away, away from the shelter of the track gates, a man in a long coat was talking to a couple of the bikers. They looked at each other, and scowled answers back.

‘So?’, said Tee.

‘So they might be looking for us. Should we go?’

Tee craned her neck, trying to get a look, but he was too far away. ‘Nah’, she said. ‘Why would he want us?’

‘There was that guy the other week. He said he’d report us.’

‘Yeah, right. Him and his wife are gonna trot on down to the station and spill his guts. I don’t think so. You worry too much. We’re fine. Long as we pick the right mark.’ Tee stood on tiptoes to see over the crowds that obscured her view. ‘See,’ she said, ‘He’s going’.

A man passed them munching on a steaming roll, rain pouring from the brim of his hat. Cabe followed him with his nose. ‘I’m starving,’ he whispered, for the fourth time that day.

‘Shut up’.

‘Well, I am though’.

‘Shut up.’

‘Hi,’ said the grunt. He held up his badge. ‘North-Side Police. Come to ask a few questions. Gentleman over there said he’d seen you around a lot. Do you mind?’

‘No,’ said Tee. Cabe stood next to her nervously plucking at her sleeve. Tee kicked him in the ankle and he let go.

‘Your name is…’

‘Tee’. Tee wasn’t her real name, just a nickname. When Cabe had been young he had been unable to say her name, and the name he had used instead was not fit for repeating in mixed company. So the family had shortened her name to Tee in his presence. After Mum had died Dad had taken to drinking, and just staying out a lot. Eventually he’d just not come back. They knew they’d have to go stay with their grandmother if they said anything, so they’d just left. It seemed sensible at the time.

‘How old are you, Tee?’


‘And how old is your friend here?’

Tee and Cabe exchanged glances. ‘He’s… He’s eighteen too.’ You couldn’t be responsible for yourself under eighteen. You got taken in. The streets were full of whispers about what happened to you if you got taken in. Of course it was all bullshit, but bullshit like that got to you.

‘Ok’, said the grunt. ‘My name is Sim. Detective Sim. I’m looking for a man stole some money from a bank on fourth. He’s not a nice guy. He killed some people.’

‘What, really?’ said Cabe, excited despite himself. Nobody ever killed anyone and got away anymore. It was a big deal. If they’d been at home they would have head it on the news. Tee sighed. That meant they weren’t at home. That meant they were living here at the track, in the room where they put up all the results, taking turns to sleep on each other’s shoulders, taking dirty old men for their winnings.

‘Yeah, really. How come you ain’t heard?’

‘Our Dad doesn’t believe in the wireless’, cut in Tranka, thinking of their grandmother. ‘He says it’s evil. He says if the gods meant us to hear that far they’d have given us better ears’. Or made us all Teeps, she thought.

‘Oh. Well, I’m looking for him.’ Crap, thought Tee. They wouldn’t send out a grunt to find a murderer. They’d send out a Teep, maybe even two. She shifted her weight to the other foot. She was feeling more nervous.

‘Listen, if you hear of anyone out of the ordinary with a lot of cash to throw around, you contact me, okay? Just pick up the switch for police, and ask the operator for Sim, in R and V’. He stuck his hand in his pocket and fished out a small bundle of notes. He peeled of a couple and handed Tee and Cabe one each. ‘More if you bring me anything’, he said. Then ‘What?’, looking upward. Tee stiffened, and held her breath involuntarily. Sim relaxed, and refocused on the pair of strays in front of him. He smiled, and nodded, and wandered off.

‘Fuck’, said Cabe, looking at the five credit note. ‘A fiver’. He grinned at Tee. ‘We can have a roaster’. Tee punched him in the arm, hard. ‘Ow!’, he said. ‘What was that for?’

‘Going on about your fucking stomach! It’s all you ever bloody do! That’s why I missed him. That’s why we almost just got taken in. That’s why we’re almost just strapped down to a bed while they cut bits off us for experiments. That’s why!’

‘Oh. I thought you just knew’, said Cabe, still rubbing his arm.

‘Knew? Knew what?’

‘You know. Knew he was alright.’

‘How would I know that?’

Cabe shrugged. ‘I dunno’, he said. ‘I just… I dunno.’




‘Cheese minge’.

‘Crater face. You wanna roll or not?’

‘Extra cheese?’

‘Ok. But no pickle and we can afford a soda, too.’

‘Deal. I hate pickle anyway.’

‘I thought you liked pickle’.

‘Well, today I hate it.’

The van selling the rolls had no awning to protect its customers from the rain, so it was fairly quiet. They got served quickly, and went back to the gates to eat their rolls in the relative dryness. They hunched themselves down and sat in gloomy contemplation, munching and watching the crowds. The crowd was mainly men, men by themselves, men in groups of three or four out for a little entertainment, nursing their dreams of winning big and running their own concession, maybe even a full tenancy. Dreams, and schemes, and hopes, and wishes. All of them passed them by, with out even a second glance.

Five credits did not buy you a lot. Cabe finished his in short order, and Tee gave him the second half of hers, saying she wasn’t hungry, just to shut him up. She sat watching him munch, in the semi-darkness, and then looked up, as if hearing a sound.

‘Mark’, she said, getting to her feet.

‘Are you sure?’ said Cabe, still with his mouth full.

‘Course I am. Green coat. Bald head. Keeps looking this way. See him?’


‘Don’t lose us.’

‘Do I ever?’

Tee walked away, crossing behind a group of men talking excitedly of something, and a man muttering consolingly to a woman, his wife, girlfriend, something, Tee couldn’t tell. She walked up to the man in the green overcoat. He had watched her all the way. ‘Hi’, she said.

He paused, looked around. ‘Hello’.

‘Just going in?’

‘Just coming out, actually.’ His voice was gruff and unfriendly.

‘Oh. Poor night?’

‘No, actually. Been ok.’

‘Could get better.’

‘Oh, yes?’

‘Much better. Live far away?’

‘Staying at a hotel, just over the road’. He gestured, and Tee glanced over.

‘That’s nice. That’s a nice hotel. I couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel like that.’ She smiled at him cheekily. ‘Unless someone wanted to share, maybe?’

He looked at Tee hard, then said ‘How much’.

Tee looked at him, trying to judge what would be just enough, but not too much. ‘What do you think I’m worth?’, she hazarded.

The man looked at her. He looked at her long, sinewy legs, and at her pert, small breasts. He looked into her soulful, oriental eyes, and at her cherry pout. ‘One fifty’, he said.

Heart pounding in her chest Tee stepped up closer, so close she could almost taste him, and looked up into his eyes. She lifted a leg and rubbed briefly against his crotch.

‘Ok, two hundred’, he said. Tee smiled at him, and took him by the arm. Without looking at her he set off across the road, weaving through the carts and steam cars, and over to the hotel. Tee risked a glance backwards, and was happy to notice Cabe behind them, still chewing, silhouetted against the hissing of a car vent, the steam a ray of orange in the streetlights.

The hotel was not the best in town, and not the worst. It overlooked the track, and it attracted those thrill-seekers too nervous to entirely leave the carnage behind. From the windows on the third floor and above you could see the full arena, and watch the cars crash and smash their occupants. It also attracted more than its fair share of jumpers, who would book into the hotel for the night and then steal up to the roof, hurling themselves from the roof towards the track, trying one last shot at glory. Few of them made it, but it always made the news when it did. It usually caused a pile up, and some unexpected winners.

The foyer reeked of sweat, smoke and alcohol. The check-in desk doubled as a bar, and the mark ordered an ale in an imported bottle. Tee couldn’t read, but she could count just fine, and the coins that stacked up on the bar in payment made her curse silently for selling herself so cheap.

As they approached the lift Tee tried to calm herself when she saw the Teeps. They were standing waiting for a lift too. They were dressed in the familiar red and black uniform, and they exchanged glances with each other, but they didn’t speak. They say when you hear a Teep speak, that’s when you know you’re in trouble.

Everyone on the planet Eden had a telepathic ability. They were born with it. It was born of a sense organ that earth humans do not have, buried deep within the brain. There were different sizes, and different skill levels, but everyone had the ability. Few, however, could afford the training to use it. Telepathy isn’t like sight, you normally had to be shown how it worked, how to develop it. The training took years, although occasionally an adept came along who could just do it straight away. Consequently Teeps were highly in demand, both in business and in law enforcement. They said no-one could beat the chain links of forensic telepathy. If they were really after you, you would be caught. They also said that if you really tried you could beat them one to one. That you were only in real trouble if they were already on to you. However, in common with many, Tee had always been terrified of them.

She tried to think, calm, innocent thoughts. Told herself everything would be okay, there was nothing to worry about, she had her daddy with her so everything was going to be fine. She stared straight ahead, not daring to look. An eternity later the lift arrived, and the Teeps went in. One held the door open, but the mark shook his head silently no. The Teep shrugged, the doors clanged shut, and the cage moved smoothly upwards.

The mark let out a breath. Teeps had to focus to read you, and they had to have a reason, and they had had no reason to read either Tee or the mark. But Teeps made you feel guilty, you couldn’t help it, even when you had done nothing wrong. And they had done nothing wrong. Well, except prostitution, but that wasn’t anything the Teeps would be interested in. That would only interest the grunts.

Another lift clattered to a halt in the next bay, and the mark put his hand on her ass. Tee bit her lip. Just two lifts. That meant one had to get back down before Cabe could follow. The mark’s hand on her made her nervous, and her hands started to sweat.

Tee was a virgin. She didn’t know what she was saving herself for, exactly, but she knew it wasn’t the man next to her. Still, this had been her idea, watching the hookers down by the station. Cabe would come and yell a warning, something they always only dimly heard, and the mark would bustle her out guiltily. She always knew which marks to pick. It was something about them, the way they walked, the way they looked at her, the way they dressed. The guilty ones, the sly ones, the ones nursing a secret.

She knew which ones to pick, and Cabe knew the right moment to call. He would stand outside the door, and listen. A couple of times he had called too soon, because a porter had come down the corridor and he had been afraid of being ushered out too soon, but they were rare cases. They would then run, laughing and crowing, down to the street, where they would have enough for a night in a proper bed, and food for a week. They never hit the same street twice in a row, and they always kept out of the way until Tee was sure of her mark.

‘Here we are’, said the mark, and pulled her forward roughly. He got out a heavy key and unlocked a room at the end of a corridor. Once inside he went over to the window that let in the warm night air, and the rain, and shut it, blocking out the engine noise from the street and the track. ‘Would you like a drink?’, he asked.

Tee wanted to give Cabe some time, so she nodded, and took the proffered bottle. She tentatively took a sip of the ale, and made a face. The mark laughed. ‘What’s your name?’, he asked.

‘Short for…’

‘Just Tee’. Tee stood nervously, still holding the bottle. The mark sat down on the bed, and it creaked slightly.

‘So’, he said. ‘Why don’t you start by taking off your clothes’.

Tee coughed. ‘Erm,’ she said, ‘How about we get business out of the way first?’

‘Oh, yes, of course. Stupid of me.’ He reached into his coat and pulled out his money bag. It was heavy, and filled with 1000 credit coins, the big gold and silver ones. ‘Damn’, he muttered, and stood up to search his pocket, eventually finding a couple of small gold ones, which he put on a small side table by the bed. Tee was confused and anxious. She usually could make a big play of counting, when they had notes. Coins were too easy. And she had definitely undersold herself.

She walked over to the table and picked up the coins, glancing at them briefly before dropping them into her pocket. She stood, uncertain. The man stood up and grabbed her roughly by the elbows, until she was standing in front of him. Then he moved his hands too her waist, and pulled her close. She could feel his erection pushing hard against her belly.

‘What’s the matter girl? You’re shaking’. He pulled her away from him to look at her face. ‘Is this the first time?’

Dumbly, unable to summon the courage to lie, she nodded weakly. He threw his head back and laughed loud. ‘Damn! Well you’re in for a treat. You’ll be glad you started tonight, yes sir!’ Still smiling he brought his face close to hers. ‘Yes sir, indeed you will. Your boyfriends won’t have given you as much as I can. And you gave it to them for free!’. And he laughed again, stroking her head with one hand. Then he let go, and pushed her gently away from him, to arm’s length.

‘Take off your clothes’, he said. ‘I want to see you’.

Trembling, Tee looked around for escape, but could see none. The door was the other side of the room now. If she made a run for it he could easily catch up. She tried to think her way out. ‘That’s extra’, she said in a shaky voice.

‘Naw, I don’t think so. I paid good money, and I’m gonna get my money’s worth. Now strip, dammit’.

Slowly Tee dropped her coat on the floor, then thought again and picked it up, folded it carefully, and put it to the floor at the foot of the bed. Then she bent down and began to unlace her left shoe.

‘Goddammit, we haven’t got all night. Pick up the pace or I’ll rip them off’. The tone of his voice was low and threatening. The clothes were all she had, and replacing any of them would virtually wipe out the two coins in her coat pocket. Reluctantly, but much faster, she pulled off her other shoe. She hesitated but a second longer before taking off her top. Unable to look at him now, half naked, she let her trousers drop to her feet and quickly placed the pile next to her coat.

She was just wearing white briefs now, and despite his threats was still unwilling to remove them. She put her hands to the sides of the briefs, and held them there, gripping tightly, her teeth clenched.

‘Come here’, he said. Slowly she walked towards him, and when she was close enough he grabbed her wrists. He sat down again on the bed and pulled, so she had to let go or risk ripping the pants herself. She felt dizzy and lightheaded. He took her hands and placed them on his shoulders. His coat was still damp from the rain. Tee shivered.

He let go of her hands and grabbed her briefs. He pulled them down softly and began to stroke her bottom. Tee bit her lip. He put his hands between her legs and pushed them apart, making her stand with her legs wide. He put his hand on her vagina, and pushed apart her lips with his fingers. ‘Oh, yeah’, he said quietly. Tee shut her eyes and tried to pretend she was somewhere else. There was a pause, and she heard a fumbling, and then she was shoved downwards by the shoulder quickly, so that she had to let go of his shoulders, and she slapped her hands down hard upon his knees.

She found herself looking at his penis. She had seen her dad’s once before, when she was small, and she had seen Cabe’s a few times when he had thought she was asleep, or in another room. They hadn’t prepared her for the real thing. It looked huge, and ugly, and sweaty, and the top little hole was all wrinkled and puckered. Some sort of white stuff was around it’s head. Tee wrinkled her nose, and widened her eyes. ‘No!’.

‘See, I knew you’d be impressed’, he said. He grabbed her by her dark, almost black hair with one hand, and pushed it towards her with the other. ‘Wouldn’t you like a little taste?’, he said. She tried to say no again, but too soon it was at her lips, forcing her to clamp her mouth shut. She battered at his knees to try and get him to let go, but he didn’t even seem to notice. He rolled his penis around her lips, and at her nose, for a little while before shouting ‘Dammit!’, and letting go of his penis to pinch her nose, hard.

Tee spluttered for breath, and dry retched at the taste of a mixture of sweat and stale urine that filled her mouth and nostrils. After a short while she managed to come to her senses enough to try and bite him, even though that meant pressing her tongue to the base of his glans.

He screamed briefly ‘Fucking Bitch!’ and pushed her away, so that she fell backwards onto the floor with a thump. She retched quietly, and then began to cry softly to herself, trying to crawl away towards the door. He nursed his wilting penis in his hand, still sat on the bed, inspecting it for damage.

Just then there was a hammering noise on the door. ‘Grunts!’. Tee froze and held her breath.

‘Fuck!’, yelled the man. He stood up quickly and removed his coat, penis hanging limply and absurdly from his trousers. He was wearing a shoulder holster, and he wrenched at it for what seemed an eternity. Time slowed down, as he finally removed the gun and ran toward the door, seconds stretching into days.

Tee, walking in a thick soup of terror, staggered to her feet and grabbed for her coat.

The man was halfway to the door now.

Now Tee was in her coat, bundling up her other clothes.

Now he was at the door, yelling ‘Fuck’ again, a single word taking hours to utter.

More banging at the door, a dull booming in Tee’s ears.

Him pointing the gun at the door at it explodes in a shower of splinters, silently, the scream Tee makes drowned out by the silent explosion.

Tee running, barefoot and wailing, to the door, her bundle shedding along the way. He catches her and throws her back to the floor.

He reaches the door and flings it aside, looks first one way, then the other. Tee crawls to the floor, unable to get up.

She makes it to the door, and looks past his feet. Cabe is running slowly down the corridor, his coat flapping behind him. There is a clap, as the gun is held up once more.