Wally's Pool


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As we sat down to eat Carolyn got everyone's attention. She said, "This meal is special. We think the world of each of you, our friends, and we want to play a game during dinner. Here are the rules. You can eat as much of anything as you like, however you cannot feed it to yourself. Want a bite of brisket? Ask someone to feed you some brisket. You can eat ribs or chicken, but you cannot hold anything for yourself." We all laughed. This would be fun.

Carolyn went on. "Any food that spills must be cleaned up, but cannot be cleaned up using anything but a mouth. She picked up a slice of tomato from the salad on her plate and plopped it on the exposed portion of her breast. She turned to Wally and asked, "Wally, would you clean up this spill for me please?"

He smiled and bent to her cleavage. He made loud slurping noises as he cleaned up the spill. When he stopped Carolyn looked down and said, "Thanks. You did a good job." And, she kissed him.

When the cheers died down Carolyn asked if we understood the rules of the game. Pete was sitting between Carolyn and his wife, Pattie. He asked, "How will we know who won the game?"

"The only way to lose this game is if you don't play." Wally said. He turned towards Carolyn and asked, "Sweetheart, is there something you'd like to bite?"

"Yes, some brisket, please."

Wally cut a bite sized piece and fed it to her. She made appreciative noises and asked him what he wanted to try. The rest of us started eating and laughing and having fun. After about ten minutes Carolyn said, "There is a new rule. You cannot get more than two bites from the same person. If I got my last two bites from Wally and I want something else to eat, I have to ask someone else for a bite."

Shanna said, "If all the women shift over two seats every two bites that will work." She stood and moved to her right two seats. Donna Smith took Shanna's seat and Carolyn sat on my other side.

Carolyn asked for a bite of ribs. I held the rib up for her and as she bit it fell apart. A piece fell into her cleavage. I watched it fall, looked up into her eyes as they sparkled with mischief and then over at Shanna.

Shanna said, "You know the rules. Clean up your mess."

I dove in. Carolyn's breasts must be at least "D" cups. The more I dove for the rib meat the deeper it slid between her breasts. I heard laughter and giggling. I got all the meat and cleaned up the sauce with my tongue.

When I came back upright I looked over at Shanna and Ralph was looking for something he had dropped inside her shirt. I noticed that every woman had been spilled upon and every man was willingly into clean-up. It wasn't long before Donna spilled some salad on Frank's lap and "had to" clean it up for him. She made noises while she did the job, and so did Frank.

At some point in the meal someone spilled something and the spilled upon removed the soiled clothing, to facilitate clean-up. Carolyn collected the spilled on clothes and started a load of wash in her washing machine. The machine was just inside their back door. She stood at the washer in just her shorts and said, "It's not quite a load. I need a few more things to have a full load."

Shanna reached onto my plate and got a hand full of BBQ sauce. She rubbed it down the fly of my shorts and said, "I think Pete needs to have his shorts washed."

I spread a hand full of sauce on the front of her shorts and said, "Oops! Looks like these shorts have to get washed too."

Shanna laughed and helped me take off my shorts. She unbuttoned them and unzipped them then hooked her thumbs into the waistband and started them down. They were down two inches when I realized she had hooked my shorts as well. I looked down at her and she smiled up at me. I surrendered.

When she lowered my shorts far enough my hard cock sprang into view. She kissed the tip and finished removing my shorts.

Immediately, I dropped to my knees and unsnapped Shanna's shorts. I hooked her waistband and looked into her eyes. I mouthed, "I love you" and drew her shorts to the ground in one quick move. She didn't have panties on. Her wet, bald pussy was lit by the afternoon sun and never looked better to me. As she lifted one foot to step out of her shorts I kissed her pussy.

I heard Carolyn say, "Oh, my God! I just flooded!"

We looked over and Wally was kneeling in front of her, feasting on her pussy. She was looking at us.

I picked up our shorts and my underwear and dropped them in the washer. Then I picked up Shanna and dropped her in the pool. In less than a minute there were ten people in the pool. When the first load was done in the washer, the rest of the clothes from dinner were put in. Our clothing optional party had become fully nude.

Play in the pool was adult. I was touched by most every woman at the party and was invited to touch every woman. Not a single other man touched or kissed Shanna's genitals. Later I confirmed that husbands touched wives, but only their own. Carolyn, Shanna and Donna were the only bald women at the party. Donna had a pierced nipple. Shanna asked why only one.

"Because that one hurt so much I've never had the nerve to do the other one." Donna answered.

The dishes got done, the food put away and the patio cleaned by a happy crew of nude adults. It was near midnight when Shanna and I went home. As Wally let us out of his house he told us to come back for breakfast. There would still be some people there who had slept over.

We showered and crawled into bed. Our windows were open. We heard the unmistakable sounds of coupling. We made it a duet and it quickly became a choir. As couples began cumming the giggles and laughter began as well.

It finally calmed down and I thought sleep would come until I heard a voice say, "G'Night John Boy."

The laughter did finally die. We did finally sleep. At breakfast the next morning Wally said it was the best Thanksgiving weekend he'd ever had. We all agreed, until the next Thanksgiving.

But that's another story, maybe for another time.

Jake turned seventeen one May a few years after the adult parties started. Wally had required that all the kids fifteen or older who used his pool be trained as lifeguards and learn CPR. In June Wally was sitting in his chair supervising some of the younger kids swimming and playing in the pool. Jake was there as the lifeguard. He wore an armband that made him the official lifeguard. He saw Wally slump over, grabbing his chest. Jake yelled, "Clear the pool!" and all the kids did just that. No arguments or delays. Jake got three of the older kids started on Wally, doing CPR. Jake ran to the phone and called 911. Then he called Carolyn at work. He got all the kids dried off and headed home by the time the paramedics arrived.

Wally made it to the hospital. Jake called me at work and rode to the hospital with Wally in the ambulance. That evening, with Carolyn, our family and two other neighbor families gathered in his room beside him, Wally died. His heart quit.

After he was gone Carolyn said, "He got his wish. Wally and I couldn't have children. He always wanted kids around. He said the sound of children is the sound of Heaven. Even as he was dying he had the kids he loved close by. We were really blessed."

We all shared hugs and soft words for a few more minutes, then Jake said he would drive Carolyn home. They left the hospital with their arms around each other. Our car was quiet on the way home.

Three days later the funeral was held. I counted thirty-seven kids at the funeral. They all loved Wally. The eighty parents and other adults at the funeral all loved him, too. At the gravesite we all watched as his casket was lowered into the vault. Then I saw Brett White, a seven-year-old walk near the edge and toss something into the vault. It was a bright yellow pair of swim goggles! As Brett stepped back, Jake reached into his sport jacket and pulled out the armband he wore when he was the Lifeguard at Wally's pool. He dropped it in. Lynn dropped something too. It was wrapped in cloth and dark green.

Thirty-seven kids each brought something to send with Wally. Something personal. When the last item was in, the ceremony was over and we left the cemetery. Carolyn's two sisters had driven from Las Vegas for the funeral. Back at the house there was food, and a chance for all of us to talk and be with Carolyn. About an hour into the gathering I found Carolyn sitting in the chair she often sat in to watch TV. I took her hand and asked her to come with me.

I led her to the back door leading out to the pool. All thirty-seven kids were quietly sitting out there around the pool. Some were looking at the water, some held each other, a couple were on their knees praying. No one sat in Wally's chair.

Carolyn and I stayed inside and cried together.

By the time it was dark everyone except Carolyn's sisters had gone home.

The next day was Friday. I was at work by seven-thirty in the morning. I got a call from the Principal of the high school at nine. He wanted my thoughts about naming the swimming pool at the school after Wally. Wally had donated thousands of dollars toward the building of the pool, and had been a huge supporter of athletics at the school for years. I told him I thought it was a great idea.

On Saturday morning Carolyn knocked on our door. It was strange because we had stopped knocking years before. The kids knew to always knock before going into either house, but the four of us didn't knock anymore. She knocked. I saw who was at the door and didn't motion her inside. I went to the door, opened it and held it for her.

"Can I talk with you and Shanna?" She asked. I noted that she seemed more frail than I had ever seen her, shorter and thinner as well.

I had her sit in a chair in our living room and found Shanna in the laundry area. We sat on the couch. Carolyn said, "My sisters want me to move to Las Vegas with them. They are right. Staying here would be too painful. But... I need someone who loves the kids as much as Wally and I to buy the house. I want the kids to keep swimming, keep laughing together."

Shanna responded, "I know just the family! Have you set a price?"

"It depends. We've got heart, soul and lots of years into this home and into all the kids. The price depends on who buys it. Wally left me pretty well set, so it isn't about the money. Who do you have in mind?"

"Us!" Shanna said. She looked at me as she said it. I melted. She thought we could take over for Wally.

Carolyn began to cry. Tears streamed down her face. She said, "I hoped it would be you. Put your house up for sale. I'll make arrangements to be moved out by the end of the month and you can move in anytime after that."

"We need to talk price." I said.

Carolyn looked at Shanna and said, "He's a lot like Wally, you know." Then she looked at me and said, "The price for the house is a dollar!"

The realtor tried to get her to change her mind during the six weeks of paperwork, but she never budged. She said she and Wally had discussed it and the decision was final. With costs and taxes it cost a little more than the dollar, but not much. Our house sold for five-hundred-eighty-five thousand. Jake and Lynn had money for college and we had substantially added to our retirement fund. We were invited to Carolyn's housewarming party in Las Vegas and we went.

In the car driving to Las Vegas we got to talking about Wally. I asked Lynn, "What was it wrapped up in cloth that you put in the vault with Wally?"

She sat quietly for over a minute. Her answer surprised me.

"Remember when I was twelve? I was growing and becoming a woman. I bought a swimsuit I thought Roger Conners would like. I wanted Roger to like me. One day when Roger was in Wally's pool, I put it on and went over. Wally took one look at me and wrapped a towel around me and got me back inside his house. He sat me down and explained things to me. I've never worn a revealing suit like that since that day. He was right. If Roger was gonna like me, it needed to be me he liked, not my boobs or my butt." She paused and said, "I gave Wally that suit. I'd kept it as a reminder of what's important. I didn't need it anymore. I have plenty of memories of being loved by him, by Carolyn, by you. He can have the suit."

Jake asked, "What ever happened to Roger?"

Lynn smiled and said, "He got Pattie Franklyn pregnant in ninth grade. Haven't seen or heard of either of them since."

Just inside the front door at Carolyn's sister's home in Las Vegas was a sign. It read, "Beyond this point this home is clothing optional. If seeing people less than fully clothed will upset you, do not proceed past this point." Just after we saw the sign Carolyn's sister took it down. I noticed the sign had been up long enough to leave a pale place on the wall when she took it down.

On the anniversary of Wally's death the high school put a sign at the entrance to the pool naming it the Wally Clarke Swim Stadium. Carolyn came back for the ceremony. In her honor and Wally's the pool was filled with kids for the ceremony. Pictures were taken and they made the front page of the paper.

That Sunday we had a pool party. It wasn't a first Sunday party, but it was a clothing optional, adults only party. The first one attended by an unmarried woman, Carolyn. Jake and Lynn went to Grandma's that weekend.

When the party was over and the three of us were the only one's left in the house Carolyn came and put her arms around both of us. She said, "I know I'm an old lady and my best looking years are way behind me, but I want to ask for a favor."

"Whatever it is, we'll say yes." I said. Shanna nodded.

"I want to sleep between you both... after we make love."

I was stunned. And, I understood. Shanna took one of Carolyn's hands and I took the other. We went into the bedroom and loved her. When she left for Las Vegas the next day Shanna said, "Any time you want to visit, that spot in our bed is yours."

The people who bought our old house have been married five years. They have no kids. I could have warned them, but I didn't. Shanna gave the wife the candlesticks we'd used years before to celebrate when Shanna got pregnant. I told her not to bring them back, they now belong to her. I'll bet they have a baby next year. Those candlesticks are magic.

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MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago
Fine story!!!

I love reading stories where the wife is faithful to her husband!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

As usual, Scorpio44 has provided us with a touching, beautifully written story. I come to literotica to get aroused and end up wiping tears from my cheeks when I read his realistic tales. Best author on the site. Now I am going to go find a poorly written story about some 19 yr old cheerleader sucking cock.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
right or wrong mr fraud

get off your almight judgmental high donkey and recall that the stories in here are meant as ENTERTAINMENT they are not documentaries or historical documents. that being said, if you have nothing positive to say, then by all means stop reading like a mature individual and stop behaving like a 12 troll. scorpio44a reserves the right what he wants to right , and you have no right to anything else but your opinion. so can it with the insults and just fade away...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I can't get far from my initial judgement that the author is a fraud. The emotions and decisions orchestrated in this particular story do not follow real life. I have lived this scenario and right or wrong bore the consequences. Sir... do not try to bull shit in an attempt to rise above your humdrum day to day existence.

PolyLvrPolyLvrabout 12 years ago

To the last comment.

If you reread that paragraph, you'll see that Jake got three of the older kids ot perform CPR.

Re: the candlesticks. The Narrator commented early to his wife that the cause of their pregnancies was the candlesticks, not their vigorous and repeated sex sessions. He continued the joke by suggesting the new couple would become parents because of the gifted candlesticks.

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