Watching Allison

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Suspicious husband follows wife & friends to the desert.
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Over the years, Randi had discovered that his wife, Allison, could be fairly wild when he was not around. He had often heard snippets about times when she was "out with the girls." The girls in this case were women who taught at the same school where Allison worked. It was never very incriminating, just enough to make Randi wonder what he wasn't hearing.

The wondering drove Randi nuts, especially since his wife was very conservative, especially about sex. However, he was convinced that Allison was a lot less restricted when she was not with him.

She never drank around him yet the girls talked about numerous occasions where Allison had been drunk during one of their outings. The girls would talk about flirting with cute guys but, whenever he or any of the other husbands were around, they only admitted to the single girls doing anything.

Once, the girls had let slip that Allison had been dancing with another guy and Randi had questioned Allison on it. When he had questioned her, she said the girls were all dancing in a group so she wasn't really dancing with the guy. He was just dancing with him. It was now five years since Randi first began to question his wife's actions when he was not around but, in all that time, he had never had the nerve to ask her if she was doing anything.

Since he had admitted to fantasies involving other people, he felt that Allison would let him know if she wanted to fool around with someone else. In truth, he would let her as long as she let him be with another woman. He was comfortable enough not to feel threatened that Allison might be sexually attracted to another man. However, it drove him nuts not knowing what was going on. Was she hiding something or was his imagination getting the best of him.

8:00 a.m. MONDAY, APRIL 16
"Okay, honey," Allison said. "You have the phone number where I'll be staying. Give me call if anything comes up. If no one is there, it probably means we're out at the pool."

"Aren't you going to keep your cell phone on," Randi said, sitting on the bed putting his shoes on as he prepared for work. Allison was leaving for a few days with several other teachers who all had Spring Break off. They were headed for the desert where they'd be staying at one of the girl's parent's vacation home.

"No, it's really just a pain," Allison said. "Besides, it's not like you'll really need to get a hold of me at a moments notice. Just leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Randi stood up, adjusted his tie and began walking towards the front door. As he got to Allison, he bent down to kiss her. "Okay," he said and added playfully, "I love you and remember not to have too much fun." However, his heart dropped because there was always a part of him that wanted to ask her if she was having too much fun.

"I love you too, sweetie," Allison said just before Randi headed out the door.

4:30 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 16
In five years, Randi had never asked for vacation days, except around Christmas or for an annual trip with Allison each summer. So Randi's boss and coworkers were surprised when he asked for a few days off.

"Where are you going," Randi's boss, Curt, asked.

"I thought I'd take some time to go visit a couple of friends I haven't seen in years," Randi said, surprised at how easily the lie came. "With Allison out of town, it seemed like a good time."

"Well, have a good time," Curt said as Randi closed his briefcase, turned off the lights in his office and left work early for the first time in his life.

5:45 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 16
Randi had hoped there wouldn't be any traffic. With a five-hour drive ahead of him, the last thing he needed was the prospect of another couple of hours in stop-and-go traffic. Besides, Randi hated the inactivity since it gave him time to question what he was doing.

What did he expect to do, he asked himself. Spy on his wife and wait for her to cheat? That was, of course, exactly what he planned to do but he admitted to himself he had not really thought how he would do it. "Excuse me, do you mind if I hide in your bushes so I can spy on my wife," Randi imagined himself asking an anonymous homeowner.

All he knew was where she was staying and that they usually went out dancing a lot. Beyond that, Randi didn't have clue one.

11:35 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 16
The house where Allison was staying backed onto a fairway of a private golf course. Allison had, of course, mentioned that the house where she stayed when the girls came out here was located in a private community but he hadn't really paid attention.

When he had seen the guard gate, Randi suddenly realized how important that fact was. In his mind, he had imagined driving near the house and watching who went in and out of the house and following them when the girls went out. Now, he realized that plan was not feasible. He had reservations at a nearby hotel and he considered calling it a night and sleeping on the problem.

Curiosity got the better of him. Randi parked his car in a nearby supermarket parking lot and got out. He walked over to the eight-foot high wall separating the parking lot form the golf course. Looking quickly to make sure nobody was coming, he hopped the fence. He thought about how awkward it would be if the security guards caught him.

H quickly ran across a fairway up to the road and began walking on the sidewalk. Most of the houses were dark so he was surprised when a car door opened and a middle-aged couple emerged. He almost ran away, fearing they would turn him in. Then he realized that he was dressed appropriately and didn't look out of place. They didn't know he wasn't supposed to be here and all he had to do was not act suspicious.

12:15 a.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 17
After getting disoriented several times, Randi finally found the house he was looking for and, a few minutes later, had taken up a position on the fairway backing up to the house. Randi realized that he now looked very suspicious, loitering next to unlighted houses in the middle of the night so he began creeping slowly up to the house.

He had seen the lights on and caught glimpses of the girls as he approached. Moving closer, he began to hear their voices and laughter. Eventually, he had taken up a position in some bushes about five feet from the sliding doors leading to the living room and, next to it, the master bedroom. Just around the corner, he could see a window opening into a bathroom.

His heart racing, Randi saw that all of the girls were still up and looked to have spent much of the time drinking. There were several beer bottles and empty margarita glasses around. Unfortunately, he was too far away to hear what the girls were saying. Instead, he simply watched as they sat around chatting, trying to imagine what they were talking about.

Suddenly, the lights came on in the master bedroom and Randi's heart stopped. He felt naked until he repositioned himself away from the new light source. It was Karen, one of the other teachers in Allison grade. He watched as she approached the sliding door and began closing the blinds. When she had finished, Randi realized he could still see in. He felt almost guilty as he watched her start to undress.

Randi had fantasized several times about having sex with Karen. On one or two occasions, they had harmlessly flirted at teacher parties. Watching her strip and realizing she was totally unaware that she was being watched quickly aroused Randi. He marveled at how she disrobed and then carefully folded all her clothes before putting on her sleeping attire. He also appreciated the extended nudity as well and reflected about how prudish Allison seemed to be about nudity in comparison.

While she was still putting her clothes away, another of the teachers, Beth, entered the room and began stripping. While there was nothing sexual in the act, Randi found it the most erotic thing he had ever seen; two women naked in the same room talking casually to each other. Looking around, he realized that the girls were all getting ready for bed and he wondered whether he should leave.

It was late and he was afraid that he might get caught if he tried to get back to his car. It was too cold to stay here and, besides, he would really look suspicious once the sun came up. Slowly, he began moving out of the bushes towards the house next door. On a whim, he tried the sliding door to see if it was locked. It wasn't. Hurriedly, he opened the door and moved inside past the closed drapes.

The room was lit from the side window facing the house where Allison and the girls were staying. It occurred to Randi that the house wasn't empty, that someone was here but asleep. After listening for a few minutes for the slightest sound, Randi finally found the courage to make a circuit of the house and discovered it was deserted. He then returned to the window.

Slowly, he lifted his head and saw that he was looking onto the bathroom and the master bedroom. While there were curtains for both windows, neither of them was pulled. Looking into the bedroom, Randi could see that Karen and Beth had finished dressing. The sliding door was open and he could see their shadows. He realized they were outside having a cigarette before bed.

Just then, the bathroom window opened and the last of the girls, Trish, entered. Like Beth and Allison, Trish was married and was about 30 years old. While she had never figured into any of Randi's fantasies, she was attractive if somewhat prudish. He had never found her particularly fun to talk with and had never really spent too much time with her at parties.

He watched as Trish set her pajamas down on the bathroom counter and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Then, she quickly undid her bra and lowered her sweat pants. While Trish accomplished all of this without emotion and an economy of effort, the sight aroused Randi once again. He was intoxicated by the act of watching someone intimately without their knowledge.

Trish pulled of her panties and then turned the shower on. Slowly, Randi pulled his zipper down. He felt guilty for doing so but slowly began to play with himself. Trish grabbed a razor and headed into the glass-walled shower. Randi had an unobstructed view, then, as Trish slowly began lathering up and, he realized, preparing to shave her legs and pubic region.

Randi almost came at the thought. Years ago, Randi had convinced Allison to let him watch her shave herself. He had masturbated while she did it and the act and the fact that he was watching her had made her very uncomfortable. While he had asked several times, she had never let him watch again. In fact, she made a point of locking the door for several weeks after the incident.

Watching Trish perform excited Randi even more because of this. She finished with her legs and began to shave along the insides of her legs, slowly moving inward. Entranced, Randi watched as she continued shaving, reducing the covered area slowly and methodically. The fact that there was not the hint of sexual arousal by Trish increased rather than decreased Randi's arousal.

Finally, Trish had trimmed herself so that only a narrow strip of hair was left. Her hands began to move the skin around as she inspected her handiwork. Then, apparently satisfied, she began to slowly rub her clit. Randi ejaculated the second he realized Trish was masturbating. He wished he hadn't but he had just become excited. Still, he watched as Trish pleasured herself. As she was becoming increasingly excited, the bathroom door opened and both he and Trish realized at the same time that she had forgotten to lock it.

Allison walked in and quickly moved to sit on the toilet. Trish was mortified, thinking Allison might have caught her. However, Allison was oblivious and struck Trish up in conversation. Randi wished he could hear what they were saying. Unfortunately, the window was closed. After finishing up, Allison stood up, washed her hand and left. After a few tentative stares at the door, Trish resumed masturbating. However, it was not as exciting.

He quickly realized that, even when someone is concerned about being watched, they change how they act. This realization seemed to make Randi treasure what he had just seen even more for he had seen the real Trish, as she was when she was not afraid of embarrassing herself in front of others.

A few moments later, Trish finished her shower and quickly dressed. In a few minutes, all of the lights in the house had gone off. Slowly, Randi sat down on the couch below the window. He felt very strange and thought about going home. This was much more dangerous and almost too real; not at all what he had imagined. And, while he had come to see if Allison was doing something behind his back, so far he had been the only one acting inappropriately.

In a few moments, Randi closed his eyes and fell asleep. He thought that it would be difficult to leave the house during daylight hours but decided to deal with that in the morning.

To Be Continued...

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