Watching Ellie


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I know that Ellie can frequently have several orgasms one after the other, but for some reason her second one always seems to take longest to arrive, and so I settled down to observe, using my fingers to work my aching cock into a more comfortable position. If only I was parked somewhere more private, because I really did want to wank along with her. It was torture having to watch without joining in. I tried hard to resist but to hell with it, I just couldn't do it and after an uncomfortable minute or so I shrugged mentally and gave in to my urges. I took a long look around and then seeing that the traffic had slackened I took the risk and eased my cock out, positioning my laptop to try and hide what I was doing. No doubt the derisive wailing of a trucker's horn would tell me if I'd got it wrong and been spotted.

Ellie's breathing started to become deeper as her arousal took hold again. I was gently running my fingers along my shaft as I enjoyed the scene. Now the only person not actively participating for the moment was Lauren, who still lay naked on her side watching Ellie at play with bright eager eyes. I wondered if she would become turned on enough again to roll onto her back and join in. It would give me a buzz to see them both playing and coming again. She was certainly was becoming turned on again and so I thought it was more than possible. I could see how aroused she was in the way she was watching my wife so intently, even leaning forward just a little and with her folded knees pushed under Ellie's open leg. My only reservation was that she seemed maybe a bit too interested in my wife. I was becoming more convinced that that earlier kiss had not been an impulsive act but possibly a first attempt at seduction, and I was afraid another uninvited advance would spoil things. For a few minutes we all remained like that, with Ellie masturbating openly and unsuspectingly before her friend and unknowingly in front of me as well. She was getting more and more excited now, her breathing was becoming more ragged and pronounced, and she was frowning and biting her lips in concentration. I just hoped she wouldn't get there before I did. I stroked my shaft more firmly, wanting, no, needing, to make myself come regardless of anyone who might catch me.

And then Lauren made her next move. Without any warning she simply reached across and began to run her fingertips around Ellie's breasts, circling the nipples before finally placing her hand firmly on the right breast and gently squeezing it. Ellie's eyes shot open and I thoroughly expected her to object, but she just gazed across at Lauren and smiled before closing them again.

'This isn't spur of the moment, is it?' She asked quietly.

'No' Lauren admitted. 'Do you mind?'

'No, I don't mind.' Ellie slowly shook her head with her eyes still closed, smiling dreamily.

I watched in bewilderment, astounded by what was happening on the screen straight in front of me and feeling curiously pleased, but unable to understand it. Ellie had firmly rejected Lauren's attempt to kiss her, but now she was allowing herself to be fondled with no problem at all. But at least she was just passively accepting Lauren's touch and not overtly responding to it or encouraging it. Maybe, as Ellie's husband, I should have been outraged by Lauren's behaviour and by Ellie's unspoken acceptance of it, but instead I found it turned me on even more and I felt my own climax beginning to build. What man could help but get off on watching another woman caressing his wife? The answer, this one couldn't, I'd never been so aroused in my life. I fished into my jacket pocket for a pack of tissues, knowing full well that I was going to need them sooner or later - and probably sooner.

For several minutes the three of us played together, with two unaware of the third, but then the climax that I had felt building suddenly arrived and I had to grab for the tissues. My god, it was huge. If it wasn't for that handful of tissues I would have sprayed the inside of my car. Spurt after spurt shot into them until they could cope with no more and I felt cum trickling out and onto my shirt. Panting for breath and totally uncoordinated I scrabbled for more, ineffectively mopping my shirt and wiping my front and then unsuccessfully grabbing for my laptop as it slid into the footwell of the car. Of course, by the time I had got myself sorted and was able to take another look at my screen Ellie had climaxed too and I was just in time to see Lauren roll away and Ellie sprawl back with her chest heaving and her legs trembling.

I relaxed back in my seat, cursing and swearing at what I thought I'd missed, completely forgetting for the moment that the whole episode had been recorded. By the time I'd calmed down and realised I could watch it all again they were pretty much composed and relaxed and it was obvious that the fun was over, at least for that time.

They looked at each other and smiled silently, heads still resting on the pillows, and then Ellie giggled. 'Do you want to call round again next week?'

'It's not for any particular reason that you want me to call round?' Lauren asked, trying to look innocent.

'I just wondered what sort of dare you'd come up with the next time?'

'But I keep telling you, I didn't intend it like that.'

'So you say.' Ellie was grinning at Lauren's discomfiture.

'So I say.' Lauren affirmed, and then grinned herself. 'It was nice though, wasn't it? Once we got going.'

'Once you got going, you mean.'

I guessed that Ellie was referring to Lauren's initial shyness, and I was a bit surprised that she didn't say something about Lauren's wandering hands, but she didn't. I was becoming a little concerned that Ellie wasn't firm enough in rebuffing Lauren's advances, it might easily give her the wrong impression.

Ellie swung her legs off the bed and reached for her clothes. 'What about next week? Same time?'

'Sounds good to me.' Lauren grinned knowingly and then looked at Ellie with a twinkle in her eye. 'Maybe I should come round a little earlier so we can have more fun?'

'No, make it the same time. There's a limit to how much fun I can cope with in one day.' Ellie giggled as she said it, returning Lauren's knowing look.

There it was, the rebuff I'd been waiting for. Now I felt much more relaxed about them meeting again, in fact I was quite looking forward to it knowing that Ellie wasn't going to turn lesbian.

I watched the two women get dressed, giggling excitedly again because of what they'd been doing and what they planned to repeat. I was going to make sure I was watching when they did, and this time from somewhere more private. Now all I had to do was to go where I could watch the recording and see what I had missed.

I also knew I was going to have a hard time saying nothing to Ellie about what I'd seen, but I was dead certain that the brown stuff would hit the fan and I'd never get to see another thing if I didn't keep quiet. That was especially true because for the entire week, every single night, Ellie was as horny as hell, so much so that I had a job keeping up with her. I didn't know for sure that it was because of her play session with Lauren but it seemed a good bet and if it was, then that was a bonus I hadn't expected. As far as I was concerned they could frig themselves silly every week if that was the result.

In the end I succeeded in keeping my mouth shut, though I almost let on what I thought had caused her sexiness, and so exactly one week later I was parked up at the end of a farm track alongside a growing wheat field, zip undone and laptop at the ready. Fortunately it was raining and so it was unlikely that anyone would disturb me, and in any case I would see them coming long before they got too close. And of course the leaden skies meant that the image on my laptop was clearer. This was going to be one hell of a day.

Naturally, the one time I was in a state of high anticipation was the one time they were later than I expected coming up the stairs. It was at least fifteen long minutes after the time before when they finally burst through the bedroom door, giggling nervously again, and by then I'd almost wanked myself to a climax.

'Do we need to dare each other?' Lauren asked.

'What, like you did the last time?' Ellie chuckled while unbuttoning her blouse.

'We're not going through that again.' Lauren chided her, unhooking her skirt. 'Let's just get started.'

'Well, you're a lot more confident this time.'

'I've got used to the idea,' Lauren replied. 'And watching you is such a turn on.'

'Just like playing with my boobs is?'

'Did you mind?' Lauren slid her panties down her legs.

'No, I didn't mind.' Ellie climbed naked onto the bed. 'It was nice.'

She must have realised that she was giving tacit consent for it to happen again.

They settled themselves on the bed naked just like before, and then looked at each other and grinned.

'Shall we?' Ellie asked, letting her hand find its way between her legs, fingertips hunting gently for her clitoris. Lauren watched quietly for a few moments and then followed suit, spreading her legs wider and gently massaging her pussy. I watched just as before, except that now I didn't have to hide my cock and I was openly stroking my shaft.

This time the two women lay on their backs with their eyes closed rather than watching each other, and very soon the same pleasure noises as before were coming from my laptop, although for some reason I had the distinct impression that Lauren was holding back a little, perhaps coyness had caught her out again. I enjoyed watching them play for a little while, gazing at their moving fingers as I stroked myself and hoped I'd hold out until at least one of them came.

But then once again things didn't go as I expected, and once again it was Lauren who caught me by surprise, because she abruptly stopped playing and turned her head to gaze at Ellie. At first I assumed it was shyness, but she had a far too confident air for that, especially when she turned on her side and propped her head on her hand so that she could watch Ellie more closely, just like the last time. Ellie's eyes flickered open for a moment and she smiled before closing them again and sighing contentedly, apparently happy that she was being watched. If only she knew that she had more than one spectator.

Ellie closed her eyes and settled back, her fingers moving softly across her button while both Lauren and I both watched eagerly, all of us doing our own thing. Their arrival in the bedroom had put my own climax on hold but now I could feel my balls tensing again. I was watching my wife masturbate and that's always a massive turn on for me, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was having the same effect on Lauren. I suspected it might and that was fine by me.

Lauren simply lay there watching, one hand under her cheek and the other resting quietly on her hip. For the time being she was doing absolutely nothing, but the gleam in her eye told me that it wouldn't be long before instinct took over. As for me I'd pushed my seat back and sat there with my laptop on my knees and my hand wrapped around my shaft, stroking determinedly - and this time I had tissues at the ready.

For a short while very little happened, I watched Lauren watching Ellie while Ellie carried on gently playing, her eyes popping open from time to time to give Lauren a quick look and a shy grin. But then her arousal began to show and I saw her lick her lips and her hips start to wriggle. Soon I could hear her breathing more quickly, the breaths becoming a little ragged with her mouth now remaining half open and her eyes squeezed shut. I suddenly realised that I was rubbing my cock more quickly, my speed increasing in time with my wife's fingers.

It was as if Ellie's approaching climax was a signal that Lauren had been waiting for because her hand reached out and once again began to fondle Ellie's breasts, going from one to the other, moulding the soft flesh and flicking the nipples. Ellie's eyes came open and she smiled lazily at Lauren, very clearly accepting and enjoying her friend's involvement. That was enough for me, my cock exploded into my tissues and I groaned loudly, staring wildly about even though I knew that nobody was watching me. Soon I slumped back in my seat, gasping for breath as I wadded up my tissues and threw them from the window, cleaning my shaft with a couple more before returning my attention to the scene in my bedroom.

I expected Lauren to still be stroking Ellie's breasts, and so she was at first, but even as I started to watch again her hand began to stray around my wife's body, down and across her stomach, almost touching Ellie's busy hand before retreating and then stroking the top of her thigh. For a couple of minutes that's all she did, at the same time nervously licking her lips and staring into Ellie's face, as if she was gathering the courage to go further. I watched in fascination, waiting to see what would happen next and half knowing what it would be. Lauren's next move was to place her hand over Ellie's, interrupting her play. Ellie turned her head and looked quizzically at Lauren.

'Can I help?' Lauren asked, her voice little more than a nervous whisper.

Ellie stared hard at Lauren for a long, long, minute and then, decision made, she nodded and pulled her own fingers out from beneath her friend's, placing them over the top and pressing Lauren's fingers firmly against her pussy. The two women gazed at each other for a few more suspenseful seconds and then Ellie took her hand away, leaving her legs still wide apart and giving Lauren freedom to do as she wished. Lauren smiled sexily and promptly sought out Ellie's clit, covering it with two fingers and softly, tentatively, rubbing the tip. Ellie sighed contentedly again, as if she'd been waiting for just that touch, and purposely moved her hands right out of the way, putting one behind her own head and draping the other arm over Lauren's shoulders.

Lauren taking over had slowed Ellie down a little, but it wasn't long before she was just as aroused as before, squirming and writhing under Lauren's attentions and making her usual little noises, her eyes squeezed shut and her tongue flickering out to lick her lips. Lauren responded, her fingers moving quicker and more firmly, speeding up until they were going back and forth at top speed and Ellie was moaning and wriggling, her fingers digging into Lauren's shoulder. I could see Lauren trying desperately not to lose contact with Ellie's clit, a frown on concentration on her face as she looked down at her flying fingers. But then Ellie's pelvis jerked and suddenly lifted from the bed, and as it did Ellie's eyes flew open and she cried out loud with sudden delight, her orgasm an uncontrolled explosion of pleasure.

For a moment I wondered what had happened, mesmerized by the power of Ellie's climax, but then I realised. The sudden lifting of her bottom from the bed had caught Lauren unawares and her fingers had slid from Ellie's clit and had buried themselves instead in her vagina. Lauren had immediately started to ram them in and out, thrusting as hard and deep as she could, magnifying the strength of Ellie's climax.

'Good?' Lauren giggled as Ellie finally subsided back onto the bed, letting the fingers slip from her passage.

Ellie nodded, unable yet to speak, licking her lips and looking around with tiny smile of wonder on her lips while she struggled to regain her breath.

'Wonderful.' She finally murmured between gasps, making Lauren giggle with delight. 'My god, that felt good.'

The two women maintained that tableau for a few minutes; Ellie slumped on her back with Lauren's hand still laid lazily over her pussy.

'Now it's your turn.' She smiled.

'I don't think I can.' Lauren answered, looking downcast.

'Oh, don't tell me you've gone all shy after what we've been doing. And you promised.'

Ellie sounded as disappointed at the news as I felt, until Lauren smiled and replied with mock innocence. 'No, it's just that my fingers are tired.'

A more obvious hint it would be hard to imagine.

'And so you need some help. I suppose.'

'It would be nice.' Lauren grinned openly now.

Ellie became serious and rolled over to look deep into Lauren's eyes, cool blue gazing into warm brown. 'I've never done it before, so I don't know how good I'll be.'

Lauren nodded, silently accepting Ellie's remarks. 'Neither had I.' She announced, embarrassment clear in her voice. 'But it went all right, didn't it?'

'Yes.' Ellie told her, rolling to face her in her turn. 'Very all right.'

Gazing into Lauren's eyes Ellie reached out a tentative hand and started to stroke Lauren's abdomen, as if getting herself accustomed to touching another woman before she began anything really personal. I wasn't sure what I wanted her to do, part of me was still reluctant to see my own wife sexually active with another person while another part, the part led by my cock, wanted to watch the pair do pretty much everything together and the sooner the better.

Lauren just lay back and watched Ellie's hand wandering around her stomach, closing her eyes in anticipation each time it strayed a little lower or higher, and then opening them again when Ellie moved back to a less intimate place. I must admit that I smiled to myself watching this exchange, as I imagined the thoughts going through Lauren's mind, 'will she?' and then 'not this time', and then again 'for God's sake play with me'. The uncertainty I could see on Ellie's face was in some ways heartening to me, reassuring me that Ellie was by no means certain how far she wanted to get involved, or at least that's how I interpreted it. There was no doubt in my mind what I was going to do, I fished out some extra tissues just to be ready and stroked my shaft more firmly once again.

I thought at the time that Ellie seemed as though she wanted to take that next step but something, I assumed her natural instinct, was holding her back. I knew she would overcome it, whatever it was, and I'd be treated to a wonderful show. I couldn't wait.

Then Ellie seemed to make her mind up and her fingers tiptoed very lightly across Lauren's breasts, little fairy footsteps that could hardly have been felt. I suppose things are easier once that first step has been taken, because an emboldened Ellie was soon fondling Lauren more firmly, squeezing her breasts and lightly pinching her nipples, being rewarded by little moans and gasps of enjoyment.

'That's nice.' Lauren whispered encouragingly, opening her eyes and gazing up into Ellie's face.

'Good.' Ellie smiled back, her hand leaving Lauren's breasts and heading slowly, and rather tentatively, southwards.

Ellie's fingertips were running over Lauren's stomach so lightly that I could see her skin fluttering in reaction, fascinating me until she moved on and her fingers roamed past Lauren's hips and began to trace the very top of her thigh. Lauren deliberately opened her legs wider in obvious encouragement, but Ellie ignored the invitation, glancing at Lauren as if to say 'let me do this my way.' I just hoped her way wouldn't be too long as I could feel the stirrings in my balls of another climax.

It seemed as if she must have heard me, because Ellie inched down the bed a little way and her hand moved down onto the inside of Lauren's thigh, stroking and caressing while cautiously moving up until she found her target. Lauren whimpered her pleasure and put an arm around Ellie's shoulders, pulling her closer and pressing her face against her breasts. Ellie didn't pull away; she just turned her head so that her cheek lay on Laurens breast and began to play, exploring Lauren's pussy, letting her fingertips run up and down her slit, stroking the outside of her labia and then investigating between them, finding and stroking her clitoris and then probing her entrance. Lauren murmured and kissed the top of Ellie's head, her hand softly caressing her shoulder.