What It Takes Ch. 03


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I guess I didn't really think of it as anything sexual at first. I mean we'd be playing or roughhousing and I'd notice that, as Rex rolled over onto his back, that a long, veiny, somewhat slimy red shaft had sprouted out of the end of his penis. It was thinner than the green skin it grew out of, but it was probably still four inches in diameter at the base. It extended out to be almost a foot long, tapering in girth the whole way. Unlike the tip of a man's penis, it did not flare at the end. It simply tapered down to a point around an inch in diameter and was smooth and red.

The first time I'd seen it, I hadn't even been really sure what I was looking at. He was on my bed at the time, and I was scratching his back. I'd looked at it, agape. I mean it was somewhat repulsive to look at and it dripped a thick, clear liquid down onto my bed. It had the same smell as the rest of Rex's body, but far more intense. After a few seconds, it became clear what I was looking at. I immediately stop scratching Rex, and got up out of the bed, starting my chores for the day. A few minutes later, I saw that it had gone away.

Really, I'd only ever thought about it as an indication that Rex was excited. I mean, it didn't happen very often. When it did, it occurred when he was really worked up, like when we were racing around the ship or when I brought him a particularly bloody meal. I didn't think about it as anything more than that.

Until this time. I don't know what was different that day. I don't know if it was the rush of adrenaline running through my veins because of our wrestling match or the fact that I knew I was going to be going into cryosleep in two weeks, but something was different. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had any consensual sexual contact in a very long time. Maybe it was just the fact that I had run into Dr. Alton and she'd referred to her space slug...got my mind thinking about that. I really don't know. But when I looked at Rex's penis now...I felt something different.

Even if I didn't know what I was feeling, I can remember what I told myself at that moment. I know the lies my body forced upon my mind. I looked at Rex, panting on the floor, with his large penis exposed and I felt bad for him. I realized that he was cooped up on this ship just like I was. I was his only friend. And here, for months, he'd had this same problem. He kept getting...aroused. And there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't...pleasure himself. At least, I didn't think he could (not that I could either, even since the spider attack...). So he was suffering. Rex had done so much for me. Protecting me from the spider, guarding me, befriending me. And I'd never done anything for him. And here it was, the only problem he'd ever had and I refused to help him. Refused to even acknowledge that there was a problem. I felt suddenly ashamed of myself. How could I be so cruel to my one true friend?

I looked at Rex's slowly rising and falling chest. Then I looked down again at his large, red penis as it rose and fell along with it. I can distinctively remember at that moment I told myself that this was nothing like the situation with Dr. Alton. This wasn't the same thing at all. I wasn't doing this for me. I was only for Rex.

"You need help there buddy?" I asked, my voice sounding a bit choked, uncomfortable. Rex made a slight cooing sound but didn't really react. I rose up off of my ass and settled down on my knees. I straightened my back and looked down at Rex's body. I looked at his penis again and felt my mouth water slightly. When was the last time I'd seen one? Felt one? Not an alien...but any man's body. My muscles seemed to ache for it.

"Rex, I have never really shown you how thankful I am," I said, more to myself than to him, convincing myself that that was the issue, "I am sorry about that." As I spoke those last words, my right hand tremulously reached out towards Rex's supine body. But my fingers moved quickly as though I was afraid I would back out. Or desperate to touch.

I felt the smooth, slick sensation of Rex's penis as my fingers skittered across it. My hand reached it about halfway down the length of his red shaft, where my fingers could still (but just barely) wrap all the way around it. I could feel the heat of his body and the blood throbbing through his veins. My hand was instantly wet, but not sticky. Lubricated may be the right word. I let my hand slide up a few inches along Rex's shaft, I could feel his flesh taut under my fingers. I kept my eyes focused on his red, dripping flesh, almost mesmerized by its color and sheen.

I squeezed my hand a little tighter around Rex's penis. As I did so, I noticed his body shift slightly and heard a low grunting noise. For a moment, I kept my eyes on Rex's shaft, watching my fingers slip across his wet skin. But his legs started to wiggle slightly, breaking my concentration. I turned now and looked up at my friend's face. I could see his eyes now, he was looking at me intently. Those large, milky orbs looked confused, a little nervous even. I could read him as well as he read me.

"Just relax, I want to help you, like you help me," I said, my mouth feeling dry as I spoke. Rex stopped wiggling, but he kept looking at me. My hand had stopped moving when I spoke with the creature and he whined slightly. Now I turned back towards his penis and started to move my fingers closer and closer to the tip of his shaft. Rex let out another, strange noise. One I'd never heard before. I looked at him, his eyes half closed now and his body tense. His tongue was sticking out of the side of his mouth. He liked it. I smiled and started to move faster.

For several minutes, I was focused entirely on slipping my hand up and down Rex's erect shaft. My arm moved quickly, letting my fingers fly across Rex's penis. I kept my grip tight, very tight, so that I knew that he could feel it. His flesh sort of vibrated under my skin and I could feel the power of his immense body there, in my hand.

I moved my hand up and down, all over the creature's penis, wanting to touch every inch of it. I swirled my palm around on the narrow tip of it, stroking firmly but gently. But then I'd slide it back down the long length of Rex's shaft. When my hand reached the base of his penis, it was too thick for me to wrap my fingers around, so I swirled my wrist, desperate to touch every inch. When I reached the very bottom, I could feel the scales at the end of his sheath against the side of my hand. I could also feel the lubricating liquid pouring out of his body.

While I firmly, but lovingly, stroked Rex's penis, he remained completely focused on me. I was turned, looking down at his shaft, but I could feel his eyes on me at all times. I knew he was watching me, curious but also excited. I could feel the tension rising in his body with each movement that I made; I could hear the deep sounds he was making in his throat. I don't think he had expected me to do this or even really understood what I was doing.

Whatever uncertainty I had about Rex's thoughts and feelings, I had even less of a handle on my own. I remained completely focused on sliding my hand up and down Rex's shaft, trying my best not to think of anything other than what I was experiencing with my senses. If I had been asked, I would have repeated the line I'd told myself earlier: I was just helping out a friend. Don't read anything more into it. But I was, at least vaguely, aware that my body was telling a different story. I could hear my breathing, coming shallow and ragged. I could feel my chest rising and falling sharply. I could feel my nipples rubbing against the taut fabric of my jumpsuit, sending electrical impulses throughout my body. My heart fluttered wildly and it gave me a sort of spacy, unsettled sensation. All of my muscles were tightening, going rigid. And, if I was really being honest with myself, the tensions seemed to be radiating out from between my legs. I didn't admit it to myself, but as I stroked Rex's penis, I was growing wet.

Maybe I was able to ignore that sensation because it wasn't the only part of me that was going wet. My focus was on my hand. After several minutes of stroking Rex's hard shaft, the natural lubrication that he seemed to produce had grown thicker and thicker. It sort of dripped out of his body. It was very thick, nearly the consistency of honey but not sticky. In fact, it was very slick and oily. Sort of like hand lotion, I guess. It looked clear when it was a thin sheen, but grew to a slightly milky blue color as it collecting in large gobs. The odor grew more intense as it collected as well. Soon, my hand was coated in the stuff and it was dripping down my arm. As more and more of the lubricant poured out of Rex's body, he shivered excitedly on the floor.

Then something...unexpected happened.

My arm had been strong rapidly for several minutes and I had grown slightly tired from the exertion. I didn't want to stop, I don't mean to give that impression, but I was feeling the effects. My face was slightly red. And, as I stroked, a few strands of my blonde hair slipped out of my pigtails and splashed across my eyes. It stuck to the sweat on my forehead. Without really thinking, I moved my hand away from Rex's shaft moving the back of my hand and my wrist to my forehead. Rex whined slightly and moved as he sensed that I was no longer stroking his cock.

But I barely noticed. As I wiped the sweat and hair away from my brow, some of the thick liquid from Rex's red penis dripped down onto my face, landing on my cheek. The odor was even more intense now. It was not good, I mean I can't say that I liked the smell of it. It was too...intense, I guess. Reptilian or fishy or some combination of the two. But there was something about it...I moved my hand down in front of my eyes and looked at the milky-blue liquid pooled on my fingers. It tingled slightly on my skin.

I swear, not thoughts passed through my mind. I wasn't planning on anything. If I'd ever consciously thought about what I did next, I would have been completely repulsed and rejected the idea out of hand. But after looking at my wet hand for a few seconds...I plunged my index finger into my mouth. I groaned.

The flavor was far more intense than the smell, but it was of the same kind. It was sort of bitter and sour at the same time. Swampy...gamey...I don't know all of the words I would use to describe it. It was a completely inhuman flavor. In short...it tasted terrible. Disgusting even. I grimaced around my finger. But, even as I did so, the flavor developed more completely in my mouth. Underneath the initial, awful flavor was something else. It was hard to pinpoint exactly what it was. But there was something...alluring underneath. The hint of a flavor...a sexual taste. I can't explain it. It wasn't like sperm or even my own juices...but it felt somehow related to those flavors. But more concentrated. More powerful. I could tell that it was the flavor that was making my fingers (and now my mouth) tingle. It was...luscious.

After my initial revulsion to the flavor of Rex's lubricant passed, I found that I had almost instantly developed a taste for it. The fishy, reptilian swamp taste mixed with the flavor of pure sex...it was perfect. I slipped my index finger out of my mouth and soon other fingers were plunging into my mouth. I sucked down Rex's juices, barely even bothering to savor the flavor, just needing to get more. When my fingers were cleaned, I started lapping at my palm and even my wrist. Soon, my face shined with Rex's juices. The reactions my body had already been having to my encounter intensified. I could see my nipples poking through my shirt and the insides of my thighs were creamy wet. I was shocked when, after only a few seconds, my hand was clean.

I realized that I had gotten a little carried away. I sort of shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I heard Rex groan now and I looked up at his head. His eyes were still half-closed, but his body was almost vibrating with excitement. I looked down between his rear legs and saw that his shaft had grown even more rigid. I realized that I'd left him unsatisfied. If I ever had any inclination to come to terms with what I'd just done, I dropped it now. I turned back to Rex.

"I'm sorry Rex," I said, "I didn't mean to get you all excited and then leave you hanging. Let me make it up to you!" the guilt felt terrible, even if Rex just cooed slightly. I told myself that I needed to do something...more. Something better to make up for the fact that I'd totally ignored Rex. I looked at his quivering shaft, and the idea hit me instantly. I didn't, for a second, think that what I did next was in any way connected to my own desires. I was just trying to show Rex that I was sorry for forgetting about him.

I rose up off of my knees and quickly moved around Rex's body. He remained prone on the ground, following me with his eyes. I moved around his leg and then stepped one leg over his tail, which was swishing on the floor of the mess hall. I dropped down on my knees, straddling the thin tail (though it was not thick enough to rise much above my knees) in between Rex's short read legs. I looked down at Rex's penis, right below me.

In keeping with my impulsive need to act, I didn't stop and think about where I was or why I was doing. I simply jumped into action. I dropped down very quickly, getting low towards the ground. I got so low that I felt Rex's long tail press between my breasts on the floor, through my jumpsuit. I didn't admit it to myself, but I liked the way the powerful muscles felt as the tail swished side to side against my breasts.

Now that I was low, my ass was up in the air and my face was directly level with Rex's balls, just a few inches away. Still moving automatically, my hand (recently cleaned) moved back up to Rex's shaft. It was too long for me to reach the very tip from where I was located, but I reached as far as I could and began to stroke again. I heard Rex groan and his body shivered. I felt my fingers grew wet again, almost instantly. But I wasn't thinking of that now.

As soon as I began stroking Rex's cock again, I pressed my face forward, parting my lips as I moved. In half a second, I felt my lips press into Rex's scaly, oily skin. My tongue pressed out and I felt it sink into the soft scales of Rex's scrotum. I felt the dense heft of Rex's balls pressing against my face as my tongue began to lap at them. I opened my mouth wider, trying to wrap my mouth around as much of one of the balls as possible, feeling the heat of it against my tongue. The taste was familiar now, though lighter here. A little more oily. But I groaned because it made my tongue tingle. I pushed farther, letting my tongue lap at Rex's balls and feeling his slick skin against my face. As I licked and sucked on Rex's balls, I kept stroking his shaft.

Rex evidentially enjoyed what I was doing. He was no longer whining, but instead groaning loudly. His legs moved limply and I could feel his breathing picking up. I focused on his reactions, trying to time my actions to increase his excitement. In that way, I was able to ignore the reaction happening in my own body. I barely noticed the way my hard nipples felt as they rubbed against the cold floor of the mess room. I didn't acknowledge the feeling of liquid dripping down my legs from my pussy. In fact, I just ignored the fluttering, excited feeling I felt jolting through my entire body.

But even if I didn't recognize it, the reactions my body was having compelled me forward, pushing me further and further. I spent several minutes licking Rex's balls while I stroking his cock. But soon, that wasn't enough for me anymore. Some of it was undoubtedly because the thick lubricant from Rex's shaft had dripped down and I was licking it off of his balls. I knew I wanted more of that. But I didn't tell myself that. I told myself that I owed Rex more. That I should do anything for him. I leaned forward and kissed each of Rex's balls once, and then I rose up on my knees, scooting forward slightly.

I was still stroking Rex's cock as I rose, but he had clearly noticed that my wet face was no longer pressed into his scrotum. He whined slightly. I reached my free hand up to my lips, shushing him gently and smiling. I knew I was finally going to give him the reward that he deserved.

Once again, I didn't pause or think about what I was doing. I just let my body, and the rationalizations I'd created in my mind, pull me along. I gave one more long stroke to Rex's penis, and then I gently pulled it back. It was very stiff, but it was so long that it wasn't particularly difficult to move it. Naturally, it sort of point up and forward, towards his head. He probably mounted his mates doggy-style. But I moved it up so that the tip was actually facing up towards the ceiling. It was so long that it was only a foot or so below my lips as I knelt between Rex's legs. I craned my neck, looking down. The red tip of Rex's penis was looking up at me, I could see the shaft spreading out below it. The tip had a smallish hole in the tip of it and I could see Rex's pre-cum pouring out of it. My mouth watered and I licked my lips.

I moved incredibly quickly, like my body was controlled by someone else. I bent at my waist, dropping my hips back slightly and opening my mouth. The distance between me and Rex's penis disappeared instantaneous. I felt the wet tip of his red shaft kiss against my eager lips. I opened my mouth wider and felt the narrow tip slip inside of me. My tongue rushed forward to meet it. The skin was slick and hot, I felt my tongue slip against it. The now-familiar, intense flavor came back and I felt a glob of Rex's pre-cum drip languidly into my mouth. I groaned as the tingling sensation spread throughout my body.

But I wanted more. Or, as I told myself, Rex needed more. And he was clearly enjoying himself. He was squirming and nearly howling with excitement and I could feel his thin tail slashing wildly between my legs. I had to go farther. For him. I swirled my tongue lovingly around the end of Rex's shaft for a few more seconds, and then I opened my throat.

I'd never been particularly good at this task...with men. But my enthusiasm was more than enough to overcome my lack of skill. I moved my head forward, letting Rex's penis sink deeper and deeper into my mouth. I kept my lips tight against his slick skin, feeling his muscles against my lips. I could feel his lubricant pooling against my face and I slipped my tongue out around his shaft, to taste it. But I kept pushing him further and further into my throat, not breathing and eyes watering. As his shaft grew thicker and thicker, he pried apart my lips. Soon, my mouth as stretched as wide as it would go and my entire mouth and throat was filled with Rex's hard cock. I hadn't been able to fit in his entire shaft, there was simply too much.

I held Rex's penis inside of my throat for as long as I could. My tongue undulated lovingly against his shaft and my throat squeezed over and over again as I choked and gagged around his massive girth. Tears poured from my eyes and my lungs screamed for air. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer, and I pulled my head back, slipping my lips tightly against his shaft as I moved back. Several large gobs of the alien's pre-cum and my own thick spit dripped down my throat as I moved back. The taste was incredible and dirty, but I was more focused on the desperate breaths I was taking

Rex growled deeply and clearly loved every second of my attention. I could feel his hips shaking near me. As I caught my breath, I swirled my tongue around on the tip of Rex's penis again. But this was no longer enough for him. He needed more. I felt his hips thrusting towards my face and I felt his tail shaking against my knees. I smiled around the tip of Rex's penis. I was more than happy to give him what he wanted.