What Once Was Innocent Ch. 09


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"He better hope he dies, because I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! Garrett paced across the hallway.

"Daddy, sit down. Calm yourself. You don't know every thing. Maybe there's an excuse...an explanation." Even Makayla doubted it.

"Honey, they moved three hours away almost two years ago. There's no reason why he should be here and me not know anything about it."

"Dad, just wait and see, okay? Do you have Larissa's number?" Call her and see if she knows he's here." Makayla handed her her mobile phone.

Garrett grabbed the phone. "I don't think I remember their number."

Makayla watched his hand shake, holding the phone. "Here, let me look in Mom's pocketbook and see if she has it somewhere." Makayla searched her mother's pocketbook, not mentioning the condoms in the side pocket. "Here's her black book. Let me find it, you relax." Makayla thumbed through the pages, finding Liam written down, but not his wife's name beside it. "Okay, here it is. Let me dial it."

Garrett stood above his daughter, so livid, he didn't even realize a tiny bit of Makalya's nipple peeking out of her top.

Makayla handed him the phone. "Should I talk to her, Daddy?"

"No, I'll handle this. I'm calm."

The phone began to ring. On the fourth ring, the answering machine clicked on. He waited to leave a message.

"Hi, Larissa. This is Garrett. Listen, Rebecca was in a car wreck tonight and I just wanted to let you know that we still don't know how bad it is. Um, well, you can call..." The phone picked up.

A groggy female voice answered, "Hello? Garrett? Are you there?"

"Larissa! Sorry to wake you."

"It's okay. I'm so sorry. When will you know anything?"

"We still don't know. We're waiting on more results. Didn't I wake Liam?"

"No, Liam is actually your way. He's on a business trip about thirty minutes from you. I can't believe he hasn't called you yet. He's been there for four days."

"I see." Garrett's temperature rose. He felt Makayla's hand grab for his free hand. He jerked away and turned with his back to her.

"Um, should I call him and let him know?" Larissa whispered.

"Somehow I think he already knows, sweetie."

"Come again?"

"Larissa, Liam is here too...in recovery."

"I'm not following. Sorry, it's a little too late for me. He had an accident too?"

"Larissa...um...Liam was with Rebecca. Do you know anything about it?"

"Um, no. He never said anything about meeting her. Why is something going on?"

Garrett could hear Larissa scuffling about in the bedroom.

"I think so, Larissa. And I don't think it's anything we both want to hear."

"You think...?" Larissa sounded so disturbed.

"Well I knew nothing of him coming here. I don't think you know, but Rebecca and I are getting divorced and she doesn't live in the house anymore. She hasn't even called in a few days, so I don't know what she's been doing. They both were in the same car and my daughter has her clothes. They're not normal clothes, Larissa."

"What do you mean not normal?"

"It's a very short, black dress. Something she would wear out. I've never seen it before. That's all there was. The dress, some black heels and a pocketbook."

"You mean no bra or panties?"

"Nope, that's it."

"Have you spoken to or seen my husband, Garrett?"

"They won't let anyone in. I haven't even seen Rebecca."

"I'm coming down there."

"Larissa, this may be nothing. It doesn't feel like it, though. I don't think you should drive all this way if you're emotional. Should I get you a flight?"

"I doubt you could find one on such short notice. I'll...I'll be okay." Larissa lost her control. Garrett could hear her voice crack, getting whispery soft at times. She threw the phone down and Garrett could hear her sobbing loudly. He held the phone, telling Makayla the news while he waited on her to return to the phone. He heard the sound of the phone receiver dragging across the bed.

"I'm sorry, Garrett. Are you still there?"

"Of course I am, sweetheart. Listen, I'm going to come get you. You need to be here for this. I'll leave right away."

"No! That is way too much of a bother. You're three hours from here! I don't want you too. You're emotional now too, Garrett."

Garrett could barely comprehend what she was saying with the breathing heavily and sniffling.

"Well, regardless, I'm coming to pick you up. Do not leave and have some things packed, okay?"

"Are you sure, Garrett?"

"Anything for a friend, Larissa. See you in a few hours."

"Thank you so much, Garrett. Tell Kayla I said hello."

"I will. Bye Larissa."

"Bye, Garrett."

Garrett handed Makayla her phone.

"Dad, you're in no shape to be driving that far. I'm coming with you."

"No, you stay here. Someone needs to know what's going on. I'll stop by the house and get the other cell phone."

"Daddy, that shit pile you call a vehicle will never make it. Here." She handed him her keys.

"Thank you, Precious. You're my world, you know. I know I should be here but I really need to think this all over before I explode. I hate to be away if you're mother regains consciousness but I think Larissa needs to be here as much as I do. I know I should at least try to see your mother, but I think I might end up saying something I shouldn't. I'm sure if she comes to, she'll think I don't care for her because I'm not here." Garrett paused. "Even if what I think is going on here is correct, she'll still try to blame me for not caring. Hell, she'll probably try to say it's my fault she was with him!" Garrett tossed the keys in his other hand and grabbed his out of his coat pocket.

"Dad, just go. And be very careful. Don't speed and don't fall asleep. I'm going to call you every half hour, okay?" Makayla slid her arms around his waist. She stood on her tiptoes to reach his lips and kissed him lightly. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Daddy. Please don't let me have two parents in the hospital. I know how you can drive my car, you know?" She smiled and kissed him again, letting her lips melt into his.

Garrett glanced around the hallway for onlookers. No one around at this hour. He slowly wrapped his arms around his daughter's waist, pulling her against him. He lightly parted her lips with his tongue and slowly licked her small tongue. She sucked on his tongue and gently flicked at it. Garrett slid his hands down her thin, silk pajama pants, tightly squeezing her firm, little buttocks.

"Come back to me, Daddy. You still have something to take from me." She smiled and kissed him once more and they both pulled away.

"You know I'm not going to miss that. I love you, Princess."

"I love you too, Daddy."


"Thank you so much for this, Garrett, but you need to come in and lay down for a while. It's five-thirty in the morning."

"We need to be going. I'm okay." He grabbed both of her bags.

"No you're coming in to sleep! I won't take no for an answer." She grabbed her bags and pulled him in by his sleeve.

Garrett flopped in the house and stood in the entryway. "Your house is gorgeous, Larissa."

"Who knows whose it will be now, but thank you all the same." Larissa grabbed her face in her hands and wept. Garrett walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

"It will all work out for the best, you know? We still don't know the whole story." Garrett kissed the back of her head. She turned to him.

"How could he do this to me? If you knew half of the shit I let him get away with. Things I agreed he could do and that's still not enough!" She buried her head in Garrett's chest, crying until she shook.

"Here, I think you need to rest too. Let me take you to your room." He guided her towards the hallway. "It's down here, right?"

"Yes, but that's where you were going to sleep, Garrett. We are remodeling all up the upstairs and that's where the spare bedroom was."

"It's okay. I'll take the couch. It looks comfy anyway." Garrett hated lying.

"No you don't! Garrett, you have been awake since God knows when and you've been in that little car for over three hours. You're sleeping in the bed, and that's final. I'll take the couch. I won't be able to sleep anyway."

"Well, I was never really good at not listening to a beautiful woman."

"Oh can the pleasantries, Garrett, or you'll end up with company in there." She turned on the light beside the bed. "Oh Lord, look what I did!" Her mascara had smeared all over Garrett's wrinkled, white dress shirt. She began to weep again.

"Here, it's okay, Larissa. It will wash out." He began unbuttoning it.

"The least I can do is help you." She walked over toward him and began unbuttoning his shirt, untucking it out of his pants. "I don't know why I put it on. It all just washes back off. I just thought I should be somewhat presentable for you with a three hour drive."

"It's quite alright, Larissa, and you look fabulous."

She did look great. The mascara drastically enhanced her icy-blue eyes. Her dark hair was in a messy bun--a thin sliver jutting down her face. Her pretty face was clean and fresh with just a light amount of make-up. She wore a very loose, button up shirt, obviously Liam's. A small, breath of cleavage exposed between the collar and three unfastened top buttons. Her thin, long legs darting out from under it.

"So do you. I wish I could get Liam to work out as much as you." Larissa's eyes roamed over Garrett's chiseled arms and wide, muscular chest. "Should I wash the t-shirt too?

"I guess. It's been a long day." Garrett peeled the tight shirt off and handed it to her.

"My God, Garrett! You've really been hitting the weights, haven't you?" Larissa licked her lips and laughed. "God, it's nice to laugh!"

"Well, there's nothing else to do, you know."

"Oh that's right. Garrett, I'm sorry. I want you to tell me about it on our way. Rebecca is an insanely lucky woman. But I always knew that... I'm sorry. I tend to hide how I feel some times. I guess making flirty comments helps."

"By all means! They're welcome. Well I guess if I'm going to rest. You sure you don't want the bed?"

"I could actually use something, Garrett. I hope you don't take offense to this but it's always helped me--from my Dad to Liam."

"Which is?"

"Could you hold me? It always helps me. You know, the big arms and the heartbeat and all. It'll really help with those big things! I'm sorry, there I go again."

"I suppose I could. I mean it is your bed, your house, your rules. But, I..." Garrett paused, wondering how to say the words. "I um...I can't stand to sleep in anything. I won't sleep a wink if I have anything on." Garrett blushed.

"Don't worry about it. You're not getting lucky tonight anyway."

"Fair enough. Could you wash these too? Gentle cycle. Cold water." Garrett unbuckled his pants and pulled them off. He took his socks off as well. Larissa stood looking at him in nothing but tight, stark white boxer briefs.

"Should I get those too?" She pointed at his underwear.

"Well if you insist. Here let me get in bed first." He turned, pulling the messy covers back. He felt two cool hands run against his hips. He jumped in shock.

"It's okay, big boy. I've done this thousands of times." She slid her fingertips into the waistband and quickly yanked them down his legs. He stepped out of them and turned. "Oh my, I see someone is happy!" Larissa giggled, looking at his erection.

"He tends to do that when pretty girls get too close." Garrett jumped into bed like a boy, jerking the sheets over him.

"Very nice, Garrett." I'll be back in a few minutes.

Larissa returned to a snoring Garrett. "Men," she huffed. She slid in front of him, wedging herself against him tightly, feeling his bulky mass press between her legs. "God that's nice," she whispered. "Might as well get the whole shebang." She tugged at the bottom of the huge shirt until she could feel his hot, naked skin against her smooth ass. She wiggled down until his sleeping cock nuzzled up against her vagina tightly and managed to throw his arm over her. His fat dick pressed up against her, releasing her mind from the troubles she was facing. Quickly she drifted to sleep.

"WAKE UP GARRETT! WE NEED TO BE GOING!" Larissa shoved his big body back and forth.

"Ehhhhh," Garrett mumbled.

"Garrett, it's Larissa. We need to get going! I'm going to get you up like I do Liam, if you don't wake up." Larissa knelt on her knees beside him.

"And what way is that?" Garrett peeked out of his half-closed eyelids.

"I give him a blow job every morning. Now you wouldn't want that, would you?"

"Lucky bastard. You know how long it's been since I had one of those?" Garrett quickly thought about coming home to his daughter and her sucking every drop out of his cock.

Larissa grabbed the sheet and yanked it down to his ankles. She looked at his hard cock, obviously in desperate need to pee. "Okay, here goes." Larissa watched his eyes as her hand gently wrapped around his tense shaft. His eyes opened slowly as he watched her face coming closer to his cock.

"Okay! Okay! I'm getting up! Sheesh, you don't have to threaten me!" Garrett slid up on the headboard. "What time is it?" He sat looking at Larissa climb off the bed.

"Good boy. It's seven-fifteen. Your daughter called and I told her we would be on way by now. So get to it! Your clothes are almost dry. Go hop on the shower. There's a spare stick of deodorant on the counter. By the time you get out, breakfast should be ready. If I come back in here and you're back asleep, you know what you get, right?" She smiled looking at his morning wood.

"A blow job?"

"That's right, Mister. And we both know you don't want that. Now get up!" She threw the balled up shirt she had worn to bed at him.

Garrett took in her naked body. My God how did he get lucky enough to encounter such goddesses? Was she always this playful? Did she always make breakfast for Liam? Did she seriously suck his dick to wake him up every morning? What kind of dumb ass would ruin that? He never got breakfast. Rarely got blow jobs and Rebecca was rarely in a good mood.

Her soft, feminine back faced him. He could see her wonderful, round breasts from behind her petite body. Her ass was simply amazing; tight and firm. And those legs!

"I see you work out too?" Garrett smiled as she turned around to face him, not even remotely ashamed of her nudity. Her breasts sat nicely on her chest, full and round and so close together, they looked as if they had a bra wrapped around them. He traveled down her flat, toned stomach, to her very, very closely trimmed patch of hair above her perfectly smooth pussy.

"Everyday. I run three miles after Liam goes to work and we work out at least every other night after he gets off. You like?" She turned around and curtseyed in front of him.

"Very nice. You have an incredible body, Larissa. Love the shave job there." Garrett glanced at her pussy.

"No shaving. I had laser hair removal last year. Smooth as a five year olds." She ran her fingers across it. "Maybe I'll let you touch it on our way. No, you've gotta! Nice job on yours too, by the way. Liam won't shave his. He thinks it's gay." She slowly snapped on a bra, adjusted the cups, and walked about the room without panties.

"If he did it once, he'd never stop. It feels so much better. And my God, how unbelievable it feels when fucking!"

"Oh God, Garrett, don't tempt me! I felt it just a minute ago. It does feel good. Do you know how long it's been since I had one of those in me?" She stood at the edge of the bed, looking at him.

"Are you serious? You give him a blow job every morning and he doesn't come home and fuck your little brains out?"

"Nope. We haven't had sex in four months. Guess we know why, huh?"

"Well we don't know for certain. We'd feel really bad about all this if it turns out to be innocent." Garrett slid his feet off the edge of the bed.

"Well I wouldn't. I mean I would because it's behind his back. We haven't done anything, you know. I mean you knew Liam and I are swingers right?"

"No, I never knew. Just thought you might be a little too much into my wife. Now I see it was Liam. I should have wondered about HIM being' into' her too much."

"Well go get ready before I make you show me how that feels."

"You mean you've never fucked a shaved guy?"

"Never. Liam is very selective about who I fuck. The shitty thing is, I've only been with two other guys. He wants me to get with women all the time. And then I let him fuck all the girls he wants! Bastard."

"My God what a wife! If you were ten years older, I would've taken you in a heartbeat. Well, you're missing out, because this feels great." Garrett began slowly stroking his hardness.

"Ten years older? You mean you don't like younger women? I'm only a few years younger then Rebecca. And go get ready! I'm seriously thinking about fucking that and I don't want that on my conscious!" Larissa pointed at his straining erection.

Garrett lifted himself off of the mattress and walked past her. He lightly smacked her on the ass. "Of course I like younger women. I love em."

Garrett exhale forcefully as the steamy water engulfed his body. Beads and small rivers of clear water ran down his fatigued, tanned, muscular shape. Only after he opened the shower curtain, did he realize he had no towel. He eased the bathroom door open.

"Larissa, I kind of need a towel!" He yelled.

He heard her reply in the distance. The aroma of sizzling bacon and hot coffee whaffed thick in the air.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Garrett! I was doing a run and I forgot to bring them in that bathroom! Hold on!"

He waited a few seconds and heard dainty footsteps coming up the hall.

"Here you go. I'm sorry." Larissa nudged the door open a little to slide the thick, folded towel inside. She snuck a peek at his drenched, naked body.

"It's okay, Larissa. Thank you. I don't know if I left any hot water for you, though." Garrett began toweling off his body, leaving the door cracked.

"I had my bath last night. So it's okay. Let me know if you need anything else. Breakfast is almost ready."

Garrett stepped lightly into the kitchen. Larissa turned with a already pre-displayed smile on her face. Her eyes lowered to the fresh, white towel wrapped tightly around his waist. "God, look at that bulge," she thought.

"Oh...I guess I forgot your clothes too. Here, let me just flip the bacon and put some bread in for toast."

Garrett grabbed her hand and lightly slid the spatula out from her grasp. "Let me do this. It's the least I can do, Larissa." He quickly glanced down at her thin, pink bra, squeezing her incredible breasts together. She now had on a very short pair of white, cheerleader-styled shorts; the waistband rolled down until the lines of her lower abdomen showed. The white looked nice against her tanned stomach and legs.

Larissa didn't know what had come over her, but she felt as if she'd faint after Garrett touched her. Her mind escaped her. "I...I...okay. I'll be right back."

Garrett watched her sexy, little ass sway as she walked into the back of the house.

Garrett pressed the button down on the toaster just as she returned a few moments later.

"Sorry, your pants and shirt aren't dry yet. I had to put them on low heat." She handed Garrett his t-shirt, underwear and socks.

"Well it looks like I'm in good company." Garrett smiled as he looked down her body once again.

"Yeah, sorry. I was so busy with breakfast and packing, I haven't had time to put on anything."

"No complaints here. None whatsoever."

"This is conservative. You should see me on every other morning."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Let's just say I enjoy the freedom of my house tucked away in the woods. I should have been a nudist." Larissa laughed as she reached for the spatula. "Go get semi-dressed and breakfast will be done. I promise."