Where's Brenda?


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"You're right. Hey Bob, Trevor's right. Two can sleep up here. If they wanted to sleep, that is."

"You're wicked, ya know that," called Bob from the pavement below. He used the same technique as his wife to hoist himself into the cab, camera still in hand. "What must Trevor think?"

"Trev doesn't mind. Do you?" asked Brenda.

"Um. No. Of course not," he stammered.

"Good," she said. "Okay Bob. Wanna take some snaps while we're up here? For the non-family album. You know, as a keepsake of me in the big truck."

"Lighting is terrible in here. Almost too dark really," he muttered.

"Yeah, well, remember that's why the camera comes with a built-in flash. Just a few shots. Please," she chided him.

"Well, okay, but don't blame me if everything comes out shitty," said her husband. "Photo or movie, you two?"

"Photos are good," suggested Trevor almost too quickly.

"Right. Hang on. I have to see that all the squares in the viewfinder are green. Then there's enough light," said Bob, thinking out loud.

"Hurry Bob," entreated Brenda. "No-one wants to hear you talk your way through the manual. Just push the little silver button. It's a pretty forgiving camera."

Bob thought to himself that he might need to be more than a little forgiving too, given the way things were unfolding. He took several shots of the two of them on the bunk, both lying on their sides. He purposefully focused on the open neck of Brenda's top which continued to allow her tits to almost burst free of the untethered blouse.

He hoped the bulge in his pants was not overly evident. He glanced down to see evidence of stains from his earlier ejaculation and marveled at how hard he was again. Something inside was urging him to explore this new eroticism further but it would require a conscious effort on his part to make it happen.

"We've got enough photos I think. How about a movie clip. I've got an 8 GB memory chip in here so we shouldn't have any problem catching a little action, even in this light," he said looking directly at Trevor.

"Oh, well, if it's action you're wanting," blurted Brenda, "how about this?" She lifted her left leg and placed her foot on the inside of her right knee, making a tent opening with her skirt. Even in the poor light Bob could see that she had not put her panties back on while in the washroom.

"Oh shit," he breathed. "Hold it. Just like that. Geez what a view." He changed the camera mode to video and pressed the release. After a few seconds, he stopped the recording. Engrossed, he pressed the review button and watched the viewfinder closely.

"Let us see. Let us see," pleaded Brenda. She leaned over the edge of the bunk and took the camera out of Bob's hands, then vainly tried to find the review button.

"Here, lemme help" offered Trevor. He looked closely at the camera in her hand and then pointed to the appropriate spot to press. His forearm and hand were now lying across her chest and he made no effort to bring his hand back to his side. Brenda took pains to insure Trevor had a good view of the playback, holding the camera between them.

"Wow," said Trevor. "That's magnificent."

"Me or the picture quality?" asked Brenda.

"Both. I guess."

"Hey, Bob. Take some more video clips. Here, I'll change the scenery a bit." With that, she pulled the blouse completely open and with her tits swinging free, hiked her skirt to bundle it around her waist. Her white hips were accented in sharp contrast to the dimness of the cab interior. She then resumed her previous posture, allowing Bob full view of her pussy soon to be bathed once more in the light of the camera's flash.

Bob was assuming again the attitude of the professional photographer, either to cover his extreme arousal or to buy some time to regain even a small measure of what little composure he had left. 'Surely this is it. This is as far as she will go', he heard himself thinking. Then his inner voice spoke again and he decided to roll the dice just one more time. For her. For them both.

"Nah, it's not working," he said, almost as an aside.

"What's not working, the camera?" Brenda sounded disappointed.

"No," replied Bob. "The picture. It's all wrong. It's not saying anything new. Well, not very much anyway."

Brenda shifted her hips backwards, pushing very tightly against Trevor. She could feel the stiff bulge in his pants pressing hard into her lower back. She tilted her head and raised her chin, glanced over her shoulder and stretched to kiss Trevor fully on the mouth. It was a fleeting encounter, but one that had the right effect.

Trevor bent his head forward to meet her half way and pressed his lips against hers. His tongue found its way to hers and with some urgency they each began to explore the others' taste and mouth. Bob could see Brenda's jaw moving as she joined and then encouraged the French kiss, prolonging her enjoyment of this experience with someone new. Breaking away from him she once again directed his free hand to her breasts.

"Better, Bob?" she asked, trying to read his eyes in the dim light. "Does the shot work now?"

Bob heard the edge in her voice and knew his wife was quickly coming to that point, as at the resort, where she would pursue her desires with abandon.

"Not quite. It's better, but there's still something missing. Something not quite natural. And I believe I know what it is. Brenda, how would it be if Trevor took off his trousers. That would seem much more normal wouldn't it? After all, why should he be fully clothed?"

"Are we trying to tell a story here, Bob, or just taking some video? What do you think Trev? Want to get undressed?" He nodded meekly. Brenda returned his smile, winked and added mischievously: "Well, fine then, as long as you don't promise to be a good boy, okay?"

Bob couldn't make out the details of Trevor's disrobing but gathered from the grunting and rustle of material that the two subjects of his photographic story were having some difficulty moving freely in the tight confines of the bunk. At last Trevor's trousers fell with a thud on the floor by Bob's elbow where he was leaned over the driver's chair. What he hadn't quite expected was the pair of boxer shorts that followed almost immediately. Brenda squealed in delight.

"Sorry, Bob. Just getting comfortable here," she said.

He had difficulty making out the words between Brenda's chuckling and Trevor's intermittent chortling. "Okay, settle down you two. Brenda, get back into position," he encouraged.

Needing now to be as close as she could get to Trevor Brenda pushed her hips back again so that her butt pressed firmly against Trevor's erect cock. She resumed the 'tent' position to expose her pussy and said: "Ready when you are." She was no longer giggling.

Bob set the camera to video mode and pressed the shutter release half way down, enabling him to see what the camera would record. The screen was very nearly black. "We're not going to get much, even with the flash. Wish we had more light," he mumbled. Suddenly there was more light than Bob might have wanted.

"There, is that better?" asked Trevor. "Thought the overhead reading lamp might help."

Bob looked up from the camera then quickly back into the viewfinder so as not to betray any emotion. As he positioned and focused the camera Trevor's balls were plainly visible behind Brenda's pussy, his cock out of sight pressed up against her lower back. Bob was having difficulty holding the camera still. "Here goes. Lights, camera, action." And he pressed the button to record.

Brenda wasted no time once the camera began 'rolling'. She reached between her legs, felt for Trevor's cock and pulled it forward so that the shaft now lay along the opening of her vagina. As the seconds ticked by, the sexual tension in the cab built rapidly. 'No, she wouldn't. Surely. No way,' thought Bob. 'Seriously, she wouldn't go that far. Would she?' he asked himself, not sure of what answer he was hoping for.

It was Brenda taking over the scripting and directing of the video scene.

"Bob," she almost whispered. "Bob. Do you want to punch Trevor out?"

"No," replied Bob weakly. "It's your show. And, besides, he's bigger than I am."

"I wouldn't say that," replied Brenda. "Much the same size from what I've seen... or should I say felt." He could see her smiling again, a broad and confident expression that let Bob know she understood that what was about to happen would not change anything for the worse between her and her husband. She readjusted her hips once more, moving an inch or two higher up on the bunk.

The head of Trevor's cock now touched the opening of her vagina. Bob could see that it was already sheathed in a condom, courtesy no doubt of Trevor in anticipation of this moment. Slowly and deliberately she reached down once more, pressed the head slightly against her pussy lips and allowed it to slip into her wetness. Neither she nor Trevor moved. The camera kept recording while Bob stared transfixed at the sight of another man's cock in his wife's cunt. 'Damn, she actually did it,' he thought to himself. 'She is fucking another man right in front of me.'

Neither Trevor nor Brenda could stay motionless for very long. Almost imperceptibly they began to work into a passion-induced rhythm by which the full length of his cock disappeared into her. He retracted, slowly, and then lightly thrust forward again. Brenda kept her position and the camera captured every movement. Trevor was fondling one of Brenda's tits while she pinched, rubbed and pulled the nipple of the other, rotating her hips in time with Trevor's thrusts. She could feel her vagina muscles contract and she knew she would not be long in reaching an orgasm.

Trevor was breathing heavily now. He arm and back muscles tight with exertion, he thrust harder and harder still, driving deeply into Brenda as if there were an end he must find to this love tunnel. As their fucking escalated in intensity Brenda worked lovingly and feverishly with her hand to touch her clit, to stimulate herself in that special way she had learned always brought her to the highest plains of pleasure.

Bob watched Brenda intently and recognized the far-away, dreamy look in her eyes as she lost herself to the moment. He wanted to see her in ecstasy. He needed to see her overcome with that explosion of orgasmic release that crowded out all thoughts or feelings other than those which had to do with her own self-indulgence and physical fulfillment. As he watched through the viewfinder, barely able to keep his hands from shaking, he saw Brenda buck once and buck again in uncontrolled spasms. She verbalized her pleasure, to no-one in particular, saying over and over: "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. That feels good. It feels so good. Don't let it stop. Please, don't let it stop."

But, of course, it did. With a series of violent and then more subdued shivers she finally began to relax, sinking into the folds of the bed covers and dropping her leg so that one knee rested upon the other. As she was doing so, the walls of her vagina tensed and relaxed in rapid, small spasms and Trevor exploded inside her. He ejaculated again and again even as each thrust subsided in intensity. He consciously limited his involuntary outbursts to small, urgent grunts which signaled first his climax, then his physical journey back from that surreal experience that can only be reached through an exceptional sexual experience.

The cab was silent as several minutes ticked by. Trevor held Brenda tightly from behind with his free arm. With the other hand he played gently with her hair, the disheveled curls cascading over her shoulders and part way down her back. Bob had looked away self-consciously from the pair, letting his eyes fall instead once more on the camera. He was so lost in thought that he forgot to stop recording. In the years ahead, this inadvertent oversight would play out like an interlude during which he and Brenda could internalize and share the magic of that night.

In time a strong sense of urgency to resume their travels brought the married couple out of their reverie. Brenda straightened out her clothes, even tying the bow, and nimbly slid off the bunk. Bob helped her negotiate the tight quarters of the cab until her feet were once more on the ground. They looked into each others' eyes and then turned as they heard Trevor alight from the cab.

"It's after midnight and we have a ways to go," explained Bob. "I guess we'll be hitting the road. Only this time we really mean it," he added as an afterthought, smiling broadly.

Bob's smile reassured Trevor. "Well, how do I say this? It's been a real pleasure meetin' both of you. As a couple, you're an inspiration. Truly. The openness and honesty between you is something special."

The early Fall night had turned misty and quite a bit cooler than was the norm for this time of year. The diffused lamp light close by cast an eerie and subdued glow over them and Brenda could feel the damp penetrate her flimsy top and skirt.

"I'm gonna hang here for a while longer," continued Trevor, "so you two go ahead. I wish you safe travels." He reached for and shook Bob's hand vigorously, then stooped to buss Brenda on the cheek. "You're one hot mama, Brenda," he said looking once more at Bob and matching his earlier smile before he climbed back into the cab and disappeared into the upper level.

Bob placed his arm around Brenda's shoulder and they hurried to the van, eager now to be out of the brisk night air and back in the warmth of their home.

As the van gathered speed along the on-ramp Brenda watched in the side mirror as the silhouette of the truck faded into the parking lot background of indistinguishable light and dark shadows. Her mind soon turned from events at the station. She twisted in her seat and said: "You've made quite a mess of yourself. You know that, right?"

"What do you mean?" inquired Bob, defensively.

"Look at you," she said. "The front of your trousers are a mess. You must have been pretty excited back there." Without waiting for a response, she located the tissues and began to wipe the crotch of Bob's pants, noting at the same time that he was still fully erect. "I can do something about that too," she offered.

"While I'm driving?" asked Bob. "I thought you said before that it was too dangerous."

"I'll make an exception this time," she replied. "Besides, I have to practice what you taught me this weekend before I forget it all, don't I?"

This last was not meant as a rhetorical question. She raised the two arm-rests that separated them, reached for and pulled down Bob's zipper and gently freed his cock from his boxer shorts to emerge tall and wet with more pre-cum. Remembering her husband's instructions at the resort Brenda diligently went about massaging, stroking and sucking Bob's cock and balls. It was not long before he reached a somewhat controlled though no less pleasurable orgasm and Brenda, after licking up and swallowing as much of his cum as she could, once more went into clean-up mode.

For the next hour until they reached the driveway of their home they talked incessantly about their hopes, dreams and love for each other, holding hands all the while except when Bob had to use the turn signals. Once parked, with the engine turned off, they took a few moments to enjoy the silence of the dark night.

"Brenda." Bob spoke first. "Brenda, I want you to know that I am totally comfortable with what happened back there with Trevor. I needed to know how far you would go. I suspect that over the past few days you have really got in touch with your own sexuality and are comfortable again with your body and what you like and want from sex. Am I right?"

"Yes. That's exactly how I feel too."

"As I said, I suspected you might fuck another man, but I didn't know that."

"But you do know why I did it, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes, of course. It was for both of us, but for different reasons."

"And you aren't disappointed?" she asked for clarification. "I mean in me. In what happened?"

"No. Are you?"

"No," replied Brenda. "It was just sex."

"Then can I ask, would you do it again?"

Brenda was silent for only a brief moment. "No. No I wouldn't. It's not as though it wasn't nice. I just don't think I need to do that again. And, to be honest, I wouldn't do it just because you wanted me to. So I guess this was the one and only time."

"Perfect, 'cause the way I see it I want the new 'old' you, the girl I married, all to myself," said Bob. "There's one more thing I want to say before we go inside, though. I'd like you to know that I feel like I've found my wife again, as well as my best friend, confidante and lover."

Brenda knew exactly what he was talking about. And that is what she told him.


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26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
No way

Rote whore wife story, husband is a willing cuck. Nothing new . But naming a truck driver Trevor ? That's just wrong.

bestisyettocomebestisyettocomeover 7 years ago
Good story, but far out ending.

The story was very good right up to the point where Brenda agreed to stop at the rest stop with the trucker. Her attitude up to that point does not coincide with that course of action. I know it may have made for a sexier and more daring ending, but it just seems highly implausible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
It Is Such A Stupid Premise

that a wife has to fuck another man before the couple can renew the earlier sexual relationship of their marriage.

Mongo837Mongo837almost 14 years ago
Good except for the end

I agree with HarryinVA on that one , too bad as it was well written .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Well done

I agree with another poster, that the transformation was perhaps a bit too abrupt, but think you did a good job writing the story. There is no way I am going to inject my morals into your storyline, as others have done.

The early portion of the story very accurately described the state of marriage many couples find themselves in. The reactions to each other, the responses and the priorities are oh so common.

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