Who Watches the Watchmen Ch. 09


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"Keep going."

"Obviously you are off the charts." she blushed.

"And Dara?"

Before she could answer, a friend walked up and started talking with us. Menaka never answered that question. I never asked it again. Because things shifted in a very different direction very soon.

The slow drift which had been evident started becoming more and more pronounced. As did her sexual activity and her candor about it. Almost every day, I was getting details of how the security guard was getting closer to 7. I heard her updates with amusement and arousal. And we had raucous sex at night after Ayan was fast asleep in his room. On the side, I had also been getting some from the horny milfs I had chatted up. So it's not like I was starved of sex.

Finally, one afternoon, a conversation that had been brewing for weeks happened. I was watching TV expecting Menaka to get ready and head to the hospital, when instead, she turned off the TV and joined me on the couch after cleaning the kitchen.

"We need to talk." she said. There were two glasses of neat scotch in her hand. She handed me one.

"Menaka drinking scotch in the afternoon? Uh oh, are you divorcing me?" I said half in jest. Or so I hoped.

"No, of course not!" she said lightly slapping me on the arm. "But I am going to ask some pretty big things from you. I don't know if I even need to ask. But there is Ayan to think about. So...well...yeah. We need to talk."

"What about Ayan?"

"I want you to take him with you on the ship this time."

This was quite the bombshell from her, even taking into account recent changes.

"You I what?"

"The 2 months are mostly during his vacations anyway. You always tell me about kids who spend summers with single parents on the ship. So surely you can..."

"I can, I can." I raised my hands. "Not a problem. I will take him with me. But where is this coming from?"

"I.....this isn't easy to say...I want to try something that I am not sure you will be on board with. Dara has been demanding this for weeks and we are sort of having emotional blackmail based negotiations over it. I have been wondering about how to broach it with you. Because I still don't understand you, Prakash."


"Do you have any limits? What if I told you that today when you were at the gym, I fucked the postman?"

"You did?" Once he had gotten a glimpse of her in the middle of being fucked by Dara.

"What if I did? Would it bother you?" she asked without any resentment in her voice.

"I mean you know I am not a hypocrite."

"I know. And I love you for it. But sometimes...I....I don't know. I wish you were jealous. Does that make sense? Maybe it is my silent resentment of all these years of you going around bedding women around the world while I raised your son. So now I want you to take one for the team, so to say."

"And I am happy to."

"I thought you would be. Which is why....well....no use beating around the bush. Dara wants to "marry" me."

She held up air quotes when she said marry and giggled a little as if to acknowledge the ridiculousness of the idea. I raised my eyebrows but didn't blurt anything out. With Menaka, it was best to let her stop talking before jumping in. Especially where Dara was concerned. She took a deep breath and continued.

"I won't bore you with the details. But long story short, he wants to spend a couple of months together like a couple. While you are away on the ship with our son. Exclusively with each other."

"He knows that I have been in on it?" I asked.

"No." she shook her head. "I have considered telling him. But I think knowing that you have absolutely no boundaries." she giggled again. "I mean seriously, Prakash, I am getting fucked regularly by a rotating cast of working class men. The neighbors are talking."

"You know?"

"Of course I know! You think the women in the building are diplomats?" she said smiling. "Does it bother you, knowing that everyone is talking about your wife sleeping with the watchman?"

"Not really. You?"

"Honestly, a little. It is amazing that it doesn't bother you at all though. Anyway, back to the point. No, he still thinks all this is happening behind your back. As do all the other men. Except Dinesh. I think he figured out from your looks that you were okay with our hook-up."

"Why haven't you told Dara?"

"Honestly, it will give him too much power. It is difficult for me to explain to you the dynamics of my relationship with him. It is not easy going like with you. It is.....tense. We both fight every other day. Everything ends up being a negotiation. It is exhausting. That's why I am sometimes quiet and distant at home. I am just talked out."

The question at this point to ask was, if it is so tense and full of fights, why does she still keep going to him? She knows now that she has to just bat and eyelid and she can shag any man with my blessings. So what was it about this random skinny elderly Nepali guy that enraptured her so much that she wanted to play house with him?

"The neighbors will talk even more if he moves in." I said.

"No, it will not be here. In fact it won't even be in this city."

"Wait, hold on. I am confused. Too many threads. Start at the beginning."

"I am sick of the people in this building anyway. I think we should move out next year. I don't care that they are gossiping about me if you don't. But it does get annoying to be treated like some sub-human. So no, the plan is to live together, sort of like a married couple, in another city where he gets a job."

"We could buy a second house for you and him tomorrow."

"No. That's one thing he won't budge on. It would be.....entirely on his dime. I don't know if that will work. But that is the "gesture" he wants from me as a commitment to our relationship. That while you are away, I be his "wife". Like literally, play house with him. I know it sounds a bit too much. But I thought I would at least discuss it with you. You have veto power of course." she shrugged.

I stared at the inert face of my until recently chaste wife. The ease with which she was proposing such a bizarre experimenting. And then leaving it up to me to veto. Just random hook-ups was one thing. Here she was asking me to give my blessings to basically become a polyamorous couple. Not just an open marriage. And that too with a watchman who earned maybe 1% of what I did. Leaving the sex aside, how was she expecting to make do with even basics like internet and cable on a watchman's salary? Would she live with him in a shack like his wife? How would the obvious social mismatch between them to explained to the neighbors there?

"I know you will have a lot of practical questions. So do I. But please. think about it. And tell me your thoughts."

"This is what he wants. But is it also what you want or are you just being emotionally blackmailed by a bedridden guy?"

She looked away biting her lower lip as if composing her thoughts.

"You may have noticed that I have gotten a bit cavalier with my activities recently."

"Now that you mention it." I smiled.

"I myself don't fully understand it. Have I been fundamentally changed or was I always this way, just shackled by an orthodox upbringing? You've bedded dozens of women while still being a great husband and father and always given me permission to do the same. Why did I resist so many years?"


"I grew up being sold on monogamy. I clung to it for traditions. Even marrying you.... You think it was easy for me to just go into a marriage knowing the husband would be sleeping with tarts at every port? No. But a widow from a middle class orthodox family like mine does not have a long list of suitors from within the community. So I entered it as a compromise."

"I know."

"But then over the years, I think the walls raised by my parents were falling away. I kept expecting you to turn into a monster. Maybe bring a woman or two home. Tell me you have impregnated someone. But no, you sleeping with other women had as much impact on our marriage as you working out with women at the gym. So I started appreciating your way of looking at things. Especially sex."

"That's good to know."

"The thing is, Prakash, I am not you. I am me. Now that I've completely let go of any care about what the world thinks, just like you, it is liberating but also terrifying."

"Well, you do end up in some scary situations."

"As if I subconsciously want to. That's the thing, Prakash. For years, when you're on the ship, I am alone. I've been propositioned and sometimes even stalked by men. It's part of life in India."

"Plus you're hot."

"Hehe maybe. I was able to ignore or stare down people or strategically leave. Like all women learn to deal with. Now, jesus holy fuck, I don't know what's happened to me!"

Menaka rarely cursed.

"A man as much looks at me sideways and I'm looking back. Imagining how he looks naked. How his sweat smells and tastes. Does he have a nice cock? How long and hard can he fuck? It's like my filters and defenses have melted away. In fact I respond positively to the creepiest guys."

"But are you at least enjoying yourself?"

"Physically, very much. I can be crass with you in ways I can't with Dara. Feels so good to have a cock in my cunt so often. Far cry from the times you would be on the ship and I would get frustrated by the end, staying celibate. What an idiot I was. This is fun. I especially like the way these watchman guard postman types fuck me. Like they're taking out the grudges held against every snooty memsaab they encountered. That resentful intensity in their..."

Menaka paused as her voice broke. She rubbed her legs together and had more scotch.

"That's why Dinesh was meh. He treated me like an equal. As do you, not that you are meh. I know you've been stepping up the roughness in response to my changing tastes and I appreciate that. But there's nothing you can do about the fact that I know that it's still you. I say stop and you'll stop. Somehow I get a thrill from being fucked by men who might not. Does that make sense?"

"It makes sense from a psychology perspective. But honey, I worry about your safety. I'm giving you your space to navigate these new waters. But your lovers include guys who committed a crime by beating up Dara. Who knows what they're capable of."

"I know." She said and looked in my eyes. "That's why this Dara experiment might help. Kind of a sluttiness detox. It will also give me a chance to explore my feelings about him. And think about what kind of a life I want going forward."

That last bit was a little ominous but I let it slide.

"I know it's a lot to ask. Think about it."

Maybe I should have taken the time to think it through. But I was riding the non-hypocrite high horse, so I said,

"Menaka, what I do with women when away on the ship, you have never had a problem with. So I can't switch the rules on you. This arrangement sounds bizarre and I do have many practical questions. But if this is what you want...." I shrugged.

She jumped on my lap and kissed me as she started unbuttoning my shirt.

The next day, a countdown of sorts started. Taking Ayan with me on the ship was not as simple as just holding his hand and taking his stuff with us. There was paperwork, approvals, injections, etc etc, because I would be stopping in several different countries. Much of the rest of my time with him was spent in this.

There was also the countdown to Menaka's bizarre experiment with Dara that I had greenlighted. She started giving me small updates as that process unfolded.

"Delhi." she announced day looking well fucked after a hospital visit. I wondered if Dara had recovered enough to fuck her yet or if this was Muthu or the security guard or all of the above.


"He found a decent job in Delhi through an old army friend. Watchman at an upscale apartment complex. Comes with solid furnished quarters, not some shack or slum, which has been a worry of yours I know. If you want, we can check it out this weekend. The salary is not great but it's not like we have any assets to acquire. And it's only for a couple of months."

"Okay. But I'd like to check out the general area."

And so that weekend, I went on a bizarre trip with my wife to check out the logistics of her taking a second husband in my absence. We checked out some malls, hit the tourist spots, hotels nearby if she ever needed to leave instantly, and then, from a distance, checked out the big complex where she would be living. It seemed safe and affluent. That night, after fucking her twice in the ass, I checked my Whatsapp to discover yet another bombshell.

It was a long message from the secretary of our Residents Association. It started with

"Dear Prakash

It is with a heavy heart that I write to issue you a formal show-cause notice on why you should not be evicted under society rules. The lifestyle that your wife has recently adopted is not a good fit for your neighbors. We have children. We can't have women gallivanting around with the help. We know you merchant navy types have bohemian habits, but we are a simple middle class society.

In case you are not aware (although we suspect you are), your wife has been having an affair with both the watchmen and a maid and who knows who else? In the early days of the suspicious watchman injury, it seemed like she was visiting him at the hospital out of the goodness of her heart. But multiple people from the building who have gone to visit him report walking into the room with her in a compromising position. Then we heard that she has been doing some hanky panky with him for a while. We suspect that him being beaten up was not a robbery gone wrong as he suggested, but something to do with your wife. People would see her sneaking in and out of his shack. Neighbors saw one or both watchmen going to your apartment and staying there for hours.

We had hoped that this was a troubled phase that would get over soon. But then I caught my college going son watching some of these clips. Apparently there is a whatsapp group dedicated to your wife. And this breaks all norms of decency."

This was followed by a bunch of attachments. Pictures and videos. I slipped out of bed next to a sleeping Menaka and walked to the hotel balcony. I was sure that with so many men bedding her, there were bound to be some "mms scandal" type things of her online. I did not expect just how many. Pictures and videos clearly taken by multiple men with, most with her full knowledge. Here was a new chapter. My wife the internet porn sensation!

Compared to the footage I had from my hidden cameras, all this was pretty tame stuff. And thank heavens for small mercies, her face was either hidden or then cropped in everything. But if you knew who she was, it was obvious it was her. Because even though the face itself was never identifiable, her brand new septum ring was obvious in a few. And the shape of her ass is so distinctive.

Half of it seemed to be from the security guard.

Pic 1 - A long shot from behind a curtain of Menaka's face in Dara's lap on the hospital bed. From the t-shirt I recognized this as day 1 with him. No nudity, and face not visible, but it's obviously a blowjob in progress.

Pic 2 - Similar, but this time her face (top half cropped) shows Dara's thick dick halfway in it. And the septum ring.

Pic 3 - Menaka on her knees, naked, sucking the guard's dick.

Pic 4 - Menaka bent over the stool, her ass cheeks parted.

And so on and so forth. A couple of dozen pictures. Some probably from Muthu or Senthil, depending on the smaller size of the dicks inside my wife's varying holes. Some in a shack, Some in a car. Some in an alley. My wife had been doing a lot more risque stuff than she had told me.

And then the video clips. Again, tame compared to the multi hour orgy on our bed. The security guard fucking her from behind as she moaned politely. Her on top. Him on top. He focused more on her swollen pussy than anywhere else in one video as his dick rammed it. Then a batch of clips in which Menaka was wearing a surgical mask, in a strange premonition of covid years later. And a guard's cap, thus hiding her identity. Unless you know who Menaka was. Then it was obvious that the dark eyes staring at the camera between the mask and the hat were hers, as she got regularly fucked by the guard,

Then some long shot pictures of Menaka and Banke talking around the building in ways that were obviously not those of a mesaab and a watchman talking. He was handsy, thinking no one was watching. These pics had been shot from some window.

And then a video which pretty much confirmed that yeah, we had to leave the building, It was taken through a door peephole from the apartment opposite ours. So the video quality was not great. But enough to make out what happens.

Banke walks to our door, looks around, then inserts his key in the lock. The door is stuck because the chain is on. A few seconds later, the door opens a little and you can see a flash of sideboob from Menaka as she stands there and talks to him for a few seconds. Then he enters and the door closes. Then there was an edit cut as if it was a little time after. The postman walked up to the door. Uh oh. Had she been serious?

Probably, because when the postman came, the door was opened by a naked Banke who looked around and pulled the postman in and closed the door. Was this before or after I came back, I wondered. Had they had a threesome? Maybe I should put the cameras back in.

The next few clips showed enough instances of Banke letting himself into our apartment that you did not need to draw a picture of. One was just minutes after I left at the start of the video for the gym. Looks like as soon as my car turned the corner, Banke would be heading up for a booty call. Maybe fucking her in the ass everyday. I had noticed her ass starting to loosen whenever I fucked her, so clearly, there was open season on her asshole too now.

I finally finished going through all the attachments. Then I did a reverse image search on a pic and almost dropped my phone.

"Merchant navy wife fucking driver when husband is away"

was the first search result. It was the guard not a driver but it was definitely my wife. Holy crap, my wife really was an internet sensation! In most places she was called a milf or bhabhi. She might as well have opened an onlyfans account. Thankfully none of the online images and videos mentioned her name. But it was blindingly obvious to me that some friend or relative was going to come across this and recognize her. The merchant navy reference meant that whoever posted it was sending a message that leave the building or else. Scrolling through the pages and pages of her naked body being fucked in different positions, the seriousness of this situation started sinking in. Our life as we knew it was over. Might as well start an onlyfans account, I thought, seriously.

I wondered whether to break this to Menaka. But what was the point? She was smart enough to know that these young bucks weren't going to keep their sex clips secret. Not when they could boast to everyone how they had seduced a hot housewife. And who knows how many men in Delhi might join her growing list of sex partners. I forwarded the attachments to my personal email and deleted them from the phone. This was something we would have to deal with. But for now, the looming thing was my ship stint and the "marriage" that Menaka was enthusiastically preparing for.

It was what she wanted to do. And before I knew it, it was time for Ayan and me to board the ship. And for Menaka to head to Delhi to live as Dara's fake wife.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Publish next chapter of this story when menaka goes to Delhi

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hope author brings a conclusion to this story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Want to read this story by Menaka side view

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I think this wife Menaka very match with that old watch man to be his own wife and carrying his baby and be a real wife for old man

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Please continue this story his wife and old watch man life in 2 months

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