Who'd Have Thought?


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I clearly recalled it now, remembering. "And then what?"

"I just stood there watching you, growing horny as hell, though I didn't dare do anything about it just then, and besides, you were already close. I could tell by the way you suddenly slowed down, now looking down, expectantly, watching yourself, watching your sperm suddenly start shooting out of your cock, into the bowl. I imagined it was me you were squirting it on..."

"I was imagining that too!" I told her. Because I had been.

"Well, you don't have to imagine it anymore," she told me. "Now, come over here, and squirt all over mommies tits!"

Watching her play with her boobs, me standing there in front of her, jacking myself off was hot as hell. Especially when she shared with me how she'd later on gone into the bathroom herself, stepping into the shower, and then masturbated herself...while thinking of me doing what I did. She'd even hoped to find some small remnant, some trace of my ejaculation, though unfortunately, there hadn't been one. Moments later, I was gushing all over her, squirting all over her tits in thick copious spurts that saturated both breasts, and then some. "Fucking A!" I announced, no longer worried about using the "F" word in front of her. After all...

And then she lifted one breast up, large enough, pliable enough to do so, and began licking my cream off it, cleaning it up herself. Had I been able to, I'd have come again, adding more to it...it was that fucking hot!

And then she peeled her pants off, and began masturbating for me. "Wanna watch?"

"Are you kidding? Hell yes!"

"It's apt to get pretty messy here in a moment."

"Oh, and like mine wasn't?"

"Good point," she laughed. And then said, looking me straight in the face as she said it. "Where would you like it?"

Who'd have thought?


After we had cleaned up the mess we'd both made, I took her hand as she led me back up the stairs to her room.

"Think you can fuck me?" she asked, then answered her own question, looking back and down at me. I was already starting to get hard again. "Never mind...foolish of me to ask. But...how would you like to do it this time?"

"Any position?"

"Just name it, however, and wherever you want to."

I was joking around, sort of. "Can I...fuck you in the ass?"

She nearly stumbled on the stairs hearing that one, stopped turning towards me. "Even...Jack," she paused saying his name instead of anything else, "Never did that to me," she stated. "Why don't we stick to the basics here at first, give me a while to think about that one," she now added, telling me as she did...the thought of it wasn't entirely out of the question, not just yet anyway.

"I was only teasing," I answered back.

"Ah huh...and what else wouldn't your idiotic wife do for you?"

"Well...for one, she never did give me a decent blowjob either!"

That one stopped her at the top of the stairs. "Never? I mean...you've never come in a woman's mouth?"


"Forget fucking for the moment...we've still got plenty of time for that before Kathy gets home. Right now, momma needs to show her boy what the hell he's been missing!"


I really had NO clue! And now I had a much better understanding of the term, "making your toes curl," mine had...and without purposely making them do it. The fact that mom had done things to my prick that I'd never felt before was just the icing on the cake. The way she pleasured me with her tongue and lips was beyond anything I'd ever felt before. Whatever it was that Christy thought she was doing, was kindergarten material. Mom had a Masters Degree when it came to sucking cock. And though I don't consider myself as having a really big dick, though she said it was, she somehow managed to pretty much swallow the length of it, sucking me that way too. I honestly thought I had died and gone to heaven. When my orgasm began, it started in my toes...curling them, and they remained that way as the orgasm washed over me like a tidal wave. Not only did I see stars, I'm pretty sure I heard trumpets blowing somewhere off in the distance. I had never felt anything like it. Though I am also pretty sure, mom hadn't been fully prepared for the deluge of cum that poured out of my cock, and down her throat either. Some of which she couldn't contain, dripping out of her mouth and down onto her breasts. I thought she looked sexy as hell sitting there like that afterwards.

"Hmmm, maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all," she said several minutes later, her hand still fondling and playing with my dick, though it was spent, about as limp as it could possibly be as she waggled it back and forth, lifeless...dead. She had literally sucked the life out of me. She laughed though, seemingly pleased with herself, and what she'd done to me. And though we still had some time before Kathy got home, I think every bone in my entire body had liquefied. I remained laying in mom's bed, a pool of total and complete euphoria.

Even when she hinted at the fact that she might let me have her ass...even that didn't raise the dead. She had done the one thing I never thought possible, Beauty had slain the Beast. As such, she then simply snuggled up in bed next to me, spooning me from behind as we snuggled and snoozed until the alarm went off, which seemed like only minutes after she'd set it.

"Come on honey...time for you to get up and move into your own room. Kathy could be home anytime now."

It took superhuman effort even then for me to finally roll out of bed. Kissing her again, lingering as we did that, it took the opening of the front door to give me an energy boost as I hurriedly padded down the hall into my own room, and collapsed gratefully into my own bed. I was soon fast asleep.

I didn't know it at the time, but I wouldn't have the opportunity to fuck mom again until three days later.


Monday evening mom announced that she'd been called away to go out of town for two days. And though I wasn't really thrilled with her being away, it also came at the best time for it since she had to. Kathy had the next two evenings off work, so she'd also be home, and as she currently wasn't dating, or seeing anyone...the likelihood of her going out was remote at best.

And I didn't have the best start to my week either. I'd spent a minimal amount of time arguing with a pleading Christy over the phone. No way in hell was I going back to that. Another call with an attorney mom hooked me up with started the ball rolling in that area too. And then of course there was school for me, and my own part time job at the hardware store. As such, I had gotten home tired, emotionally exhausted and spent. I decided to lie down, take a little nap, and then wait for my sister to get home before ordering the pizza we'd agreed on for dinner that evening.

I lay, tossing and turning. Even as tired as I was, sleep eluded me. What didn't, was the thoughts of my mother. Things we'd done, shared, experienced together monopolized my mind. No surprise that I soon found myself laying in my bed with a very needful, urgent erection. I decided to enjoy a bit of stress relief, which if nothing else might finally help to relax me enough to actually fall asleep for a bit, and then stripped down, crawling back up into my bed totally naked. I proceeded to enjoy a rather nice, long leisurely stroke, my mind focused, images of mom and I doing things, some of which we hadn't even done yet, as I wandered off into a whole new world of fantasy.

When the simple knock came, along with the door opening, it took me a moment for the conscious side of me to realize it had. By then of course, it was already too late. I really had to start locking my door, though that would only serve to no doubt raise suspicion anyway. Still...better that perhaps that having Kathy walk into my room, catching me with dick in hand, which is exactly what she'd done.

There was nothing to grab to really cover up with either. I was laying on top of the coverings for one thing, and for another, I was too shocked to move for a moment anyway. Looking over at my sister as she stood there in the doorway, looking back at me. I expected her to turn, probably run screaming into the night, but she didn't. Instead, she came in, closing the door behind her, and then leaned against it.

"Don't stop on my account," she said simply now smiling. The thing was, she had the same look on her face that I'd become accustomed to seeing in moms.

I still held my cock, but more as a means of concealing it as opposed to continue playing with it, though perhaps sitting there like that acted as some sort of encouragement for my sister. To my own disbelief, I now watched her as she slid her hand down the waistband of the lavender colored, velour shorts she was wearing, along with a matching top that hugged her ample chest nicely. Images of her standing there, racing through my head like an express train as I tried in vain to digest what the hell she was doing here.

"Kathy," I somehow managed, shock and surprise clearly registering in my face.

"Keep going, I've always wanted to watch you do that."

"Kathy!" I said again, a bit more firmly this time, trying to somehow push through the lusty fugue she had placed herself in. "I can't...we can't...you can't!" I added, still watching her as she even then didn't stop, didn't desist. Her hand continued to move quite obviously between her legs as she stood there fingering herself.

"Why not? We're not really doing anything," she implied her free hand now lifting the top she was wearing up and over her breasts, revealing them to me, confirming what I already suspected, that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her breasts certainly weren't as big and full as mom's were, still having that youthful appearance and look to them, unlike the more mature, hate to say it..."motherly" look to them that mom's had. But...they were damn cute, perky...twin little hard tipped points just waiting to be sucked, licked, and played with. My cock throbbed, but rather than enticing me, it acted as a reminder as to what she was doing to herself while I lay there watching her.

"I'm your brother!" I said like that made any difference.

"So? I'm your sister...your very horny sister, who's always had a crush on her own big brother. There, I said it...how's that grab you?" She asked suggestively, though making reference to my hard cock. "Though by the looks of it, you already are grabbing it. Come on Danny, stroke it for me, let me see you do it."

There was no fucking way. I finally slid out of bed, standing up, no longer shy or concerned about her seeing me, after all...she'd already seen enough as it was. "You need to leave," I said sternly, seeing the shocked, hurt look on her face after having said that. She burst into tears, turned, and then opened the door, racing down the hallway back to her room where I heard her open it, and then slam it seconds later.

"FUCK!" I actually shouted out. I knew then there was no way I could leave it like this. I had hurt my sister, I was a fucking hypocrite on top of everything else, though I sure as hell wasn't about to tell her that, or why. What I hoped to do, was reason with her, calm her down, tell her I was sorry, and hope to repair this little episode before it got blown way out of proportion. I didn't bother getting dressed, simply pulling up a pair of discarded underwear as my only covering and then headed down the hall to her room. I stood outside her door, and knocked. "Kathy?"

"Go away!" Came her reply.

"Kathy please...we need to talk!"

"Go away!" She said again. "There's...there's nothing to talk about! I'm a pervert, a freak, a sick twisted freak!" She screamed out at me through the door. I winced, hearing the very words I had called myself.

"No you're not Kathy, now please...let me in, I need to..." I wasn't sure what I needed to do, what could I say? I knew exactly how she felt. "Please Kathy," I asked again, though silence followed for a moment longer.

"It's...not locked."

I had expected it to be of course, but that told me upon hearing it, that perhaps she was half hoping I would come to her room. I turned the knob, opened the door stepping inside. She was naked, laying on top of her bed, legs spread, glaring at me.

"You wanna talk? Then you'll have to do it, looking at me like this. Looking at your sick, twisted perverted little sister who's got a thing for her own brother!"

I knew then I was going to hell. I stepped into her room and closed the door behind me.


"You're not sick...or twisted, or perverted Kathy," I told her. "Trust me."

"Yeah? And why should I?"

I was digging a hole here, and I knew it. And I couldn't very well tell her the real reason behind that either, so I stretched the truth just a little, hoping that when I did, I would at least defuse the situation here somewhat. Prepared to make reasonable concessions if I had to, though I was still hoping to walk away from this without doing anything stupid.

"Because I've had the same thoughts myself, that's why. I just never acted on them."

"About me?"

"Yeah Kathy...about you."

At least she had stopped crying, wiping her face, a small smile actually creeping into it instead. "So I'm not...horrible? Evil? Wicked?"

"No more than I am," I responded back. "There's nothing wrong with having the thoughts Kathy, obviously we both have, did...it's just that, well...you know, it would make things really complicated, for...for everyone."

"Not if we don't let it."

"My point exactly." But I knew even as I said that, that's not what she had meant by it. She spread her legs even further, her hand slipping down between them, spreading herself, already beginning to finger-play with her obviously wet juicy split.

"Then please Danny, please. Let me watch you...see you, prove to me, you're just as sick and perverted as I am."

Against my better judgment, and all reasoning, I slid my underwear back down my legs. "Just this Kathy! I mean it, nothing else."

She was grinning from ear to ear. "Ok," she said simply, and then really began working on herself. Admittedly it was fucking hot, standing there watching my sister pleasuring herself. My cock thinking for me now, hard...stiff, throbbing as I began fisting it. "Not there...here," she said scooting over on the bed. "Lay on your side next to me so we can truly watch one another."

Once again I felt I was tempting fate here, but I was committed now, too late to turn back, avoid this. All I could do was hope that once we'd done it...watched each other, that reasoning would return, and that perhaps later, while sharing a pizza perhaps, better minds would prevail and we could then sit down, discuss it rationally, and somehow avoid letting anything escalate. Or so I hoped anyway.

I walked over and crawled into bed next to my sister. I could hear her. Hear the sounds she was making, so wet...so slick, so wonderfully juicy as I now in kind once again began stroking my dick for her while she watched. I felt the bubble of lubrication emerge from the tip of my cock, using it to further slick the head of my very aroused dick with. I smeared it, teasing myself, eyes glued on Kathy as she did the same. I watched her retrieve some of her own feminine cream, watched as she applied that to each one of her hard extended nipples, teasing them both into an even greater firmness, hearing her moan, sigh upon doing that.

"You're so fucking hard!" She exclaimed looking at me, and then slid two fingers inside herself, purposely working her cunt, yes...enticing me as she did, causing herself to make even more lewd, erotic sounds as she finger-fucked her pussy.

"And you're fucking juicy!" I responded in kind, my mind a blur now, all thoughts of reasoning and sanity having flown right out the window. Only once before, not counting her drunken stupor the night of her birthday party, had I seen...caught her masturbating. Something she reminded me of when she spoke.

"I watched you once, sort of..." she began, when you didn't know that I was. But not like this," she added. "Not where I could really see you, really enjoy you while you did." I actually laughed at that, that was twice now. I wondered how many other times I'd actually been found out, apparently I hadn't been as cautious or as careful as I thought I'd been. But I answered hers with one of my own.

"I caught you once doing it too, but yeah...not exactly like this either, but I did watch you once, for a while...saw you when you came."

"No shit? Really? Where? When?" She actually said excitedly rather than being embarrassed, now clearly anxious for me to tell her, which obviously was now heightening her arousal.

But I had a double whammy for her, and at first, wondered if it was a very smart thing to do, to bring up...to once and for all confess to her I had seen her doing something which at the time, had indeed shocked and surprised me. And yet...later, afterwards, also became a periodic masturbation fantasy for me. I hesitated actually telling her, wondering if I could, or should make something else up instead, but then I figured...she'd probably know I was lying.

"Come on, tell me Danny...when did you catch me doing it?"

God I was bad...digging an even deeper hole for myself perhaps, but I told her. "Wasn't just you Kathy...I caught you and our cousin, Janice." Her eyes opened wide. She knew, and she now knew what I knew. Shortly after she had turned eighteen, when our cousin of the same age, a few months older is all, had come for a visit as had mom's sister, my Aunt Beth. They'd come out for Kathy's eighteenth birthday and spent the week with us at our place. Janice and Kathy of course had doubled up in her room. Aunt Beth taking my room, leaving me out on the couch, though I didn't mind doing that. But it was the first night they were here when I accidentally overheard a conversation between the two of them. I had gone upstairs in the middle of the night to take a pee. I noticed that a subdued light was still coming from beneath the door leading into their room as I began passing by, and then heard the two of them clearly whispering. They were far from ready to fall asleep. And the natural nature of me being me at the time, I was curious as to what it was they might be discussing. I actually got down on the floor with my ear now facing towards the one or two inch opening. Having done that, it was very easy to hear the two of them far more clearly now.

"So...so how long have you known this?" Kathy was asking.

"I don't know...forever maybe," Janice responded back. "I've never really been attracted to boys, especially when I hit puberty. I'd always, always found myself a lot more interested in girls, and not the silly stuff either. I hung with guys...but I looked at girls the same way they did. After a while, I just accepted it, and knew what I was."

"Wow...does Aunt Beth know?"

"Yeah, we talked about it, she's ok with it...as long as I am."

"So...so you've ah...done stuff? With other girls?"

"Oh hell yes! And I love it!" Janice said a bit too loudly as Kathy cautioned her to tone it down, though they both began giggling.

"What's it...what's it like?" She asked.

"It's wonderful...if you weren't my cousin, I'd be tempted to show you." Once again they laughed, nervously, though I now found myself digging a hole in the floor as I lay there listening to them. "All this sex talk IS making me horny though...I am tempted to take out my toy and get myself off with it."

"What toy?" Kathy now asked. "You actually use a toy?"

"Yeah! Don't you?"

"I don't...I don't have one, never used one before," Kathy admitted.

"No shit! Really? Not ever?"

She must have been shaking her head no, as I heard no reply.

"Want to try mine?"

More laughter, though I was hoping like all get out that she would, even if I didn't get to see it, at least I hoped I'd be able to hear it. But then things got a whole lot better. I heard what had to be Janice briefly slip out of bed, padding over on bare feet to the dresser she was using, rummaging around in it for a moment, and then padding back to the bed again.