Wife Likes to Strip


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The girl on the stage was starting her second song of her three song set. She was one of the girls that must have danced after my wife because I didn't recognize her. She was about the same size as my wife but ten or fifteen years younger. She was pretty hot. She had a real nice flat hard stomach and a real nice tight bulbous ass. Her tits looked pretty hot also. Her tits were perfectly formed with her nipples riding high pointing almost to the ceiling. When she removed her bottoms during her third song I was transfixed on her. Her shaved pussy looked beautiful. She really was hot in a youthful way.

When she was finished I was brought back to the now when I saw my wife hit the stage. She had a far away look on her face and she looked a little flushed. When the music started her dancing was business as usual. Her outfit hadn't changed much. She had a different color skirt and top but was pretty much the same style. As she danced through her set she looked over at me a few times. Our eyes met but she really didn't show any emotion. When her set was over she disappeared to the back again and another girl took the stage.

After two more girls danced the DJ announced a break and said the girls will be back in a few minutes. He said something about table dances blah, blah, blah. I was feeling no pain at that time. I must have drank eleven or twelve jack and cokes. After awhile my wife emerged from the back. She moved slowly towards me. When she reached me she pulled a chair up next to me as she did before. She seemed a little reserved, and pretty drunk, I asked her if she was alright and she assured me with a smile that she was fine. I asked her what Bobby had been up to. She said that he offered her another line before her last set. She had taken him up on it. When she bent over to snort it he had lightly ran a hand up between her legs. When she stood up he moved in close behind her and wrapped his arms around her and told her she was gorgeous. He put one hand inside her top to pull on her nipple and he slid another down the front of her panties. She said he touched her clit just the way she liked it. She told me that she eventually pulled away from him and he was nice enough about it. She had to remind him that I was out in the audience. She said he apologized and said he just couldn't help it. I asked her what she wanted me to do, and she said nothing and she was glad she could tell me without me making a scene.

There seemed to be a weight lifted from her shoulders and she lightened up. Soon we were drinking and laughing. She said she really was having a good time and that she was really turned on by this whole scene. Bobby showed up again and sat right next to my wife. She didn't seem to care at all. More drinks showed up and Bobby continued to complement my wife. Soon the break was over and a girl took the stage and started her dance. Bobby and my wife seemed to be getting along as if nothing happened. As Bobby sat there facing across my wife towards me I noticed he had a hand high up on her thigh. My wife didn't seem to care.

Soon my wife said she had to go get ready for her last set. She stood up and staggered just a bit, then moved off towards the curtain. Bobby hung around for a few more minutes then moved away. I watched him as he made his rounds then moved for the curtain.

The girl on the stage was just finishing her first song so I know I had some time before my wife would be on. I took this opportunity to relieve myself again. When I returned the girl on stage was just starting her third song. I was wondering what was happening behind the scene with my wife and Bobby. When the girl was done there was a short break before my wife emerged on stage. Her face was very red and she seemed to move on unsteady legs. I watched her take a few deep breaths and compose herself. Then the music started and she moved out and started dancing just fine. She looked really good. She had on a pair of really high healed shoes that made her ass stick out in a very sexy way. She seemed to be really into it for this dance. She moved with a sensuality I hadn't seen before. She had every guy in the audience staring at her. The place was almost quiet. As she danced I caught movement by the back of the stage as Bobby had come out from behind the curtain to watch. My wife worked her way through her set. During her third song when she had removed her bottoms and bent over to expose her pussy I noticed that she was really wet and her pussy was open. Man that gave me a hard on. I couldn't wait to fuck her and being so drunk made it hard to stay in control. I wanted to jump on stag and fuck her brains out.

When her set was over she moved out the back off of the stage. I noticed Bobby move behind the curtain just before the song was over. The next two girls danced their set and a third was starting her first song when my wife and Bobby came through the curtain. She was wearing the same outfit she had worn there. I stood up and my wife moved from under Bobbies arms to my arms and I gave her a hug. She squeezed me back. Bobby stood back and watched. Then he held out his hand and I shook it. He thanked me for allowing my wife to dance. Then he looked at my wife and said if she ever needed a job she could come work in his club any time. She thanked him and he moved off to do his own thing. I told her she looked great during that last set. See looked at me and said she was ready to go.

When we were in the car heading back to the hotel my wife asked me to feel her pussy. When I put my hand down her pants she was soaked. In fact I could see her leg holes of her shorts were wet. I asked her what this was all about. She said matter-of-factly that Bobby had fucked her back stage. I wasn't real happy and I asked her what happened. She told me I would have to wait until we were back in the hotel room.

Once back in the room I wanted to hear what happened. My wife pulled off her shorts, she didn't have anything on underneath. She lay back on the bed and made a motion to join her. I laid down next to her and she cuddled up to me. I told her my patients were running thin. She must have heard my tone because she started talking. She told me that when we first arrived and Bobby took her to the back to show her around he was also complementing her on her body. He would say "damn you have nice tits" then reach up and squeeze them. Or he would tell her how fine here ass was and reach out and squeeze it. Then she said before the second set he had wrapped his arms around her and played with her tits and pussy. My wife said she was feeling gilt but that the whole situation had her so hot she couldn't help but enjoy what was happening to her. She also said she was just about to have an orgasm when she pulled herself away from Bobby.

She said when she came out for that second set she really needed to be satisfied and she was also feeling guilty about letting someone else beside me touch her like that. When she had finished the second set she tried to avoid Bobby and make it back out to see me. On her way out she was feeling scared about me and how I would react. When I didn't throw a fit she felt not only relief but freedom.

When she headed back for her third and last set she said Bobby met her back stage and started touching her stomach and talking to her quietly. He was telling her how beautiful she was and how sexy a woman she was and as he did this he ran his hands all over her body. One hand was caressing her stomach working its way up her torso and under her top, then over her tits and each nipple. The other hand was rubbing the small of her back. He moved it up her back under her top feeling her bare skin. Then he trailed that hand down her back and under her bottoms onto her bare ass. She said he was rubbing and squeezing her ass all over. Then he ran a finger from the top of her ass crack all the way down to her sphincter. At that time the hand working her tits trailed down the front of her body, down the hot skin of her stomach and into her bottoms and down to her hot pussy. She said Bobby stoked around her pussy while he ran a finger around her ass hole and when he slipped a finger into her steaming hot pussy, he also pushed a finger into her ass. All the time he was whispering flatteries into her ear. My wife said she started to have an orgasm when both finger entered her body. She said it was a different kind of orgasm, one that started out kind of rolling low and as Bobby worked the finger in her ass and added one then two more to her pussy the orgasm grew stronger and stronger. When Bobby lowered his mouth to her neck my wife said she had reached the peek of the O and came like she hadn't in a long time. She then heard someone call her name a yell that she was to be on the stage now. When she came out she said her legs were wobbly and she had to steady herself before she started dancing. Once she started she was feeling so hot and sexy that all those feeling came out through her movements. That is why she looked so sensual.

When that set was done she returned back stage and Bobby was waiting for her. My wife said that he grabbed her and took her to a small room where he pinned her against the wall and she was still naked from finishing the set. She said she heard him undoing his pants. Then she felt a big thick cock pressed length wise along the crack of her ass. Then my wife said that he lowered his cock and brought it right up against her pussy. Do to the fact that she was so turned on there was no resistance as he pushed his large cock up into her. My wife said that his cock felt huge. She said that it stretched her pussy more then she ever felt before. She said it almost hurt but she was so hot and wet that it slid in and out of her with out much pain. She also said that after he was fucking her for awhile that he pulled out and turned her around. Then he practically picked her up and laid her on her back on the ground. With her legs spread he mounted her driving that thick cock back into her pussy and all the way to the end of her tunnel. My wife admitted to helping Bobby at that time to fuck her. She said that he knew that she wanted him to fuck her at that point. She said that he was fucking her hard and she was having orgasms one after another because her pussy was being stretched so much. She knew that the other girls could hear her moaning and that they knew she was getting fucked by Bobby.

Bobby continued to fuck my wife there on the floor of that room. She said he would rotate from sucking on her tits to biting her neck to kissing her deeply. Of course my wife said she was kissing him back at that point. My wife said that she was lost in the orgasms and caught up in the situation. After a bit of this my wife said that Bobby had rolled her over and lifted her on to her hands and knees. Then he re-entered her and started pounding her from behind. At one point Bobby had inserted a finger into her ass and was working the finger in and out of her ass in time with his cock in her pussy. At this point in her story my wife got quiet and gave me a naughty shy look. She then asked me "do you know what happened next" and I said no. My wife told me at some point during this fucking from behind, Bobby pulled his cock out of her pussy and pushed it into her ass. Now I was surprised at this as we really haven't had much anal sex. My wife said it hurt a little but because she was so hot and the fact that he had worked her ass with his fingers, when he shoved his whole cock into her ass she was ready for such an invasion. My wife said that Bobby started to fuck her ass pretty hard. He was still talking to her telling her how nasty she was and how naughty she was for letting him fuck her while her husband was waiting out side. My wife said that kind of talk really turned her on.

About that time she felt Bobby pull out and stand up. My wife said she didn't know what was happening and she felt so empty at that time. Bobby had moved out of that room and my wife heard some loud talking down the hall. My wife then rolled over and sat up. She said she was starting to come out of the trance she was in and stood up and looked around for her clothes. Then she said the door opened back up and Bobby was back and he quickly dropped his pants and stepped out of them. She said this was the first time she really looked at his cock. My wife said that it was really thick and a little longer then mine. As she looked at it she kneeled down and took it in her mouth. She said it was like she wasn't in charge of her actions. She sucked him as good as she could. My wife said that Bobby was just eager to fuck her more. Bobby picked my wife up and laid her on a desk lifting her legs and stabbing his hard on into her pussy. My wife said that it hurt a little but it also sent her into another orgasm. She said Bobby fucked her like a man possessed. She said she was holding on to the edge of the desk to keep from flying off. My wife said she was again having one orgasm after another.

With her legs up next to Bobby's shoulders, Bobby reached down and picked her up off of the desk bending her in two. Then he let her legs slip down to his arms and he held her there as they kissed and Bobby bounced my wife up and down on his cock. My wife said it was in this position that Bobby finally came. She said his cock grew even thicker and stretched her pussy even more. My wife said that this was about all she could take. When she felt his cum shooting inside of her she came one last time. Bobby then lowered them both back to the ground and he continued to fuck his cock in and out of my wife's pussy. She said he was doing this slowly and he would kiss her and then kiss her tits and suck and nibble on her nipples. She said this made her quiver and she really enjoyed it.

When Bobby finally climbed off my wife he got up and went to get her clothes. My wife waited for him to return and when he did she got dressed and they headed out to meet me.

She said that was everything that had happened and then she looked to me to see how I felt. I told her that her story was pretty hot but I'm not to happy about her being fucked by someone else. I also told her that she put me in a bad position. I didn't want to be a kill joy but we didn't even know that guy and he probably fucks lots of women and she let him fuck her bare back and cum in her pussy. I then asked her what she thinks I should feel.

She started to cry and say I was mad at her. I told her I wasn't mad but we were going to have to take precautions until she can get check out by a doctor. She looked pretty bummed and I hated to rain on her parade but she didn't consult me on this situation. I was fine with her striping but having her fuck the guy who fucks all the stripers wasn't in my plans. I asked her to take a shower before she went to bed. I think this ticked her off but then what right does she have to be ticked off. She got hers and now I wasn't going to get mine until she gets check out, or I spring for some condoms so I can screw my own wife.

We got up the next day and my wife kind of sulked around and started to cop and attitude. I told her if she really wants to piss me off she is moving in the right direction. She told me she was sorry but she didn't know what to feel. She said she felt like I was judging her. I told her she was wrong for feeling that way, and I pointed out that I was still there with her. She lightened up a bit and put on some casual sexy clothes, the kind I like to see her wear. She had put on a bra under her top and I asked her if she would be more comfortable without it. She said yes but she wasn't sure about how I was feeling towards her. I had to tell her I still thought she was beautiful and that I love her and I didn't want to waist the rest of the trip fighting over something that has already happened. She said she understood and she wanted to enjoy the rest of the trip also.

When we went to check out, there were a couple of guys working the counter. They both looked twice at my wife then said they had seen the show last night. My wife blushed and I could tell she was embarrassed. These guys were going on and on about her and I had to keep them moving with our check out. My wife was eating it up. When we were done and we started to walk away I told my wife she should flash them for a little goodbye present. So she turned around called out to the guys and when she was sure she had their attention she lifted her shirt and shook her titties for them. They loved it. Then she blew them a kiss and we left.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Need spell check

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Do Idiots Like These Really Exist?!

What a load of crap this story was!The husband obviously had shit for brains and his wife was a disloyal cunt! - Since the dopey couple just had to tempt fate by having wife dance nude at a club with a hot dog as an owner,wasn’t one set enough for her to enjoy the experience?! And didn’t Dpody the husband see all the signs pointing to Perve,the owner,looking to plow his wife?! Dumb story!

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

War is so great about having your wife turn whore and fuck some random sleazeball? Some girly men are sick.

KariOcaKariOcaover 6 years ago
Five stars for a hot exhibitionist story and wife eroticism.

As per some of the comments, it seems some people don't get how erotic it is to have the person with which you share your intimacy being aroused, desired and having a strong sexual experience.

I found the story well built and although the exhibitionist parts could have been more explored, I got on the climate. The boss feeling her up could have been more explored as well.

Anyway, I gave it five stars. Congrats!

By the way, it seems the author and his wife are around my age. When my wife was around 23, she took part in a live sex show with a professional male partner on a swinger's club. It was quite a thrill for us both and we enjoyed remembering it many times while we had sex. I'll try to write about it.

bombadonkersbombadonkersover 7 years ago
so amazing

Feeling so horny I can just cum right now.

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