With Strings Attached Ch. 06


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"Holly shit," exclaimed Holly, her hand subconsciously dropping to cover her crotch. "What type of mind would come up with that?"

"A very horny and creative one," giggled Carmen. "Pleasure yourself or pound your husband."

"Or your girlfriend," added Nicole.

"I think that would be the perfect gag gift for your sister," stated Carmen reaching out for the box. "You get the bang of a strap-on but only the stigma of a dildo."

"I do not think my sister would like me getting her a strap-on," droned Holly. She was a little taken aback by the forwardness of the young girl, however the object she described intrigued her. The dildo looked more like a perverted policemen's nightstick with the long shaft and bulb sticking off of the side. However she could not shake the thought of how enjoyable to would be to watch her sister open the gift and find that item inside. After all of the bossing and criticism she had taken from her sister, this would be a nice way to get some friendly revenge.

Looking up, Holly's attention was bought back to the two young girls standing before her, particularly the red head. She had never met a submissive before and she had certainly never met a girl on a leash, especially one being led around by another girl. Her train of thought was totally derailed as she saw the young girl's nipple peek out of her open shirt. Trying to keep from gawking, Holly turned towards Carmen, who gave her a smirk and a knowing glance.

"Alright you convinced me," announced Holly as she started to turn towards the counter. "Thank you for your help.

Alice finally let out a sigh of relief as the two woman walked away.

"Damn, we almost had Holly," barked Nicole. "If she wasn't so nervous or with her friend we could have had her."

But Alice was just glad the humiliation of standing before the two of them was over and relived that she did not have to do anything with them.

"Come on puppet," ordered Nicole still mad from the lost opportunity. We have a few more things to get before we head to dinner.


Holding the important photo of herself posing in the black Hooters uniform with "From Alice to Vicky, 555-5555 XOXOXO" written across the bottom, Alice mindlessly followed the hostess as she watched her ass sway back and forth in the little white shorts that made up the bottom of her uniform. Not that she was interested in her in any way, but she was cute with a nice ass. Alice knew that Nicole would probably comment about it after they were seated and she did not want to agitate Nicole any more as she was still mad from the way the exchange with Carmen and Holly went at the adult store.

"Here is your booth ladies," gestured the hostess. "Vicky will be with you shortly."

Alice was relieved that at least the hostess gave them a corner booth instead of a table. Here in a deep booth staring at the wall she felt a little more hidden; a feeling she did not get often with Nicole. However the best part of all was that with Nicole sitting across from her she was out of range of Nicole's caresses. Now Alice felt somewhat safe as she watched the hostess walk back to her station.

"She really looks good in that uniform doesn't she puppet?" inquired Nicole as she notice Alice still had her eyes on the hostesses ass.

"Yes mistress, she is a very beautiful girl," replied Alice turning to face her 'lover'.

"Indeed she is puppet," stated Nicole now facing towards the hostess. "The next time we meet her you will just have to see if we can pique her interest. Perhaps we should bring another photo on our next visit."

"However today we are after another Hooter," continued Nicole turning towards Alice. "So when Vicky comes over, remember to make sure she sees how happy you are to see her again. Do you understand puppet?"

Alice's sense of relief quickly evaporated as she was reminded of the reason they were back. Their waitress Vicky after mistaking Alice's stares as interest, had started to openly flirt with her and, with the aid of Nicole's encouragement, believed that Alice desired her as well. By the time they were ready to leave Vicky was openly lusting after her and taking every opening Nicole gave her, to the point that Vicky give them a black hooters waitress uniform with the promise of getting the white and orange one if she could get Alice's phone number today.

"Yes mistress, we need the orange and white uniform," croaked Alice.

"I think the picture and your number will be enough for you to get the uniform puppet, but I want you to get Vicky as well," cooed Nicole. "The last time we were here you could not keep your eyes off of her. Not that I blame you, like you said she is very sexy and that uniform does such a good job putting her body on display. And from the way that Vicky acted I think she was very happy to be the object of your desires. Did you see the way she strutted around for you and how well she responded to your flirts?"

Alice could only hold her head down in shame as Nicole talked. She was very uncomfortable with the fact that she was openly staring at another girl and embarrassed that she was caught not once but twice by 'the object of her desires' and the fact that Vicky responded positively only made matters worse, it meant Vicky was interested in her and that Vicky thought the feeling was mutual. The fact that Nicole called her out on it and made her blurt out that she loved her just pushed her deeper into the hole that she was now trapped in.

"She wanted you, wanted you bad," continued Nicole. "And I have to admit I want to see the two of you going at it really bad. Twins one day and a Hooters waitress the next, just thinking about it makes me wet. So I want you to lay it on heavy and get her to flirt with you. Make sure she feels her actions are welcome and desired, let her know you are willing to take it a step farther. In fact I want you to let her know in no uncertain terms that you are interested in her and would like to get intimate."

Alice just looked at Nicole open mouthed. Her 'girlfriend' had just ordered her to flirt with another girl with the goal of making out with her. The mere thought of it sent a shudder down Alice's back. Yes she thought, Vicky was pretty, but she had no desire to be intimate with her and definitely not for the enjoyment of another girl. Alice wanted this whole nightmare to stop but she could not break off the relationship, not with Susan holding her parents future in the balance, and she did not have the ability to stop Nicole, her earlier missteps had set Nicole up as not only the dominant force in the relationship but the controlling one as well. It was bad enough that she not only had to kiss Nicole and perform oral sex with her but come this weekend loose her virginity to her as well. Considering how aroused Nicole was after seeing her with the three girls she could only imagine what Nicole would do if given the chance. If she continued down this path of having to engage other women there would no telling the level of depravity she would have to endure. But seeing how angry Nicole got when they were unsuccessful with Holly made her feel had no choice but to support Nicole in her quest.

"Don't look so surprised puppet," said Nicole in a mischievous tone. "I know how excited you got from kissing those girls yesterday. Your pussy was gushing when you flashed them! You enjoyed it just as much as I did. In fact you should consider yourself to be very fortunate. Not many girlfriends would allow their partner to experience other women and I'm not only allowing but also helping. All I ask is to be able to watch or hear about it in return."

The smirk on Nicole's face told Alice there was no point in arguing. Nicole wanted to see her with other women just as much as, if not more than, tying her up. Given all of the things she had done with Nicole and all of the 'lessons' she had to endure, doing them with another person did not really matter. Now she had to prepare for Vicky. Would she still be interested? Would she have to take the lead or would Vicky? How far would Vicky want to go and how far would Nicole push them to go? A fresh shiver ran through Alice at that question, as she knew the answer already. Nicole would push them as far as Vicky would allow.

Alice was brought out of her internal conflict when she noticed Nicole's gaze switch to something behind her and the smirk on Nicole's face changed into a smile. Alice knew what Nicole was looking at before she even turned her head and made eye contact with her target.

Like before, Alice was mesmerized by the sight of Vicky in her uniform and could focus on nothing else. Unlike the trademark orange and white uniform Vicky wore on their first visit, today she whore the black version, with the shorts a little tighter and a form fitting cropped tank top, exposing several inches of her midriff as well as an ample amount of her breasts. Alice could only think of it as a sexier version of the normal uniform she already possessed. Looking at Vicky's smiling face it was oblivious she just had her hair done and had paid special attention to her make-up. She looked more like she was ready for a Hooters photo shoot than a day at work. And, just like Saturday when Vicky caught her staring at her, she also had the walk: the sway of her hips the sultry strut of her legs, the perky bounce of her breasts beneath the tight confines of the tank top, she was dressed to impress, to seduce.

Alice kept eyes moving up and down Vicky's body as she took in the image Vicky presented, concentrating on her breasts. Alice was unsure if Vicky was going commando, like her, as her breasts looked firm but didn't show any evidence of a bra under the tight shirt.

Stopping at the bench Vicky turned to face Alice and placing her hand on her hip exclaimed "howdy ladies," with a slight giggle obviously in reference to Alice's cowgirl look. "What do you think of the new black uniforms?"

A slight kick from Nicole brought Alice out of her trance. "I think you look absolutely hot," proclaimed Nicole. "What do you think puppet?"

"It looks very good," squeaked Alice as she placed one arm along the top of the bench and twisted to face Vicky, not realizing that more of her legs became exposed. "You must be making some really good tips tonight," added Alice in a nervous attempt to make small talk with her target.

"Well that depends," Vicky replied switching to an erotic tone and moving her hand slowly across the top of her shorts. "Are you planning on giving me a really good 'tip'?"

Alice started to blush at Vicky's comment and as she looked into Vicky's eyes she noticed that they were traveling all over her body. Feeling self-conscious from Vicky's oblivious ogling Alice dropped her gaze to the empty seat beside her and realized her skirt had ridden up almost to her crotch. Taking the change in Alice's gaze as an invitation to sit Vicky quickly moved into the bench trapping Alice's right arm behind her back as Alice was lowering it to fix her skirt. Alice could only look up at a smiling Vicky now pinning her in the corner of the booth with her right arm trapped, Vicky's hip pressed tightly against her own. Trying to process the situation and thinking of a way to regain control her mind slipped back to her earlier question and realized that Vicky was indeed not wearing a bra.

"Is this for me?" inquired Vicky as she picked up the photo of Alice now lying before her. "I must say you do look very sexy as a Hooter girl," continued Vicky in a softer tone as her hand began to gently rub the top of Alice's thigh just below the hem of her raised skirt. The smile on her face turning into a lustily grin as her fingers moved up to rub the gusset of Alice's panties and discovering none. "You naughty girl," Vicky scolded playfully.

Alice gasped as her left hand shot down to push Vicky's hand back as she felt it move up and touch her pussy. Alice was overwhelmed by the situation and had mentally froze due to her shyness and anxiety about the situation. She now regretted not paying closer attention to what Vicky was doing as she let her mind wander and focus on the feeling she was getting from both Vicky's touch and the rubbing of her nylon covered thigh against her own. Now Vicky not only knew she was dressed sexily for their meeting but she was not wearing any underwear for their encounter.

For a moment Vicky had thought she had gone too far. Ever since their meeting several days before Vicky couldn't get the image of the sexy redhead of her mind. The whole situation excited her, she had always been an exhibitionist, one of the reasons she loved her job so much, and bi-sexual but lately leaning toward women after a recent run of bad boyfriends. Now she just wanted a casual relationship and to give girls a try once again. Alice fit her tastes nicely. The fact that Alice was in a relationship with a dominant girl only seemed to heighten her desire. The bazaar relationship between Alice and Nicole seemed to play right into her fetishes. Being the other woman in a relationship was a fantasy she had since her childhood crushes, where the object of her desires would secretly be with her as well as with their lover. Also Vicky liked the idea of being both dominant and submissive, something you cannot do in a traditional one-on-one relationship. She had often fanatacized about a threesome in which the man was directing the action and in control of her and the other woman. Here she had the potential of having all three: A female lover who was submissive and committed to a dominant partner who controlled access to her.

These daydreams had been evolving in Vicky's mind and had been consuming more and more of her time. She would relive and improve upon them, each time becoming more detailed and perverted. It had gotten to the point that she spent her mornings and nights in pleasure sessions attempting to satisfy the lust building inside of her but in the end just adding more fuel to her fantasies. It had gotten so bad that Vicky had to start wearing maxi pads just to keep her wetness from soaking through her cloths. Her imagination got her so worked up that she spent that entire morning and afternoon getting ready for their promised meeting, a trip to the beauty salon, new make-up and the sexiest uniform in her arsenal.

Now Vicky was scared she let these fantasy's get in the way of reality and wanted to make sure she did not cross a line. Thinking quickly Vicky decided she needed to please the gatekeeper, Nicole, and hoped that currying her favor would get her back with Alice. Vicky turned to face Nicole and placed her hands back on the table. "I'm sorry Nicole," Vicky said apolitically. "I think I may have crossed a line with your girlfriend and I hope you are not mad at me. It's just she is so irresistible."

Nicole looked at both Alice and Vicky and relished the fact that both looked nervous at displeasing her. She like pulling the strings and controlling the action and now it looked like Vicky was willing to follow her lead for access to Alice.

"I understand how you feel," stated Nicole with a smirk on her face, "like you said, she is very irresistible."

"However Alice is my girlfriend and while I do not mind seeing the two of you play around I do have some ground rules," added Nicole extending her hand to hold Vicky's.

"First off Alice is new to the whole intimacy scene so please be slow and gentle, at least for now. And no penetration; Alice here is still a virgin and has promised to give it to me this Friday so until then she is still an innocent girl," giggled Nicole reaching out her other hand and taking hold of Alice's

"Also I don't like having things happen behind my back so I want to know what and when you want to see her and what you expect to do. I want to make sure you do not interfere with any plans I have for puppet and your intentions are acceptable to me," added Nicole with a smirk.

Her embarrassment forced Alice to drop her head to look at the table before her, no longer registering the conversation going on about her. She not only felt trapped with Nicole and all of her personal kinks, but now Nicole was attempting to open a whole new level of eroticism, one where she would be performing with other women for Nicole's enjoyment. Alice did not want to think about this turn of events and her mind was soon lost and she just watched Nicole's red nailed fingers slowly caress Vicky's and her soft hands.

A slight kick from Nicole brought Alice out of her trance and her head shot back up to Nicole.

"So do we all understand, puppet," asked Nicole more as a command than a question.

Feeling Vicky's nylon covered thigh rub against her leg once again and her manicured hand return to caressing her thigh, Alice turned to an excited Vicky and nervously nodded.

Vicky smiled back and stole Alice's hand from Nicole's as she slowly leaned in for a kiss.

Alice felt out of control of the events unfolding around her and the fact that she tuned out the conversation between Vicky and Nicole meant she had no idea what was agreed to. Her mind was overwhelmed and simply closed her eyes to accept the slow and gentle kiss just as she was trained to do.

Alice could tell that Vicky was becoming highly aroused by their coupling; Vicky's tongue pushed for entrance and soft whimpers of pleasure escaped Vicky's mouth. Alice opened her mouth to accept Vicky's tongue and changed kissing styles to accommodate Vicky as she felt her own arousal level increasing from their make-out session and Vicky's fingers now slowly rubbing her clitoris.

Alice let out a muffled shriek as Vicky pinched her clitoris and broke off the kiss. Blushing Alice turned from Vicky's bliss filled eyes to a smiling Nicole.

Nicole could not believe how erotic the scene before her was and was happy she had the sense to video the activities of Alice and Vicky both above and below the table on her cell phone. The video and the photo's of Vicky and Alice looking into each others eyes where going to be some of the hottest Nicole had ever shot and she wanted more.

"I'm glad to see that the two of you learned how to play together. Hopefully Alice can earn that black uniform and we can setup a few play dates. But for now we will have our usual and the orange and white uniform," said Nicole as she pushed the photo over to Vicky.

"Two coke's, two orders of hamburgers and fries and one orange and white uniform coming right up," chirped Vicky as she sprang out of the bench. "And I hope to see more of you real soon," added Vicky while looking Alice up and down one last time.

Alice slowly caught her breath as Vicky strutted away.

"Very good puppet," congratulated Nicole. "You have her wrapped around your little finger so tight she will almost do anything for you. Almost."

"Thank you mistress," squeaked Alice as she slowly regained her senses. "She is quite frisky."

"Yes she is, but we need to make sure she is fully under our control."

"Fully under our control?" asked Alice nervously

"Yes fully," stated Nicole with a sly smile forming on her lips. "So take off your clothes."

Alice just sat there starring at Nicole. She wanted her to take her cloths off in a restaurant! A Hooters restaurant! So she could continue to seduce a waitress for the pleasure of her girlfriend.

Looking at Alice's face Nicole knew that Alice was scared about obeying her latest command. However she wanted Alice to overcome her hesitation about exhibitionism. After all, if she wanted Alice comfortable taking nude photos and movies as well as walking naked or nearly naked in front of woman she didn't know, she had to help Alice get over her reluctance. Being in a secluded back corner was perfect and the fact that she got to see Alice naked with Vicky only made the scenario better.

"Didn't you say you loved showing off that first night I met you," hissed Nicole.