Working Class


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Andy hadn't said anything to me about Holly asking him to keep mum, but that was typical of him.

"The bra scam was not the only reason he felt obliged to tell me about! The real thing that disturbed him more than anything was the incident at closing time, when you let Bastard Barnes touch you up and kiss you?"

She thought for a minute, clearly trying to recall the incident and then her face went red and I knew she was aware of what I was referring to. "Oh, that was nothing! Things like that happen from time to time, it goes with the territory as they say. I admit that Bullet took things way too far that night and I made him aware that it was not to happen again!"

Holly looked at me and could see that I was unconvinced, so she said almost playfully, "Look Charlie, a barmaid has to flirt with her customers, if she wants to get decent tips and have a deaf ear to some of the suggestions she hears. That particular night, the team was celebrating, they had beaten last year's champions and they were all buzzing. They had been tipping me well, plus they had not reacted badly about the trick I had pulled on them, so naturally, a few of them tried to cop a feel when the opportunity presented itself. Andy must have told you how I reacted when they refused, at first to hand me back my bra. Another thing I need to tell you about, doubtless Andy already has, I left work early that night, Bullet took me to see the Mini. It was parked on the forecourt and we drove over to see if it was what I wanted. I could only look at it from the outside as the keys were locked in the Showroom. It looks great, but I told Bullet that I wasn't sure. He said he would reserve it for me, but I have to let him know by Monday night, if I want it. I think it's a bargain, can we go and take another look at it tomorrow?"

"I'm not going anywhere near Mr fucking Barnes, I would probably end up in the clink for assault after what you've just told me. No, I won't go there, but I will get Andy to go with you to give it the once over. If he thinks it's a good buy, then go ahead and make the deal."

Holly jumped up and was all over me, her excitement was bubbling over and one thing led to another and we were soon at it on the living room floor. It was one of our better sessions and when we were both lying sated, she said softly. "All that doesn't matter anymore in any case, I have told Manny that I won't be working any more Thursdays from now on! Three nights in a row are just too much and it isn't fair to you or the kids."

A feeling of relief swept through me, I was going to insist that she stopped working Thursday's myself, but she had saved me from having to make that demand. It was time to collect the kids, so I got dressed and collected them, stopping at Andy's to make the arrangements about seeing the Mini. He was more than happy to escort Holly. He said by way of a wind up, "You know it does my ego a lot of good to be seen out with someone as classy as Holly. It'll make my ex girlfriend jealous when she hears about it!"

"You should be so lucky as to get a gorgeous woman like Holly to even take a second look at you!"

"I have my moments." He said dryly and I didn't doubt it.

He asked about what Holly had said about Thursday night and I told him the gist of it. He agreed that her explanation was plausible and once again, disaster had been averted by her quick thinking, but I was now fully on guard. The next day, he collected Holly and they went to check out the Mini. They came back with the news that she was now the owner and that she could pick it up as soon as we had paid the balance owed. Andy, took me aside and said quietly, "That's a right bargain she's got there. That car is worth at least twice what she paid for it. Bullet must be taking a huge loss on it!"

As he was leaving, Holly gave him a hug and kissed him quickly on the lips. If he was embarrassed about it he covered it well with a joke. "If that's how you thank me, can't wait for the next car." She turned and went back to making dinner and he said to me. "Mind you, there's one thing about her new car, it's certainly distinctive!" Seeing the questioning look on my face, he said, "Remember the Michael Caine movie, the Italian job? Well her new car could have been one of the ones used in the film. It's Post Office red with a Union Jack painted on the roof."

That night in bed, Holly and I made love. It was a nice slow fuck with both of us taking our time to ensure that the other was fully aroused before culminating in a nice orgasm each. Holly cuddled close and said, "Now that I am no longer working Thursday's do you mind if I start going to the Bingo again?" I was relaxed and in that post sex aura, nothing she could have asked would have been refused, I simply said, "OK."

After that, life returned to normal, or what passes for normal in our house. Our love making had steadied out at three or four times a week, but if the frequency was less than I really desired, it was more than countered by the passion extracted when we did couple. Holly's Bingo nights resumed and she even had a win one week. Not a fortune, but welcome none the less.

I suppose that we would have continued in this fashion if I hadn't bumped into Kate, one of Holly's Bingo friends who just let it slip that 'she was sorry Holly couldn't make it to the Bingo last week'! Shit in a bucket was my first thought, for Holly had went out as usual last Wednesday, returning at her normal time of ten fifteen. I remember so distinctly because I was in the mood for a ride and had to settle for a kiss and cuddle as Holly said was too tired for any sexual gymnastics that night, but she would be 'better' tomorrow night and she was!

The following Wednesday, I arranged for Mary to come over just after seven to baby sit her niece and nephew. When I asked her, she took one look at my face and said. "It's Holly, isn't it?" When I just nodded, the tears running down my cheeks, she hugged me and said, "Stupid cow, the fucking stupid cow." I think she must have inherited the second sight gene from our mother. She warned me that I had to stand tall and don't let whatever I found out or saw tonight to compel me to violence, "The last thing you're kids need is you behind bars!"

We had arranged that she would come over just after Holly's normal departure time of seven. I would leave the back door unlocked for her. I waited until I heard Holly's Mini start before jumping into my van and followed her discreetly allowing a couple of cars to get between us when we reached the main round into town. I followed her to the town centre and watched as she parked next to Bullet Cars forecourt. Andy was right, her car was easy to spot, the roof decoration made it very distinctive. I watched as he greeted her with a long kiss at the showroom door and walked her to the back where his office was situated. The place was lit up like a Christmas tree until shortly after they had disappeared, then the showroom lights were extinguished. The forecourt lighting was still on and I could see light coming from his office.

The Showroom door was still open when I tried it, the cocky bastard was too idle to even ensure their privacy. I crept up to the door, not that they would have heard me if I had been wearing tacked boots. Holly was naked already lying on her back on the coffee table next to his desk. She had her legs wide open and Bullet was approaching her with his big cock erect and swaying in front of her face, "Suck it!" he commanded. She refused and he slapped her right tit causing her to scream in pain. "I told you once, you slut, you do as I say or the pictures will be sent to Gimpy or maybe we should call him Cucky from now on. Now suck!"

I had an almost perfect viewing position and watched them as she sucked him to a climax. While she was busy sucking his cock, he was playing with her engorged nipples, tweaking them and pinching then viciously. She was writhing in pain from this abuse, but his other hand was firmly behind her head forcing his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth until finally, she almost passed out from lack of air. He released her head and she gagged and was sick into the waste bin beside the table. When she had finished, he simply presented his cock to her lips and she opened to receive him once more. He climaxed and pulled out to spray her face and tits with his semen. It clung to her face and when she tried to use her hand to wipe herself, he ordered her to leave it where it was. He was still erect and moved between her legs and entered her with a single thrust. She must have been well lubricated as she just grunted and moved her arse to accommodate him and aid his intrusion into her sopping pussy. He fucked her for several minutes and I watched in disgust as she had a massive orgasm. He ordered her onto her feet and over to his desk. He placed her so she was facing the desk and told her to bend over. She readily complied and he once again entered her, this time from behind. Holly was getting into it now as Bullet teased her with his big cock. He was slowly fucking her and withdrawing until he was almost out of her. I watched as her pussy lips would cling to his knob end and she started screaming at him to fuck her hard. He complied, all the time asking her if he was a better fuck than Gimpy and other stuff of a similar nature. I strived to shut it all out and was about to leave when he shuddered and shot his load up her cunt.

He ordered to clean herself up and get dressed, which she did. Before she left, she said. "I think Gimpy suspects something, he normally cross questions me after work about every minute I'm late, where I've been and who with and so on, but he has stopped doing it and it concerns me that he may be planning something. I can't be late home Friday or Saturday this week. In any case I want to stop this affair now before things get out of hand. You've had your fun with me these past two weeks, can't you just leave me alone to try and get my marriage back on track. I love my kids and don't want to see them hurt! If only I hadn't allowed you to take those bloody pictures."

He looked as if he had been struck and reached over and caught her breast in his big mitt and squeezed. Judging from the squeal she emitted, it must have been really hurting her. Pulling her up close, he hissed loud enough for me to hear, "Listen you cunt, you're mine to fuck and you will fuck whenever and whoever I tell you to. I'm not ready to stop screwing you and I have planned an expansion to our party for next Wednesday, so you fucking well better turn up on time. You are going to entertain me and some of my associates, then maybe, just maybe, I'll let you alone for a while."

She dropped to her knees and clung to him with her arms around his thighs and I watched as she implored him not to give her to his friends like some cheap whore. He laughed and said, "You slut, you know that once you get into it, you'll take on anything with a cock and you will perform next week, just like the slut you are!"

After that she let go of him and sat there on her knees crying. He pulled her to her feet and said, "Get yourself off home, you have twenty minutes left before he will start to get suspicious. When you get there, I want you to get Gimpy into bed and insist that he go down on you. You are not to clean yourself any more than you just have! I want him to experience some of what I have deposited in you're hot cunt. Do you understand?"

She nodded and dried her eyes with a tissue from her bag. He kissed her again and her arms as if without any conscious effort on her part, went behind his neck to pull him closer.

I left them there embracing and returned home and to await her return. Mary was waiting with Andy for me. This was a surprise but from the flushed looks on both their faces, I could tell they had been doing more than just talking. I briefly confirmed that she was fucking Bullet and that she intended to do so again next Wednesday. They both urged me to wait until after next Wednesday before confronting her. Andy said, "I know you, Gimpy, you want to go over there and punch his lights out, but you have two young children to consider and a home with a mortgage that needs to be maintained. The last thing you can afford is to wind up in the clink over that bastard!"

Knowing what he said made sense was one thing, but inside I was seething, he was right and I wanted revenge on him, on her? They both kept asking me to promise that I would do nothing to indicate that I was aware of her infidelity. I promised, but I wondered if I had the ability to sit back with the knowledge I now possessed and say nothing.

Chapter 5 -- Confrontation

Holly arrived home from her evening at the 'Bingo' and was all smiles. She came over and kissed me and I played along when she wanted to go to bed. She stripped off and the sight of her luscious body, a body that I had seen being abused less than an hour before, made my cock throb in anticipation. I wondered how sick I must be to get turned on at the sight of my wife's abused body. Even now, I can't explain it. Maybe I just wanted to prove that I could give her as many if not more orgasm's than Bullet Barnes or maybe I just wanted to assert my male pride, but whatever the reason, I had a throbbing erection and I was determined to make her beg for mercy.

She pushed me onto my back and straddled my head, slowly lowering pussy until it was just out of reach of my searching tongue. She allowed herself to tease me like that for a few minutes before her lust must have gotten the upper hand and she lowered herself fully onto my mouth. I sucked and nibbled her to a couple of orgasms, revelling in her soppy pussy. I tried hard but could not detect any of Bullet's seed. It must have been well mixed with the juices streaming from her cunt. After her second orgasm from my tongue, I was too impatient to wait any longer and I pushed her off me and onto her hands and knees. Without any further foreplay, I rammed my cock up her cheating cunt as hard I as I could. She let out a howl and told me to go a bit easier, I guess her cunt must have been tender from the abuse it received earlier on the cock of her lover, Barnes. I was not having any of that and hammered on until I came. I did not wait for her orgasm, but she convulsed into her own just after mine.

As we recovered, she said, "What was that all about? You are usually a tender and gentle lover, but tonight you were like an animal. What got into you?"

I was never to be more tempted than I was at that moment to scream at her that I knew all about her and her lover, but I controlled my temper and replied trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice, "I was just feeling particularly randy tonight and you were out at the Bingo, so when you came on to me for some sex, I lost control and let it all hang out."

She smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, that's the best loving we had for ages.

I kissed her lips, lips that were wrapped around her lover's cock earlier that night and said, "Holly, I love you so very much and I live to keep you happy. It's late and I have work tomorrow. See you in the morning."

Andy and I met up the next day after work and over a pint we talked about what had transpired at the showroom. He said, "Next Wednesday night Mr Barnes is going to get a little visit from some of your friends. You need to get your self a cast iron alibi. I suggest you visit the Queen's Head and stay there between eight and ten fifteen. Make sure you're noticed and try to act as if you haven't a care in the world."

He didn't need to say any more, personally, I wanted to be the one to do Barnes, but I was touched that he was prepared take issue with him on my behalf. I told him about the photographs he had used initially to get Holly involved with him. It didn't excuse her in any way, she could have come to me, but didn't. Instead she went back to him and from what I could see, she was more than willing to do whatever it took to please him! Andy and I settled on a plan that would point the finger in my direction, so my alibi was imperative to my continued freedom.

The days until the next Wednesday dragged by, Holly took herself off to work as usual and I made no mention of the fact that she was late coming in both nights. I did notice, however that she was wearing a corset thing and asked where she had acquired it? I knew full well that Barnes had given it to her and listened more out curiosity to see how she would answer when she explained, "It's not a corset, it's called a Basque and I bought it mail order from my catalogue. I thought It would help spice up our sex life!"

There was nothing I could say to refute that. She did look very sexy wearing it and even more so when she started to slowly strip off her skirt and nylons, not tights! I asked, "When did you start wearing stockings to work?"

"Tights don't work with a Basque, any way it comes with suspenders ready made for stockings. When I decided to wear the Basque tonight, I just had to complete the image with the full set. I was going to keep it for just us, but it was so pretty and wearing it made feel so sexy, that I couldn't resist teasing the punters with the odd flash of my stockings."

She looked at me standing there in just my shorts and my prick making a huge tent and smiled, "It seems to have the same effect on you. Come here and let me take care of that." I did and she did!

At last, Wednesday arrived and I could hardly do any work that day, my mind was on what was to take place that night. Mary came over to baby sit and I left for my rendezvous at The Queen's Head. I made sure to circulate and talk to just about everyone I knew that was in there, it helped take my mind off what was happening elsewhere. Around nine thirty, Andy came into the pub and catching my eye, smiled and nodded. We found a corner table and he told me all about it.

"We got there just in time to see Holly park up and go into the showroom. Just like you said, he didn't lock the door and we were about to follow them, when another car arrived and two more men went into the showroom. We gave them ten minutes and crept in, we had balaclava's on back to front and had cut eye holes so we could see. We had checked each other to ensure that we couldn't be identified and holding a length of scaffold pole we walked up to the office door. All three men were naked and Holly had just completed what looked like a striptease for them. Their erections were sticking out and she moved to take Bullet in her mouth when we crashed through the door. They were so surprised that all we had to do was threaten them with the poles and they meekly allowed themselves to be restrained. By this time their cocks had shrivelled. I pulled Holly up off Bullet's prick and he tried to be a hero, so I thumped him on his arm just hard enough to discourage him, I think I broke his arm from the sound of his screams."

Andy paused to refresh himself with a gulp of beer and continued, "He thought we were there to rob him and told us where the safe was, so to maintain this fiction for a minute or two longer, we emptied his safe. I told him he was a scumbag and it was time for him to find out that blackmailing another man's wife into fucking him could be painful. We sat him at his desk; Jimmy grabbed his leg and placed on the desk top and Tommy held it tight. Jimmy pulled his chair away from the desk and I hefted the pole ready to bring it down onto his leg. He screamed that he would give us anything we wanted, but not to hurt him. If you could have seen him beg, Gimpy, it was magic to see the fear in his eyes. He even offered us Holly! He said we could take her and fuck her anyway we liked, she was just a slut and would not object in any way. He told her to help him, but to her credit she didn't move. I brought the pole down, straight onto his kneecap. Bullet screamed as his knee simply exploded. Jimmy held his hand on the desk, Bullet was screaming and writhing in pain and I smashed his hand with pole. He passed out at that and fell to the floor, so I stomped on his balls a couple of times for good measure. We needed to hurry now as his screams may have been heard, so as we had also found the pictures of Holly in the safe, we were ready to go and as planned, I left one picture and Holly's clothes and bag at the scene for the police to find. I took Holly home still naked beneath the donkey jacket I gave her. She didn't utter a word the whole way home, too shocked by the violence to even ask how I knew where she lived. Mary took her inside and I came straight here."