WrestleMom Ch. 02


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After the meeting, things started rolling pretty fast. Because it was Vince McMahon's pet project, my mom's angle was being fast-tracked: it had the full attention of all WWE's creative departments. Mom was immediately taken off television and told she would be sent to sunny Tampa, Florida, where she would film The Hot Mom vignettes. She was to be off television and any live events for five whole weeks, so they could reintroduce her after they had screened all the vignettes. To keep her busy, my mom was to stay in Tampa and help train the rookie wrestlers in WWE's developmental league: Florida Championship Wrestling.

I was pretty anxious to see the finished vignettes, I mean, they were my own ideas. Seeing my mom play out my fantasies was something I really, really wanted to see.


I was in Newark, New Jersey. It was about two weeks after my mom had been sent to Tampa. As I was doing my ring crew duties, I got a text message from one of Vince's Assistants:

"Come to the screening room. Mr. McMahon wants to see you."

I wandered around the arena and found the door which had "Screening Room" written on it. I opened the door and entered inside. The large room was really dark; the only light came from the projector screen. There were rows of chairs ahead of me, with about ten-or-so WWE writers sitting with notepads in their hands. Then, out of nowhere, a voice said, "How ya doing?"

I got a real big scare, looked to my left and saw Vince standing there.

One of the writers turned around and said in a whiny voice, "Hey writers only, no ring guys."

"Shadup!" said Vince, "Don't you dare talk down to him! He's about as valued as all of you!"

"S-sorry Sir."

"Tsk." Vince grabbed my shoulder, grinned and whispered, "Sit in the back, best view."

"Thanks, Sir."

I sat in the back row, all alone with many seats to myself. A long-haired, puffy-jacket wearing, slightly pale man walked in front of the projector. He began speaking.

"Hello everyone, I'm the producer. These are the Tina Torrile vignettes we filmed in Tampa, we're about to show you them all, they're each about thirty seconds to a minute long, the title of the vignette will flash across the screen before it starts, so umm yeah, enjoy."

The projector stared flickering. My heart was racing, my chest was tight, I had the old cliché of butterflies floating around in my stomach: I was excited beyond words. The videos started.

9:00am: It's morning, the weather is sunny, the location is a busy school entrance. There are many cars and school busses parked around the area. There were dozens of school kids running around, going towards the school. An SUV then drives on screen, the camera zooms in on it, four kids come out of the car, they wave bye to the driver. The car window rolls down and you see that the driver is my mom. She's wearing a pink tank-top, her hair in a bun. She looked into the camera, smiled and began speaking:

"The school-run: something all us moms have gotten used to. I can tell you, waking up early ain't fun, but when it's your turn to drop the kids off, you gotta be responsible...I'm sure they'll be having fun in school, knowing them, they'll be getting into some naughty behaviour. Come to think of it, us moms can be pretty naughty too, am I right? It's not like I'm just gonna sit around, doing nothing. Me? I'll be having my own fun."

My mom winks at the camera, then drives away. The camera pans out; a logo appears right before it ends. It is written in bubble writing. It read: "Tina Torrile -- Dream Mom."

12:00pm: This vignette started with an ultra-tight close-up of my mom's toned ass. She was wearing very sexy, snug-fitting, pink sweatpants that accentuated her perfectly round ass. The camera zoomed out, showed that she was bending over, her hands on the floor and her ass high in the air, wearing the pink tank-top seen in the previous vignette. The camera zoomed out further to show that she was in a yoga studio, with many other women doing the same exercise. She poked her head from between her legs and said:

"You know, as a mother, I can stay fit just by running after my kids, though that doesn't cover all the core areas. I do think it's important to stay in shape, stay active and be in good condition," she bent down further, her legs spread further apart, "And being a mom, it pays to be flexible." She winked to the camera and smiled. Her logo appeared again, this time with a new tagline: "Tina Torrile -- Great in Any Position."

4:00pm: The setting is a kitchen. My mom is standing with her front side to the camera, behind an oven, wearing a "kiss the cook" blue apron, along with red oven mittens, her bare feet and bare legs visible. She had some cream on her cheek, her hair still in a bun. She looked at the camera while giving a sexy grin.

"Oh hello. This is me cooking, something all us moms do, am I right? As all us mothers know, with children, things can get hectic, so as a mother, you always got to be prepared, ready, doing whatever needs to be done at any time."

She was interrupted by the sound of kids entering the house. She sighed and said with a flustered look on her face, "And as a mother, you sometimes have to do two things at once, like laundry and cooking. Excuse me." Mom turned around, bent over and gave the viewers a fantastic surprise: behind the apron, she was wearing snug-fitting, super-sexy red lace panties, which showed a very nice, detailed outline of her ass. She then turned around and left the room, the camera lingering on the oven.

"Tina Torrile -- Simply Delicious Mothering"

8:00pm: It was early-evening, the sun was setting. There was a wide-angle view of a sandy beach with the ocean in the distance. My mom came running from the left, her hair all loose, wearing just a frilly gold and black two-piece bikini. Her toned, athletic body looked tanned and amazingly sexy. She looked at the camera and gave her familiar smile.

"Ah! I just love the feeling of sand on my feet.... As a mother, I always like to give myself some 'me' time, which involves me getting in my bikini and running on this beach. As you can tell by the results, this activity works real well. I can tell you; this figure has got my kids out of a whole lot of trouble. You could say staying fit is my hobby."

A man then ran past her and gave her a wolf-whistle.

"Well, it helps when you look good doing it," she said while blushing. My mom then continued running. Before fading to black, my mom was shown conversing with the man that whistled at her.

"Tina Torrile -- Sexy As a Mom Could Be"

"Okay!" shouted the producer man. "Fifth and final vid' about to come up, do remember this one will not be shown on TV, we may put this on the website."

11:30pm: My mom was in a swanky bathroom, looking at the mirror, combing her luscious hair. She was wearing a sliver robe which had a plunging neckline, partially revealing her breasts. She looked into the mirror and spoke in a more seductive, whispery tone.

"When the kids are asleep and all is quiet, I like to listen to that silence, because it never lasts. Right now, this may be my favourite time of the day, because right now, this mother gets to be a woman...Sometimes, kids need to be reminded that their mothers are also women, women with needs."

She started walking down the hallway, to the adjunct bedroom, the camera following her from the side as she walked. In the distance, there was a clear shadowy outline of a man, laid out on the bed, waiting for her. She stopped at the kids' room, pointed to the door and grinned.

"They had their fun. Now: my fun. Don't worry: I won't be too loud."

They cut to a shot in the hallway, my mother's back to the camera. She let the robe slip off her body, and for a brief moment, there was a blurry look at her entire naked backside. She then walked towards the bedroom as the vignette faded to black, her name appearing on screen one last time: "Tina Torrile -- You Wish She Was Your Mother".

Wow: that was my reaction. Seeing my own mother in those vignettes was so amazingly hot. Seeing her play the role of mother in such a sexualised way was a deep, dark fantasy of mine come true.

Vince stood up with a wide grin on his face. "That was fantastic, beautiful, I loved it!"

The writers mumbled around and agreed with Vince, all of them trying to find the 'right' opinion.

"It was very...unique," said one writer.

"Of course it was! Now make sure those get on SmackDown, replay them on SuperStars too, now get, get! I dare any of you to come up with an idea as good as what you just saw! I dare you!"

The writers scurried out the room. Vince saw me and gave me a slight nod. After the show was over I went to my hotel room and, umm, thought about the vignettes many, many times. When I got home that week, I got a big surprise -- my paycheck had several more zeros added to it. I was very well compensated for coming up with all those ideas.

Over the following weeks, I looked to the internet for reactions to my mom's sexy new persona.

"Did you see that ASS? OMG! MILF all the way. When she bended down, I want to strip her pants off, stick my cock in that tight ass... so sexy."

"I wanna fuck her so bad when I saw her in that bikini. That bitch wants it too."

"CUMMED TEN TIMES. Wishing she was my mom, cooking ME dinner like that!!! I swear to god I saw her ass in that last one. I want to be her son too!"

"This reminds me of when my mom and dad would fuck so loud I would hear from my room! Good times!"

After all the vignettes had aired, it was time for my mom to start wrestling again. I was sent to the SmackDown ring crew so I could witness, firsthand, my mom's transformation from female wrestler to superstar MILF.


It was time for my mom's first match under her new character. She was on the SmackDown show, but her match was not scheduled to be on television. She was working what is known as a 'dark match', a match that is used to test out new wrestlers and characters and also done to check if the cameras are working. Vince McMahon himself was seated near a monitor; eagerly awaiting my mother's match. Standing around him was a gaggle of writers. I was there too, in the shadows, waiting to see her in action.

The fans were seated in the arena. Already in the ring was Beth Phoenix; a 5'6, muscular blond woman who wore a black leotard and pants combo along with a shinny tiara. My mom's new entrance music started playing: it was a rip-off version of the Desperate Housewives theme. I inched myself closer to the monitor to get a good look at her as she came down the ring. Her hair was in a ponytail, she was wearing a light pink tank-top-like sports bra, her toned stomach exposed, along with snug-fitting pink sweatpants and jogging shoes. The sweatpants had 'HOT' written on the left side and 'MOM' on the right side.

She got in the ring, the bell rang and her match began. Vince was watching the match intently; he stayed silent during the whole six minutes of its duration. My mom won the match with a schoolgirl rollup. As she was celebrating her victory, Vince waggled his finger.

"Those pants, they need to go. They're covering her legs and that ass. She needs...short tiny shorts... with 'Hot Mom' written on each cheek."

His yes-men writers nodded and agreed. "Yes Sir Mr. McMahan. Great idea. Good thinking Sir. Fantastic Idea."

"Ahem," I raised my voice as I creped out the shadows. I had something to say. "Sorry to interrupt Sir, but if you do that, you would cover her ass, you know, if she had decals on them, you won't get that good a look at it. Why not put her in a long jacket with the words 'Hot Mom' on it? No! A robe would be better. That way you get a good pop when she takes it off in the ring, an-and a proper view of her...ass...in shorts."

Vince and his writers stayed silent for a moment as they looked at me with blank expressions. Then, Vince scowled, looked at his writers and shouted: "Gawd dammit! He has more of a feel for this business than all you put together! Where are your ideas!? Huh!? Get out of my sight! All of you!" he stood up and waved his arms, shooing away his writers.

After the writers were gone, Vince approached me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said in a hushed tone, "You got a good feel for this business," his voice took a more deeper tone when he said, "But a really good feel -- for perversion!" he gave me a real hard slap on the back, then walked off.

Right after Vince had left, I saw my mom walking through the curtain. I pushed down my black hat and jogged over to her.

"Hey Tina."

She looked at me with a surprised expression, "Oh hey Hun. Did you just call me Tina?"

"My cover," I whispered.

"Oh right gotcha. Now I'm playing a mom on TV, it be even worse if people found out who you are, huh?"

"Yeah. Good match out there."

"Thanks Hun, oh I never asked: what do you think of my new gimmick? I didn't want to do it at first, but when they told me it was Vince McMahon's own personal idea, well I had to take it, didn't I?"

As she continued to talk, my eyes wandered down to her glistening chest and sexy torso.

"I mean, Vince's own creation, that's a major honour. Undertaker was Vince's idea, so was Mankind, remember that? Oh and The Million Dollar Man -- umm, Hun? Hun...my face is up here."

"Wha -- I'm s-sorry," it's always embarrassing getting caught perving, but getting caught perving by your own mother? I was really embarrassed, my cheeks were bright red. I looked down at the floor, ashamed.

"Hun, I better, umm, go change, yeah."

"Yeah, sure, see you later."

"Bye," she walked right past me, towards the locker rooms. I got a quick look at her backside as she walked off. Those pants really did make her ass look banging -- only problem was she probably knew I thought that.

Expect for a few text messages, me and Mom didn't talk at all for a while after this incident. The official reason being our busy schedules, but the real reason was the fact that she felt so awkward being around me. I'd avoid her, I'm sure she was trying to avoid me too. It was for the best, I was cool with keeping my distance.


The following week, it was time for my mom's official TV comeback. She came down the ring, this time with the robe I suggested. It was blue and had a nice shiny cloth fabric, with the words 'HOT MOM' written on the back. She entered the ring, with her back to the camera, and got a huge cheer when she took the robe off. Her new shorts were made from the same fabric that her sweatpants were made from -- and they were incredibly tiny shorts, giving the appreciative crowd a fair bit of camel-toe. She wrestled Beth Phoenix again and beat her with the same finish: a roll-up.

She wrestled two more matches over the following weeks (wins over Kelly Kelly and Tiffany) to get her ready for her big feud with Women's Champion Michelle McCool. After her win over Tiffany, my mom was shown backstage, bumping into Michelle McCool and her sidekick Layla, the two of them collectively known as Lay-Cool. They played the roles of two self-obsessed valley girls.

"Oh look Layla, it's the 'Hot Mom'," Michelle said sarcastically. Michelle McCool was a tall, slim, tanned, long-haired blonde woman who was wearing tight jeans and a long white tank-top with her WWE Women's title belt draped over her shoulder.

"Eww, what is she, like, fifty? Don't you have a bingo game to go to?" remarked Layla in her British accent. Layla El was a tasty, mocha skinned, 5'3, Moroccan beauty with a dynamite figure, medium-length dark brown hair, well-rounded breasts and a delicious derrière. She was wearing a long black shirt and tight blue jeans.

"I think she needs a --" Layla looked at Michelle as they both said in annoying unison: "Makeover!"

"I don't think that will work," said Layla.

"Yeah, I'm sure her uterus is all dried up. Why you even wrestling? You think at your ancient age you can get this?" Michelle flashed her Women's title, "Dream on honey, this business is only for women like me and Layla, women who are simply --" again they said in unison: "Flawless!"

My mom smirked, unfazed by their comments. "I see what's going on here. You think you girls and your cute little routine intimidate me? The fact you two have to come to me proves you're scared, scared I'll take that away from you," the crowd cheered as my mom pointed at Michelle's belt. "And you two may label me as 'old', but that's not what your boyfriends said: they value the experience I got." The crowd cheered louder as my mom smirked again at the two ladies. She then strode away confidently. The camera was left on Lay-Cool, both glaring angrily at my mother.

This led to a match the next week where my mother beat Michelle's sidekick Layla rather quickly and decisively. By virtue of her victory, my mom was given a Women's Championship match with Michelle McCool on Pay-Per-View. On the following week's show, my mom was given interview time to hype her match.

Josh Matthews, a brown-haired, short, suit wearing man, was handling the interview.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time: Tina Torrile."

The camera panned down to my smiling mother, her hair professionally styled, wearing a denim jacket with a white shirt and black jeans.

"Tina, what are your thoughts going into your big Women's Championship match?"

"Well, Josh, Lay-Cool has bullied other women into feeling fat or old or whatever, they have broken other women with their insults, but not me. I'm above all that, you know why? Because I'm a mother -- that alone makes me tough. Josh, I'm going to do something their mothers should've done and that's whip those two girls' backsides as hard as I can!" The crowd cheered at the possibility of girl-on-girl spanking. "Michelle: At Night of Champions, I will become the first Hot Momma Women's Champion!"

The following Sunday was the match. My mom came down the ring first. She got a surprisingly loud reaction when she went into the ring and took her robe off. Michelle then came down the ring with her sidekick Layla, both wearing matching hoodies. Their names were written on the back of these hoods; they did a little choreographed dance at the entranceway then took them off. Michelle wore a shiny blue bikini-type top, along with matching short-shorts, blue kneepads and black boots; she also had several Christian crosses adorned all over her outfit. Layla wore tight jeans, black boots and a sexy form-fitting grey tank-top which had "Simply Flawless" written on the front.

When she entered the ring, McCool handed the belt to the referee. Mom and Michelle had an intense staredown before the bell, they got so close together that their boobs pressed against each others' -- which is always good. The bell rang, the match began. After a quick flurry of moves by Mom and Michelle, Michelle got her on the ground, then used a chin-lock to slow Mom down. While she was on the ground, my mom willed the audience along by shaking her arms. She eventually rose to her feet after she'd broken Michelle's chin-lock.

"Tee-Nah! Tee-Nah! Tee-Nah! Tee-Nah! Tee-Nah!" The crowd was chanting for my mom. I was pretty surprised how into the match the crowd was. After Mom rose to her feet, she and Michelle had some more exchanges. Turning the tide, my mom laid some quick jabs on Michelle's face, but Michelle was quickly able to turn the advantage by booting my mom in the gut. McCool hit my mom with a DDT, went for a cover, but my mom kicked out. McCool then picked her up, whipped her into the corner, taunted the crowd and went for a running kick. My mom manoeuvred away from Michelle's boot, sidestepped the kick, grabbed Michelle and went for a quick-roll up, but the champ was able to kick out.

My mom started to slap her hands together, willing the crowd to do the same. As the crowd clapped along, my mom kicked Michelle in the gut, dragged her to the centre of the ring, put her in a front headlock, grabbed her shorts, lifted her up, then slammed Michelle's head down to the ground: this move is known as the brainbuster and it is not commonly used in the WWE, especially by female wrestlers. The crowd gasped at the high-impact move, my mom pinned McCool, the referee counted the cover, but before he got to three, Layla grabbed Michelle's foot and put it on the ropes, thus negating the pinfall.