You Couldn't Handle Me Ch. 05


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The next morning, I made it a point to hit the exercise room. I liked to work out in the morning. It helped wake me up and get my day going right. Mom was in the shower and Carmen and Dad were in the living room, sipping coffee. Dad had warmed to Carmen quickly, but Mom was still very frosty. I could hear Dad and Carmen laughing as they watched some morning show. I don't think Carmen found my dad especially funny, but she knew enough to suck up to him and get on his good side. She was a good girlfriend.

I focused on what I was doing, curling the weights, keeping my breathing steady. The only thing I had on was a loose pair of basketball shorts. I kept my focus as I smoothly lifted the weight and I worked at a pretty good pace until I was startled from my routine.

"Good to see you in here." Mom said from behind me. I set down the weight and turned around to face her.

She was leaning up against the doorframe. Even dressed casually, in a snug black top and slim jeans, she looked great. Even though I had moved on, I could never escape the fact that Mom was fucking gorgeous. As I met her gaze, she continued.

"I was afraid you had gotten a bit soft at school, but clearly, that is not the case." she said, stepping towards me, reaching out to pinch some of the skin on my arm, testing my body fat. We heard Carmen laughing in the background, and now, being in private with Mom, I had to speak up.

"So, what's been up your butt since I got home?" I asked. She shook her head slightly.

"What?" she asked.

"Well, ever since you met Carmen, you have been super bitchy." I explained.

"I have not been 'super bitchy' to Carmen." she replied. I just raised my eyebrow in response to this. She looked at me and sighed. "Okay, maybe I've been a little bitchy. I don't know, I guess I just got a bad vibe from her."

"Why? She's been nothing but nice. Way nicer than she usually is, actually." I said.

"I know, it's just... maybe I'm just being overprotective." Mom postulated.

"Mom, you need to be nice... give her a chance. I really like her." I said. I then lowered my voice. "Mom, you told me I had to move on. I told you I was moving on. This is me moving on."

Mom appraised me for a second. I saw the wheels turning in her head, until finally, she relented.

"I'll give her a shot." Mom agreed, her expression unclear. Part of me was hoping her agreement to be nice to Carmen was based on warmth and affection for me and my new maturity. But her expression and inflection seemed more like she was playing along with me. I realized that, despite me wanting this game to be over and Mom claiming that she didn't want to play, I would have to keep my eye on her. Her expression softened into one more motherly and she spoke up.

"So... how are you liking school?" she asked.

"It's been really good." I said. "I've never been happier." Mom smiled warmly.

"That's good. I'm glad." Mom said, squeezing my shoulder lightly. "You keeping out of trouble?"

"Yeah, of course. Carmen is... keeping me honest." I said. Mom smiled lightly.

"She sounds great." Mom said, and I couldn't tell if her expression was pained or genuine. I wasn't sure if being complimentary towards Carmen was a struggle for her, if she truly distrusted and disliked her as much as she said she did. "So... I'm doing some shopping today. Maybe I'll take Carmen along, scope her out, make sure she is good enough for my son."

"Okay, that should be cool." I began. "I've got to go out anyway, find something for her, so this might work out." Mom nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." she said with a nod.


I walked downtown, eyeing the windows of the stores, searching for something Carmen would like. Carmen was kinda tough to buy for. Her general sarcasm and snarkiness made it hard to tell what kind of stuff she would genuinely like to have. She didn't have a lot of genuine hobbies or interests, so I was racking my brain trying to come up with something. And it was as I was doing this that I had heard my name called.

"Tom!" I heard. I looked over, and there stood Casey, with a big smile on her face. She sauntered over, her large breasts jiggling under her orange top. "You should have told me you were in town." She stepped into me and gave me a hug, pressing her large breasts into my chest. I heard a purr from deep in her throat as she pressed herself into me. I pulled back from her and looked into her smiling face.

"Uh, sorry, Ms. Graham." I stammered. "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm great, Tom. Work's going well. No other star students like yourself, unfortunately." she replied.

"Well, I am one in a million." I replied smoothly.

"So..." she began, letting the silence hang between us. "What are you up to? Are you... free... for a while?" she asked, her intentions clear. She stepped forward and let her hand run lazily against my stomach.

"Um..." I began, grabbing Ms. Graham's wrist lightly and pulling it away. "Casey, uh, here's the thing, I, uh, I kinda have a girlfriend now." Her smiled dipped slightly at this.

"Really?" she said, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"Uh, yeah. We haven't been together too long, but it's kinda starting to feel pretty serious." I said. "I'm actually looking for a gift for her right now." I studied her for a few moments, wondering how she would react. She smiled warmly and pushed out her lower lip in a slight pout.

"I knew you'd get snatched up fast." she said. "And I also know I should have made a few more trips up to school when I had the chance." I laughed lightly at this, as did she. "So, you're serious about her?" she asked.

"Yeah. Definitely." I replied.

"You're treating her right?" she asked.

"Of course." I replied. Ms. Graham took a look at me, an almost proud look.

"Look at you. Tom McGee is starting to grow up." she said. I smiled lightly and nodded. "Well, I can't say I'm not a bit disappointed, but... if this thing is serious, it's not my place to get in the way."

"Thank you." I said. Then, she stepped forward again, moving close to me.

"But, if this dick..." she said, firmly placing her palm against my jean-covered dick. "Ever becomes available again, I expect to be the first to know." I smiled.

"You got it." I replied. She stepped back, and glanced at the window next to us.

"You want my advice?" she asked.

"Uh, okay." I said, unsure of what she was referring to.

"Girls like having guys spend money on them, but what they like even more is having a gift with a story to tell. Something that you can look at and remember the feelings that are tied to it. You want to wow her? Then, go for something like that, something that she will look at and always think of you." she said.

"Good advice." I said genuinely. "Thanks."

"And if that fails, buy her some sexy underwear. It'd be a gift for you both." she added. I laughed, as did she. We said our farewells, and I watched her shake her butt at me as she left. I looked around the street, until a storefront caught my eyes. Inspiration hit me.

I knew what I had to do.


"So, did Mom warm up to you?" I asked Carmen. Her and Mom had come back from shopping soon after I had, and once I got her alone in my room, I was able to question her.

"I think so." Carmen said. "I mean, things were still kinda frosty, and I got the third degree from her on a few things. I don't think she likes the fact that I'm your RA. But we hung out most of the day, we went clothes shopping, talked girl stuff, and I think she's warmed up to me more than before."

"Cool." I said. "I was hoping so."

"I mean, we have way different tastes on things. Your Mom's a bit more into girly crap than I am, but, we got along okay."

"Awesome." I said, pulling her in for a kiss.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"Oh, it was pretty great. A definite success." I said.

"Cool." she said, kissing me. We pulled back and begin organizing some stuff in my room. I was about to step out of my room to head downstairs when Carmen stopped me.

"Oh." she began. "I know I told you I would drop it, but uh, when we were shopping and changing and stuff, and dude, I saw your Mom naked." I was suddenly hit with burning jealousy, knowing my girlfriend, who had known my mom for, like, a day, had gotten farther with my mom than I had. I tried to suppress these thoughts, having moved on from Mom, but it wasn't easy.

"Carmen..." I began. "I don't want to talk about this."

"Dude, I know, but... holy shit!" Carmen remarked.

"Ha ha." I called out sarcastically, stepping out of my room. In my detoxing from my crush on Mom, I always tried to snuff out thoughts of her as soon as they began. But sometimes, those thoughts burned brighter than normal, and the thought of Mom showing off her naked body to my girlfriend had my dick uncomfortably erect.

I found Mom in the kitchen, putting some stuff away. Dad was watching TV, so me and her were alone.

"So... what'd you think of Carmen?" I asked her. She turned to face me.

"Oh, um..." Mom began. "She was great. You know, I had my doubts, but I can see what you see in her."

"Good." I said. "I'm glad." I said, relief filling me. The Mom I had dealt with over the last year would have gotten super competitive and kept being bitchy, but maybe Mom was moving on as I was. I was afraid her showing her body to Carmen was some maneuver on her part, but maybe it wasn't. "I was afraid this was, you know, gonna keep going." Mom looked at me, her eyes studying me, before she spoke up.

"No. If she's good enough for you, that's fine with me." Mom said with a light, but warm smile.

"Great." I said.

Things were looking up. Mom had seemed to have finally moved on. Carmen was happy. I was happy. Things were finally getting back to normal.


Both me and Dad were up early the next morning, before the two women. Knowing we had some time, we decided to head outside and do something we hadn't done in a long time: toss the football around.

"Son, I must say, you've done well." he said, tossing the ball at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, tossing a perfect spiral back at him.

"Carmen." he said simply.

"Oh." I said.

"She's a great girl, Tom." he said, throwing the ball back at me. "I can see why you like her. If I was your age, I could see myself liking someone like her."

"Okay." I said, catching the pass. "Cool your jets, Dad." I replied. He smiled.

"What I'm saying is, she's a catch. She's good for you. Don't blow it." he explained.

"I don't plan to." I said, passing the ball back. He nodded then caught the ball.

"Bring it in." he said, and I began sauntering over to him. He held out his hand and I took it, as we shook hands. "I might joke around a bit, but I am really proud of you, Tom. You're becoming a good young man."

"Oh. Thanks Dad." I said. Dad was never really the emotional type, so this type of thing was new for us. I noticed Dad glance at the house, looking for life.

"I'm gonna tell you something, and... you can't tell your mother I told you this." he began.

"Okay." I said, curious as to where this was going. "What's up?" He sighed then spoke up.

"I just want to tell you that... your mother really doesn't like Carmen." he said.

"What? I just talked to her yesterday and she was fine with her." I said.

"Well, I talked to her last night, and I had to listen to your mom list off all her problems with Carmen for like an hour." Dad said.

"Like what?" I said.

"I won't get into it. You don't need to hear the specifics, and I don't agree with her. But, I think it's, like, maybe her being your mom and being overprotective. Or, maybe's it's just sort of cattiness. I don't know for sure. And plus, you know how your mother gets when she makes up her mind. No one can change it." Dad said.

"Tell me about it." I mumbled.

"So, I know you like Carmen. And I can tell Carmen's crazy about you. So, don't let your mom get in the way of that." Dad said.

"Oh, trust me. I won't." I said.

"Well, I just wanted to warn you." Dad began. "I'd better get inside, get coffee going."

"Yeah, I'll be in in a minute." I replied. Playing with the football in my hands, I began to think.

What was Mom playing at? Why did she lie to me about Carmen? Carmen had been nothing but nice and charming, and Mom still disliked her. This went beyond a normal situation of a mom not approving of his son's girl. With our history, I knew Mom had reasons beyond that.

Was Mom still playing her games? Was she evaluating Carmen, and what she found made her act shady again? Mom hadn't been overly flirty to me or anything, it seemed like she had made an effort to move on, but she was being utterly two-faced in regards to Carmen. I didn't know what she was playing at, but Dad was right. I had to keep an eye on Mom, make sure her games didn't ruin things for me. I could only hope Mom wouldn't unleash her nasty side again.


It became clear very quickly that the teasing, twisted Mom I had gotten to know was beginning to re-emerge. While she wasn't being nearly as blatant as she had been before, due to there being two other people around, my trained eye saw every move she made.

Suddenly, her tops had a couple more buttons unbuttoned, and she was not afraid to parade around her juicy cleavage, and the delights within. She did nothing directly. It wasn't like she was shoving them in my face or anything like that. No, she was just reaffirming that her massive breasts were still there, perky as ever, aching to be squeezed in the way they deserved to.

Mom wasn't necessarily even directing any of this at me. Sure, in such proximity, I got caught in the crossfire, but I would almost say she was doing this more towards Carmen. Carmen was doing her best to stay on Mom's good side, so she would help out with the cooking, or go shopping, and stuff like that. I would watch them at work in the kitchen. I would notice Mom eyeing Carmen when she wasn't looking, appraising her, appraising her looks... her body. When Carmen bent over to reach into a low shelf, I noticed Mom eyeing Carmen's waist as the hem of her jeans lowered, and I'm sure she caught site of Carmen's thong, hidden tastefully under the hem of her pants. I then saw Mom step out, then return a few minutes later. And when she did, and I saw her reach up to grab something, the hem of her shirt lifted up her back, revealing her exposed g-string, now lifted over the hem of her jeans.

When Mom and her would talk, Mom would face her, forcing me to look at them standing next to each other, forcing a comparison upon me. In the distance between them, Mom's massive breasts closed the gap far more than Carmen's large pair. Mom's ass jutted out more noticeably than Carmen's did as well. Mom's long, firm legs were highlighted by her tight jeans, while Carmen dressed a bit more casually, in comfortable lounge pants. Mom dressed to highlight her assets at every opportunity. Carmen didn't bother playing that game. She had nothing to prove to me.

And even though Mom wasn't directly addressing me, she was sending me a message: she had my girlfriend beat in every category, and she wanted me to know that. Carmen was no slouch in every category either, but Mom had her beat. Mom had more stylish hair, a more gorgeous, model-like face, much bigger breasts, a rounder, juicier ass, longer legs, and a more blatant, obvious sex appeal. And, depending on your tastes, her older age and higher level of experience added to her appeal. Mom's body was a work of art. She was sculpted out of the most immaculate flesh imaginable, carved with the finest features possible. And only until the last year or so, I would have said that the only thing she was better at than being a mother was fucking. Even though I had never experienced that side of her, I knew it would be true. Mom had it all. If some artist wanted to design the ideal woman, she would no doubt look a hell of a lot like my mother.

But she wasn't Carmen.

The old me wanted Mom. To the old me, Mom had everything I wanted. Tits. Ass. The old me was only concerned with the lusts of the flesh. But the new me, the evolved me, wanted Carmen. Sure, I still enjoyed boobs and butts, but I needed more. Mom had shown herself to be cold, calculating, and slightly sadistic in her unending sexual teasing of me. Carmen, she gave me everything I wanted. She was a spitfire, with a filthy mouth and a mind to match. Her sarcasm and her wit made me laugh, and her body and her mind made me shiver. Yeah, Mom had Carmen beat in a few physical aspects, but Carmen more than made up for it in many other ways. And besides, Carmen was no slouch physically. Her body was more than what I needed and the fact that she didn't have to show it off so much, that she saved it for certain, special people, made it better. Her body being a secret only I was privy to made me know she truly did genuinely like me.

So, let Mom play her games. I could see what she was offering, appreciate it, but not need it anymore. I was over it. Her sadistic teasing had put an end to the filthy lust I had for her. I knew now that attraction I had was messed up. She was my MOM! Guys don't want to fuck their own moms. They shouldn't. It was so wrong. Guys should look outward. There were a lot of fish in the sea. I shouldn't set my sights at home. Not to sound too egotistical, but a guy like me had a pretty good pick of the litter. I should be able to land any girl I wanted, and not be aiming at my own mother, the woman who birthed me and raised me. Who walked me to school and took me shopping. Who taught me how to ride a bike. Who took me on family trips, and to the doctor. Who cheered from the stands during T-ball, and baked me cakes on my birthday. She kissed my wounds when I was younger! Once I grew up, all I could think about was her putting those plump lips to a much more adult use to ease my pain.

She shouldn't be the woman I want sucking my dick. I should remember her for all the good things, and not immediately think of nasty thoughts. I should remember her riding her bike next to me on the bike trail, and not imagining her riding my cock like an animal. I should appreciate all the times I came home after a rough day at school, only for her to give me her tight, squishy hugs. I shouldn't be thinking about how savagely I would fuck her juicy tits. I should remember all the home cooked meals she made for me, not the fact that I want to bend her over the kitchen table and drive my cock into her juicy ass. In my younger days, she would get on her knees and put a band-aid on my skinned knee. Now, as a full grown young man, all I could do was imagine her on her knees, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of my cum as it burst from my pulsing dick. I remember going to her bedroom during thunderstorms when I was very young, looking for refuge from the booming thunder. Now, at the thought of her in bed, all I could do was imagine her naked, her lying on her side, the thin bed sheet barely covering her lower half, her massive boobs stacked on top of each other, that teasing smile on her face as she curled her finger at me, urging me to join her on the bed. I literally had to shake these thoughts out of my head. She was my mother! It was so messed up. Despite everything that had happened between us, I shouldn't let those good motherly memories fade away, replaced with thoughts of her with a sexual tone. I had to grow up and move on. No son should imagine what his mother is like in the bedroom, but I was a different animal, apparently. And in my defense, most moms weren't like mine. It's not like I could share this struggle with anyone. This lust for her was so indecent, people would never even hear me out.

But I had been made stronger. Despite Mom's efforts to bring me down, I emerged stronger. My will had become iron. Despite her twisted games, I was a better man now. And that man had found true happiness, complete peace, in another girl. In a more healthy, appropriate relationship. Despite Mom's efforts, I had emerged on the other side, at complete peace.