You're the One for Me Ch. 02


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Austin's chuckles grew into full belly laughs. Caden's mate was so cute when she was flustered. He was going to have such fun with her as his sister-in-law. "Yes, you are."

Elise couldn't believe that there were two of them, though Caden was definitely her favorite. She remembered that Caden had mentioned a brother after hitting her in the head with the lube, but she hadn't realized that they were identical. She vaguely remembered someone at the table that Caden had been at, but his head had been down on the table and his shoulders shaking with laughter.

Caden watched as his brother harassed his woman. "Are you giving Elise a hard time, brother?"

Austin tried to stop laughing, but as soon as he looked at Caden, his laughter erupted once again. Elise turned around and tried to stifle her laughter as well, but couldn't for very long.

Caden frowned. "What? You picked this out, Austin. What's so damned funny about it?"

Austin couldn't form words through his laugher and tears started to fall when Caden turned to stomp back to the changing rooms. When Caden returned, he was wearing his own clothes and was extremely put out.

"Caden, I'm sorry, it's just that costume..."

Caden held up a hand. "Don't say anything else to me."

Elise gave him a smile. "I'm sorry too. It was rude of me to laugh at you like that."

The hard look in Caden's eyes softened. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It's all Austin's fault and believe me, he'll be hearing about it later."

Austin had the decency to look slightly contrite. "Sorry, brother. I thought it would look good on you."

Caden fixed his brother with a glare. "Well, that's the last time I let you help me choose a costume."

"I could help you find a costume, Caden. I do work here, you know," Elise offered.

Caden smiled at her and offered her his arm. "I would love that. What kind of costume do you think I would look good in?"

"What about me?" Austin asked.

"Well, if I look good in it, so should you, Austin. We're identical."

"I'm not wearing the same thing as you. Plus, I look better in most things. I have the body of a Greek god."

Caden frowned, but as he felt the small hand of his lady slip into the crook of his elbow, he couldn't keep it up. He gazed down into the pools of deep gray and felt his wolf settle down for the first time in weeks. He was surprised that his wolf wasn't pleading his case on why they should mount Elise right there in front of the mirrors. Apparently, he was content to wait until the time was right.

"We'll see who looks better on Halloween, won't we?" Elise said as she moved closer to Caden, her breast just barely brushing against his arm.

Caden swallowed hard and willed his penis down. "How will you know? Will I see you on Halloween?"

Elise shrugged. "Depends on how good you are while I put you through your paces, costume wise. No whining or complaining. Trust me."

"Implicitly and always, Elise."

Caden was gifted with a wide smile that had his wolf ready to sit up and beg. He would do just about anything to get another one of those smiles.

Austin watched as they walked off together and shook his head at the pair. They were made for each other. He saw his reflection in the mirror and realized that he was back to square one. He needed a costume that could help him bury his treasure alright, right into the backside of his own mate.


Austin changed back into his clothes and browsed the rows upon rows of costumes. If there were a place to find a costume, this would be it. The walls were covered with a multitude of costumes and there wasn't a place that didn't have some kind of accessory that complimented the colorful clothing.

He was looking at a cowboy costume, wondering if his mate would appreciate it when he wore nothing else but those chaps and maybe the vest, when his wolf let him know that his mate was near. He turned and watched as his mate strolled further into the costume shop, obviously familiar with his surroundings.

His blond hair hung slightly into his face that day, causing him to run his fingers through it. His green eyes swept over the store before he closed his eyes and lifted his nose into the air, like he was scenting it. That action piqued Austin's curiosity. Perhaps there was more to his mate then he had previously believed.

Benjamin Harding took in the familiar scents of the costume shop. He could smell his best friend Elise and her boss, Francine, but mixed in with those scents and that of the many patrons that had searched the shop for the perfect costume, there was another. One that made his cock hard and his cat purr. Apparently someone was here that his cat wanted to get to know better.

He strolled toward the scent of his friend, noticing how it seemed to be intertwined with another, more masculine, scent. He even caught a bit of arousal mixed in there. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going, as he knew the pathways through the store like the back of his hand. He was more concerned with who was with Elise. If he had been paying attention, he would have noticed the muscular man darting out in front of him.

Austin timed it just right. Caden may have bumped his mate on accident, but it was a good way to get her to notice him. He hoped that it would work as well for him. He threw himself in the path of his mate, just as he walked out of the opening at the end of the aisle. He thought about catching himself and his mate before they hit the ground, but the realization that he would be able to feel his mate sprawled on top of him dissuaded him of that notion. They fell hard and it knocked the wind out of him briefly.

As he sucked in a breath, Austin slowly opened his eyes and looked into the handsome face of his mate. His face was slightly rounder than he had thought, but he was no less amazing. His eyes were a deep shade of green that was mixed with various hues of brown and at the moment they were investigating every inch of his face. He was less bulky than Austin had initially thought he was, but Austin felt the power and strength contained in the body that lay upon him. He also felt his cock trying to burst through his pants to meet the equally hard cock of his intended.

Ben's eyes swept over the face that belonged to the scent that his cat seemed to crave. His eyes were the most striking of his features, but even with his eyes closed, he was stunning. He couldn't help but get hard and it seemed as if the man beneath him was just as excited.

"Hi," Austin murmured.


"I'm Austin...and you are?"


"Benjamin. I like it. It rolls off the tongue so well," Austin said as he smiled up at the blond.

Ben felt the urgings of his cat and decided that he wouldn't be satisfied until he had tasted Austin and what better way than to sample his flavor while he had him subdued beneath him. He let his lips trail lightly over the features of Austin's face, scenting him deeply as he went, until they rested sweetly upon his lips. Austin's lips pursed, welcoming the contact and asking for more. Their kiss quickly evolved from sweet and chaste to passionate and hungry, their lips coming together repeatedly in between gasps for breath. Ben ground his dick against Austin's prominent bulge, wishing they were naked so he could satisfy his desire to have Austin's cock exploring his insides.

Austin could barely believe it. His mate was not only a Were, he was also a little sex kitten. The constant purrs only confirmed his assessment. Austin had been accused of being forward, but his mate, well, apparently he was not afraid to make the first move and give in to his animal.

Austin rumbled his approval and felt his mate purr in response. It was almost his undoing. He could feel his wolf fighting him for dominance, now that they knew that his mate wouldn't fear his other form. He battled him back down, reminding him that they were on the floor in a costume shop and it was no time to shift. They would claim their mate soon, just not right then.

Ben pulled back and gazed into the violet hued eyes that he was quickly falling in love with. He watched as Austin's mouth opened and closed in between gasps for breath. He looked as if he wanted to say something.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" he teased softly.

"What are you?" Austin breathed.

"A Were-cougar...catamount....puma...mountain lion. Take your pick. My kind has many names."

Austin's grin was downright predatory as he looked up at his mate. "Sweet kitty cat, you're going to get more than my tongue. I'm going to make you scream."

The fire in Ben's eyes matched the heat Austin felt coming from his own groin as Ben continued rubbing his jean-clad dick against his crotch. Ben swooped in for another kiss and mewled softly when Austin fisted his hands in his hair, crushing their lips together. They lost track of time and place until a cleared throat and stifled chuckles broke into the world they had created.

Austin groaned and turned his head toward the origin of the sounds, knowing full well that his brother and Elise were standing there. Ben buried his face in the crook of Austin's neck, his coloring closer to a tomato than a mountain cat.

"Well, Caden, I guess I don't have to bother introducing those two. They've met on their own and I can see they are doing pretty fine."

Caden smirked at his brother. "Austin, I know I teased you about jumping the poor boy, but I didn't think you'd actually go through with it. Don't you have any restraint? Although, I suppose you must have some since neither of you are buck-naked or in the middle of penetrating the other. Thank God for small miracles."

Austin growled, but was startled out of a reply by Ben nuzzling into his neck and lapping at his throat. "I'm sorry."

Austin caught the whispered apology, but, before he could respond to it, Ben was up and running. He darted down the aisle and out the door so fast, Austin barely had a chance to register his actions, let alone contemplate running after him.

Austin turned to Caden and Elise, who both looked as shocked as he. "What just happened?"

Elise shook her head. "I don't know. I've never seen Ben act like that before. He is a little people shy though and he's wary of getting involved with others. But, it seems that he has no problem getting involved with you."

Austin felt his face redden.

"Austin, are you...blushing?" Caden couldn't resist poking a little more fun.

"Shut the fuck up, Caden."

"I was just asking. I mean, you just got through humping some guy on the floor and you didn't seem to be embarrassed about that. To think you were going at it in the middle of a public place. Father would be appalled."

Austin jumped up and stood mere inches from his brother, wrestling to keep himself in check. "Care to repeat that?"

Caden's eyes drifted to Elise, who looked apprehensive, and chose to deescalate the situation. He bit his lip and fought the urge to punch his brother right in his pretty boy face, never mind the fact that he shared that particular feature. He took a breath, closed his eyes, and then exhaled. He wouldn't cause a scene in front of Elise. "No, brother, I would not. But why don't I tell you the plan Elise and I were concocting to help get you two together instead."

The anger immediately drained from Austin's features and the discomfort of having a large, erect cock wedged uncomfortably in tight blue jeans took up residence on his face in its place. He took a step back and adjusted himself. "A plan?"

"Well, that was before you two got down and dirty on the floor," Elise chimed in.

"You guys were plotting to get us together?" he asked, feeling slightly ashamed of his behavior, but only because Elise was there, regarding him with the caution that one would show to a crazy, gun-toting psychopath.

"Well, I may have to rethink my stance on this whole situation. You've got some serious growing up to do first, Austin," Elise stated, her slim fingers resting on her hips. "To think, first you were about to have sex with my best friend on the floor of this shop and then you were going to get into a fist fight with your brother. You're going to have to learn to control yourself."

Austin grinned sheepishly. "You've got me there, Elise. I'm sorry. I was a little out of control there for a minute."

"I know you're sorry. But, what I need to know is what you're going to do about it. Why don't you go home, take a cold shower, and come back tomorrow with your brother. We can talk about the plan then."

Austin just nodded, he wanted to say something to her about that cold shower, but he was unwilling to acknowledge the hard-on that continued to rage in his pants. It was good that he liked to hunt because his little kitty cat was a runner. He was going to be a challenge to catch, especially with his speed, but it would make their mating that much sweeter. Austin could barely contain his desire to find and fuck his mate and soon he wouldn't have to hold back.

"Well, then. I suppose we should get going, brother," Austin sated, grabbing Caden by the arm and shoving him towards the door. If he didn't get to be with his mate, then neither did Caden.

"See you tomorrow, Elise," Caden called over his shoulder.

"Bye, Caden. And remember to bring that stuff when you come tomorrow."

Austin and Caden made their way out of the shop and into the parking lot. Caden was thrilled by the prospect of getting closer to his mate while Austin was feeling frisky. His wolf was dying to play chase with his mate. They hopped into their shared Ford Expedition and drove off toward their apartment.

"What are you supposed to bring tomorrow?" Austin asked.

"Lube. For you and your mate in case of a repeat performance."

Austin hit Caden in the shoulder. "Shut it."

"I told you to carry the lube with you and I was right. You have no control over your wolf."

"You're wrong. I have plenty of control. He wanted to shift in the shop and I convinced him not to. Besides, it wasn't me who pounced. Well, not technically. I knocked him over but Benjamin initiated the kisses."

"Really? He's even worse than you?"

"My little kitty cat was raring to go. It's too bad you two had to come and scare him off. We could have had such fun."

"Kitty cat?"

"You didn't notice the purring? Ben is a were-cougar."

Caden raised an eyebrow. "I didn't. I was pretty distracted by Elise. You think Elise knows?"

"I don't know. Maybe. And if she does, that's great for you."

"It could be great and my wolf would love her forever for it, but I still need to find a way to get close to her. I don't think I can handle much more of this frustration."

"You and me both, brother. You and me both."

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silverstar88silverstar88about 9 years ago

Omg, this chapter had me cracking up at the very beginning! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

drews_lette11drews_lette11over 11 years ago

Caden knows his brother too well. Had the lube all ready to go. As for Elise comment about next time Caden owing her lunch, I say caden should hit her in the forehead with a vibrator. lol

Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago

Laughed my ass off at these two twins. Hysterical!

BoundlifeBoundlifeabout 13 years ago

The poor pookies, love is so complicated :)

gem28gem28about 15 years ago
i love shifters

yummy,alpha men and the mates they adore.double yum.

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