
Darklit (name withheld for security reasons) was born on a sunny June day in 1975 at a healthy nine pounds, 21 inches without any distinguishing characteristics such as a club foot or a cleft palate. His doctor, a robust blonde with a D-cup, smacked him on the ass and he was hooked for life (they dated years later, but it didn't last.) Young Darklit, after spending twelve years in the Roman Catholic school system, came to embrace "sin" as a way of life, promptly stating to Sister Inez Crackenmeal, headmistress of the Our Mother Of The Ruptured Colon School For Troubled Boys, "Dude, you're wrong, masturbation is da BOMB!" (They dated years later, but it didn't work out.)Today, Darklit is a deeply troubled, highly unbalanced individual, who turns to writing dirty stories as a healthy expression of his sexuality. He lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife and five children, Bonnie, Bunny, Bertie, Billie, and Superfly.**The preceding was a fabrication. Everything you know is wrong. Live hard, love hard, die young._____Howdy, kids!Greetings from Darkland, where the sun is nonexistent and you can be beaten savagely for walking on another man's lawn. The neighbors upstairs are puking down onto the balcony and the dude next door got arrested for beating up his baby's momma. And Saturday mornings, the kids in 102 like to go outside and beat on garbage with a big metal stick. If you're writing in to ask me about "Golden Eyes" as some of you already have, here's a little background:Last year around Halloween, my ol' buddy writing under the name D Fiant on this site, submitted a story called "Otherworld." I was fascinated by this story, and hoped he would have the second part done this Halloween, as he promised! Unfortunately, the lazy bastard came up empty handed... okay, just kidding, truth be told, he's completely re-writing that story and extending it into novel form, hopefully for publication sometime next year.Until then, he's granted me permission to bang out a series of "short" stories based in what he has gleefully termed, "The Otherworld World" (Sing it over and over with a goofy melody and you, too, can annoy your friends.)"Golden Eyes" is my first offering in this series, and hopefully will help bring some of the mystery behind the Otherworld to light. Your comments, good, bad, and just outright nasty, are entirely welcome. My ears, my eyes, and my drawers are open to anything.Love and kisses,DarklitPS - You may be asking yourself, as I've already asked myself, "How CAN that bastard end a story that way?" Well, for one, I'm a twisted son of a bitch. And two, no one said the story is over...


I'll never tell...

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