
sorry I haven't been around lately, to say that I had writer's block would be an understatement, quite frankly I feel like I had life block. But no matter, for it has been lifted, and I am pleased to say that I feeling like myself again, which means that Holden and Vera can go back to being themselves, and can continue their story. I have two other stories in the works as well, both of which are quite different than UT. UT pt2 will be out first though, hopefully before the end of June. For all of you who have emailed me wondering when it will be out, make sure to check back in a few weeks, and I will try to email everyone back when I submit it to let them know to look for it. Thanks for all the kind words.

So I wasn't lying with my last post I swear... Unfortunately, fate delivered a cruel glitch in my plans.

Once Upon a Time on a dark and stormy night, I was walking out to my car with my hands full, holding my laptop. And then in my valiant struggles to deal with everything I was holding, I set my laptop on the spoiler of my car. Upon throwing everything else that I was holding into the backseat of my vehicle, I recieved a phone call. Now, being a damsel in distress with no knight in shining armor to remind her about her precious laptop sitting on the spoiler, I forgot about it. And drove off. And didn't realize what I had done till two days later. So now, I have to go buy a new laptop, and rewrite some of UTpt2. I did have part of it backed up, but sadly not all.

Forgive me, but it will be a couple of weeks before I can get a new laptop...
So I am delayed yet again. :(

9-20-08 So I am sitting in Starbucks right now, working away on UT pt 2. Its over half done, and the most important part? My writer's block has lifted! Not only is UT pt 2 nearly done, I have something else in the works that should be out in the next month, after UT pt 2. This next story is going to be a little bit different...
P.S. I finally put a picture up.

8-21-08 Hi all! Sorry about the delay in posting Unexpected Torture Part 2. Ive been out of town for about three of the last six weeks, so that got in the way. Then, to makes things more inconvenient, my laptop started to literally come apart. In pieces. So that's been not very fun to deal with. Anyways, the first five chapters are done, and the rest should come much quicker. I hope to have it out in less than three weeks. Again, I'm very sorry about the delay, and thanks for your patience and understanding.

Hey everyone! I'm so glad some of you seem to enjoy Unexpected Torture. Many of you have commented for me to continue the story, and I'm happy to tell you that this is a Part 1, and I have already written the first few chapters of Part 2. I also got some complaints that there wasn't enough sex in Part 1. Don't worry, you won't be disapointed. I felt that it was necessary to introduce the characters and give you a sense of who they are before we get down to the fun and dirty parts. I Hope you keep checking back with me for Part 2!

Special thanks to en_extase for being my editor. I am also looking for a picture to put up, trying to find something appropriate. I always always appreciate feedback, and if you ask, I will respond within a few days. Feel free to include any and all questions/thoughts/ideas/feelings/desires/critisisms, there is no wrong feedback! Thanks!



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Dark Hair, Abs, Bad Boys, Good Bodies, Being A Source Of Temptation, A Lack Of Inhibition, Danger, Knives, Sharks, Snakes, Anything Forbidden

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