

As some have pointed out, I post long chapters, and infrequently...and they wonder why I do it this way. Well there are two reasons.

The first, and most important, reason is because I don't write in a linear fashion. As often as not I write the ending, or middle, first. I then jump back and forth between sections, depending on what seems to be in my head.

I don't have the time or energy to sit down and force myself to write from beginning to end. Maybe if it was my profession and I was paid for it, I could, but I this is a hobby I can only indulge in when I have a rare moment of spare time.

The second reason is that I don't post until I feel the section has a sense of being 'complete.' Not whole unto itself, but that it has engaged and then addressed a particular issue in a satisfying manner. This might not necessarily be an issue of plot, it might be symbolic, or emotional, or sexual, or something...but in any case I have to feel like I've settled 'something' before I can post it.

Call me quirky. :)

So if you were wonder...there you go. :)



Dear readers:

Thank you for your kind words, reminders, and above all, your patience. I hadn't stopped writing during this long wait, but it's been slow in coming. I have, however, put the next installment up on-line and it is currently pending approval.
Hopefully it will be up very soon.

I will continue to work on future chapters and hopefully once this particularly trying period of "life" ends we can get back to a more reasonable schedule. :)

Thank you again!

Yours, Enithermon


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