
Some might want to skip this part:

My story begins when I was a very young boy and my parents brought me on an African safari. We went just at the end on the dry season and since I was so young I really don't remember much of our trip together, other than it irrevocably changed the path of my life.
I've been told that not long into the trip there were unusually heavy rains. While rain has certainly ruined a number of vacations in this case it destroyed our family. In a flash flood that hit our camp, I was swept away out of our tent and out of my family's life for the next fifteen years.
Even though I survived the surging water that carried me away, I never would have survived on my own in the heart of Africa without the most unusual intervention. A mother okapi and her young brood found me waterlogged and exhausted on the river's muddy shore and incredibly adopted me into their family.
It took some time to come to terms with the fact that I couldn't count on being found and also to adjust to life with okapi, but eventually, I did. I learned to blend into the wilderness, and though I could never match my four-legged teachers, I learned to browse and enjoy the diet of leaves favored by my gentle wilderness family.
It was on my eighteenth birthday that I was found. The reunion with my parents received a lot of media coverage and on top of reacquainting with my human family, I had to learn how to be a human being. While I'll always treasure the memories of growing up with okapis, I did miss out on a lot of things including the development of people skills. In fact, the only notable skills acquired in my life were excellent endurance from galloping along with the okapi and an incredibly strong and dexterous tongue. Unfortunately, there are no practical applications for these abilities.

I spent a lot of time catching up and I plan on finger and tongue tapping a few stories here to share some of my learning experiences. Any feedback would be appreciated.

If you made it through that here are my stats: 57m, 5’ 11” brown greying hair and green eyes, pretty fit but occasionally less so.





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