
Thanks for stopping by the Word Forge!

I am a long-term reader here on Lit, now turned aspiring author. After the warm reception my first story attempt on the platform received, I am now working to write my first series here


I am still learning my way in my authorial journey with this series so at this early stage I am massively appreciative of readers' comments, suggestions, and thoughts.

Right now, my biggest aims for myself are:

1. Try to maintain a steady stream of story posts, and find a good balance between producing the best story I can while ensuring the pace of updates doesn’t slow.

2. Finish deciding on my plans for the HERO WORSHIP SUMMER series arc: how far I want to take the story, and what I want the story to focus on (aside from the sex which of course there will be plenty of).

3. Tentatively considering further works beyond HERO WORSHIP SUMMER If I can find the time to fit them in without risking the pace of the current series.

If at any point you have commented, rated, sent an email, or even just quietly read my works here, know that I am very grateful, and I sincerely hope you are enjoying these stories as much as I am enjoying writing them

UPDATE 12-13-2023 With the release of HWS Ch.4 I have once again been excited to see the positive reactions to the Hero Worship Summer series. Chapter 4 has (so far) been my best rated story in the series and I have been heartened to see the ratings trending generally upward. Obviously, I know ratings can change, but my first and biggest hope for the series is that I continue to improve the quality of my writing and create better, sexier and more memorable chapters to come.

With the end of chapter four bringing all the principle character together, I decided now was a good time to reread chapters 1-3 again. I am working on some touch ups to those chapters, a few extra scenes and minor rewrites to try and make those first chapters better. But Chapter 5 is still my focus and I am currently at the editing stage of that one.

Lastly, anyone who has been keeping up with my updates will know I have been struggling to fit my writing of HWS around my work situation that changed dramatically for the worse around the the time I was submitting chapter 3. With my desire to get more chapters and content out faster, the good ratings and a desire to push the envelope of what I can do with this series, I am considering making some kind of Patreon for HWS and my work. And in case that sounds worrying, I am not planning to take the story off Literotica or hide it behind a paywall. It would be an attempt to supplement my income enough that I can spend more hours writing the story. And considering I have many other characters, plots and surprises in store (and we're only now on day 3 of the 3 month holiday) I can see myself writing this series for a long time to come. I've also been considering setting up some way of doing story commissions.

For now, these are just ideas and nothing is set in stone. I know I want to write more and give more of my energy and focus to writing HWS and I know Patreon is something some other writers use successfully. The reason I am mentioning this in my update is to get ideas from readers.

Do you think setting up a Patreon is a good idea? Does anyone have tips for getting more writing done while keeping a busy life? Thoughts tips and ideas are appreciated. And once again, remember that I am only considering ideas right now.

Looking forward to getting upgraded versions of chapters 1-3 out soon as well as chapter 5.





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