
19 Mar ’24: Well, I published a story in a category I didn't expect to visit. Except that, every once in a while, I have this idea of trying to write something in each one Literotica has. However, I write very slowly. And since I've only done stories in nine out of thirty-two categories (thirty-one if I ignore Audio), I think it's probably not a practical idea.

I have a few that are sitting roadblocked as I inch them forward. Another romance (whose female lead I can't quite bring into focus even though the male lead is quite clear); another episode in the Loft Game stories; a SF/F story (I really wish I could figure out the middle part of it!); a ground-up rewrite of something that I have no idea whether it will end up in NonCon/Reluctance or Nonhuman; a story of young love whose action mostly takes place inside an MMORPG, so I'm clueless what category that one will end up in; etc. It's actually too many because I can always find something else to work on instead of really digging in. :D


I tend to like stories with flawed, even badly flawed, protagonists because I find them more human than the paragons of perfection. I also tend to like stories that have a slightly slower pace because I like to sit with characters for more than a page or two. So, a number of my stories are likely to be of those types.

That said, I also find it interesting to try different things: style, perspective, length. I know that something like the romance "Coming Back Home" is different in style and tone from the porn-horror piece "One Night in Manhattan," which is, in turn, different from the retelling of a Greek myth in "Metamorphoses" or one of my Christmas stories.

I'm sure some of these efforts will succeed and some will fail; I'm not a good enough writer to please everyone. If something's not your kind of story, I won't complain. I do wish you enjoyment with what you do like. Drop me a message if you're so inclined. I try to respond to them all.



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