
Biography, hmmmm. How about just the here and now? My first attempt as an amateur author was in my estimation a flop. It'll stay up as a reminder for me. I love to read. Since I was 3 or 4 and my mom taught me to read "Green Eggs and Ham" I haven't stopped. However, writing is the flip side of the coin. I hated English as a student in high school. Now that I'm a bit older I can see the value in that particular art. And make no mistake about it, it is an art.
I recently had someone tell me that if I really wanted to write, then write about what you know. Erotic or not. My therapist (PTSD) thinks I should keep a journal of sorts. If for no other reason than to keep my thoughts straight. After all its hard to think when your mind is racing a million miles an hour and you're trying to sleep. So armed with that small bit of advice I'm going to keep trying. Oh, and if anyone that reads my stories has any constructive criticism, I'll take it. Thanks for reading


3 May, 2019
I completely retired on 1 Jan. and have been more busy than I thought I would be. My mind still races a million miles a minute, which is as much a curse as a blessing. I have several new ideas for stories but can't seem to complete just one. Hopefully something soon.

10 Dec, 2023
So I've finished some of the things I had in mind. A couple of those were to be a one and done story. However, I've been asked to continue 2 of them. With that in mind I'm going to start with Any Time, which was a multiple chapter story anyway, and try to drop one section of each story in 6-8 week intervals. Until the story is complete. I wrote something some years ago that might actually work into a prequel for one of the stories. Thanks to my better half for that idea. (She loves The Vape Shop) And a big thanks for those that have read my stuff. Much appreciated!

30 Dec 2023
So, Bored Bachelor was, in my mind anyway, one of the 'one and done' stories I had in mind. I've been asked to continue that one, and I don't know, we'll see. I have one more in mind that's supposed to be a 'one and done' as well but I suspect there will be requests on that as well. No spoilers from me, I won't even tell my other half what it is, or more specifically, what it's about. That said, I'm breaking out the Jameson black barrel and get started.


Nashville, TN



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