
I have been really appreciative of the warm reception my writing has received here on Literotica. Thank you all who have taken the time to post comments and message me with words of encouragement.

I know the work I have written so far isn't for everyone, nor is it meant to be. And I do not mind criticism, especially if constructive. Writing is fun and I'd like to get better at it. However, if the goal of your feedback is to insult me, please know that you are wasting your breath. I am not writing for you and I am not seeking your approval. My only response to your vitriol is annoyance, and that is at having had my time wasted.

I would also ask that those who feel the need to defend my stories refrain from doing so within the comment section. Literotica should be a place to embrace and celebrate our sexuality, as weird and wonderful as it is, and I have no interest in seeing anyone (even those hostile to my writing) belittled or insulted. That's not why I'm here.

I have left room in my stories for reader interpretation, and it has resulted in some interesting feedback. Many of you want to know what happens next in my stories, but I'm afraid that they are meant to stand alone. I have no intention of writing a multi-part storyline, although my stories may feature the same characters. The questions that I leave unanswered are there for the reader's enjoyment. For me, good storytelling isn't just about what is written, but also about what is left unsaid.

And, yes, I do have ideas for more stories. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of free time to write them. I apologize for this, but I promise to post more stories as I can.


Out West



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