What is Erotic Audio?

Literotica’s Erotic Audio section is where authors publish adult audio stories, sex sounds, and other audio erotica in M4A format. All modern browsers should support playing M4A audio. If you need a dedicated player, there are several free open source audio players listed here.

The Literotica Erotic Audio section contains three types of submissions:

  • Erotic Audio Stories - by far the most popular type of audio work, this is like an adult audio book or sexy audio play where one or more voice actor offers up an adult narrative.
  • Text Stories With Accompanying Audio - these are text stories that are augmented with accompanying audio, music, or sex sounds.
  • Erotic Audio Poetry - adult poetry in audio format.

All erotic audio works on Literotica are created by our community of authors. If you are interested in creating your own adult audio stories to publish on Literotica, please check the related FAQ question "How do I submit an Erotic Audio story?" for more information.

As Literotica was one of the first adult websites to offer audio erotica, you may find older audio submissions in the Real Audio format. The RealAudio Player was first released in 1995 and the Real Audio format is now considered a legacy format. However, some modern open source audio players like VLC Media Player are able to play the format. We hope to have all of the legacy Real Audio files converted to modern formats by the end of 2022.