What is the Literotica Forum?

The Literotica Forum is a place where community members can post messages on a wide variety of topics. The Literotica Forum is one of the largest forums on the web today, with over 50 million posts.

Using the Literotica Forum
Once you sign up and become a Literotica Member, your account can also be used to post on the Literotica Forum. This enables you to start forum discussion threads, reply to existing threads, send private messages to other users, vote in polls, and much more.

Literotica Forum For Authors
The Literotica Forum has several forums and threads dedicated to discussions by and for Literotica Authors (for example, the Literotica Authors Hangout Forum). We post contest news, site news, and other items of interest to authors in the forum regularly. The forum is also another place where you can interact with your readers.

Literotica Forum For Readers
There are forums and threads on many different topics in the Literotica forum, including some dedicated to discussing stories that you like, favorite authors, story ideas that you wish Literotica Authors would write about, and much more. It’s also a great place to interact directly with the authors who create the stories you enjoy reading on the main Literotica website.

The one thing that we ask of everyone who uses the forum, is to please show respect for other members and be sure to follow our community guidelines and forum rules.