A forum post offended me, but it doesn't break the rules. What can I do?

The Literotica Forums are frequented by a diverse mix of people from different backgrounds all over the world. With such a wide variety of cultures and countries represented, there is a good chance that some users may make posts that are offensive to other users, even if the posts aren’t against site rules.

If you find yourself offended by another user’s posts, and you believe they are violating site or forum rules, we ask you to report the posts. If you find the posts offensive, but they are not against site rules, you can add that person on your Ignore List.

Once you add a person to your Ignore List, any thread they start, or post they make, will disappear from your view. This allows users who may not see eye to eye on every issue to coexist peacefully on the forum.

You can add as many people as you want to your Ignore List, and you can remove users from your Ignore List whenever you wish.

You must be logged in to use the Ignore List feature.