How can I keep my Literotica account secure and protect my privacy?

Protecting your Literotica account is the same as protecting your Twitter account or any other account you might have online. Please consider the following suggestions:

  • Always choose a secure password that is at least 8 characters and that uses letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and special symbols.
  • Never use the same password on two different websites.
  • If it’s important for you to keep your identity secret, we recommend creating a dedicated email address for your adult website and app accounts - separate from the email address you use for your normal day to day life. Using your personal or work email address to signup for adult websites increases the chance for confusion or accidentally exposing your true identity. It’s simple and free to setup multiple Gmail accounts, and Google allows you to be logged into multiple accounts at the same time. Having an email address dedicated to your adult accounts gives you an extra layer of separation between the real you and your adult online persona.
  • If it is important for you to keep your identity secret, please choose a Literotica username that is totally unrelated to your real name, job, and location. You should also limit the amount of real life information you share in your profile and with other users on the site if you want to remain completely anonymous.
  • If it is important for you to keep your identity secret, we recommend that you do not post any photographs from your real life online - whether at Literotica or on any other website. Any images posted online will be difficult to remove completely because of the nature of the internet.
  • Your Literotica account is only as secure as your email account. We highly recommend that you always use secure passwords as well as Two Factor Authentication to protect your email/Gmail accounts. If you make it easy for someone to get into your email account, they can take control of any accounts you signed up for with that email address. Please secure all of your email accounts.
  • Please use caution when clicking on links in any email messages that you receive, as phishing attempts are common these days. Any message from Literotica should only contain links to the official domain. If you receive an email asking you to login or visit any domain that is not Literotica, please do not click the link and report it to us immediately.

If you have any trouble with your Literotica account, please contact support anytime.