600 Pounds of Love Pt. 01

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She was always a big girl, but never this big.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/24/2020
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Hello, thanks for stopping by, I expect this to be a 3-5 part series about how a six-hundred-pound woman finds love, this story may detail some abuse later in the series but not too much, I hope you enjoy (and no this is not a feederism story)

For six months Kendra has been chatting with Gokureloaded in the RPG Legends of Thunder's private chatroom. After completing special tasks together and winning three monthly tournaments, the pair became the most popular role-playing gamers on the platform. There were not many on the server that could compete with the couple and they quickly became known as the deadly duo.

Kendra recalled the first time Gokureloaded asked her a personal question in the private chat.

Gokureloaded: So where are you from?

GG5589: ...why do you want to know?

Golureloaded: We've been playing together for several months, I think it would be odd of me not to be curious at least don't you think?

Kendra frowned at the screen. Admittedly shewas curious about the person she was playing with but never to the point of wanting to get personal with him. Gaming was something that she did to help clear her mind and to stop the pacing. It was a way for her to get away from the harsh reality that was her life. Staring at the screen she closed her laptop without answering him.

Weirdo she thought.Shit, I got to pee.

Repositioning herself, she heaved her legs across the bed, throwing them over the edge, while pushing herself up so that her feet could hit the ground.

Step one

With a huge sigh, she looked down at the carpeted floor and braced her hands against the mattress getting ready for push-off.

On ten, she thought.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15...you are just stalling now, don't want to pee myself, 16, 17,18,19,20 NOW.

She pushed down with her hands and allowed her knees to bring her up to a standing position.

Step two

She moved as quickly as she possibly could toward the bathroom as she felt a bit of urine run down her leg.

Waited too long

She rushed through the door and sat down on the toilet seat with a loud flop. Letting out a long breath of relief, she let out a long stream.

Step three

She closed her eyes as a hint of sadness washed over her.

How much longer can I go on like this.


Kendra struggled with her weight ever since she was a child. Her parents would neglect her for work and enjoying the nightlife. When she turned 13 years old she was already over 225 pounds, and many would mistake her for a grown woman. The children at school would tease her and she was bullied by several of her classmates, resulting in her developing major depression.

She would close herself in her room for hours, escaping reality by playing video games. Time would go by so quickly as she immersed herself in the world of gaming. She often fantasized about being one of the characters in the games she played, having complete control over her own destiny, and not letting anything get in her way.

At age 18, Kendra graduated from high school with honors and she attended a two-year technical college studying to be a research analyst. She was just over 300 pounds at the time and wanted desperately to lose weight. She joined a free fitness program on campus, which included a dietician consultation, weekly check in's, and a support group. The first seven months went very well, she lost seventy-eight pounds and started gaining confidence.

She was still considered the 'fat' girl but her clothes started to fit better, she could move around easier, her depression lifted, and she didn't have to worry about breaking any chairs when she sat down.


Kendra was at the campus gym doing her daily run on the treadmill. She was blasting music in her headphone and completely in the zone, so she didn't notice someone climb on the machine behind her. Drenched in sweat she wore a black tank top and long crisscrossed patterned leggings that accentuated her curves. The stranger timed his pace with hers, being careful not to bump into her.

Sensing something was off, Kendra snuck a glance behind her and with a yelp of surprise was thrown into the stranger's arms as they both went down in a crash. Briefly disoriented, Kendra wasn't able to move, as she laid on top of the man. It wasn't until she could feel the vibration of laughter from his hard chest that she rolled off of him and stood up.

"What were you thinking," she asked angrily, glaring down at the muscled man. She turned her head toward the treadmill and frowned when she realized there were three more minutes left on the timer. She hated not finishing what she started.

She returned glare toward the man, who was now standing, causing her to tilt her head up to look at him. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes climbed higher; his muscles were well defined under his shirt, he had thick kissable lips with high cheekbones and his eyes were dark and smoldering.

What the hell was this guy doing behind me, Kendra thought suspiciously.

"Well," she demanded, getting control of her thoughts.

The left side of the stranger's lips lifted up in a smirk. His eyes combed over her body and his gaze lingered at her chest, making her crossing her arms over them defensively.

"I couldn't help myself," he said slowly, "I wanted to meet at your pace."

Kendra frowned.

Was that some corny pickup line?

Looking around the empty gym, she searched for Jimmy, the coordinator but was not able to locate him. Without responding to the stranger she grabbed her towel from the treadmill and started to walk away but the stranger followed her.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," he said walking beside her, "can I start over?"

"Start what over?"

"I want to introduce myself," he said, "I'm the gym's new coordinator."

Kendra came to an abrupt halt, pausing outside of the ladies' locker room.

"Wait...what," Kendra asked surprised. "Where's Jimmy?"

"He moved on...got a better paying gig apparently," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Kendra felt a wave of disappointment at the news. When she first started working out at the gym she was very uncomfortable, it was Jimmy who had encouraged her to keep showing up. Whenever she felt like the process was too difficult, Jimmy offered her support and kept pushing her to succeed.

I can't believe he didn't say goodbye, she thought lost in her thoughts.

"Wow, looks like I have some big shoes to fill," said the man, startling her out of her daze.

"Name's Curtis," he said, holding out his hand.

"Well, Curtis, do you have a last name, so I can report you to the campus officials for harassment," Kendra said, ignoring his hand.

"And your name is Kendra Cook," he said with a smile, disregarding her remark. "I got your name from the log-in sheet, I hope you don't mind."

He sure has a nice smile, she thought, forgetting to remain annoyed.

"Okay..," Kendra said while walking into the locker room, "I won't report you, but don't you ever do that again."


No matter what time Kendra decided to utilize the gym, Curtis would be there to greet her with eyes that followed her every move. Whatever machine she decided to use, he would always find an excuse to clean off nearby equipment. At first, Kendra was uncomfortable by his attention, though she'd never been the object of someone's desire it was apparent that Curtis was attracted to her. It gave her an ego boost as she started wearing more revealing outfits, and holding provocative poses during her stretch routine.

"Don't think I haven't noticed," Curtis said in her ear. He was standing behind her, looking at her through the wall mirror.

Kendra's heart slammed in her chest as his hot breath tickled her ear.

"What...what are you talking about?"

"You've been checking me out," he said, standing so close that he was almost pressed into her backside.

"I...I haven't," she stammered.

"How can I not notice sweetie," he said in her other ear, sending chills down her spine. "I notice everything about you, even your new wardrobe."

"It isn't," she protested.

What is that smell, she thought.Is that Irish Springs?

He chuckled.

"Okay, let's pretend that they are not new," he said, walking around to stand in front of her. "Go out on a date with me."


"Why not sweetie," he asked. "The chemistry between us is off the charts and you know it, why not let me take you out, show you a good time?"

"I'm not looking for a good time," said Kendra, kicking herself because she did not want to disclose that he would be her first date, at almost 20 years of age.

"I didn't take you for the shy type," he said, "we would just go out and get to know one another, nothing too hot on the first date...what do you say?"

He doesn't know how to take no for an answer, she thought, mentally recounting all the nights she spent alone wishing that there was someone to lie next to her.

What the heck, she thought,what harm could it do?


Curtis picked her up at in his two-seater Jeep which was slightly messy and she had to clear off some items on the seat before climbing in.

"Sorry about that," he said with a sheepish smile. He was wearing one of his tight muscle shirts and a pair of sweats. Looking down at her sundress and three-inch heels Kendra frowned.

"Am I overdressed," she asked, not sure where they were going.

"Oh no sweetie, you look amazing," he said, reaching over to put her seatbelt on, he took his time as his hands brushed against her breast. Kendra felt her cotton panties instantly soak at the contact.

"I could have done that," she said, slightly embarrassed.

"There would be no fun in that," Curtis grinned, while strapping on his own seatbelt and pulling off.


Kendra frowned when Curtis drove into a Wendy's drive-thru.

Is he serious right now?

"Sweetie, order whatever you like,* he said, "everything is on me."

"I can't eat anything here," she said glancing at the menu board.

"There's salad sweetie," he said, reaching over to rub my knee as if he's been doing it for years.

Forgetting that he promised a good time, Kendra bit back a moan as sensations ran between her legs, causing her to press them together. She ordered a chicken caesar salad for herself, while Curtis ordered the whole menu.


After 20 minutes of driving, he pulled in front of a two-story house with boarded-up windows in a questionable neighborhood. Stepping out of the jeep he gathered Wendy's bags in his hands and he shot Kendra a smile.

"You coming, sweetie?"

Running his eyes over her body, making her squirm. "Grab those drinks," he said when she exited the vehicle.

This seems sketchy, she said looking at the house suspiciously.

"Where are we going," she asked with trepidation.

"It's okay," he said leaning down to give her a peck on the cheek," this is my spot, we need to stop here first before going anywhere else." He balanced the bags in his hands while opening the door.

"About time," Kendra heard a voice say.

"Yeah man, we were starving," said another voice.

As they stepped into the poorly-lit room Kendra spotted two heavy-set men and one muscular lady sitting on an L-shaped couch.

"I had to pick up my baby," Curtis said, setting the food down on a wooden coffee table, that looked as if it could use a finish or two.

My baby?

Three sets of curious eyes focused on her and Kendra felt them sizing her up.

The lady in the room cleared her throat.

"Wow, Curt," she said slowly, "Just wow."

Kendra felt uncomfortable standing there awkwardly with drinks in her hand.

"Um," she said, putting down the drink carrier, "nice to meet you all."

"We can't stay and chat," Curtis said grabbing her hand, pulling her toward a staircase, "we will talk shop later."

They entered a large messy bedroom.

"Sorry," Curtis said, picking up clothes from the floor and dumping them into a laundry basket. He sat on the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room, before hopping up.

"Shit," he said, "I left our food downstairs, let me grab that real quick, have a seat." He rushed out of the room leaving Kendra standing there alone.

Across from the bed was a large television, which stood on an old dresser. Miscellaneous objects were scattered across the surface of the dresser and Kendra could not help but spot the row of condoms laying there.

This was not what I thought the day will be like, she thought, walking over to the unmade bed and sitting down gently on the edge. Feeling like she should just go back home, Kendra was about to stand when Curtis returned.

"God ...you're beautiful sitting there," he said crossing the room with the containers of salad in hand. He sat the items on the nightstand and stood in front of Kendra, leaning over to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Here," he said, sitting down next to her on the bed while handing her a salad. "You should eat."

"Thank you," she mumbled, staring down at the food but not feeling hungry. Her stomach was in knots and she didn't know what to say.

"Let's sit back and watch some T.V.," he said scooting himself further back into the bed.

"I thought we weren't staying long," Kendra said.

"Yeah," Curtis said slowly, "don't you think it would be better with just the two of us, we can chill and get to know each other better."

Why the hell not? Kendra thought setting her salad back on the table and moving further up on the bed.

Curtis flipped through channels and landed on the discovery channel, which was doing an entire broadcast on sharks.

"You don't mind if we watch this," he asked, setting down the remote.


Kendra searched her mind for something to ask.

"So are those your roommates downstairs?"

Curtis shifted his body closer to her and put his arms over her shoulders, "Yes, but they are also my business partners...we moved in together to save money, we plan to open our own gym."

"Oh that's great," Kendra said,

"You want me to stop touching you?"

"No," she whispered.

They sat and watched the t.v. show for about 30 minutes when Curtis asked; "Sweetie, you are too tempting, may I kiss those sweet lips?"

Kendra felt tense.

"I thought you said there will be no kissing," she said looking down at her lap.

"I said nothing too hot," he said smiling, "why are you so shy sweetie?"

His hand was rubbing up and down her arm.

Kendra nervously glanced up at Curtis and felt drawn to him. She was attracted to him and she loved the way he stared at her and gave her all his attention. She leaned in and gave him a peck on his lips.

"What was that," Curtis laughed with surprise, "my baby isn't shy after all?"

He gathered her in his arms and started kissing her face. His lips moved across her forehead, eyes lids, the tip of her nose, her cheeks before resting on her lips.

"You are so fucking hot baby," he murmured, "so beautiful."

Kendra felt her panties getting wet and her nipples strained against the fabric of her bra. She has never been kissed before and it felt amazing to her.

Curtis deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue into her hot, wet and willing mouth. With a groan, he started to caress the sides of her breast. Kendra matched his kiss by meeting his tongue with hers and their tongues started to tangle together in a fight for real estate.

Am I doing this right? Kendra thought fleetingly, attempting to imitate Curtis' moves.

"Damn you are so fucking gorgeous sweetie," Curtis moaned against her lips, "may I touch them?"

Kendra found herself nodding her head and he wasted no time fondling her large breast. Kendra watched as Curtis lowered his head to kiss her chin and down her the crook of her neck. "I want to kiss them, will you let me kiss those beautiful tits my sweetness."

Kendra nodded her head.

"We got to take the dress off," he said pulling her up she could stand. Kendra felt exposed standing in her undergarments while Curtis' eyes roamed over her plump body.

"Do you mind taking off that bra," he asked, hungrily groping her breast. Kendra hear pounded so loudly she could hear it in her ears.

"I don't want to have sex right now," she said, kicking herself.

"We won't baby," he said, "I just want to feel you...I've been dreaming about you for months."

Reaching around to unclasp her bra, Kendra set free her breast which was full, soft, and heavy. They were U-shaped and her long nipples stood firm.

"Oh my god," Curtis said, laying Kendra on the bed. He climbed on top of her and started kissing her again, this time more desperately. She could feel his hardness pressed against her as he palmed her breast and started grinding down on her. Kendra slammed her head back against the pillow as Curtis' mouth grazed her nipple. He started sucking her breast, flicking his tongue around the tip.

"Yes," she moaned, gripping the back of his head.

Curtis took both of her breasts in his hands, squeezing them together and starting lapping at both nipples.

"Kendra I want you so bad, I know we said we weren't going to do anything today...but we are both so horny right now," he said between licks.

Kendra frowned.

"I don't want to have sex," she said again, even though she knew her body was ready for it.

"Why not," he asked.

Kendra didn't want to confess that she was still a virgin and wasn't prepared to have sex. She also wanted the first time to be special, with someone that cared about her.

"I just don't," she said, moving to get up.

"Wait, wait," said Curtis panting hard, "no sex...but maybe we can help each other feel good, okay?"

"What do you mean," Kendra asked suspiciously.

"Here," he said standing up and taking off his sweats. He gripped his cock through his briefs and he started stroking the head of his cock. "You made me like this sweetie, just looking at that sexy body of yours."

Kendra licked her lips nervously, "What do you want to do?"

"Come, sit at the edge of the bed," he said.

"Yeah, like that," he said positioning himself between her legs. "I want you to hold him." Curtis pulled out his cock and Kendra looked at it with surprise. She knew how a dick looked of course, through researching it over the internet, but she never saw one up close. The head of his cock was shaped like a mushroom and a drop of liquid oozed out of it. The skin of it was smooth and shiny but it stood out firm. His cock was long and thick and she could count a couple of veins poking out through the skin.

"Touch me, Kendra," Curtis pleaded.

She reached out her hands to lightly caress his cock. Curtis let out a hiss as he felt her hands slowly exploring him.

"That's it, sweetie," he said.

Feeling empowered, Kendra held Curtis cock in her and used her thumb to touch the droplet of precum from the head. She circled her thumb around the head a couple of times before using her fingers to lightly stroke down his length.

"You're so hard," she whispered.

Curtis reached down to reposition Kendra's hand around his cock, "Grip it, firm baby." He used his hands over hers and started moving it up and down.

"That's it..." he said removing his hand to play with her breast.

Kendra picked up speed with her hand and Curtis stepped away as he felt that he would unload if she kept going.

"No, not that way," he said picking up her breast. "I want you to hold these around my cock."

Kendra didn't hear him correctly.

"You want what," she asked surprised.

"I want to feel those soft, big tits around my cock," he said. "Don't you want to make me feel good?"

Kendra didn't know what to think, her pussy was soaking wet and she felt that she was about to explode if she didn't do anything.