A Birthday Weekend to Remember Ch. 01


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"Ha ha. Yes, but be warned. She has a bit of a wild reputation - long list of boyfriends already."

"Wow. ok. Anyways I doubt if I will see her again after tonight. So all is safe."

By the time I finished with Aparna, her mother was back and I ended up doing the honors again. As the evening continued, I found myself then and again with Jayashree aunty. In between, I would find myself dancing with Deepika, Aparna or one of their other friends. Varun and his crush were to be seen on and off. I suspected that they were disappearing for some alone-time every now and then and coming back periodically to make themselves visible so as to avoid any comments.

From dancing a few feet apart, I found myself close dancing with Jayashree aunty as the song list moved to slower and more romantic tunes. With one hand on each other's shoulder and the other pair holding each other, our physical contact had slowly increased as the numbers went by. In the middle we had gone to have something to eat. Aunty kept me company as we ate and then headed back with me to the dance floor. While we were eating, I saw uncle in the distance. He held a glass of what looked like whiskey and was engaged deeply in conversation with a group of other glass-holding uncles.

I also noticed that Jayashree aunty did not spend a whole lot of time socializing with the other women her age. Personally, I was just enjoying the feeling of physical closeness to this lovely woman upon whom I had developed a severe crush over the previous few weeks. At some point during one of the slow dances, I found her body leaning against mine as we side-stepped slowly. The dance floor was still full with several couples still jiving away. I realized suddenly that my ever horny member had decided to come to full erection. Probably the physical closeness to Jayashree aunty and the feel of her body against mine had all triggered a sub-conscious reaction. I could also feel it grazing against her tummy as we danced. Did she know? I couldn't make out because there was no obvious reaction from her. As that number ended, I excused myself for a drink of water and headed towards a server to ask for the same.

For the next half-hour or so, I stayed away from the dance area. Instead, I took Jayashree aunty's earlier suggestion of heading to the bar. The host uncle was there and he gave me an indulgent smile, "Only one small glass - ok?"

Whisky with Thums-Up appeared to be the most common drink being consumed and I asked for the same. Uncle came by for a refill. I could see he was a bit sloshed by now although still with some level of command over his senses.

"Sri - enjoying the party so far? Where's Varun?"

I suspected Varun was with Lathika somewhere but couldn't say this.

"I think he is there dancing inside, uncle."

"Ah - your aunty has probably grabbed him again. Ha ha. I better escape before she sees me."

He headed off back to his buddies, a drink in hand. Aparna and her friends showed up out of nowhere. We chatted awhile before they all dragged me back into the gazebo. I had another dance with Deepika - she certainly was bold and had her breasts grazing against my chest as we danced, all the time with a coquettish smile. I noticed that Varun was back on the floor with his mom, looking desperately to escape and he caught my eye. As soon as that number finished, I found myself back dancing with aunty.

"Where were you? You were gone a while."

"Yes - I finally went to the bar..."

"Finally took my suggestion then?"

"Yes. I met uncle there as well."

"Was he having a good time?"

"Yes - he had come for another refill."

We were back to slow dancing again. I was well aware of what had happened last time around. Much as I tried, I couldn't hold back another erection. I decided it best to maintain a bit of distance between us as we danced. From the gazebo, we could see the back gate of the property and saw a few people heading out in the direction of the beach. As the number finished, aunty walked towards the glass pane overlooking the gate and I followed behind her. The next number started, an even slower one and aunty started swaying in rhythm with her back to me. She motioned to me to put my hands on her shoulders and dance along. Suddenly she moved a step back and my erect tentpole grazed her back as she swayed. For a split second, I was in shock, wonder what I should do next. She had to have noticed this. Then, to my sheer delight, instead of moving away, aunty continued swaying her hips to the music and allowing the slow grazing of her back with my cock till the song finished.

"Lets also go to the beach."

She took my hand and led us away to the entrance of the gazebo. Instead of going towards the back gate, she headed in the direction where Uncle was chatting with his friends.

"Sri and I are going to walk to the beach - we will be back in a little while. Don't worry, we'll be safe. There are quite a few people from here going there and coming back."

"Where're Varun and Aparna?"

"No idea. Aparna is with her friends, dancing. I haven't seen Varun in a while - probably here somewhere only."

My heart was racing. I had no idea where this was going to lead up to, but the previous few minutes had aroused me beyond belief. We walked past the side of the house where a large clump of half-grown trees made a thick covering next to the wall of the building. Aunty was still holding my arm and when I turned to look at her, I saw her face turn towards me as well. Something came over me just then and I pushed her quickly behind the clump of trees.

"Sri - what are you doing?"

I cupped her face and covered her mouth with a long, lascivious kiss. I could feel her chest panting with some fear and excitement, much like my own heart was going.

"There are so many people here - we shouldn't do this."

Once again I captured her mouth with mine. This time she was a bit more relaxed. I spent the next few minutes placing several long kisses on her lips and face.

"Is that you Sri?"

I heard a voice calling from the other side of the trees. It was Varun. I realized I had not hidden myself well, my trousers and shoes could clearly be seen if someone bothered to notice. Luckily aunty was still hidden. I moved back and looked out to see Varun along with Lathika. I put my finger to mouth in the universal sign language of asking for silence and waved him away. Varun grinned back - he obviously thought I was making out with one of the other girls at the party.

"Is that Deepika with you?"

He was obviously going to continue needling me.

"Your dad over there is looking for you, suggest you move out from here fast."

That got to him He was obviously having a good time with Lathika and didn't want any interruptions. He flashed another cheeky grin at me, obviously a bit pumped up about having caught me with someone, and then dragged Lathika away with him.

I turned to see Jayashree aunty staring back at me, her mouth open. It had been a close shave with her son having nearly caught us together. Before she could say anything or protest, I moved forward to resume our kissing session. At first she tried to push me back but then eventually relaxed. We could hear voices about us all this time. I figured we should move out from there sooner rather than later as the risk of being seen was high. When the voices died down, I stepped out to check if anyone was around and then motioned Jayashree aunty to come out. We walked together towards the back gate,her hand still in mine.

There were quite a few people standing around and chatting, some of whom waved a hello at aunty as we walked by. As we got closer to the gate, I realized that the number of people out on the beach was smaller than I had thought. I could make out a few couples walk in either direction and a handful of families out there. It was rather dark once we were a few meters away from the house. There was some ambient light from the moon that allowed us to make out the sea in the distance. Beyond that it was difficult to recognize people or faces unless you were really close.

Much further away I thought I could see the figures of Varun and Lathika walking toward the water, hand in hand. But I couldn't really be sure. I was wondering that Varun would probably not like his mom to see him there alone with a girl. A few hundred meters away on the left side, I could make out some lights and some faint noise that sounded like music playing.

"That iss the Verghese's party. Usually these two parties are held on separate days and we end up going to both but this year for some reason both happened on the same date and we chose to come to this one. Let's walk there. I should go and say a hello to them as they had invited us."

I was thankful for this as it would take us in the opposite direction from Varun. We walked in silence for a minute or two. I looked around and there was no one nearby. I stopped and turned aunty's shoulder towards me and started kissing her on the lips. There was some minor resistance again in the beginning which then stopped after a few seconds. I then took her hand and we continued walking towards the Verghese property. Every few meters I would stop and we would kiss passionately for twenty to thirty seconds before letting go and resuming walking. We didn't talk much. Conversation was the last thing on my mind. I was instead focused on having as many kissing sessions before we got to the Verghese's residence. Aunty was also becoming more and more receptive to my kissing and had started responding herself with kisses of her own.

When we got closer to the lights, aunty recognized some faces at the party. She then introduced me to Mr. & Mrs. Verghese who were a friendly couple. I realized she was going to be a while, doing some chatting before leaving from there. I slid out and headed back along the shore. I thought it would be good to check if that was really Varun and warn him that his mother was nearby. Beyond that, Ialso didn't want Varun to be around if I was going to be smooching his mom on the beach.

A few minutes later, I found Varun. He and Deepika were a bit startled to see me by myself.

"Hey - what are you doing here?"

"Aunty wanted to come to the beach and by the water, so I had to accompany her."

"Where's she now?"

"She's over there - at the other party."

"Oh - the Vergheses?"

"Yes. She just went in to say hi to them She'll be wanting to head back anytime now so you two better be careful."

"Oh - thanks for the warning. Perhaps we'll get back now itself."

"Ok. I'll go back and try to delay a bit."

"By the way, who was that girl you were with when I saw you last? Deepika?"

"Hey, I'm not going to drop any names - wouldn't be fair on the girl."

"You move fast Sri. Alright, we'll make our way back before amma gets a chance to see us."

I headed back to the Verghese residence. Aunty was waiting for me. She took her hand in mine and we walked to the shore where the waves were starting to pick up intensity. Neither of us wanted to get our feet wet so we stood there a while. I took the opportunity to exchange another long set of kisses before we walked back to our party. My hands were behind her back and around her waist, her head leaning against my shoulder. Every few minutes we would exchange long kisses.

"Looks like you had had some good practice with Marion."

That was the first thing she had said to me, since we started our kissing on the beach. I'm not sure why I replied then with what I did.

"Aunty, there is something you should know."


"Back in Houston, Marion is my neighbour. She is 44, married - her son is one year my junior at University."

I could see the look of surprise in her eyes as she heard this. I locked my lips again on hers and held our kiss for several seconds, waiting for what I had said to sink in. For some reason this statement seemed to have aroused a salacious instinct in her. She grabbed my head with her hands pulling it towards and responding with intense kisses of her own. Her body felt soft and malleable as I pulled her in a tight embrace. We must have continued kissing for several minutes before breaking off.

We knew we had to to had back to the party and resumed the walk. Much like earlier, we continued to exchange passionate kisses. As we neared the house, we could hear noises from inside. We were obviously the last ones to make it back in as we couldn't see anyone behind us. Rather than head to the back gate directly, I veered away to the side of the house with aunty in tow. I was hoping no one would be there. As we turned the corner, I could hear some footsteps rapidly running away.

That was good, because aunty and I were now alone. I pushed aunty towards the wall and pressed myself onto her. Another long necking session followed, our bodies crushed against each other. From inside we could hear snippets of conversations from the party goers. Music in the gazebo was still playing. I devoured her face, her neck, nibbled on her ears and tongued for a torrid session of kissing. One hand was behind her back caressing her body up and down.

"Have you seen Sri and amma?"

From inside, we could hear Aparna's voice. That interrupted our kissing session abruptly. Aunty pushed me away, straightened her dress and we deliberately made our away around to towards the front of the house rather than go in through the back gate. There were some guests lolling about there whom aunty knew and she walked up to them to strike a conversation. Varun came out of the front door just then and saw me.

"Oh there you are? We've been looking for you for a while."

"Oh - we came back a little ago. Aunty met some friends on the way back and we have been here for a while now."

"Ok. By the way thanks for the tip off. I think Lathika and I made it safely back."

There was a smug grin on his face.

"By the way, we almost got caught just like you earlier in the evening."

"Why, what happened?"

"I took Lathika around to the side of the house where it is dark and there was no one around. We were starting to have a good

time. But then we heard some people walking the same way and had to scram."

Damn - those footsteps we had heard, that was Varun and his girlfriend. Another close call.

We could see a slow stream of guests exiting. It was past 1 am already. Aunty walked up to the two of us indicating that it was time to leave. I went around and said a round of goodbyes to the people I had met up earlier that evening and when I got back near the front, I found only Aparna there, standing with a bugged expression on her face.

"What happened?"

"Oh, it is appa. He has probably drunk a bit too much. We are trying to bring him around to the front. There they are!"

I turned around to see Varun, Jayashree aunty walking towards us along with Uncle. Uncle was having a hard time walking steadily and was being supported by a server.

"We might need to borrow a driver. I don't think he can drive in this condition."

"Aunty, i can drive if you don't mind. It's only a short distance."

We managed to bundle uncle into the passenger seat. It was tough to tuck his legs in properly but we eventually tucked him in. By the time I started the car, he was slumped back in the seat and snoring. The other three got into the back and Aunty had to continually give me directions so that I didn't lose my way in the dark. There were no road-lights and it was a bit tricky for me but we eventually made it back to Varun's beach-house safe and sound. Varun got out to open the gates and let the car in.

I parked the car as close to the front door as possible. Getting uncle out was a difficult task. I realized now that the server back at the other place must have been literally carrying him. Varun and I managed to pull him inside the house, supporting him with our arms. When we got to the staircase, we realized it was not wide enough to take all three of us together in tandem. I eventually ended up doing the hard work solo, stopping every two to three steps to catch a breath. By the time we got to the first floor I was majorly panting and out of breath. Varun came up to help and we dragged uncle into the master bedroom and plonked him on the bed. During the walk from the car he had shown some signs of consciousness but now lying on the bed he looked like he was totally knocked out.

I bent down to place my hands on my knees to recover myself.

"Varun, why don't you and Aparna go change?"

As aunty mentioned this to him, she handed me a bottle of water that was at their bedside. I took a few gulps and placed the bottle back on the dresser nearby.

Uncle was snoring away. I turned to look at aunty and she looked absolutely ravishing then. I stepped towards her and pulled her towards me. She looked towards the bed and so did I. Uncle was too far gone to notice anything. I placed a long, wet kiss and when we pulled back, we instinctively looked towards the bed again. Uncle was still sleeping soundly. Feeling emboldened we continued a long about of kissing till a creak from the corridor indicated that either Varun or Aparna had opened their door and were heading out possibly towards this room. I backed away from aunty and went towards the bed. Aunty immediately turned her back to straighten her dress.

When Varun entered, I was taking off uncle's shoes.

"I'll take these downstairs with me. But I think we are good now."

"Thanks Sri."

I could see Varun was a bit embarrassed at his dad's condition. Aunty then piped in.

"Sri - do you have everything you need in your room? I'll get you a spare pillow in a few minutes. Varun - go down with him and see if he needs anything else."

Varun and I headed down. He had a new air of cockiness about him which I could only attributed to some progress he had made that evening with Lathika.

"Progress with Lathika today?"

"Yes - they have a beach-house not far from here. I'll try and see if I can go there tomorrow or day after."

"Good luck - you are moving quite fast yourself."

As Varun left, I quickly changed into my shorts and was about to put on my tee when I heard a movement at the door. It was Jayashree aunty carrying an extra pillow and a bottle of water for me. In the background I could hear footsteps upstairs and a closing of the door indicating Varun had gone into his room. I walked towards aunty, removed the pillow and bottle from her hands and placed them by the bed. It was only a matter of seconds before I had her in a tight embrace once again. She was not even making a pretense of protest, reciprocating my kisses with equal passion. I was still shirtless and she let her hands graze and caress the bare skin of my chest and stomach.

"Amma - are you downstairs?"

We heard Aparna calling out and parted hastily.

"Yes - I'm just coming up. what happened?"

"Nothing - the light was still on in your room."

"Yes - just came to check if Sri needed anything."

By this time we could hear footsteps walking down. Aunty was at the door by then. She turned her back to me to close the door.

"Good night Sri."

I heard a pair of footsteps make way up to the first floor landing. What a woman she was! I was alone, aroused and frustrated but at the same time not completely unsatisfied with what had transpired that day. We were going to be there at the beach-house for a few more days and who knew what all opportunities would come my way. I had spent a good portion of the last few hours smooching and necking with this wondrous mature mother of two. It was time to put my hands to good use - my poor penis had been in a state of arousal for too long.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Hey where is the much needed continuation of this story?????

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

hi when will the next part be released

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Please upload next episode

paabaretpaabaretabout 2 years ago

Part 3, we cannot use our imagination without a good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Part 2 pleaze

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