A Cougar Totally Turned Ch. 07


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Monday, April 30th – Sheri's first day back at work! We rode up the elevator together, hand in hand. We exited. The crowd and the applause and the tears and the kisses and the hugs and all of it left both of us in tears. There were banners, balloons, streamers. Sheri's name was on them. She never stopped smiling the entire damn day. Me either. I hugged Linda and thanked her when she came in with the day's mail. Mr. Watson and Maddi joined us for the party. How sweet!!! Sheri looked over his shoulder when Mr. Watson gave her a lovely little hug; I saw her tears. So did Lin.

I don't think a lot of company business got done that day and not a single person from the executive suite complained! The love we made that night? Three words: Oh My God!

Sheri's semester ended with finals. She was a wreck studying and working. Two words: honor roll! We wrecked each other in celebration!

Do you sense me rushing to the finish? Hmm, perhaps. I do not mean to give short shrift to all that happened in the days and weeks I've skipped but I trust that, by now, you have (I hope) some measure that our lives and our love had settled into a bit of a routine. Glorious, erotic, normal, breathtaking, serene – this was us now.

Sheri was working full time. I had made a phone call to someone to ask for a person who would be asked to complete a task. She called back a few days later with a name and number. I called; I could hear the joy in her voice as she agreed. We walked together to City Hall, blood tests having been done, to have the civil ceremony completed and the license issued. The party was the next day. Other than the two of us, there was only one who knew – well, two: Teresa.

Teresa was the very personification of a Mother Hen. She shooed us as the days tore off the calendar. Things that had been polished gleamed from their cleaning. Doilies cried from being in bleach. You get the point. Everything was burnished, polished, and cleaned within an inch of its life! Sheri giggled, I rolled my eyes. Teresa was in her glory and her element. I handed her my credit card and sent her to my personal shopper so she could buy whatever she liked to wear. She had tears.

We loved at night often! As the day grew closer, we cried more and loved more softly – and feverishly. It was ... oh god, how to describe it! Me: taking a deep breath. It was to be the day we both yearned for and it was approaching. I dare say it was held so gently and lovingly in each of our souls because of how close we had come to having it taken from us. We never spoke of that! Please know that every cry, every sigh, every moan, every ... everything was an expression of our bliss!! We didn't sleep until the very early hours of Saturday morning!

* * Saturday, May 28th * *

The knock on the door woke us. 10 am. FUCK! We threw on robes, opened the door to find Teresa, glaring, hands on hips. Breakfast was cold but not as cold as her glare. We giggled, ate, and drank the piping hot 'wake-me-up' coffee.

We dashed upstairs to the potty, the brushy, rinsey thing, and a shower. Lovely!! Good to have a warm up before the main event.

She looked at me in the mirror. I declare: I have never seen her eyes shine so bright with love and affection as they were that, OH GOD!, afternoon. Three hours until guests were due to arrive! I giggled and gave her a kiss; she blushed, nodded and smiled. Yeah, you too sweetheart!!

I had had my shopper do something special for both of us. She came through with flying colors!! Sheri was spectacular in a simple, straight line dress with a slim belt around her waist. It was a deep blue and it made her eyes ... oh god, I can't be this wet!!! Her makeup was perfect. I tried to kiss it off her. She hissied. I love you too babe! Little gold hoops in her ears. I had sent her to my salon that morning. Her eyebrows, hair, nails and toes ... no Julia, don't. Yum!

My stylist had whispered in my ear, "Julia, she is one lucky girl!" I smiled. No, Alana, I'm the lucky one. She wouldn't take my money. Amazing!!

Teresa had stomped her foot and insisted that Sheri be in one bedroom and me in the other until it was time. Oh for god's sake! All right!! I dressed, trembling. I nearly made a mess of my makeup, especially the lipstick. Get a grip woman! She looked at me in the mirror, laughing. Bitch! She giggled and blushed; her eyebrow arched. Point? Touché!

Deep breath, Julia!! It's time!! I opened the door and headed downstairs. Sheri's bedroom door was closed. Teresa looked ... OMG! Amazing! The door bell rang. Our guests began arriving. The moment had come. My heart pounded!

People came; a few at a time, then a bunch, then a few more. Sue and Georgia came in very late morning. Randi brought them to the house from the airport; she would take them to their hotel after. Most of the people at the party were friends. Some were from work of course. Yes, Mr. Watson and his wife Sharon did come. Sheri only invited one person from school. By her choice it was her academic advisor. More on that later. Teresa had hors d' oeuvres. Everyone raved about them. I counted. Everyone was here; only one more to come. I saw Catherine send a text soon after she arrived and the guests were pretty much all here. She smiled at me. I winked and nodded. The doorbell rang again. That got a raised eyebrow from Lin. I smiled. I looked at Sheri. Her hands were shaking (mine too) but she was smiling. It was time.

Catherine brought the last guest into the room. Teresa rang a little bell. Sheri and I stood side by side, hand in hand. I started, "Thank you all for coming today. I can see that we've managed to keep our plans a secret. We've asked you all to be here for our wedding. Sue, if you would, please stand for Sheri. Linda, please, for me." How wonderful!! People were crying and clapping and cheering. The four of us cried and hugged and kissed. I reached into my pocket for the rings. I had purchased them, on the sly, for each of us. Diamond encrusted 18 carat gold bands. Sheri's eyes got wide. When her eyes met mine they glowed with love. Yeah, I pretty much had gone all out on our rings!!

The minister, Jackie McMasters, came and stood in front of the four of us. "Ladies, shall we begin?"

Sheri went first. "I, Sheri Jo Williams, do freely and willingly take you, Julia Ann Simpson, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I will love you, I will honor you, and I will give thanks for you each and every day of our lives." I sobbed through all of it. The vows were a secret for each of us. Makeup? What a farce! Sue handed Sheri the ring. "This ring, Julia, is a symbol of our love. Thank you for the honor you've bestowed on me." I thought I might collapse in tears.

Teresa came with a glass of water and more Kleenex. I took a sip, tried to compose myself, and began. "I, Julia Ann Simpson, take you, Sheri Jo Williams, joyfully and gratefully, as my beautiful, loving wedded wife. I promise to honor you, Ma'am, and love you thoroughly and completely with everything my spirit, heart, and body can give." Linda smiled through her tears as she handed me the ring. "Take this ring, sweetheart, and wear it proudly. I love you so much!"

Jackie said, "By the authority granted to me by the city and state, I hereby pronounce you wife and wife. Sheri, you may kiss your bride." Oh my goodness!! Did she ever!!! You wouldn't think a couple dozen people could make such a racket. Sue and Lin kissed us both ... and then the crowd gathered around us all. All sorts of kisses, tears, whispers. You name it, someone said or did it. It was so fabulous. Everyone spoke of their surprise and their joy at being included. I think the only person who cried more than I did was Georgia!! This was not a surprise.

The rest of the afternoon was something of a blur. Can you relate? Food and drink for everyone. Teresa had done the impossible: completely outdone herself. She kinda, sorta glared at people if they didn't try a little of everything or if she deemed their plate not to be full enough. Sheri and I snickered.

Sheri and I wandered from person to person. The conversations were wonderful. People were so lovely to both of us. The well wishes were sincere, heart felt, and (quite) often tearful. The three from the hospital were overjoyed, each in their own way. Renee, who was alone, was subdued and quiet but very happy for both of us. Catherine, with her husband, was joyous, caring, and warm with her words. Erica? She was with someone she described as her significant other. She bubbled, laughed and couldn't stop smiling. Mr. and Mrs. Watson? I still shake my head at how wonderful they are. I won't go through the whole list. Georgia hugged and kissed us both with tears. A bit of a challenge, actually, because she had her arms around Sue. It became something of a group hug. Randi kissed and hugged me; then a fist bump. My girl! Lin couldn't stop smiling. Kat was reserved – I think that's just her. Sheri introduced me to her academic advisor, Lisa Silverman, who gushed about what seemed to be her favorite student. She actually made Sheri blush.

It was several hours later when people began to say their goodbyes. The crowd thinned slowly and steadily. It was a Saturday and plans had been made for the night. The food just kept coming. Lordie! I finally had to whisper to Teresa. She made a pouty face .... how adorable! Linda, Kat, Sue, Georgia and Randi were the last to go. I could see it in Sue's eyes: she needed a taste of her ... oh never mind, you already know. Their eyes were bright with love and tears as they bid each of us goodbye. Randi, the scamp, wiggled her fingers as she sauntered out. I laughed. Kat wanted to go. Lin's eyes let me know she wasn't thrilled. Whatever honey. Her goodbye turned into a three way kissing and hugging thing, just as it should be. Kat was very polite as she said her goodbyes.

So here we are – married! We both let out a war whoop and hugged and jumped up and down with joy!!! Teresa came out and looked at the two of us, smiled, and took the rest of the dishes to the kitchen. I poured wine for both of us and we sat down on the couch. Four shoes off! Finally!! We sipped our wine and sat, hand in hand. Each of us reflected quietly on the day, the guests, the fun, and the love. What do you say to someone you love so completely after a day like that?

"Ready for bed lover?" That works!!

We left the wine glasses and dashed upstairs. I locked the door while Sheri headed to the bathroom. I was the blushing bride, so I put my silk robe on after shedding my clothes. My honey came out smiling, came to me and we kissed. A pat on my butt, a "hurry," and she headed to bed. I did what I needed to and went to the sink. She was crying she was so happy. She told me I was beautiful and she was so happy for us. Me too doll. I thanked her for being with me every step of the way. She blushed and lowered her eyes. She looked back up at me, smiled, and winked. Yuppers, time for love! I blew her a kiss and headed to our marital bed.

Sheri was on her side, head on her hand. She smiled brilliantly when I came in. I stood and looked with awe at my beautiful wife. I knew every curve, every dip, every – everything. This woman loved me? Oh my!! I slipped the robe off and climbed in next to her. I snuggled up as close as I could. We lay there, quietly, for a short time.

"Pet! You bought the rings without consulting me?"

"Yes Ma'am, I wanted them to be a surprise. I had them engraved with your initial, my initial, and a heart in between. I hope you like it Sheri." She had tears in her eyes, took my ring off, and looked. "JSW? Julia Simpson-Williams? That might bethe most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much lover." The kiss was soft, warm, and sweet.

The rest of the night? Umm, it wasn't very quiet!!

Oh dear!! Sheri's looking over my shoulder as I type ... I declare! The woman is insatiable!! I'll be back whenever she's finished with me. Me: blushing! Yes Ma'am, I'm coming!!

Oh my oh my!! That was wonderful!! Yes, my nethers are agreeing with me, as are Annie and Oakley. Whatever was causing that raging fire in her, I hope I helped put it out. NOT! Back to our wedding night! Yum!

I confess. I had booked a room at a very swanky hotel downtown. We, umm, never got there. Sheri's question and the mad dash up the stairs made it a moot point anyway. The kiss about the rings set off a firestorm of lovemaking – that's the only way I can describe it. We loved each other nearly every way possible that night and well into the early morning. Some were hot, fast, furious, and loud; others were slow, romantic, fabulously sexy, and sweet. I gave a lot of thought to how descriptive I would be and how much detail I might share. If you don't mind, I have pretty much decided to leave it as is. You know we love each other and I've written often about how. This was another of those nights and it was completely different. It was the first night of the rest of our lives – together, married, forever. Thank you for understanding.

Teresa knew better than to knock. It was past noon when we both finally woke up. After we had made love – okay, once in bed and again in the shower, we slithered, liquidly, down the stairs and poured ourselves into our chairs. I needed a nap; I settled for coffee and a wonderfully decadent omelet and hot croissants. Teresa's eyes shimmered with love and joy. We both thanked her profusely for the fabulous way she had taken care of our guests yesterday. The poor thing turned more shades of embarrassed than I knew were possible; her smile was positively beatific.

That nap? Yeah, I finally had one. We both did. The curtain that is night had nearly finished falling. More whoopee. Yay!! More? Again? Okay, if you insist Ma'am. She did and I was glad. I was told, later, that my wife prefers her dessert before dinner. Yum!!

After all that was it a mystery that neither of us was hungry? For food! So, essentially, that was our first weekend together as a married couple. Memorial Day was absolutely gorgeous; we went for a walk on the beach, got lots and lots of sun, and slathered each other with suntan lotion. Tip: It's fabulous for lovemaking. Wowzer!! We both decided we were looking forward to summer!! Three little words: No tan lines.

* * Epilogue * *

So maybe you've wondered about the part of the title that is "Turned." I suppose it could be said (with more than a grain of truth) that it began on the trip. Some might argue it was Sunday morning and the naked breakfast. In my mind it began when Sheri gave me the egg and put me through hell that day with the nipple clamps and sent me out shopping with Ruth. The night with Nikki? Absolutely. Sheri knew full well Nikki would do nearly any damn thing she told her to. Apparently, though it was never discussed, Nikki had more than a passing interest in me. Charlotte, too! The way Sheri spoke to me in front of the girls.

Submission? Would I do as I was told? Sheri and I talked on our honeymoon about that. Yeah sure, she got a vicarious thrill out of directing and watching. She found it interesting, in an almost clinical way, to see who might do what. We talked about this part of it as well – the submissive holds the control, ultimately, in the relationship. Power is held to the extent the submissive agrees to it. I still call Sheri Ma'am; I'm her wifeand her pet. We love it! It's now part of our loving and a subplot of sorts in our lives.

It's all perfectly fine. Really. Our dinner with Linda and Kat? "Who are you Julia?" So I showed her ... and told her. Sheri had given me an out that night. Do you remember? I liked it and turned her offer down. It helped set me free. Remember how I acted and treated people in the hospital? Remember Linda commenting on the 'new you?' Yup! I was no longer the uptight, rude bitch I had been. My girl in the mirror knew it too. Well, of course, she's me!! Did you figure that out?

Sheri? Now that was interesting. She never went back to the sorority house. That part is pretty obvious. She also quit the softball team.That was a surprise. She is working full time and moving up the ranks. Her grades were so good that she received an academic scholarship for the last year of her undergrad, and, afterwards, for her Master's Degree!! We just got word of that. She started a women's softball team at work; she's the star. Me? I keep score at the games.

Mr. Watson retired. Oh yeah, I completely forgot to mention this, I think, and I'm not going to go back and look. He and his wife not only came to the hospital and the wedding, they never even once commented on or about the two of us. I hope they enjoy a full, healthy and happy retirement. I will strive every day that I'm in his chair to be as good and wise a boss and a human being as he is/was. Yes, I accepted the promotion; he, glowingly, recommended me for the position. I cried and thanked him for the honor.That was a wonderful, romantic, passion filled weekend!!

Kat and Linda? Linda dumped her a few months ago. She didn't tell me until I asked one day how they were doing. Her lip trembled for a second or two but there were no tears. I didn't ask. I love her too much. Her happiness is all that matters to me – and Sheri. Want a shock? LOL! It was for me. Lin and Randi are seeing each other!! Yeah, cool huh? They both smile a lot these days!!

'Five (blank) words.' Anybody remember the genesis of that? Dallas. "Would youplease kiss me?" Uh huh, that was it!!

Hey, I just thought of this. Remember how I said I wanted to re-do the bathroom? Two sinks? Can you guess what else is new in the bathroom? Think Charlotte!! And that walk-in closet? Basically, it has a different zip code than the rest of the place. It's okay; Sheri's wardrobe is still a work in progress. My personal shopper is now our personal shopper. She sends very nice gifts at Christmas. She oughta!!

Umm, one last detail, without too much detail. An acquaintance of mine told me of a friend of hers who was able to do weddings, recognized as such in the place she lives, complete with written certification. So we flew to where she lives and were, officially, married. A real honeymoon (the one referenced a few paragraphs ago) afterwards!! Yowza! Why mention it? Did anybody notice we were married barely five months after the beginning? Yup! What happened to Sheri was part of it. My god yes, I love the woman completely. But it was only by the good graces of all the people who took care of Sheri that I was able to be with her through it all and I had made up my mind, then, that this would never, ever be allowed to happen again.

There's always another little nugget I can share with friends. Sue and Georgia? After they heard about what we'd done, they asked. So I made a phone call; they traveled to the same place and saw the same person we did and did the same thing we had. Yup!! Sue called from ... umm, there. They decided to skip the 'civil ceremony crap.' Her words. She was delirious. Georgia, naturally, sobbed with joy in the background. Next time they come here, they'll stay with us. Those plans are in the works. I, umm, just had a tingle or ten thinking about that limbo thing.

We love each other; our lives are full. We work, we play, we see friends, and we love, fully, wantonly, and often!!

Author's Note: I have tears as I finish one final edit of this story. As I mentioned at the end of Chapter 6, both of my girls were a part of my life for many weeks as I wrote. I cried tonight as I finished. Weird? I'm smiling. I'm a writer. I write. I own my stories and their characters. They live and breathe inside of me. I hope you've been entertained along the way. My sincere thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and votes. I hope to continue to earn them all. As ever, this is a flight of fantasy; completely fictitious. If there is any resemblance to anyone walking among us my apologies.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I liked the story over all. Well written. Loved the parts about Cindy both when she was a bitch at the conference and again at the end.

I didn't like two parts. One of how Niki got treated at the end. She was Sheri's sub and I just felt like she was treated rather shabbily. The other part I felt weird about was turning Julia out in a little kids dress complete w pacifier. I know she was given an out but the part I have difficulty with is the dinner party was for a co-worker who works for her. Think that would make things at work a bit difficult.


Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
Awesome and Brilliant Throughout

I wasn't too happy with the way Julia stayed dressed for dinner with Lin and Kat but Sheri was pushing her and then gave her an out which she refused. But all in all an extremely well written story. The style was a little quirky but I really loved it.

Moving on to your newer stories but a shame nothing new since 2016.

ErinzeasyErinzeasyover 4 years ago
Beauiful story of love and devotion

Thank you for a wonderful D/s tale that is more love and devotion than punishment and pain. Our own story is so very much more one of our shared love and devotion to each other. There is occasional discipline in our relationship, true, but I only occurs when absolutely warranted and always with love and caring. We are eager to read more of your works (this was our first). As an aside, I found it interesting that your characters elicited a flood of shared emotions from erin, a testimony to your writing skills. Thank you for a very enjoyable story.

Mstrs K and e

Bridget69Bridget69over 4 years ago
And so it ends...

or is it just beginning? Enjoyed this chapter from the tongue bath to the wedding. My only small gripe was the dinner party with Lin and Kat. Like her, it left me a bit turned off. But I understand it was done to show the honesty about the kind of relationship Sheri and Julia had, and to hell with anyone who didn't accept it.

bravebombadierbravebombadierover 5 years ago
Oh my!

Terrific, I read every chapter in one afternoon, kept wanting to save some for tomorrow but in the end, just had to keep reading.

One tiny crit, I agree with the comment re not liking the Lin and Kat dinner scene, it just didn't seem to sit right. Having said that, did I let it bother me? No!

A great read, a compelling story, so well written.

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