A Crewmember

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Business owner meets a new hire.
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Lido Beach in Sarasota Florida is considered a premier beach resort area by the rich. The penthouse floors atop the high rise buildings there generally house two to three separate luxury unit penthouses and they are on a many year waiting list to attain. Once available, it is not uncommon for the new owner to have theirs gutted to bare concrete and built back out to their very own design specifications.

If you're wondering where I'm going with all of this, I'm a General contractor and my construction company is one of two certified by the City to work with the designers and architects to achieve the owner's desired end results on all projects of residential units built on commercial buildings in this area, and this is where my story begins.

After securing all the required approved City Permitting and signed sealed drawings, I stopped in at the project to meet with my Crew Chief Ron for an onsite review of the layout one final time prior to construction on the penthouse we had previously demoed. To keep things simple, (and less disruptive to the businesses and other residents) the building had dedicated an elevator to our project and I remembered stepping in it from the lobby and noticing the cargo blankets that it was lined in, knowing that they were needed for all of the debris that was hauled out and thinking that I wanted clean ones for the new materials to be brought in.

Since it was programmed none stop for the duration of this project, it wasn't long before I was walking out into the center of all the activity on the top floor and I quickly spotted Ron at his potable shop desk. As I approached him I walked past a pair of legs on a stepladder with everything just above the belt up inside a scuttle whole, obviously pulling wire.

Even with the heavy work boots and Carhartt jeans the shape of that ass immediately caught my eye and as I walked on past I caught a whiff of a scent that lead me to believe this was no regular construction worker of mine.

Ron looked up the moment that I walked up on his stand up desk and as I rolled out the approved blue prints I raised my eyes toward that stepladder and asked: "Who does that fine ass belong to?"

Ron immediately responded: "Shhhh! Boss keep your voice down. Chad made a remark like that this morning and she got in his face and poked him in the mouth!"

"And she's still working here?" I replied.

"I'm not getting in the middle of that!" he exclaimed: "We don't need a sexual discrimination complaint." He added: "That settled it with Chad and pretty much everyone else on this crew and to be perfectly honest with you Mr. Swiftt, she actually out shines most of the men. It's as if she has something to prove."

We went over the details and the clouded areas the Architect had grandfathered in on the sprinkled portion of the unit and I walked back past that step ladder looked up and thoroughly checked out that statuesque little ass one more time, all the while wondering what the top half of her actually looked like.

I did a quick walk through checking the chalk-line layout on the floor for the inner walls and on my way out I ran into Chad. There he stood, all six foot six or more,

broad shoulders, narrow waist and a swollen upper lip: "I would ask if you walked into a door." I told him: "But I can see none of them have been delivered yet." I taunted in my gruff pissed off tone.

"It's nothing Boss, don't worry about it, it's nothing at all." He brushed it off and I decided to take his word for it, but all the way back to the office I couldn't get the sight of that well shaped jean clad ass and the Tomboy act of her clipping Chad in the mouth out of my mind. I actually couldn't help but wonder what she would be like in the sack, I real tiger I imagined.

With the noise ordinance on construction projects in Sarasota, I knew that my crews never started earlier than seven a.m. and at six thirty I was on site with a box of fresh bagels and several containers of different flavored cream cheeses. I always make it a point to meet all my new hires and on this job I knew there were three and to be honest, I wanted to see what the top half of that little cutie really looked like.

Actually, to be even more honest, I was hoping she was a dog so I could get past any fantasy I was harboring since seeing those legs and that firm looking butt and experiencing her soft scent. But those hopes were shattered when she boldly walked right up to me and introduced herself totally unprompted: "Mr. Swiftt, hi I'm Bobbie Edmonson and I'm pleased to meet you sir." She initiated in her female voice, but one that was deeper than I had expected.

And then I was looking into the pale blue eyes of a cute thirty something woman. She extended her hand and as I took it in mine, I noticed it to be as firm and rough as any of my crewman: "Peter, you can call me Peter. All of my mmm (I started to say men) coworkers do." I corrected in a stammer.

"Sure Boss, whatever you say." She responded with a quick smile that entered through my eyes and exploded in my chest. "Damn!" I said to myself: "Don't show personal interest in her ... Keep it professional."

"How long have you been on board?" I asked her.

"About a week." She answered: "But I've been doing new electrical construction for about fifteen years now and I'm licensed." She answered as she tried to pull out of my hand. Not wanting to release if quite yet, I squeezed her's a little firmer.

"Welcome." I said: "If there is anything I can do or anything that you need just let us know." And I finally released her hand.

She thanked me, turned around with the box of bagels and headed for the shop desk. I couldn't help but think how pleasant she smelled as I checked her out from behind. Kind of a feminine, soapy, deodorant and fabric softener-like scent. I met the other two new hires but I really didn't remember their names at that point. There was just something about Bobbie that I couldn't shake: Maybe it's the short butch haircut?" I tried to convince myself, or her tuff posture but I knew after seeing her cute face and well proportioned bust line and experiencing that attitude, that it was the total package.

"Swiftt, this is where fools screw up and lose their reputations and businesses and there's no fool like an old fool." I reasoned to myself: "Besides, you have at the very least twenty eight or more years on her." I argued in my brain and that was that.

Some three weeks later on a Friday evening I was standing pool side in my trunks and trusty Marina Jack T-shirt contemplating grilling one at home vs. going out for a steak when I smelled a smoky Bakelite chemical odor coming from the direction of my pool filter pump.

When I walked to the end of the house, I noticed the wall mounted junction box to it had burned and smoked up the wall all around it and when I held my hand close it seemed to feel red hot. I went into the utility room of the pool house with cell phone in hand and while phoning Ron, I forced the tripped breaker all the way to the off position.

"Yeah Boss what's up?" He answered and I explained to him what happened. He told me if it was just a tripped breaker he would advise that it could wait until Monday, but he said he was concerned about the charring and over what could have caused that and he said he would send someone right over.

"Thanks Ron, you helped me decide." I told him: "I was undecided whether to eat at home or go out." I explained and he said he would have an electrician over within the hour so I decided to wait before starting my dinner: "Tell them the side gate." I instructed and we ended our call.

I drew a glass of draft , turned on the Rat Pack and sat in a lounger looking over my pool out on the bay. About halfway through my second beer, I clipped the end off a cigar and as I lit it, I heard the familiar jingle of a tool belt and then someone tried the gate.

"Hey, hang on, give me a minute. Sorry I forgot to unlatch it." I said and a few seconds later I was looking at Bobbie. She had on a blue silk summer top and it was obvious from the way it fit her trim frame that she wasn't wearing a bra, white almost short shorts and her tool belt was slung over her right shoulder with the heavy leather pouch cradled tight up under her arm.

"Wow, I almost didn't recognize you!" Rolled off my tongue like a rookie before I could stop myself from saying that, but she really did look very nice.

"Yeah, my dad always told me that I cleaned up real good for a girl." She replied in response, but I let that go: "Man, Peter that smells good." She remarked as she nodded toward my hand that held the cigar.

"Oh, sorry" I said: "And I'm sorry to pull you away from your Friday evening as well." I added.

"No worries ... No real plans. I was just going to hook up with a couple of girlfriends and drink more beer than I have money for and my rents due in a few days so I can use the extra hours. The reason I got the call is all the guys head out on Friday to get tanked up right after work. Me, I go home and shower first." She said in a jovial way as she walked in on past me: "No really, I do love the smell of a good cigar, where is your breaker box?" She asked.

The one to the filter that tried to burn my house down is in the utility room of the pool house there above the washer and dryer." I answered as I motioned toward it: "And there's two main panels in the other laundry just off the indoor kitchen." I answered, then: "Can I offer you a cold craft draft beer?" Came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Let's get your problem taken care of first." She said and from the tone in her voice I knew she wasn't just being polite and if I was lucky, she might even toss a few back with me and I instantly knew that I would love to spend that time with her.

"Have you had your dinner yet?" I asked stacking it on. "Why not?" I thought to myself being bold but trying not to pull out all of the stops.

"No not yet." She answered and I watched her cute little shorts ride up and expose just a hint of the bottom of her cute little butt cheeks as she stretched and reached over the dryer to make sure the breaker marked "Pool Filter" was all of the way off. After cycling it: "I suspect this breaker is bad, taking too long to trip. I've got a new one on my truck, but I would advise you to pull all new wire from this box to the filter. It's in PVC conduit and it will be easy. If I have the right gage with me, it should take us under an hour." And she spun around and looked at me waiting for an answer.

After being stunned by those pale blue eyes: "Sure!" Was my only response and in an hour and change, she had the filter humming like brand new .

"You vegan?" I jokingly asked.

"No!" I' rather kill my brain cells with beer." she giggled and then there was that heart melting smile again.

"Good!" I responded: "I have a couple of New York strips hanging in the dry aging chamber inside, if you'll start the grill I'll go in and trim them out and make us up a salad and see if I can rustle up two baked potaoes."

"Only if it isn't too much trouble and you allow me to help." She answered: "I didn't come here expecting dinner and I don't want to keep you from something important on your Friday evening."

"Nonsense, I decided to eat at home tonight anyway and everyone who knows me will tell you that I hate to eat alone. There's a chilled imperial class in that little fridge next to the tapper, poor yourself an IPA." I assured her.

She filled her glass and followed me into the kitchen and opened the huge right door on the Subzero fridge and quickly located and opened the crisper drawer: "What do you like in your salad?" She asked: "You seem to have everything!"

"Surprise me." I answered: "If you like crumbled blue cheese, there's a new wedge of Gorgonzola in the door shelf there." And I was surprised when she grabbed it and took the paring knife out of the block and skinned back the wax.

"Wow! The imported stuff. Product of Italia. This is much milder than blue." She stated: "It's got a rounded more nut like flavor." And though I had a hundred inappropriate comebacks for that, I somehow managed to keep them to myself.

When she found the blue cloth bag, I told her to pierce two baking potatoes and nuke them in it on high for eight minutes and as she keyed it in and hit start, I said: "Slide that cloudy class door to your right and choose a bottle of wine."And I could tell it amazed her when she saw all the bottles neatly racked in row after row from floor to ceiling.

When I asked: "How do you like your steak?"

She immediately answered: " A hand trimmed Strip like that? Why blood rare of course, anything beyond that would ruin it." And I could feel my face grin.

We took everything outside and after a few minutes of grill time for the steaks we sat and ate poolside. She was fun, a captivating personality, happy and open and her conversation was light, upbeat and comfortable and just as I was about to ask her why an attractive young lady such as herself didn't have a proper date on a Friday night, she inquired: "Peter why are you alone on a Friday night." And though I was intending to answer: "I was about to ask you that very same thing." I heard myself say: "I'm not alone, I'm spending it with you." And I watched her blush and I wondered if it was from my answer or her bold question of me.

The night had turned a little cool and before I could offer to start a fire in the fire pit, she thanked me for the meal, the wine and the beer, and as she started to gather the dishes in an effort to put some form of closure on the evening, I said: "Just leave them and lets have another draft." And as I stood to get us each another chilled imperial, we locked eyes and after a brief moment of me wondering how to read her actions and exactly what to do, her arms went around my neck, her open mouth was over mine and almost from a hunger within her, she locked us in a long passionate French kiss.

Her breath and the moisture of her mouth and tongue was young and sweet and her motions from that kiss seemed to form from a deep inner need for her to go even further with me.

We didn't speak when she ended that kiss, she just took my hand and allowed me to lead her through the French doors to my master bedroom.

With her arms around my waist she backed us up in the dark against the side of the bed as my hands found and unbuttoned her smooth silk blouse we felt it slip down her back and fall to the floor behind her. The firmest breasts I think that I had ever felt were in my hands and her nipples were hard against my palms and I gently sat her down and softly laid her back across the top my spread.

My hands were on top of her thighs, just above her knees and with the slightest pressure from my thumbs, she parted them for me. I slowly bent over and softly nuzzled her cloth covered firm little pooch of a pubic mound trying to form a camel toe in that inseam with the tip of my nose, as I sniffed to take in as much of her scent that my nostrils could hold.

It was warm and moist and smelled clean like a fresh cake of some exotic soap and I wanted to experience everything on and about her and I stood just to look on her to drink in her intoxicating beauty.

In the dim light from the door I looked directly in her eyes and watched them smile as my hands located, unfastened and unzipped her shorts and with a gentle raise of her hips they were off and in my hands and I set them over the clock on the night stand.

I reached down and slowly slid my right hand behind her left ankle, raised her little foot and after slipping off her sandal, my tongue swept the bottom of her arch from the heal forward and I sucked her tiny toes into my mouth working my wet tongue in between and around each of them and her breathing became deep and rapid and hard as I switched to work over her other foot.

The next thing I knew, my tongue was in the navel of her flat toned tummy and both of my thumbs were in either side of the waistband to her thong, then suddenly it was inside out in the palm of my right hand and I slipped it into my pocket.

Within an instant, my T-shirt, trunks and briefs were off and thrown in the chair and I was on my knees kissing up the insides of both of her firm muscled thighs and her natural warm scent began to magically arouse me beyond description.

I kept telling myself: "Slow down Peter, she's the one who initiated this, she's not going to baulk or back out now, take your time, make this last." And my tongue worked her smooth tiny firm outer lips and down between each of them into the creases of her legs and hips and when she started to softly moan that mystical captivating sound actually grasped and tugged at my heart.

When the tip of my tongue found, tasted, slipped in and then up from her anus through that fragrant little valley between it and where it parted her warm sweet and soft inner lips, it found a pool of thick silky nectar hiding just inside of them that coated my entire tongue with a magical sensuous flavor that engulfed me in an insatiable hunger that had me both searching and longing for more.

As my tongue continued its quest to separate, seek out and consume all that she had to offer, my upper lip brushed against the firm round point of her pronounced clitoris causing her to gasp in one loud deep breath.

As I gently drew it into my mouth and began nibbling it with lip covered teeth, her fingers went in my hair and her hips came off the bed and as she started to cum, my mouth, my lips and my tongue went into a full oral assault that I continued until I slowly backed off to gently nuzzle her there, the second that orgasm started to slowly subsided.

Even though that evening was now quite cool, her body was warm and moist with sweat and I noticed she was trembling as I helped her calves up on the bed and laid her little head on the pillow next to mine. As I crawled in on my left side next to her, her little right hand went to my throbbing manhood and the instant she felt the heat, it's weight and attempted to close her fingers around it to gauge the size, she let out an audible gasp.

As her hand continued to explore my massive throbbing cock and large aching balls, I rolled on my back, slid my right arm under her head and down over her shoulder and drew her close up against me. While gently tracing and petting my fingers along the soft curve of her spine, she slowly sat and quietly spoke: "My God Peter, I'd heard about this, but I never imagined it would be anything so ..." And I cut her off.

"Heard about?" I inquired, actually real annoyed and a bit embarrassed: "You heard about my ... size?" I questioned: "Where did you hear about it and from who? I want you to tell me." I demanded in an agitated voice.

"Peter, calm down. I work on a construction crew. Your construction crew. There is always talk amongst the men. Things get out and guys talk shop talk." She answered in a calm voice, then added: "I mean I saw it in your shorts earlier, but I had no idea it would be ..."

Totally ignoring her explanation: "What kind of things?" I continued: "What Kind of things get out?"

"You know. Hung like a horse, elephant balls. Those types of things." She kind of giggled in a teasing sort of way and as she continued stroking my shaft, she started palming and gauging the size and weight of my balls: "I have to admit, this is magnificent." she complimented.

"Wow, what a buzz kill." is all I could think to say in response to the "shop talk Issue" and as I sighed a disgusted sigh, she bent forward, sniffed and then licked the huge globule of precum off the large slit at the tip of my raging purple head.

"Come on, don't be like that, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Every man on your crew respects you, and some even fear you. Peter, is it true you once killed a man with just a grimace?" She said in with a stern look in a strong voice.