A Cuckold's Devotion

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A cuckold husband is hopelessly devoted to his wife and bull.
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A cuckold's devotion & sacrifice...by cuckytoher

Chapter One

She was his world. He married her knowing full well she had a penchant for other men, a longing, insatiable appetite for real men, well hung men, and he as her husband, had a choice, he could accept his position and support her, or he could leave. But leaving was never an option to him. He knew how other husbands and other wives looked at him in town, how they whispered behind his back, and snickered when he walked through the grocery story shopping for his BBW wife Freedom and her lover Vince. Even now after five full years of marriage it was humiliating, yet erotic for him to devote his life to her, his cuckoldress.

She reminded him of his mother, big, bold, bleached blonde and brassy. The quintessential Oedipus complex. His mother had been a heavy drinker, very flirtatious and had constantly cheated on his father with his father's boss creating a situation which was impossible for his father to get out of, so he dealt with it. He remembered the embarrassing situations she had put his father in being drunk and openly flirting with his father's boss at company functions and picnics. He also remembered his father's boss stopping by the house frequently and his mother telling him to go outside and play after getting the two of them drinks. It was as if history was repeating itself even the Vince his wife's lover wasn't his boss.

Five years ago, he was a struggling writer living in a one room apartment trying to sell manuscripts to publishing houses and working part time at a liquor store. Freedom had walked into the liquor store one day, she wore a tight spandex leotard with no bra her big boobs prominently bouncing around, nipples erect and a pair of black leggings which outlined her thick thighs and curvaceous ass. He was instantly in love. She batted her beautiful green eyes at him which reminded him of Elizabeth Taylor and motioned for him to come closer. As he leaned in towards her, her perfume was intoxicating, and he was enraptured by her. She whispered, "I have a friend coming over and I really need some alcohol, but I'm embarrassed to say I'm short on funds and I was wondering if you could help me out?" His tiny cock stiffened so it almost made him pass out. He blushed. She wasn't asking for a loan; she was asking him to buy her and her friend liquor. He looked around the store making sure Mr. Rawley the manager wasn't looking and stuttered, "Uh yea sure, I g-g-guess I could help you out." She leaned in and kissed his cheek and said, "I knew I could count on you." And then, she was off, her big, beautiful ass walking up and down the aisles with her shopping cart filling it with expensive liquors, wine, cognac, snacks, and beer. The total was over $300 more than his entire weekly paycheck, but he didn't say a word, he meekly removed his credit card and ran it through as she smiled with those devilish eyes and asked him to help her carry her stuff to the car. In the parking lot, he watched as she leaned into the car, her big tits stretching the spandex of her top and her nipples becoming erect from the arousal. She thanked him and handed him a small piece of paper with her address on it and told him to stop by after work if he'd like to get to know her better, and then she was gone.

That day dragged by, and he couldn't wait for his shift to end. He spruced himself up as good as he could in the back room and then drove to her house. He knocked on the door but there was no answer. He waited and thought he heard sounds coming from inside. He knocked again and heard a muffled, "Come in," from inside. He gingerly turned the handle and pushed the door open. He found himself in a dark living room with a couch, a chair, a coffee table, and a television mounted to the wall. The coffee table was covered with empty beer bottles and a pizza box, but the sight which caught him off guard was what was on the couch. There was Freedom, naked with a large naked black man between her legs fucking her hard. Her legs were up in the air, spread wide, toes curled as he drove his huge black cock in and out of her like a piston. He watched dumbfounded as she ran her lilywhite hands down his coal black back and over his ass cheeks guiding his movements in and out of her with the rhythm of an orchestra conductor. Both of them were soaked in sweat and the only light in the room came from a s small candle. The huge black man quickened his pace and panted, "I'm gonna nut baby girl, get ready Daddy's gonna nut!" Freedom's toes curled even more as she cried, "Oh yes Daddy cum in your baby girl! Cum in me Daddy!"

The man came driving into her in a frenzy. After he spent his load, he lay on top of her their breathing in concert together finally simmered to a normal pattern. He stood there not knowing what to say or do but could feel the growing erection in his pants. They exchanged a deep tongue kiss and finally broke their embrace. Freedom noticed him standing there and said, "Oh hi! I was wondering if you'd stop by. This is Kamal he's a friend of mine, Kamal, this is...I'm sorry I don't believe I know your name." He stood there shuffling his feet together like a kid in the principal's office. "Um, my name's Eddie," he stammered. "Well nice to meet you Edie," Freedom said. "No not Edie, Eddie," he said, not wanting to sound too flustered. She waved her hand at him, "Eddie, Edie, what's the difference?" Not wanting to cause an issue he simply said, "Well Eddie is male, and Edie is female." Kamal and Freedom looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Well, I guess Edie it will be!" Freedom chortled.

He blushed but did not say anything, he merely bowed his head and accepted the non de plume she had bestowed upon him. Kamal got up and went into the bathroom and Freedom stood allowing him to finally see her naked zaftig figure and he was so aroused by her naked beauty, he almost came. She was like something from one of those Rubenesque nude paintings by the masters! He was more than smitten, he was mesmerized but her buxom, vivacious figure. She walked up to him, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He went crimson! She whispered in his ear, "Kamal will be gone soon, why don't you begin to tidy up around here and then we can talk once he's gone."

Chapter Two

There is an old saying, if you love something, set it free, if it comes back, it is yours, if it doesn't, it never was yours in the first place. This was a microcosm of their entire relationship. That day after Kamal left, Edie as he would be known from then on out, tidied up the apartment, did laundry, dishes, cleaned bathrooms, went to the grocery store, all while Freedom lay on the couch talking to guys on her phone. Once he was finally finished, he sat alongside Freedom on the couch, and they chatted. She told him of her penchant for men with big cocks while at the same time having a desire for a man who was devoted to her and her other needs. She explained further, men with big cocks, strong, virile, Alpha men were different than beta men, if you could call a beta a man at all. She told him of wanting to live a life she described as a female-led relationship. As she explained it to him, a female-led relationship involved a woman being the primary focus of the relationship with her husband as the subservient partner. It involved cuckolding, meaning the woman was free to fuck other men as she saw fit. There were of course variations on the theme of female-led relationships, but that in a nutshell was what it was all about.

Edie sat totally taken in by her and her explanation of what she had been looking for all these years. He couldn't help but draw the comparison between her and his mother. She told him she was sure from their interactions and his demeanor that she would be able to tell a few things about him. He chuckled and told her to go ahead, ready to prove her wrong since they didn't know each other.

"Well let's see, your mother was a dominant figure in your life. Your father was very much like you, not good in the cock department but able to provide a living for her and serve. You inherited his small endowment in the cock department and have had very few sexual encounters with women in your life up to this point. You find yourself as a submissive but are embarrassed about that because society tells you that you should be a dominate, alpha male which of course you can't be. You like serving females and males even if it means just opening a door for them to show your subservience or paying for their liquor as you did for me, but it's hard to find people and you find yourself in a sort of Catch-22 situation where it's hard to find someone to serve because you're so submissive and beta and you desperately need to serve someone. The mere fact you came here today and walked in and saw what you saw and not only stayed, but agreed to do what I asked is more than confirmation that you are a beta destined to be in a female-led relationship and if it is not with me, trust me, it will be with some other woman who will most likely not understand the full pleasure each partner can experience in a female-led relationship."

She leaned back and sipped her drink and batted her big, beautiful, green Elizabeth Taylor like eyes at him and he melted. In all his life, no one had ever pegged him as perfectly as she had just pegged him. She had summed up his personality, his desires, his relationship with his mother, all in one short talk. Tears welled in his eyes as he was so overcome with emotion of what she had revealed, he took her hand, gently kissed it, and said, "Yes, Yes, that is exactly who I am and what I want!"

Their courtship was short and sweet. Their marriage took place in front of a justice of the peace in a tiny room at town hall. Freedom allowed him to move in with her and out of his crummy one room apartment. There wasn't much room for his stuff, and she said it would be best if from here on out she made all the decisions about what he would be allowed to keep. She also told him that although she enjoyed fucking other men, it was going to be harder to find men who accepted the fact that she now had a partner in this lifestyle. She suggested and he acquiesced that it might be easier if the two of them shopped for a man together, someone who would become her regular lover and not just one in a long string of one-night stands. Their search, which mainly fell on his shoulders was a long and arduous one with Freedom dismissing many of the candidates for this flaw or that. But he knew and had come to accept that she knew what was best for the two of them and so he plodded on through personal ad after personal ad screening out prospective lovers. Until one day they found Vince.

Vince responded to their ad with a lengthy reply which most of the applicants did not, and with no picture which all the applicants did. He wrote back that he was a lawyer who specialized in selective clients and their businesses. Discretion, he assured them, was his stock and trade. He had always been fascinated by the dynamic of interracial couples and loved BBW's and was very intrigued and interested in the female-led relationship aspect. He further went on to say he had no issues with male-to-male contact if that was part of Freedom's plan (Edie was excited by that sentence) and that as she could probably tell by his reply, he was the quintessential dominant, Alpha male, and on top of that he was black. He suggested they meet at a restaurant inside a big mall about an hour away. Freedom was giddy with the prospect. She felt she had finally "found her man" and wanted everything to be perfect.

Freedom had begun to train Edie in the ways of a beta husband since day one. They slept together and had sex, but never intercourse. Freedom said that her pussy was reserved for "real men" and she schooled him in the ways cunnilingus on her pussy and ass nightly. She trained him to devote hours to worshiping her entire rotund figure spending hours kissing her armpits, feet, thighs, tummy, and every inch of her ass cheeks. Edie was allowed a 'release' once a week and usually involved his gorgeous, Rubenesque wife teasing him nightly and then bringing him repeatedly to the edge of orgasm only to deny him. He would never know which night she was going to allow him to cum until she gave him the command. She said it kept him submissive and subservient and where she wanted him, in his subspace. He reveled in the attention she lavished on him when she did. She required him to shave all his body hair including what little he had on his head. She would inspect him and make him twirl around so she could see his handiwork when he exited the shower. He felt embarrassed and humiliated but turned on at the same time. It felt a bit ridiculous to be a 61-year-old man, standing naked and totally shaved in front of his 37-year-old BBW wife while she inspected his white, chubby body inspecting it for any place he missed with the razor and yet the whole scene aroused him immensely.

On the day they were to meet Vince, Freedom took hours getting ready. The day before Edie had paid for her to go to the spa and get a manicure, pedicure, her hair done, and she looked ravishing. She picked out both of their outfits for the meeting. She wore a low-cut, white almost sheer top with no bra and a white wraparound skirt that showed her thick thighs with no underwear. For Edie she picked out a pair of leggings she had specially ordered for him. They were black with the words cuck emblazoned on one calf in a pink lipstick design and sissy on the other. She had also ordered a specially made t-shirt which was black with beta boi (in all lower case of course) with the Queen of Spades symbol prominently displayed inside the letter O. On his feet, she had ordered for him a pair of elastic ballerina flats in a taupe color. To top it off, on his head she donned a black baseball cap with cuckold horns across the front. He was emasculated, humiliated, and aroused before they even stepped out of the house.

Chapter Three

Edie and Freedom arrived at the restaurant early and were seated at a booth in the back with a view of the entrance. They saw several men walk in which they thought could be Vince and exchanged glances like two schoolgirls waiting for the quarterback to enter. Suddenly, a man appeared at their table slid into the booth next to Freedom. They were both taken aback by his sudden appearance and didn't realize until late that he had arrived before they did and had been sitting at the bar watching them. He smiled and kissed Freedom on the cheek causing her to blush. A waitress appeared and took their drink orders and then the stranger spoke.

"I'm glad to meet you both. I must confess, I do not enter things such as this lightly and wish to clear the air before we proceed much further down a road from which there is no coming back. Stereotypes are most often discriminatory and once one embraces a stereotype it does a disservice to all involved. Therefore, I thought I would clear the air of the atypical stereotypes involved not only in the lifestyle but in the racial times in which we live. First off, I'm a black male as you can see. Beyond that, I am not the stereotyped black male you so often see portrayed online on in the media. I am Ivy league educated, well bred, a lawyer, a professional and most of all a gentleman. I've seen and read all the cuckolding stories and videos online and I'm not some big, black thug, quite the contrary. And I sense you Edie are not some wet noodle, sissified husband, but a man who has definite desires and proclivities to which you are predisposed and wish to pursue. And you my dear Freedom," he said, placing one hand on her thigh and one arm around her shoulder, "appear to be a very vivacious woman of specific appetites both sexually and otherwise. I applaud the fact that the three of us have all arrived at a point in our lives where we all know exactly who we are and are not embarrassed or ashamed by that and all know what exactly we want and need in life to make us happy."

The waitress brought the drinks and took their order. The conversation drifted to the normal type of people getting to know each other on their first encounter. They each recounted their stories of their meeting and Vince seemed truly interested in how they met and what they had been up to since. As dessert arrived, Vince brought the conversation back to the three of them.

"I must tell you I am impressed by Edie's submission and subservience to Freedom and the endeavor of a female-led relationship. I am also impressed by Freedom's decision to find a singular man to bring into the relationship to be her lover. As for me, you will find me stern but understanding. You will find me respectful, gracious, professional, and free thinking and open to new things. I suggest the following. For the next few weeks why don't we have a standing date on Friday nights. I will come to the house; Edie can cook, and Freedom and I can share dinner and what I'm sure will be some of the greatest sex she's ever had. I have no problem with Edie being involved however Freedom sees fit. Let's say we have a month of standing dates and after that months' time we can all sit and revisit what we've experienced and decide whether we all wish to continue."

Freedom looked at Edie and raised an eyebrow. She spoke and Edie felt his tiny, shaved clit as Freedom referred to it begin to grow in his leggings as he watched her rub her hands up and down Vince's thigh as she spoke.

"I think that's a marvelous idea! Further, I think for now I will continue to guide and direct Edie in the duties of a cuckold as I see fit. I've been training him in a certain way in which I wish him to behave in a female-led relationship, but now I must expand his training to include cuckolding and from what I'm feeling here," she said, rubbing his crotch, "this is going to be THE cuckold relationship I've been looking for. As for Edie and me we respect and honor your wish to have this relationship kept as discrete as possible until such time that you decide you wish to share it with others. Therefore, you will be always welcome in our home and can feel free to come and go as you please." She slid a key to the house across the table. "Whenever you are at our home you will consider it your home, and whenever you're inside my pussy you can consider it your pussy. From this day forward and until we decide otherwise, I devote myself totally to you." She slid the check across the table for Edie to pay and stood taking Vince by the arm. "Take care of this and meet us at Victoria's Secret I need to get some new outfits for Friday night!"

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