A Cycling Odyssey Ch. 05


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"Do you still want to be fucked Annika?"

Annika opened her eyes.

"Please Jesper! I'm yours!"

She threw her arms around his neck and slid her body down toward his waist. He grabbed her hips with both hands as she reached for his cock. She directed his shaft toward her hole as he thrust his hips forward driving himself into her. She cried out.

"Ohhh! Fuck me Jesper!" Her voice was demanding.

Jesper slid his cock slowly back and forth inside her. His eyes closed. His hands gripped her hips tighter. His body began to stiffen. But he kept a slow deliberate rhythm.

"Fuck me!"

His thrusts became irregular but more forceful.


Jesper's face contorted and his upper body stiffened. Suddenly, he stopped thrusting and remained pressed deep inside her. He threw his head back trying to press himself even deeper.

"I can feel you throb Jesper...your cum...Jesper. I can feel it! Give me more...more of your cum!" Annika sounded elated.

Jesper managed two more thrusts before his head fell onto her breasts. He was exhausted. She hugged him. Slowly he released his grip on her hips. He opened his eyes, bent forward and kissed her.

"God, you're such a good fuck, Annika. That was lovely."

"You're a good lover, Jesper. That was wonderful!"

He handed back her panties. She wiped herself. They kissed again.

"We've got to go Jesper. I told the babysitter we wouldn't be any later than eleven. Let me get my things in the office."

"OK, I'll bring the car up to the door."

They left the room. I exhaled. I waited until I saw a car drive up, a door open and close, then drive off. I carefully made my way through the dark to the door and went up to my room.

It was the last full day of classes and there was some excitement knowing that there would be a special dinner served in the evening. Everyone was supposed to dress up. There were no structured classes on the last day. We could finish off anything we were doing or go to the various rooms and just "hang out" with the instructors and classmates. It was meant to be an informal end to a week of learning.

I decided to go back to my painting after breakfast. I found Renee meandering about the easels scattered about the room. She stopped at mine and tipped her head to the side. Hearing my footsteps, she looked up.

"Oh, hello! I see you've incorporated some of my suggestions. It's quite nice."

"Thank you. I was working on it late last night. I wasn't sure about the colours. I ended up painting rather late."

"Yes, Jesper mentioned he saw you. I like how you've kept the colours subdued...almost black and white...and accentuated the length and stiffness of the stems."

"Jesper saw me? When?" I asked. Did he know I was in the room when he came in with Annika?

Renee ignored my question.

"Dana, I really like what you've got here. Would you mind if I were to add the back of a woman's torso...here...in the foreground?" she asked pointing just to Paul's right.

Before I could answer, she continued, "I'd like to include your painting in the exhibition I'm having in Copenhagen. It opens this Sunday."

"Really?" My mind was still on whether Jesper knew I was in the room.

"Abbie's coming from the west coast tomorrow with my paintings for the exhibit. She'll have room for yours. Would you mind? I'd attribute the painting to you. I think it would complement nicely another painting I have of mushrooms."


"Yes...mushrooms" she giggled. "One particular type...or two actually."

"Well, sure. There's no way I can get it home" I said.

Another woman entered the room and started talking with Renee. I walked about the easels and out into the hallway where I met Nina.

"Mateo's looking for you" she said.

"For me?"

"Yes. He's hoping to give you a few Tango tips before you leave."

I walked down the hallway to Room 101. Mateo was alone sorting through his music.

He looked up and said, "Oh! Hello! Nina told me to expect you. She said that you were wanting a few more tips before you left."

That schemer, I thought!

"That would be nice."

"Here. Sit down." He gestured to the couch and turned back facing the turntable. "Listen to this."

As soon as he sat the needle on the record, he came over and sat beside me on the sofa. We listened to a scratchy sounding Tango from what Mateo later told me was from 1935.

"Did you like that?" he asked.

"It was very...raw" I said. "What's your favourite?" I asked.

He looked into the air. His eyes returned to mine. "Di Sarli." He rose and sorted through his music.

"Here we go" he said.

As the music started to play, he came up to me and extended his hand. I rose and curtsied. He held me in the crook of his arm. I held my head back and rested my right hand on his lower hip. He smiled, waiting for the right moment in time with the music. Then, suddenly, he stepped forward. I stepped backward, just in time, having anticipated his move.

"Caress the floor as you would want to be caressed" Mateo said quietly as we glided over the dance floor.

I remembered to position my hips forward. I looked shyly over my left shoulder as we suddenly turned.

"Bend your knees Dana...straight back angled forward" he reminded me softly.

I was becoming overwhelmed by the music, his movements, his soft voice. We were dancing as one. I hadn't realized my eyes were closed until the music stopped. A group of women had collected just inside the doorway - watching. They all clapped. The one who had been flirting with Mateo right from the first day stepped forward and asked if she could have the next dance. He turned to me.

"Thank you, Dana. That was enjoyable. I'm going to miss having you as a student. You should continue your lessons."

I curtsied and smiled. "Are you coming to dinner this evening?" I asked quietly not wanting the others to hear.

"Yes, I'll be there."

"Let's sit together."

"That would be nice" he said smiling.

I spent the rest of the day touring the classrooms to view the paintings, pottery and poetry created over the week. I watched a couple of skits -- none were as good as Svante and Nina's. Most of all, I enjoyed talking with the other women. The day -- and week - had gone very fast. It had been so much fun.

In my room, I started to dress for the evening. We'd been told it was a special meal and were to dress formal. I'd brought a long, tight fitting, black dress with off shoulder straps and plunging neckline for the occasion. I started by putting on my black, thigh high nylon stockings. I stepped into my black lace panties and pulled them up, then reached for my black, lace Aubade bra. Standing in front of the mirror, I saw how the bra raised and separated my breasts nicely -- exactly as Paul would have liked...just a baby finger's distance apart. I dipped my finger down between them as Paul would have done imagining his touch.

I pulled the dress down over my head and adjusted the sleeves before putting on my black high heels. I stood in front of the mirror and twisted slowly from side to side. The dress hugged my hips nicely, but I could see the outline of my panties. I reached underneath and slipped them off. That looks better. It should be fun seeing Mateo's reaction.

I walked downstairs and searched the crowd for Mateo. I found him wearing a black suit and tie standing by the bar. The bartender was pouring a beer for him. He saw me, smiled and waved. He turned quickly back to the bartender and said something. The bartender reached down, and brought up a tall, fluted glass.

"I thought you might like a glass of champagne" he said extending me the glass. "You look wonderful!"

"Thank you! Champagne and complements are always the perfect start to every woman's evening."

We said "Skaal". I felt the bubbles bursting on my nose as I brought the glass up to my lips.

Annika and Jesper joined us just at that moment. She had already had a couple of drinks.

"You must be happy this is drawing to a close" I said. "Everything has gone so well thanks to your organization."

"Well, thank you! It does get chaotic at times." She turned and looked up at Jesper. "But Jesper helps me relax when I need to".

Mateo and Jesper started talking. Annika leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

"I hope you didn't mind our...performance last night?"

"Performance?" I pretended as though I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Jesper said that you were in the classroom. We thought it would be exciting to be watched. It was a bit of a lark."


Annika put her hand on my arm. "You didn't mind?" she asked.

"Mind? It was exciting to watch the two of you!"

"We should head to the table" Jesper said to Annika.

Mateo and I followed Annika and Jesper to a round table near the front of the room. Nina and Svante joined us. As the meal was served, Nina, Svante and Mateo started talking about people and how, each year, they made the week different. They told funny stories about previous years. I talked to Annika about the challenges she faced organizing such an event and, more quietly, about the thrill of their performance. Near the end, we chatted about our plans after the course was over. I mentioned I was meeting Paul back in Copenhagen and thinking of attending Renee's exhibit opening on Sunday. Nina said that she was attending with Thomas.

Annika and Jesper excused themselves first saying that last night had been rather late. They didn't want to lose their babysitter. A few minutes later, Nina leaned over and whispered in my ear "See you tomorrow morning" and winked. She rose and left with Svante.

"By ourselves again" I said to Mateo. "Just like in the forest."

"I enjoyed that walk" Mateo said. He hesitated. "I haven't talked so much about myself for a long time as I did with you that day. Would you like to go for a short walk outside for old times sake?"

"That's just what I need after a meal like that."

The dining room doors led directly outside. The sun had set, and a full moon was rising. The outside air was refreshing. We walked in the waning light without talking. I was starting to think about how I might restart the conversation when Mateo spoke.

"You know...I would have preferred to keep dancing with you this afternoon. But it really wouldn't have been fair to the others."

"Oh, I understand. I would have liked to have danced a bit more too."

He looked at me. "Would you like a few more dances before the night's through?"

"How could we? The music would attract others. I'd end up having to share you again."

"I have wireless earphones we could use. We'd just have to get into the room without others seeing us."

It sounded conspiratorial...exciting.

"I'd love that Mateo!"

Mateo grabbed my hand and we swung around to walk back. The bartender was the only person left in the hallway when we returned. As he headed to the kitchen with a case of empty bottles, we scurried down the hallway and into Room 101. Mateo closed the door quietly behind us. Mateo caught my hand as I reached for the light switch.

"Let your eyes adjust to the moonlight" he whispered.

He went to the windows and drew the curtains before walking over to the sound system to queue up some songs. I remained just inside the door looking around the room. The moonlight shone through the thin cotton curtains that Mateo had just pulled across the windows. I could see our reflection in the mirrors mounted on two sides of the room. Mateo came over with the earphones.

"Let me know if I have the volume right."

I put them in my ears.

"That's perfect" I said.

He went back to the sound board and pressed a few buttons. He was putting in his earphones as he walked back toward me.

"Ready?" he asked.

I offered my right hand, embraced him with my left and closed my eyes. I sensed he was going to step forward. I slid backwards on the floor, just in time. Thankfully, he was keeping the steps simple. Any tensions I had gradually disappeared. It wasn't long before I became lost in the music and his physical presence. I pressed myself tighter against him feeling secure in his embrace. The music ended too soon.

I pulled an earphone out of my ear to talk and was surprised by how loudly we were both breathing.

"That was a nice warm up. Another?" he asked.


This time he started by stepping back. He held his upper body pressed against mine - tighter than he had ever held me before. We side stepped. I spiraled to the left and then moved forward a couple of steps. We repeated this sequence several times in halting, staccato-like, movements. I was melting into his arms. We were dancing as one when the music again came to an end.

He turned to go back to the sound board as I crossed my legs to practice a spiral movement. I was so wet from my excitement that the movement wrung the juices out from between my legs. A cool sensation trickled down my thigh as he returned for another dance.

We danced once more -- this time even more passionate, more intimate. We were both becoming very warm from the dancing and the sensations. I began to wonder what it must have been like for Abbie dancing naked with Mateo. At the end of the dance, he held me a few seconds longer. I felt his swollen member pressed against me. I felt as though I were in a dream.

"You OK?" he asked.

"I'm enjoying this so much Mateo!"

I thought again of Abbie dancing naked.

"Mateo...I would like to dance like Abbie did...in Stuttgart. Would you mind?"

He turned around. "Like Abbie did in Stuttgart?" he repeated with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, I think I'd enjoy that."

"Naked?" he asked.



He walked over and locked the door before returning to the board. I went to the side of the room and pulled my dress carefully up over my head. I placed it on the chair and returned to the centre of the room.

Mateo turned around and froze. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath.

"Oh, just a moment" I said.

I went over to the table where I had placed my purse. I found my lipstick and freshened my lips, licked them and laid the stick down beside my open purse. I returned quickly to the centre of the room and stood tall with my arms hanging down along my sides.

"Well, at least you have lipstick on if anyone comes into the room" Mateo said with a smirk.

We both laughed nervously. He stepped forward and suddenly stopped. He looked slowly down my body then up and into my eyes.

"You did say naked though. Didn't you?" he asked with narrowed eyes twisting his head slightly to the right.

I nodded shyly.

"Would you mind then?" he asked reaching out with his hands.

"No. I wouldn't mind at all."

He wrapped his arms carefully around me. I felt his soft fingers rub against my skin as he unclipped my bra. My breasts fell slightly. My nipples felt the cool air and started to rise. I breathed in deeply. I dropped my shoulder to help him remove my bra. I felt the strap slide down my arm. He cupped the underside of my breast with the palm of his warm hand and squeezed gently.

Looking me intensely in the eyes, he said, "You're beautiful Dana! Your husband is an incredibly lucky man."

He leaned forward and kissed me. I stood frozen in the middle of the room waiting for him as he hung my bra on the chair. He returned to the sound board and pressed a button. He turned around and stepped toward me. His left hand clasped my right. He held my hand high making me stand tall, erect. His right hand wrapped around under my arm and rested on my back. Slowly his hand reached further across my back to the other side drawing me closer against him. My left hand rested on his shoulder. I felt his stiff shaft press against my stomach. I pressed back.

This time he started our dance by stepping forward. Our steps were now improvised as we teased one another. He stood still as I twirled teasingly in front of him. He drew me close again. I felt his chest heaving against my breasts. I placed my forehead against his cheek. His lips brushed against my eyebrows. His once crisp shirt - now dampened in perspiration -- brushed against my hard nipples sending currents of electricity up my thighs.

When the music ended, I was in his arms looking up at him. He turned his head slightly to one side and lowered. We kissed passionately. I thrust my tongue into his mouth wrapping it around his as he tightened his embrace. I lowered my hand to feel his erection and squeezed. I wanted him. I continued fondling him as we kissed.

He kept one hand on my waist, but his other hand rose to my breast and started to squeeze. I zipped his pants open and reached in. It was wet and warm. I pulled his cock out of his pants and squeezed it tight as we kissed. I felt his fingers running through my labia as I began to spread his precum over his crown. We were standing beside the desk where my purse lay open. I reached over to my purse with my other hand and pulled out a condom. I raised my hand to show him what I had.

He looked into my eyes as though asking 'Are you sure?' I nodded.

He took the condom from my hand and unwrapped it while I turned around and put one foot up on the chair to give him easy access. I watched him in the mirror rolling the condom carefully down his shaft while his thumb and forefinger held the tip. My back arched when he placed his hand on my hip making it easier for him to guide his cock toward my opening. As his tip touched my lips, my ass arched even higher and my eyes closed. I felt his shaft parting the walls of my channel until his hips were pressed up against my buttocks and could go no further. I pushed back against him and wriggled wanting him as deep inside as possible.

His hands gripped my hips tightly and he began rhythmically sliding himself back and forth inside me. In the mirror, I could see his shaft disappear and reappear each time he plunged into me and withdrew. He was grunting now with each thrust, and I had begun to groan when I felt his left hand grab my breast and squeeze tightly. Suddenly, his thrusts became irregular, and I felt his body tense. His cock began to throb inside me. He grunted with each ejaculation. Spent, he bent over me while still holding my breast tightly with one hand and my hip with the other.

He withdrew carefully and, with his hands tucked under my arms, he pulled me up before turning me around to face him. He placed a hand under my thigh and lifted my leg to place my foot on the chair beside me. He looked me in the eyes as he placed his hands on the side of my breasts then slowly knelt as though he were worshipping me. I felt his hands slide down my sides. I leaned back on the desk supported by my arms. When his tongue first touched my labia, my head raised back in anticipation. He licked my lips several times and circled my clitoris. When he finally latched on to my nub, I looked back into the mirror and watched his head circling between my legs as he gently sucked me.

My breasts were heaving. I began to rotate my head in a small circle in sync with his head between my legs. Then, out of the blue, my body tightened. I saw the surprised look on my face in the mirror -- my open mouth gasping for air and wide eyes.

As the pleasure welled up inside me, I managed to cry out between gasps "Mateo, that...uhhh...feels so...uhhh...so...uhhh!"

I was losing my breath and unable to finish my sentence. The first wave of ecstasy shot through my body.

I grunted loudly. "UHHH!"

Then a second. "UHHH!"

I was no longer breathing. He stopped sucking and just pressed his tongue against my clitoris. A third wave hit me and a fourth.


My stomach tightened and my head lowered as the sweet pain continued to wrack my entire body. I was afraid I was going to collapse. He stood up and pulled me tight against him as the aftershocks continued to roll through my body. I looked up into his eyes struggling to catch my breath. I managed as best I could.