A Dark Tale Ch. 05


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I'm dazed I guess, and that's why I let him lead me out of the toilet, and away from the stench. We go back into the café, and he sits me on a chair and orders two coffees!

The waitress comes over and stares at me, as she plonks the coffee cups down. She looks at him, and then looks back at me with an, "I can't believe what you've been up to," look on her face. I can feel his cum between my thighs, and now dribbling down round my ass. The waitress walks away.

I go to get up but I'm pinned in the window seat. He grabs my arm and forces me back down. We sit in silence for a while, and I watch out the window as the traffic gets less and less.

He looks in my coffee cup and sees it's empty. He stands and pulls me up by my arm. The waitress looks over at us again, still trying to work out what's happening, and then she disappears through a door at the back of the cafe. We are alone now, and he pulls my black panties out of my bag, and I try tugging them from him. He looks at me and I just let them go.

His finger and thumb push the sides of my cheeks, and then he forces my mouth open as wide as my eyes, which opened in shock. His other hand shoves my tiny panties in my mouth, right in. My cheeks bulge and I feel like I've been to the dentist and had an injection.

"Take them out and I'll be cross, breathe through your nose," he whispers.

He walks me to the deserted bus stop, his arm through mine. I'm making horrible breathing noises through my nose. We get on a bus which is almost deserted. He walks me right to the back seat, and pushes me down on it. He pulls my black lacy bra out of the bag, leans me forward, and then starts tying my hands behind my back with it. He shoves me back as the bus starts to move. He stands sideways on to me, and then starts opening my coat! I shake my head, and start trying to tell him no through my panties. He grabs my chin, and looks hard at me. He doesn't need to do anymore, I stop complaining.

He opens my coat wide and stands over me. I try twisting away as he gets his cock out. Once again he grabs my chin, until I sit still.


I let go of her chin, she's learning fast. I don't even have to use words. Her tits are still quivering, and her face and neck are red. I don't like her bloated cheeks, but I'm not taking her knickers out of her mouth.

I was too soft with her in the toilet, but she was so good letting me have my way. Her belly looks nice, nice and flat, not like some of the sluts I've had in the past. She sits there real still; I can see the sheen of those tights getting brighter, and then fading, as we go past the lights shinning from lamp posts outside the moving bus. Her legs are forced together, real tight. I kneel on the seat, holding my dick, and I start jerking my cock right over her.

Those fucking green eyes open wider. That's right Sylvia; I am going to fire my stuff all over those fucking thighs in those sexy thin tights you like to wear. I was too good to you in the bog. Now I'm going to mess up those pantyhose. That is what they are called on those sex sites. I've been surfing on the internet thingy see. I know all about it.

Yeah this is the real Geoffrey Baker, the one who don't give a fuck, the one who takes what he wants, but in a controlled fashion, thanks to my pills.


I squeal on the gag a little as a hot streak fires across my thighs. Then another which catches one leg and then the other. It soaks quickly through the thin mesh, and I can feel every little drop. Another streak hits my thighs, and then another. Finally he moves and the last streak hits my chin.

He puts his cock away and sits next to me. I look down at my splattered thighs; at the four thick white creamy streaks, which are probably around 8 inches long. Two of them are only broken where they cross from my left thigh to my right. The glob on my chin sticks there, although I can feel the way it is slowly stretching. He takes a look at his handy work like some sick artist. I close my eyes still breathing noisily through my nose.

He leans me forward, and I feel the dribble of his spunk land on my tits from my chin. He unties my hands and does my coat up, to cover the evidence. I want to slap his face and I want to rip my panties out of my mouth and scream, but I don't.

He slowly pulls my panties out of my mouth. I gasp and breathe through my mouth for the first time in 20 minutes. He wipes the dribble of sticky spunk off my chin with my panties. His tongue forces its way into my mouth. I struggle at first, but then, I stop. He pulls off my mouth and looks deep in my eyes, perhaps questioning why I stopped struggling.

He takes another kiss, which I think is more about testing my reaction. His tongue fills my mouth, and I groan slightly. As he pulls out of my mouth I actually fall slightly towards him, where I had started leaning into him. He pushes me back in the seat and sits rolling a cigarette. He holds the gum side right in front of my mouth.

"Lick it for me," he snarls.

My trembling tongue licks the cigarette paper, as he looks on closely. He smiles and rolls it, and then tucks it behind his ear.

"You'll be home soon. Goodbye, Sylvia."

I watch him stand and walk down the bus. I'm too scared to move until he is off the bus. I slip down in the seat as far as I can, open my legs wide, and rub my clit. I stop, and my frantic hands search through my bag. I pull my panties out of the carrier bag, and jam them in my mouth, and use them to stifle my cries, as I come.

I get of the bus walking home slowly despite the cold and the rain. I can feel his spunk on my thighs all sticky, gluing my tights to my legs for the first few steps. As I walk the sticky starts to let go.

Bright car lights illuminate me like a spot light, I wonder what the drivers would think if they knew what had had happened to me. My hair is a mess and hanging down over my face. The rain has soaked it so much it sticks to my skin. A dog walker passes me, his dog sniffs my leg. The dog walker pulls him on.

Finally I'm home, but my fingers are shaking so much I can't get my key in the door. I have to use both hands to steady the key, and then it slips in the lock. I lock the door behind me and slide down it, and there I stay for the next couple of minutes, still clutching my bags, covered in cold rain, and his spunk.

I had two days off sick, two days in which I couldn't stop thinking about what he did to me. One minute I feel disgusted with him and the next with myself for not fighting back. Then I'm trying to fight off how turned on I got, in those stinking toilets and on the bus. All I can think about after a few more days is the way he said goodbye. It is like I had served a purpose, and now it is over.

The next few weeks pass slowly, and on my way to work everyday, I look out for him.

I've walked past the café where it happened a few times, but I've never seen him in there. I even waited for the bus he took me on from the café. I thought I'd never see him again, but I did, nearly a month later.


"Well Mr Baker you're in luck. It appears a Sylvia Summers has stepped forward. She says she was with you on the night in question at 7.15, when the alarm at the bank went off. I've taken her statement, and she wants to come and visit you this afternoon. I'll have you out of here tomorrow."

I watch my brief in his fancy suit and shiny shoes, as he walks out the door. My head is all over the place. Why would she do that, why come forward after what I did to her?

I told the police I'd had my van nicked. Okay I said Billy could use it, but I didn't know what for. Billy phoned me a week later, and told me he had to go away for a while, and my van was parked by the lock ups. I go there and find all these heavy duty tools. I think good old Billy letting me have some of what he nicked. So I was sorting through them when the cops turned up. I told them my van had been stolen, and I found all the tools in the back, by which time the tools had my prints all over them.

Now I am not a grass, but you can bet as soon as I get out of here I want a word with Billy, the dumb shit. The newspaper even said they was the thickest bank robbers in history, because they didn't see the camera which had only been installed two days before, it recorded every move they made.

But it's her I'm thinking of now. Okay she must have seen my face in the paper, a couple of days ago, and realised I was pumping my load on her legs at that time of the attempted robbery. But why come forward? As much as I want her again, I haven't been near her. Well I went to her house a few days later, but just to sit there one last time. Now though she's coming here, to see me in the cop station. Why the hell would any sane woman do that?

I watch the door open and that ginger haired guard comes in, and then some fat fucking bird chewing gum that I don't know, and then her, Sylvia. She looks a little nervous. They sit opposite me. She looks a little lost.

"Hey, where have I seen you before?" I say to the fat bird.

She stops in mid chew, "Your girlfriend told me you had been locked up, for trying to get in the bank, the night you came into the café. Look can I go now I've given that policeman my statement?"

She gets up and Sylvia nods and thanks her. Now it's just me and her, and ginger head in the corner.

"You were with me that night," she gulps, "you couldn't have done it. I went and saw her, Maggie, the waitress. Are you okay? I've brought you in a bar of chocolate, I didn't know what to bring here really."

I'm just staring at her as she rambles on, with those sexy green, but frightened, eyes.

"You didn't do it, it's not right you being locked up here."

"I know that, told the police I had my van nicked, and I got wind of where it was and I went to get it, and then I got dragged off here. But why are you helping me?"

She looks a little shocked by my question.

"I," she glances sideways at the guard, "you're innocent. I have to get back to work here's your chocolate."

She jumps up and almost tips the chair over trying to get away.

"Sylvia thanks for this, and the chocolate."

She smiles like she isn't sure she should. I watch that arse of her go through the door. I open my chocolate, take a chunk, pop it in my mouth, and grin.


"Ms Summers, can I have a word with you?"

I just want to get out of here. But I nod and go in her office.

"We've met before haven't we? She says placing her hand on top of a slim file, "I was WPC Gwen Higgs back then, and you were married, and blond," she says holding up an old photo of me.

My eyes look to the guy sat next to her desk. It's obvious she has told him all about what happened back then, by his mischievous grin.

"What has my past got to do with anything?" I ask trying to sound strong, but failing miserably.

"Look, we have footage of you and Baker on the bus."

"The bus company are installing cameras on all the night buses," Mr Grinner adds.

"Now we can't make out what exactly you and Mr Baker are up to, but we are pretty sure it is something of a sexual nature. Consider this a friendly warning. Mr Baker isn't a man to get involved with."

"I'm not involved with him," I half shriek at the suggestion.

She spins a computer round, and on the screen is a still grainy picture, of me and Geoffrey Baker, kissing on the bus.

"Ms Summers. If you continue a relationship with Mr Baker, we'll be keeping an eye on you too" she sighs.

I watch her put the old photo of me back in the folder. It feels like it was a lifetime ago.

"We staked out that pub you worked in, for two weeks before the raid. In that time you were spotted coming out of the pub, on three different occasions, with 3 different men. Then we raided the pub looking for drugs."

"Yes I remember that you didn't find any drugs, and you tried to do me for prostitution. Those 3 guys just walked me home that's all, or is that a crime now?"

"No, but like I said, after you made your statement, we searched the bus companies footage of that night, and saw you were on the bus with Mr Baker."

"So that's what you think was happening on the bus, him paying me for sex? Is this about me now like it was back then, because you couldn't get what you were after, you thought I was the next best thing?"

"Was he paying you for sex Ms Summers? Ms Summers, please calm down, we know about your, colourful married life and your husband being a cuckold. Each to his or her own and all that, all I'm saying is you can see how things looked to us back then, and if you continue to be involved with Mr Baker, you might well be questioned, should we have to pick him up again."

"May I go now please?"

"Yes, I'll get Detective Parsons to show you out."

"Don't bother he's spent enough time eyeing my tits already."

He coughs and shuffles uneasy in his chair, as I glare at him and then leave.

I hurry across the car park to where Maggie is stood leaning on my car, smoking a cigarette. She see's how stressed I am and offers me one. I hesitate; I haven't had a cigarette for a few years. I take one and puff on it, cough, and then stub it out.

"So how is your boyfriend?

"He's not my fucking boyfriend," I hiss at her and she recoils.

She shrugs, "No? Then why did you spend 20 minutes in the loo together? I wouldn't let him near me you know, if you want sordid sex in a toilet, it's no skin off my nose."

At home I start thinking about the night the police raided the pub. There I was naked with my head in the landlord's lap, while one of the other four guys was taking me from behind. The police burst in, and all hell broke lose. I remember Higgs; she was just an ordinary policewoman back then. She dug three used condoms out of the bin, bagged them individually, and then ran to the toilet and threw up. I was only 21 back then, and okay the landlord gave me a bonus in pay packet, not that I mentioned that to the police or they might have had a case for prostitution.

As for the three men who walked me home, well I might have had sex with one, two, or all of them, I can't remember really. Okay my husband liked to hear about me fucking other men, it was something he was into. Anyway that's all water under the bridge.

I know I could have left Geoffrey Baker to rot, after what he did to me, but at the end of the day I didn't try to stop him fucking me, I let him do it.

But is it right he should be locked up for something he didn't do?

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kennyboy82kennyboy82almost 6 years ago

This continues to be a great story. I liked the rape scene, where Geoffrey helped himself to what he's been fantasising over for weeks. Sylvia enjoyed it too, if only she would be honest with herself and admit it.

Where's this tale going next? This can't be the end, surely?

trashcan44trashcan44almost 6 years ago
I hope.......

I hope it doesn't end here! Poor Sylvia, what ever shall become of her? I'm a sucker for a happy ending but I'm not betting on it! Very well written.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsalmost 6 years ago
Better and better

This is such a well done series about the travails of a woman of easy virtue (so to speak) who seems to be looking for relationships that are doomed from the get go. She manages to fool herself often enough, but I'm sure deep down she knows. Few people seem to understand her behavior, even if the men are happy enough to exploit her sexual willingness to share her lovely body, nor even do they care about her. She just does not have a proper place in a complicated but ultimately unforgiving society. You get all that packed into your stories and frankly, my dear, it's impressive. JB

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