A Deck Renovation Evolves Ch. 01


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Roslyn said, "That was very nice of him. Now let's go, there's a few other stores I want to go to. Then we can head on home."

At 8:30 A.M. that Sunday, Adam's cell phone rang. Roslyn was still asleep. Adam answered it and the voice on the other end said, "Good morning, Adam. I'm about five minutes from your house. I'll pull into your driveway, if that's okay." Adam agreed and hung up.

"Holy shit! This guy's an early bird," Adam mumbled to himself, as he splashed some water on his face and put on his jeans, shirt and sneakers.

Shortly thereafter, a car pulled into their driveway and Adam went out to greet the energetic Professor. He was obviously ready for action. He was dressed like your average contractor, with a baseball cap on, a tape measure fastened to his belt, and a pad of paper with a pencil resting on the back of one ear.

They slowly walked to the rear of the house as Mr. Wilbur assessed and complimented Adam on the property. They had a short conversation and climbed the stairs to the rear deck. Measurements were made of the depth of the existing deck, as Mr. Wilbur jotted down notes on his pad.

The glass slider slid open and a voice from the other side of the screen rang out. "Would you guys like some coffee . . . I'm brewing it now?"

Adam responded, "Hi, honey. I'd love a cup of coffee." He then asked Mr. Wilbur if he wanted one and how he took it. Mr. Wilbur nodded yes. "Regular," he answered. Adam then told Roslyn that they both would like a cup, and that Mr. Wilbur took his coffee the same as he did. Adam then asked, "We didn't wake you, did we?"

Roslyn pleasantly replied, "No, I was awake before your phone rang. Coffee will be out in a few minutes." The glass sliding door then closed.

Roslyn was still just wearing her panties and a light robe with a small tie at the waist. She briefly brushed her thick brown, short hair, to remove the results of a night's sleep from it. She then went to the kitchen to prepare the coffee for the men.

Adam and Mr. Wilbur left the deck and proceeded to the end where Adam had planned the extension. They were standing on the ground making some measurements and talking when Roslyn came out carrying a tray with two hot, freshly brewed cups of coffee for them. She walked towards the end of the deck where they were standing below her. With a huge friendly smile, she said, "Here you go. As fresh as it possibly can be," as she reached over the three foot railing that encircled the deck.

Mr. Wilbur couldn't believe Roslyn's striking beauty and All-American features. He was completely and instantly captivated. He could also tell immediately that she was well put together all around, even under the robe.

Adam took the two cups from the tray, said thanks, and gave one to Mr. Wilbur. He then proceeded to make the formal introductions.

Roslyn then stepped a few inches away from the railing, and put the now empty tray to her side. Both men were now looking up to her, and the bright morning sun was to her back, with her shadow completely covering Mr. Wilbur. This gave him an unimpeded view of the silhouette of her entire young, exquisite body. The sun was still shining on Adam's face so he could not see what the sun was revealing to Mr. Wilbur. The old codger was enjoying this view much more than the view their great piece of property afforded.

They made some small talk and exchanged the usual pleasantries. Mr. Wilbur complimented her on her fabulous coffee, which provoked the most gorgeous smile he could ever remember seeing along with the warmth it projected. Her smile that naturally wrinkled her nose, "Put the finishing touches on perfection," he thought to himself. He then noticed that the cool morning air had caused Roslyn's nipples to begin protruding from the material of her robe. This was much more than he could've ever expected and he began feeling butterfly sensations in his stomach and mild electrical tingles in his balls. "The Gods must be enjoying their morning entertainment, teasing this old man like this," he thought to himself.

His hypnotically euphoric trance was interupted by Roslyn's melodic voice, saying, "Ooh, it's chilly out here. I need to get back into the house and let you guys finish up what you're doing. Adam, just bring the cups in when you're done, okay? By the way," she asked, looking back at Mr. Wilbur, "Is your first name Professor or Mister?" as she, once again, displayed that lovely, infectious smile of hers.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Aloysius is my given name."

"Mr. Wilbur, it is then," she giggled as she turned back to the sliding doors.

As Roslyn walked back to the house he could see that under that fine robe was an elegantly formed ass. He felt remorse at her leaving, but relief as well. He could feel the beginnings of a rare erection developing and would be mortified at his inability to mask it and have Roslyn see his penis struggling to tear away from the confines of his trousers. He took a large swig of his coffee, and said, "You have an absolutely stunning wife there, Adam, and her gracious demeanor is only surpassed by her beauty."

"Thanks. Yeah, she is special. I'm very fortunate," Adam politely replied.

"FORTUNATE?! Fortunate? You're the luckiest bastard in the world, as far as I'm concerned . . . Pardon my language," Mr. Wilber scowled, in indignant disbelief to Adam's casual appreciation of his lovely wife. "You should be wallowing in pride and appreciation and kiss the ground that lovely lady walks on. Now, where were we before our coffee break?" Mr. Wilbur, still with his coffee in his hand, went back to examining the deck.

"So, you like Rozzi, one might assume," Adam teasingly said.

"Let's get back to work. I think the answer is obvious," Mr. Wilbur said matter-of-factly.

A brief thought ran through Adam's head, and he said, "You are staying for lunch, right? We need to thank you appropriately for giving up a Sunday for us."

"I'm retired, remember? As long as it's too cold for me to go fishing, I can give up every day and it wouldn't make much of a difference. If it's not too much of an inconvenience for Roslyn, I'd enjoy sharing a light lunch with the two of you. Thank you." Mr. Wilbur had already decided, after laying eyes on Roslyn and feeling the sensations she unintentionally produced within him, that he was going to see this deck project through its entirety and enjoy the views this neck of the woods provided.

Adam said, "Great! That's settled. Want your coffee warmed up?"

Mr. Wilbur nodded and handed Adam his empty cup.

Adam said, "Be right back," then turned and walked onto the deck and into the house.

As Adam disappeared into the house, Mr. Wilbur grabbed hold of his nearly flaccid cock hanging down one pant leg, and gave it a comforting caress, and mumbled, "Easy does it my old friend, all we can do is sit back and enjoy the scenery. That Princess is out of our league and off limits." He then went back to assessing the materials needed to get this deck done properly.

In the house, Adam informed Roslyn that he had invited Mr. Wilbur to lunch. "You don't mind, Rozzi, do you?" he asked..

"Of course I don't mind. I hope he likes hamburgers or cheeseburgers. He seems like a very nice man. As first impressions go, I rather like him. Besides, I need to apologize for seeming as if I was making fun of his name. I wasn't really. It just struck me funny, thinking about calling someone Aloysius. It's just not a very common name. Just let me know when you two are ready to have lunch," she answered.

"That name Is more than not very common. It's absolutely unheard of," Adam chuckled. "It's apparent he has the same feelings about you. He really has taken a shine to you."

"It must be my magnetic personality. 'Taken a shine to you.' That sounds like something an 'Aloysius' might say." Roslyn smugly said, then giggled.

Roslyn had changed into a light sweater, a pair of fitted, light tan stirrup slacks, and a pair of flats. The sweater was kind of bulky and loose, so it wasn't obvious to Adam if she was wearing a bra. He assumed she was, with a strange man around. Her clothing was enticing enough to allow Adam to make some observations of the Professor's reactions throughout the course of the afternoon.

Once done with all the necessary measurements, both Adam and the Professor sat at the deck table and formulated a complete and concise list of all the necessary materials needed to complete the project to the best of Mr. Wilbur's estimations. They talked as Mr. Wilbur did some rough drawings, to help Adam and Roslyn visualize the finished product. He explained it all to Adam as he drew.

It was around 1:30 P.M. when Roslyn called to the men to come in and eat. They sat at the kitchen table, as Roslyn instructed. Mr. Wilbur sat at one end of the small kitchen table and Adam the other, with his back to what was Roslyn's workstation as she prepared the burgers.

This gave Mr. Wilbur a clear view of Roslyn's superbly rounded ass and he immediately fixated on it. He tried not to be obvious, but he found it difficult to detach his eyes from such a lovely and sexy derriere. Had it not been for the emptiness he felt in his stomach, due to the lack of a decent breakfast, he knew that the butterfly feeling he had felt earlier would've returned and have the same affect it did then.

Roslyn's ass was directly over Adam's right shoulder, so Mr. Wilbur could maintain a conversation while continuing to look, quite frequently, at the splendid well defined cheeks of Roslyn's ass. The tight fitting slacks molded around each cheek individually, as the material tucked into the crease.

Adam couldn't help but notice the attention the old man was paying to Roslyn's butt and he smiled to himself as he thought, "Oh yeah, he can't stop admiring Rozzi. I'd love to be able to read his mind."

Once Roslyn served everyone and sat down to join them, the sexual entertainment for Mr. Wilbur was over, at least for the time being. They enjoyed the meal and conversation. The two men had agreed to meet on Wednesday after Adam got out of work, to order the lumber and schedule an early Saturday morning delivery so they could get started. They also agreed to have Mr. Wilbur over for dinner Friday night, and at the same time, he could bring over all of his power tools and anything else he needed for the job. Adam had a nice shed where everything could be stored. After eating and spending another hour making their initial plans Mr. Wilbur thanked Roslyn, and left.

Adam made no comments about how Mr. Wilbur was lusting over her. He figured, seeing he was going to be spending a lot of time here the next three or four weeks, that there'd be plenty of time to talk about it. He still wanted to be sure that Mr. Wilbur's actions of today were not just a one-time thing.

Once Mr. Wilbur left, Roslyn said, "That is very nice of him to be so much help. He seems like a gentle and very giving man. I think I like him. I think I'll enjoy having him around while working on the deck. I feel comfortable in his presence."

"He seems to like you, very much too," Adam said with a slight smirk. "He's a nice guy and, obviously, a better friend. It was very unselfish of him to offer his assistance with the deck. I have no idea how we can ever repay him. Once this project is complete, we'll need to come up with a way to reciprocate and show our appreciation. Something that he'll enjoy and appreciate as much as we do."

"We could have him over for a nice formal Sunday or holiday meal. You did mention that he lived alone, right? I think he'd appreciate a nice meal during the holidays with other friends," Roslyn suggested.

"I was thinking that it would need to be something more personal than a meal. Something given to him and for him exclusively. Something that he would never expect. I have no idea what, but we have plenty of time to get to know him better. That may be helpful in finding something that would fit those parameters," Adam shrugged his shoulders, as he walked away saying, "I don't know."

"You'll come up with something, I'm confident," responded Roslyn, giving Adam a glorious and loving smile.

"He's doing this for us, not for just me. We're both responsible for coming up with some adequate compensation for his time and effort. A simple thank you, no matter how sincere, and a meal is not enough. This needs to be something special and unexpected, as I said before," Adam said this with conviction and in an uncompromising tone.

Roslyn could tell that Adam was very serious and how appreciative he was for the voluntary help that Mr. Wilbur was offering, along with, how it was absolutely necessary to do the job right, with him. She also knew that Adam was saying that Mr. Wilbur deserved the same effort from us in returning the favor. She responded, "Yeah, I suppose you're right. I'll try to help out in any way I can and come up with something suitable. I promise I'll help," she said with understanding and sincerity.

"There's plenty of time. Just food for thought," Adam said, as he headed into the spare room and planted himself in front of the computer.

Sunday afternoon Adam's cell phone rang. It was Mr. Wilbur. They talked a few minutes, then hung up.

"That was Mr. Wilbur," Adam said to Roslyn. "He's coming by tomorrow to bring his power and other tools, so we'll be able to get started as soon as the lumber is delivered. I told him he could store them in our shed. He must be looking forward to getting involved in the deck project. Hell, we haven't even ordered the lumber yet and he's bringing his tools here," he chuckled. "Oh, by the way, I told him that you got home from work around three, so don't be surprised if he gets here shortly after."

"Oh, okay. Did you ask him to stay for dinner?" Roslyn asked.

"No, I wouldn't do that without speaking to you first," responded Adam.

"Why don't you call him back, if he doesn't have any plans, see if he'd like to join us. We must show our appreciation. Isn't that what you demanded? May as well start right away," Roslyn smiled teasingly.

After calling Mr. Wilbur back, he said to Roslyn, "He thanked us for the invite, but said he had a dinner engagement with the few faculty colleagues he socially associates with. He said jokingly, I think, that spending time with you, not us, was a more enticing thought, but unfortunately, he had made the commitment weeks ago." Adam thought to himself, "Is he just being polite, or does he have other ideas beginning to fester in that highly educated, calculating mind of his?"

"Well, at least we offered. I'm sure he appreciated the offer," Roslyn said.

"I'm sure he did," he responded. Adam had a slight suspicion that Mr. Wilbur wasn't just being polite. He wondered if Mr. Wilbur, just by his tone, was implying a second and sexual meaning when he said that spending the evening with Rozzi was a more enticing thought. That excited Adam, and he didn't quite understand why. He dismissed the thought immediately and continued conversing with Roslyn. "He emphasized the word FEW, when he mentioned who he was going to dinner with. I suspect he's not the most socially involved person. He may be a somewhat lonely man now that he isn't working," he said in a melancholy, pensive-like tone.

"Yeah . . . That's so sad, if that's the case," Roslyn compassionately replied.

Roslyn pulled into her driveway, returning from work the following day. As she drove up the long driveway, she noticed Mr. Wilbur's car parked off to the side. She pulled up beside him and they got out of their respective vehicles simultaneously. Roslyn smiled and said, "Hi!"

Mr. Wilbur returned her smile, and said, "Hello to you. I'll just get my tools from my trunk and be out of your hair before you know it," as he opened the trunk of his car.

"I'll meet you at the shed. I just need to get the key from inside the house. You're not interfering with anything. There's no need to hurry . . . Take your time. Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee? I always have the brewer on timer and have a cup of coffee when I get home before I do anything else," Roslyn offered.

"Great, that sounds absolutely wonderful. Thank you."

"Outstanding, I'll meet you at the shed," Roslyn replied with a friendly smile and went into the house.

"God! She is absolutely gorgeous," Mr. Wilbur mumbled to himself as he began removing his tools from the car trunk.

Roslyn was waiting at the shed as he approached with the first armful of tools. He couldn't help but admire her casual and very preppy attire. She reminded him of the spattering of conservative students he taught. She was the epitome of perfection, in his mind. She opened the shed doors, and said, "I'll meet you on the deck when you're finished. We can have our coffee outside, it's a lovely day. Just lock the shed and bring the key with you. Don't hurry on my account."

"There aren't many tools, so I won't be long," he said.

"Meet you on the deck then," she said as she then turned and walked back to her house.

Mr. Wilbur couldn't resist the opportunity to admire her firm well defined calves and that lovely ass, as she returned to her house. He began feeling those insistent butterflies in his stomach again. "Damn!" Is all he could say, as he put the first group of tools in the shed, only after he lost sight of the most beautiful derriere he'd ever laid eyes on.

As Mr. Wilbur was putting the final load of tools away and was closing and locking the shed, he heard the glass sliding doors open and then close. He removed the lock key and walked towards the stairs to the deck. He saw Roslyn already sitting at the deck table with her back to the house. As he climbed the stairs and stepped onto the deck, he almost gasped, and nearly stopped in his tracks.

Roslyn was sitting with her legs crossed. Her pencil skirt had risen to mid-thigh, exposing her lovely toned thigh. Not trying to appear obvious, he slowed his gait slightly to savor the view as long as possible. He sat across from her where his waiting coffee cup was and sat himself down. He thanked her, took a sip and said, "You look lovely, my dear. What exactly do you do for work that allows you to come home this early?"

Roslyn smiled, and said, "Thank you." She went on to explain that she worked at a small local law firm, as an early morning receptionist, the occasional runner to deliver documents left in the office that were needed in court, and early afternoon Secretary Assistant. While she was giving him a more detailed account of her daily chores, Mr. Wilbur just stared and examined her natural beauty, enhanced by the bright afternoon sunlight.

She was wearing a cashmere cardigan sweater over a light blue button-down oxford shirt. The sleeve cuffs were folded up twice over her sweater sleeves, which were about three inches above her wrists. Her grey pencil skirt and black, two inch heeled pumps completed the ultimate preppy look.

The sun revealed slight, but distinct, reddish highlights in her short, dark brown, "Bob" haircut, which was tastefully finished by single pearl earrings and a thin, very feminine, gold necklace. This all encircled a fresh, young, beautiful face, deep dark green eyes, and the purest, genuine smile ever. She looked like she had just walked out of a J.Crew catalogue. She was unequivocally stunning, and he was inexcusably captivated.

He disappointedly took the last sip of his coffee and glanced at his watch, and said, "Unfortunately, I must head on out of here and get ready for my dinner engagement." He made a disappointing expression, tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders.

Roslyn said, "I enjoyed what little time we spent together. You don't sound very enthusiastic," she said, leaving the sentence hanging without an explanation of what she meant.

He knew exactly what she was talking about, and apologetically said, "Old faculty political obligations are hard to rid one's self of after all my years at the University. It comes with the territory, as so many other unpleasant obligations do. I obviously enjoyed this afternoon, as well. I appreciate the coffee and the time you took, after getting out of work to spend the time with me. Thank you for the delicious coffee. I'd love doing this again sometime. You're so nice to be around." He started to get up and Roslyn reached over the table, placed her hand gently over his, as a smile touched her lips.