A Deck Renovation Evolves Ch. 03


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Adam called out to her, and said, "Hey honey, we're all out of soda. I'm going to run down to the store and get some. Do you need anything else while I'm there?"

"No, I'm all set, but thanks just the same," she responded.

She knew that the drive to and from the store would take about 45 minutes. That was one thing she found inconvenient about living in the rural area of their town. Her thoughts went to last night and Mr. Wilbur. She decided this would be the perfect time to call him and find out if her suspicions were correct. He had already been home for a few hours, and if he hadn't gone out, he should be settled rather nicely at home. She found his name in her contacts and hit "call".

Mr. Wilbur said, "Hello Roslyn, what a pleasant surprise. What's up?"

He sounded more like his normal self, she thought, and said, "What's up? That's why I'm calling you. What was up with you this morning?"

"Well . . . to be honest. I felt a little uncomfortable and guilty sitting there with Adam. I felt kind of cheap and ashamed of myself for doing what we did behind his back. That's not the type of actions I make a habit of practicing, and it just really bothered me. I like Adam . . . I like the both of you."

"Behind his back? Would have you preferred I made popcorn and sold tickets to him and the neighbors?"

"No, of course not . . . but you know what I mean."

"Mr. Wilbur, you have nothing to be ashamed of or feel guilty about. It was I who was the aggressive one and seduced you. It was I who pulled you into the bedroom. It was I who came back to you only in my sheer negligee. You did nothing wrong, and have always been a perfect gentleman," she said rather sternly and convincingly.

"Yes, but I did nothing to stop you. That makes me just as culpable."

"In the mood I was in, and how badly I wanted and needed you, there is nothing you could've done to stop me, hun. I'm going to tell you something Adam would probably never tell you . . . he is fine with whatever I want to do, as long as I'm happy, he's happy. He knew that I found you sexually attractive. He's not a stupid man, and he doesn't have to be hit over the head with a baseball bat to see what was going on. I mean, really, don't you think it was obvious the way I was dressed for you at breakfast that first Sunday? Good God man, I was silently screaming, 'I want you to fuck me', only a complete idiot would miss that signal. You've been a perfect gentleman, as I said, and restrained yourself admirably. Even Adam said, later that night, 'I don't know what prevented Mr. Wilbur from throwing you down, right on the kitchen floor, and fucking you. He's a better man than I am.' So, there is nothing for you to feel guilty, or anything else about. He doesn't mind. In fact, I'm pretty positive the thought actually turns him on."

She went on, "He's very secure in our marriage. Don't ever indicate that I've told you all of this, please. Now be aware that I am going to call you one night and invite you to dinner very soon. You better be ready to come on over and be your natural wonderful and friendly self. Alright?"

"Yeah, I can't argue with anything your saying. I know Adam is an intelligent young man; I taught him at the University. I know he was aware of what you were doing those mornings. I just wouldn't allow myself to believe it, or accept it as really happening." He would not let on that Adam had already told him that he was alright with wherever she wanted to take this.

"Good, I'm glad we straightened that out." Her tone changed to a much softer one, and she went on. "I really enjoyed last night. You were wonderful."

"One is only as good as their partner. It was you who was wonderful, and it was you who made me seem wonderful, and perform as well as I did for my age. I could never thank you enough for that. You were the straw that stirred the drink, as they say."

"You could try by continuing to fuck me like you did last night."

"I'll do my best, I promise you. I'm assuming Adam is not in the house."

"He's gone to the store. He should be back any minute now."

"Before we hang up, let me tell you this with all my heart. You've made me the happiest man on God's green earth. You've made me feel alive again and renewed my appreciation for life itself. I once again feel useful and have worth. I appreciate that, and will never forget you."

"You were pretty spectacular yourself. Don't cut yourself short. I feel very fortunate that you came into our lives also. I'd better say goodbye now. Call me any time, and don't forget."

"I won't forget. Goodbye for now, my little Princess."


She sat back and couldn't believe that she got aroused to the point of wetness, just talking about last night. As she was placing the clothes she had just washed into the dryer, Adam returned home.

"Hey Rozzi, I'm hone! Want a Coke?"

"No thanks, sweetie! I'll be right up, I'm just putting some clothes in the dryer," she pleasantly hollered back.

When she came up from the basement, she didn't see Adam. She called out his name and asked where he was.

"I'm out here on the deck. Come on out and join me, it's so much nicer now," he said.

Roslyn went out and sat beside him at the table, and said, "I was out here earlier. It is so much nicer, isn't it? I can't believe the difference it makes, and I love the latticework at the end railings. It really finishes it all off nicely, I think."

"Yeah, it does. The old Professor really knows what he's doing. I would've never thought he was capable. Topping off the railings at the end of the deck was a supreme idea, and one I would've never thought of. I don't remember seeing a deck with that on the end. He really did a first class job on it too, a wooden runner for the bottom, and a smaller railing on top. It's really pretty secure too. He surprised me . . . pretty creative" Adam said in surprise and appreciation.

"For some reason, I'm not surprised. I got the impression, when I first met him, that he was a very thorough person, and did everything he attempted, with detailed perfection. I was right."

"As usual," Adam said, as he looked at Roslyn lovingly. "I guess it takes one, to know one. Everything you do, has to be precise too." He then sipped his Coke and smiled.

"You're a lucky man, Adam," she giggled, looking all proud of herself.

"Mr. Wilbur may end up being a lucky man too, one day," he replied, as he chuckled teasingly.

"How do you know he hasn't already? I'm sure you don't know everything about him and his personal life," Roslyn teased back, trying to not be out-teased.

"Good for him, if that's the case," Adam said, realizing he wasn't about to win the battle of "one-upsmanship" with Roslyn today.

"It's going to seem strange not having him around every day now. I kind of got used to him coming by on a daily basis. It was like having a grandfather around. I became very fond of him and his refined ways," Roslyn softly said, as she just blankly gazed towards the sky.

"I doubt you'd be walking around nearly bare-assed, in front of your grandfather like you did a week ago from this past Sunday. And your grandfather wouldn't be lusting over you, like Mr. Wilbur did, as he sat there admiring your bouncing tits, and that lovely, sweet ass of yours," Adam, matter-of-factly, said.

"You didn't seem to mind very much with how I was dressed, or how you say he was looking at me."

"I was the one who suggested your outfit, remember? No, I didn't mind at all, I was getting horny watching you as an exhibitionist, and a lewd, old man voyeur, getting all horned up, especially when you walked towards us and he could see your bush through your sheer panties and robe. Hell, I got horny watching the action. Mr. Wilbur was so horny, he had a rip-roaring hard-on and had to go outside right after he finished his breakfast. No, I didn't mind at all . . . in fact, I loved watching you being naughty and enjoying it. It was obvious how much fun you were having. It was great, and I told you so that night."

"It was fun," Roslyn said. And you reaped the benefits of it all that night, if I remember correctly. No wonder you can sit there and say you enjoyed it all."

"Well, I have a feeling he's going to find every reason in the book now, to drop by, so I wouldn't worry about not seeing him around much. You wait and see if I'm wrong. The man obviously wants to fuck your brains out."

"Oh, stop being so vulgar."

"Okay, sorry. Want to go get on the computer for a little while? Huh . . . huh? Come on, let's go have a little private fun."

"How can you think that watching men masturbate live on cam is private?"

"Well, you know what I mean. Just the two of us, and no Mr. Wilbur around."

"You go, I'm going to stay out here for a while," replying, as she was shaking her head in the negative. "I'm a little sore down there today," she said, without thinking.

Adam was closing the slider as she was saying the last part of declining his offer.

A few minutes later Adam returned. Wearing a very quizzical and somewhat concerned look on his face thinking something may be physically wrong with Roslyn. "You're a little sore? Are you feeling alright?" he asked, as he sat beside her again.

"I'm alright," she said, as she looked at Adam with a mixture of guilt, embarrassment, and concern on her face. She looked downward shyly, then softly said, "I was a very naughty girl last night."

"Oh, okay, that's good to hear," Adam said, with a sigh of relief. He went on, "If you're talking about how you were dancing with Mr. Wilbur last night . . . you were a little tipsy from all the wine you drank, and feeling a little frisky, is all. You were enjoying yourself, nothing naughty about that. Hell, Mr. Wilbur was a little tipsy himself. You were obviously concerned enough about him driving home in that condition that you had him sleep here. I'd say that was very kind and considerate of you, something that doesn't surprise me. That's not being naughty, that's being thoughtful and generous.," Adam convincingly said, in a gentle patronizing way.

"Adam, you don't understand, but need to know." She paused, took a deep breath and continued, "Being concerned about Mr. Wilbur's safety wasn't the only reason I had him stay here last night. I..., I also wanted to fuck him . . . and ended up doing just that!" She looked down again, red faced from embarrassment, and said, "And now, although I'm glad I did . . . there's a part of me that feels terribly dirty and cheap, sitting here beside you, and you not having a clue." She then put her face in both her open hands, in what appeared to be an attempt to hide, and not have to look at him.

"Holy shit! Really? Are you serious?" Adam gasped in surprise. "That explains Mr. Wilbur's odd and distant behavior this morning. It had nothing to do with his soiled, dirty clothing. He was having a problem dealing with, what he felt was his soiled and dirty guilt complex. He must be feeling as terrible as you are right now, as if he betrayed my trust and our friendship. We can't let him continue living with this unnecessary guilt anxiety. How can we fix all this?" Adam asked, as he gently rubbed Roslyn's shoulder.

Roslyn kept her face in her hands and remained silent.

Adam went on, "Roz, I told you that I was fine with whatever you did with him, and I meant it. There's no need for you to feel dirty and cheap, you're the furthest thing from either. When you feel up to it, I would love hearing all about it . . . every single detail. I'm feeling aroused just thinking about it. I find myself loving you more with each passing day, and today is without exception." He leaned over and softly kissed the top of her head. As he sat back in his chair, he softly said, "This is better than anything I could see on our computer."

That made Roslyn giggle. She raised her face from her hands, looked at Adam, and said, "You are so incorrigible, and such a deviate," while nodding her head and wearing a loving smile of relief and gratefulness.

"I believe you suspected that before we got married, and that's what initially drew you to me," he said, as he laughed.

"Drew me to you? You were everywhere I went! I couldn't escape you! You were like an obsessed, incessant stalker, constantly asking me out. Before we met formally, I always referred to you as, 'The Omnipresent One'. So don't try to inflate your ego by convincing yourself that I chased you." She paused, with that smile still touching her lips, and said, "But I'm glad you didn't give up and continued being persistent."

"I was obsessed, and still am . . . with your radiant and most uncommon beauty. It was only after I got to know you, did I realize that your beauty was not only physical; it also was who you are as a person. I love and appreciate everything about you."

"Even after what I just told you?" She asked.

"All the more," Adam reassured.

"I think I'm ready to give you all the details of last night now. Let me get us both a good stiff drink first. We may both need one. I know I do," she said, as she got up and went into the house.

" I can't wait," responded Adam, in excited anticipation.

Roslyn returned carrying two tall glasses of Captain and Coke. She took a long drink, sighed, and said, "Okay, here goes, just no interruptions please. Save any question until I'm done."

Adam just nodded his head, excitedly compliant, and silent.

Roslyn began, and didn't stop until she was finished telling Adam everything in precise detail, from what was said, what she did to him, and he to her. She shared how she was dressed when she re-entered his bedroom, how and what she felt before, during, and after they fucked. She even mentioned how they both exchanged cell numbers, and for what reason. She finished with, "It was absolutely wonderful. It was everything I had imagined my naughty and taboo fantasy would be, and more. Please forgive me, if you must."

"Holy fuck, Roslyn. That was so fucking hot. I enjoyed hearing you telling me it so much, that I actually shot a load right in my pants. Look!" He stood up and showed her his soaking wet pants. He sat back down, took a huge sip of his drink, and said, "There's nothing I need to forgive you for, so get that right out of your pretty little head. I have all sorts of wonderful images in my head that will always be there now. Thank you for that, and for being so upfront and honest with me."

"I'm so glad you feel that way, and relieved as well, and I thank you for that. I promise to reward you tonight, for being so understanding and acceptable to what I did with Mr. Wilbur," she swooned, as she gave him the most seductive look and smile he had ever seen on her face.

"If I may ask one question," Adam said. "Was he extremely large? Is that why you're a little sore now? Did he cum inside you?"

"His cock isn't overly large in length, but it is extremely thick and wide. I'm sure that's why I'm feeling much more tender down there, than I normally do. And yes, he came completely while inside me. I would say that, 'Fucking Aloysius was delicious', and if you really don't mind, I intend to fuck him many more times. Would you like that? Now, I think I should start making something for us to eat, and you need to get out of those disgusting shorts."

Adam looked down at his crotch, and said, "Huh? Oh yeah." He then said, "Would I like that? I think I'd enjoy having that kind of excitement around quite often. So don't stop on my account."

Roslyn got up and took herself and her empty glass into the house as her laughter slowly faded the further from the slider she became.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Waiting for next part on it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
what is next

The 3 stories were great. what comes next?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Where is the story about him coming over for dinner and Adam stripping her for him and watching him fuck her? Adam could get it up her ass.

We need more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Terrific writing!

You do have a way with words. The way you tease the reader as you build up the sexual tension in the story is intoxicating. I love the way you bring the story along slowly as if we were participating in the foreplay. Being 71, I can totally relate to Mr. Wilbur's dilemma of wondering if he could perform & satisfy a young and beautiful woman. It was carefully crafted with lots of character development, except it could have been hotter if her husband ate her sloppy pussy or fucked her through Mr. Wilber's copious cum load. More fodder for additional chapters? Loved it, a 5.

motordaddymotordaddyalmost 7 years ago
There Is a Dire Need

Of more adventures of these three or maybe others in their lives. You have a wonderful way words that are delightful to read

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