A Detective Story


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"True, he's trained to spot differences in mood or behavior. My advice is to get ahold of your mother, tell her what's going on, and have her cover for you. Meanwhile, I have a guestroom here with a queen sized bed in it, and room for two more cars in my garage." I smiled. So far, only my car and Dani's car were in there. I handed her a remote for the garage door, and she accepted gratefully. She went home to pack.

Dani also went home to pack. She packed a whole week's worth of clothes and came back half an hour later. I chuckled as she hauled her stuff into my room and put it in Sammie's old dresser. The girl is determined, I'll give her that!

The next morning, Janine got back just as I got out of bed after another great night's sleep with Dani by my side. She was now wearing an oversized t-shirt of mine and panties to sleep in, for which I was grateful. I was wearing boxers and pajama pants, and a t-shirt as well. Dani was in the shower when I heard the garage door going up.

Janine looked great, and gave me a sympathetic hug and kiss on the cheek when I went to meet her as soon as she came inside. She had a small suitcase with her with a couple changes of clothes inside. She also brought me bank statements for Denny boy's accounts, and I gawked at how much he had in liquid assets!

When Dani had cooked breakfast for us all, and we'd eaten another great meal, Janine told us that she was ready to move forward. I told her that we would be able to move once every ex husband and wife were notified of the most recent developments. We had 11 ex-husbands to call, and then informed them to call their ex-wives and inform them of what was going down. We were going to file separate lawsuits against Dr. Dumptruck for Malpractice and Alienation of Affection, and they were more than welcome to join us. Not surprisingly, most of the husbands were more than ready to get some payback on Asshole, and even a good majority of the ex-wives were chomping at the bit. I wasn't about to get Sammie in on it, though. Not after seeing the last video.

I showed up at Wes's office along with 9 out of the 11 ex-husbands we'd been able to contact, and all 9 ex-wives. Since I was ex-husband #12, I would be in on it.

Wes, to save time, drew up identical A of A and Malpractice papers, and just put different names in there, depending on who was in line. He was like a kid in a candy store, with well over 175 mill in liquid assets from Dr. Dumbfuck, and almost 100 mill in properties around the world that would most probably have to be liquidated to pay for the Malpractice, Divorce, and A of A suits. Sure, a Class Action would have been simpler all around, but we were going for shock value on this one. I wanted Dr. Dennis "The Menace" Linder to know his world was about to come a-tumbling down around him like the Walls of fuckin' Jericho.

Janine was waiting with Dani and me at the end of the line while Wes happily helped his new throng of customers to make an Asshole's life miserable, and get rich while doing it. Yes, he's a good buddy of mine, but he's STILL an Attorney.

When he was finally done printing out Malpractice and A of A paperwork for his new clients, and sent them on their merry way with the promise that he would have them delivered to Dr. Dingus at work, bright and early Monday morning with plenty of witnesses, it was Janine's and my turn. I filed for Divorce from Samantha, and Janine filed for Divorce from her soon-to-be-very-poor soon-to-be-ex-hubby. Wes was taken with Janine immediately, and it seemed the attraction was mutual.

I set it up with Wes for each client's stuff to be delivered by a different process server all at the same time. Wes, Janine, and Dani all joined me in grinning like skeletons at that one. He was about to be overrun, come Monday morning, and Dani and I, along with Janine, were going to have a front row seat. As a bonus, Wes threw in a Restraining order against Dr. Duckfucker for free for each of us, his clients. He knew how rich he was going to be once all the fallout had settled around this mass nuclear strike.

Then it was time for Phase II.

Phase II involved Media and Law Enforcement saturation. I used Sammie's videos, blotting out her face and changing her voice to a computer blurb, blotting out all mention of her or my names, all using a new media editor program I'd bought. I spliced together segments from different videos, showing how Dr. Dennis Linder made a habit of seducing women away from happy marriages, or marriages that had the possibility to be happy again after his "therapy", but he had seen the need to ruin said marriages for his own twisted ego. I used segments from the videos of the other women too, showing how they had all been manipulated into turning against their husbands at Linder's urging. I knew the News media would eat this one up.

The FBI would get involved for criminal Malpractice, since he was ripping men off and having sex with their wives.

The California Board of Psychology was also going to take an interest in this one. I had a dummy account email account set up for this, and used proxy servers so I couldn't be traced.

Phase II started Monday morning, just after the Process Servers had done their job. As the last Process server left, I handed Janine the popcorn bucket, and she was munching some popcorn as Denny boy came running out the front of his office, looking around wildly. He saw me, standing next to his soon-to-be Ex along with Dani. I held up my cellphone, hit the Send button on the Mass Email Delivery, and initiated Phase II.

We got in my car and drove away as Dr. Dicked screamed at us incoherently that he was going to kill us all. The last I saw of him that day, he was kneeling in the parking lot, a whole shitload of paperwork in his hands, and he was crying his eyes out.

My Vengeance wasn't over by half!

Phase III involved a sit-down with Samantha, which she agreed to do. She had been staying with her folks, and was about to find out that she wouldn't be able to stay there anymore, unless she was REALLY lucky.

We met in a very public place. Starbucks. Gotta love it.

"I'm here. Does this mean you want to talk?" She asked hopefully as she sat across from me.

"As a matter of fact, I do need to tell you something." I said with a smile. "Samantha, I would have been able to forgive you just about anything, if you had been coerced or brainwashed by that Asshole. I'm not kidding. But after watching 16 hours of you going along with EVERYTHING he said, even with your protestations, you, in the end, SUGGESTED cuckolding me to live out your domination fantasy. That, I cannot forgive or forget." I shook my head slowly. "Sammie, I would have done damn near anything for you. I loved you more than you can possibly know. Loved, as in past tense. I would have given my life for you, until I saw that betrayal. That ultimate betrayal of everything we meant to each other. I'm sorry, Samantha. But you've been served." I slid the Divorce papers across to her. "I think you'll find it fair, considering."

She looked at the paperwork in shock. "You're kidding! I wasn't in my right mind, baby! Please, you have to believe me!" She panicked, and then I let the other boot drop.

"If I were you, I would think of something to tell your parents, Samantha. Something tells me that they just got an anonymous Email showing them what kind of a daughter they raised." I stood and walked out, leaving her in stunned silence.

Wes asked Janine out, and she had accepted. I vouched for his integrity, such as it is. When she asked about that, I said "He's a Divorce Lawyer." I shrugged.

"Then I'll just have to keep my eye on him." She grinned.

"But seriously, he's a good guy. I wouldn't work with him if he wasn't." I said, easing up on my friend.

The next day, Wes called me and told me that Sammie and her lawyer were there and wanted to talk. I agreed, and drove over with Dani with me for moral support.

"Ok, I'm here." I said as I sat down opposite Sammie and her Lawyer, who looked a bit like Gloria Allred, and Dani sat with me and Wes.

"Mr. Carter, I'm Jean Allbrook. I'm going to be representing your wife in this. From what she's told me, you have destroyed her utterly, which is why I'm taking her case pro-bono. I will start by saying that these terms are unacceptable." She finished her initial tirade.

"Ms. Allbrook, let me point out that I have enough evidence to sway any judge and jury in the world to my point of view. It shows my soon-to-be ex there plotting with her lover to cuckold me. It was HER suggestion, even. For the record, I am not into that lifestyle, nor will I ever be. Under those circumstances, I believe my proposal is MORE than adequate." I finished, sitting back.

"And where is this evidence?" Allred Jr. asked.

Wes, God Bless him, started the DVD he'd burned of the last two sessions between Samantha and The Good Doctor. He also had the recording from my Pocket Recorder and the video from my iPhone on the DVD as well. The video showed them planning it all, where she would play the confused and helpless victim who just wanted to explore her sexuality, and Dr. Linder coaxing her on. It then cut to my own Recorder as I came in and found them together. Then the iPhone video of them fucking on our marital bed. Then me pulling him off of her and throwing him to the floor.

"I have the rest if you want it." Wes said with a shit eating grin. "Just say the word, and I'll make copies of everything for you."

Gloria Jr. looked like she would rather be anywhere else but there at that moment. She looked at the proposal that I'd had Wes draw up. It was actually pretty fair, considering the shit she'd put me through. She would get 75K and her car paid off. She would get her belongings, to be picked up at my discretion, and she would be given an apartment, paid for by me, for an entire year. No children, so no child support. No Alimony, though. That, I had refused. No way was I going to pay her until she got married again! But the Apartment was at least a nice one.

After consulting with Samantha, Gloria's younger clone looked at me. "We'll take it, Mr. Carter."

"Good call." I smiled. We all signed on the dotted lines, Jean notarized it, and it would be brought before a judge in 30 days.

Those thirty days dragged by so fuckin' slow, I wanted to rip my hair out! Every day, Dani and I would make out like teenagers, but I still couldn't go all the way with her. I wanted to like you would not believe, but I was being stubborn, or some would say stupid. By the end, I was leaning more toward stupid, myself.

Finally, our court date arrived! We'd had no cases since the Linder Case, so it had been maddening waiting for the hours to tick away until we could officially be together.

When the Judge banged his gavel, I took Dani into my arms and kissed her until our toes curled. Sammie came up to us as we broke apart.

"I'm sorry, Nick. For whatever that's worth. I screwed up the best thing I ever had." She had tears in her eyes as she looked at Dani. "Dani, please take care of him, and don't be stupid like I was."

"Sammie, I've been in love with Nick since I first laid eyes on him. I kept my distance, since he loved you with everything he had. I kept my distance because you were my friend too. You're both my friends, but when you did what you did to him, I couldn't stand by any longer. I'm not sorry, either. I love this man, and I promise you I will take care of him for the rest of our lives." Dani surprised me with that one too. But she REALLY surprised Sammie, and hugged her friend tightly.

Dani had moved in with me during that thirty day wait. It had been something to do while we were waiting for my stupidity to either falter, or the Divorce to go through.

So when we got home that day from Court, I pulled off my old wedding ring and threw it on the coffee table before picking Dani up and carrying her to our bedroom.

"Oooh, papi!" She giggled as I threw her on the bed and stripped down in record time. She was stripping too, which didn't take long. In anticipation, she had worn no panties under her sundress, and no bra either, as it turned out. She threw the sundress to the side, revealing her voluptuous body.

"Damn, baby." I sighed as I drank in the beautiful sight. I was hard as steel for her, and she noticed it as she reached out and pulled me towards her by my cock.

"Mmmm, so big and hard for me, papi..." She engulfed my cock with her warm wet mouth, sucking lovingly up and down my shaft.

"Oh God, Dani baby." I moaned as she sucked me deep, taking all of me in her mouth and down her throat.

"Mmmmmmmmm" She moaned around my cock, causing me to get even harder in her mouth, if that were possible. She bobbed her head faster and faster, giving me the best blowjob I've ever had.

"Gonna come." I managed between gritted teeth. Reacting quickly, Dani pinched me off at the base, and I groaned.

"Not yet, papi. I want that hot cum inside mi coño." She was begging for my cum in her pussy!

"God yes." I said, the lust in my voice as she laid back and spread her thighs wide for me. Before I fucked her, though, I needed to taste her. I dove downward and attacked her pussy with my tongue. She tasted magnificent, and I licked her deeper as I rubbed her little clit with my thumb.

"FUCK!" She screamed as she came without warning. I sucked her clit as she came, drinking down her sweet juices. When I came up for air after she finished coming, she gazed at me with lust filled eyes.

"¡Pon esa gran polla en mi coño!" She demanded. Who the fuck was I to say No to an invitation like that! She wanted my big cock in her pussy, I was going to give it to her. I'd waited too long already!

As I plunged into her tight wet cunt, I leaned down and kissed her hard and long, our tongues dueling each other as I fucked her hard. Her legs were wrapped around my back, holding me in position to buck my hips back and forth, thrusting deep up into her each time. She was cursing again in Spanish as we kept fucking, her calling out for God, over and over as I fucked her like she was built for it!

"Go on, papi!" She exclaimed. "Come inside mi coño! Gimme that hot fuckin' cum! Make me a mami for our bebés!" She demanded, and I unleashed my seed deep into her fertile womb.

It was two and a half years before all the fallout had settled from my Nuclear Strike on Dr. Dennis Linder, and a lot of people felt the fallout in one way or another. Several couples that had been split by the Asshole's actions ended up reconciling and remarrying after receiving their settlements from their A of A and Malpractice suits. Ok. Good for them.

I heard from Samantha shortly after all the Malpractice suits and A of A suits went to trial against Dr. Diptard. Anyway, Samantha now lives in Vegas and became a Dominatrix. Seems right up her alley with the shit that Linder had opened up in her psyche. Her parents still aren't speaking to her, thanks to my surgical strike against her by sending them the video of her and her lover plotting against me. Oh, well. She brought it on herself.

After Janine divorced him, of which she got WELL over half, all the criminal charges came down on ol' Denny boy like a ton of bricks. He pled out to what he could, but lost his license and after all the suits were over, had to file bankruptcy. That didn't stop all those he'd wronged from getting their due rewards, however. It just delayed it a little.

Someone who shall remain nameless paid the Good Doctor a visit one night before his criminal trials started. Whoever that person was, beat Dr. Douchebag so badly, he had to be hospitalized for a few weeks. He had both knees broken, both arms broken, and both of his balls had been ruptured. As to how I know all this... Well, ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean my old aluminum Baseball Bat.

Wes and Janine dated for six months, and hit it off so well, they got married with me as Best Man and Dani as Maid of Honor. Wes made enough from all the lawsuits to retire, and they plan on spending their Golden Years together.

The Trial was pretty much open and shut, since Dr. Douchefuck's attorney couldn't get the video evidence suppressed of how Assholio had seduced all those women. He was convicted on all counts.

And when Denny boy got to prison, he lasted all of two days before the guards found him swinging in his cell. It seems that he had fallen so hard, so fast, he actually hanged himself rather than face the trainwreck his life had become. Good. One less burden on society. The Asshole, who had ruined so many lives, was now literally at the end of his rope. Fitting, if you ask me. With his demise, and since he never changed his will, Janine was only too happy to use her large inherited amount of funds to settle with those whose lives her now deceased ex-hubby had ruined.

As for Dani and I, we made out like fat cats from my lawsuits. 15 million, all told. "15 MILLION DOLLARS!" I had said as I placed my pinky to the side of my mouth.

We're retired now too, and raising our two children. Our son, Nicholas, since Dani insisted on giving him a FULL name, which of course I agreed with immediately, is already a handful, and about to start Pre-school next year. Isabel, our daughter, is the sweetest baby I've ever seen.

We're happy now. That case, my Last Case, was a mixed bag for me, but turned out all right in...

The End.

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redboat7redboat7about 2 months ago

Great Story!! Love it!!

OlefishermanOlefisherman3 months ago

To unbelievable!

Norseman123Norseman1234 months ago

Top story as always 5*****

FluidswallowerFluidswallower6 months ago

Excellent tale, well-written and a fun read! Thanks!!

willyk1212willyk12126 months ago

dani good for her

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