A Dignified Mom

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His mother isn't quite as dignified as she seems.
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All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age.

A Dignified Mom

At twenty-two, it looked like Mike Hoff had the world in the palm of his hand. He was 6' tall and 200 pounds of solid muscle. Mike was movie star handsome and had been dating the same beautiful girl for three years. His academic record was top of his University of Nebraska class. He was also their star running back and was a sure thing for a top NFL draft pick.

It was early in his senior season when it all crumbled. The bones in his knee were crushed by an opposing player just after he crossed into the end-zone.

The surgery was the following day. An MRI was done weeks later which put the final nail into the coffin that was his football career. It was all over. The constant flow of visitors and well-wishers was gone, as was his girlfriend. It was Mike and his mom, Cindy, now.

Cindy had raised him by herself. She was seventeen when he was born but had loving parents who were very supportive. They made sure she finished high school and paid for her to get dental hygienist training. Cindy was thirty-nine now and managed a large and successful dental practice. She had purchased their small two bedroom, two bath, home with her modest inheritance after the untimely death of her parents when she was twenty-two. All her adult life Cindy could have been the poster child for an upstanding dignified woman.

Cindy had never married but over the years always seemed to have a male friend. At most, they would stay around for a few months before being replaced by another. In the last few years her choice of companions had been well below the type of man she could have had. Cindy, was 5' 2", 110 lbs, beautiful, shapely, and could have been very selective.

Her latest, Otis, was her worst ever, and was obviously scraped from the bottom of the barrel. He was about 5'9" and nearly 300 pounds of stupidity and fat. Otis owned a truck and with the assistance of his two helpers, Curt, and Darryl, did local furniture moving. His helpers, both in their early twenties, and dumber than rocks, did the work while Otis supervised. Other than that, Otis drank beer, ate, and watched TV. Mike and Otis rarely spoke to each other.

Mike had been fortunate enough to get a few endorsements before his injury. This had left him with enough money to open his own gym and still have a nice nest egg. Now, a year later, business was booming at the gym.

Mike loved football, but his former girlfriend, after unceremoniously dumping him, had quickly moved on to another player. Mike didn't go to the games just to avoid Julie. He had loved her and had planned on proposing after graduation, but realizing she was a gold digger had really been devastating. When Julie's new man wasn't drafted she dumped him and found another.

When Nebraska and Iowa played, everything in town shut down to watch the rivals. Today was that day. With nothing to do at work, Mike left the gym in the hands of the staff and went home.

During halftime, Cindy had fixed sandwiches for the three men at her house. She was standing at the sink washing dishes when Darryl walked up behind her and grabbed her around the waist, pinning her arms to her sides.

"Let go of me!" she yelled, knowing the person holding her wasn't fat enough to be Otis.

Rather than letting go, Darryl picked her up and turned her toward the dinette where Curt and Otis stood grinning.

"Otis, tell him to let me go," Cindy demanded.

"He's just havin' a little fun. Relax and enjoy it," Otis replied, as he took a seat.

Curt walked up to her and grabbed her breasts with both hands. She began kicking at him, but he stepped between her flailing legs to avoid getting kicked.

"Stop it, you bastards! Otis, make them stop!"

"I promised them a little half-time fun," he laughed.

"No! Leave me alone!" she screamed.

"Cindy, they've agreed to let me keep their pay this week for a little pussy from you. Relax, you like dick."

"I'm not you're fucking whore!" Cindy shouted.

"You are now," Otis told her. "Get on with it, boys. The game's gonna be back on in twenty minutes."

Curt ripped her shirt open and unhooked the clip on the front of her bra, exposing her small breasts. When she screamed, Darryl put his hand over her mouth to quiet her. Curt pinched her nipples hard enough to bring tears to her eyes as she struggled against them. Curt pulled down her slacks and panties to her ankles then pulled them off one foot. He stepped on the slacks that were still on the other foot, immobilizing that leg. Curt grabbed her free leg and raised it, so he could get to her pussy.

"I love shaved cunt," Curt said, as he put his hand between her legs. He pushed his dry finger into her unprepared and poorly lubricated pussy. Cindy screamed into Darryl's hand as she continued struggling. Otis was smiling as he sat watching her assault.

Mike pulled up in front of the house and parked on the street, since the entire driveway was blocked with Otis's truck. He walked into the open garage and stepped inside into the nook. A mere six feet in front of him stood Darryl and Curt with his mother pinned between them. Curt was pulling down his pants.

Mike grabbed Curt by the top of his pants and his man bun, then violently threw him over the dinette where his head struck Otis in the face. Darryl pulled back slightly, and Cindy bit his fingers. He screamed and let her go as Mike grabbed his arm and twisted violently. Darryl's elbow popped and bent backward as he fell to the floor. Cindy scrambled away and ran out of the room. Her slacks fell the rest of the way off as she did.

Mike turned toward the dinette. Otis was out cold and bleeding profusely from his nose. Curt was trying to get up from the floor. When Mike stomped on his outstretched leg, the snap at the knee was loud enough to hear. Curt screamed out in pain.

With all three incapacitated, Mike went to check on his mother. She was kneeling on the floor in her bedroom with her face buried in her hands, sobbing.

"Mom, are you okay?" he asked squatting beside her.

"I'm fine. Get them out of the house," she said.

"I'm going to call the police."

"No. I don't want the police here. Just get them out of the house."

"They were raping you. We need to call the cops," he told her.

"You stopped them before they did. Please, just get them out of here."

"Okay," he replied, then walked back to the kitchen. Darryl and Curt were moaning and still on the floor. Mike poured Otis's beer over his head to rouse him.

"She wanted it," Otis said.

Mike grabbed his hair and held his face up. Otis's nose was obviously broken. Mike punched him again to make sure.

"You're a fucking liar. Get your boys outta here right now. If you ever come back or come near my mother again, I swear to God, I will kill you. Do you understand me?" Mike barked.

"I'm leavin'. Okay, I'm leavin'."

Mike helped Curt stand, then Otis walked him out. Mike followed them escorting Darryl. Just before they drove away, Mike grabbed Otis by his shirt.

"Don't forget what I said. It goes for all three of you."

"Okay," Otis agreed then drove away.

Mike went back inside and toward his mother's room. The bathroom door was closed, and he could hear the shower running. "They're gone, mom," he shouted.

"Thank you," she replied.

Mike went to the dining room and straightened it up. He picked up his mother's slacks and panties, then carried them to her room. Passing through the living room on the way back, he gathered the empties and took them to the trash. By the time his mother walked in, a while later, he had the kitchen picked up and the dishes done. Mike was standing at the patio door looking outside when she came up behind him. Putting her arms around him, she laid her head on his back.

"Thank you," she said.

"I'm just glad I got here when I did. They won't be back," he said turning to her. "Mom, I try to stay out of your business, but you need to be more selective with your men friends. You deserve better than that."

"Guys like you are rare, and certainly not interested in an old woman like me."

"Mom, you're smart, beautiful, have a great body, and everyone loves you. You aren't old. Hell, you aren't even forty yet."

"I feel very old," she said, looking up at him.

"You're beautiful," he said sincerely. "I'd be thrilled to have someone like you."


"I'll tell you what. Go get dolled up and I'll take you to dinner tonight."

"Really?" she asked.

"We'll go someplace nice, okay?"

"Dressy nice?" she asked.

"I don't own a tux, but yes, dressy nice. How about Jumer's?"

"The castle place?" she asked.

"You'll love it. One of the pro scouts took me there once. I'll call and make a reservation. Will six o'clock give you enough time?"

Cindy was beaming. "Plenty of time."

She kissed him on the cheek and practically ran to her room. Mike grinned then called to make their reservation.

Mike got ready and went to the living room to wait on his mother. He heard the click of her heels coming down the hallway toward him and looked up. His jaw dropped when he saw her. His mother's sandy blonde hair was styled and just touched her shoulders. Her makeup, although light, was perfection. She wore a form fitting little black dress that came just below mid-thigh, and black heels.

"Wow! I'm going to be the envy of every man at the restaurant," he told her.

Cindy smiled and blushed. "I look okay?" she asked.

"Mom, you look good enough to eat." Her blush deepened. "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean it like that," Mike said apologetically.

Cindy felt herself begin to moisten with his comment, and for a split second visualized her son licking her between the legs.

"I know what you meant," she said shyly. "Ready?"

Mike stood and offered his arm then walked her to her car.

"You don't have to take me out you know."

"And miss a chance to show you off? Not a chance," he said opening her door.

She grinned as she stepped into the car, showing a lot more leg as she did. He closed the door then went around and got in the other side. Mike noticed that her dress had ridden higher now and stared for a second before putting on his seatbelt.

Cindy always dressed modestly and seeing this much leg distracted her son. He couldn't remember ever seeing her in a swimsuit. She wore shorts in the summer, but never anything particularly revealing. This was a real treat for him, and after not having a sexual outlet for a while, his cock began rising to the occasion.

The drive took about twenty minutes. They parked and walked arm in arm into the restaurant. Mother and son were seated immediately.

Jumer's was an expensive, upscale, Bavarian restaurant. Everything about it was classy. The tall backs of the chairs looked more like thrones than chairs. On a balcony overlooking the dining room a string quartet played.

"This is fancier than I heard," she said.

"Nice huh?"

Within a few minutes their orders were taken, and wine was brought to the table. Dinner arrived quickly and they chatted as they ate.

"You're getting a lot of admiring looks. Maybe this is where you and your lady friends should go on your outings," her son suggested.

"I'm done with that. After this afternoon, I think I'm going to become a nun," she said dryly.

"Mom, you're young. You just need to be more selective. You can do a lot better than your recent choices."

"At my age you take what you get, not what you want."

"What do you want?" her son asked.

"Someone with your qualities: handsome, smart, respectful, and single. The ones with the first three are already married. The ones that are single rarely meet any of my other three criteria. Men like you just don't exist, I'm afraid," she added.

"I beg your pardon. I exist," he pointed out.

"Yes, but sometimes it's nice to take things farther than a simple date. I don't think we could do that," she said smiling.

A statement like this was totally out of character for his clean cut, dignified mom. Mike decided to play along.

"So, you think I'd be a lousy lay?" he asked grinning.

Cindy laughed. "Based on how vocal Julie was, I suspect you'd be wonderful. Incest is frowned upon in Nebraska."

Mike blushed. "Were we that loud?"

His mother grinned at him. "Sometimes. I'll admit, it was hot listening to you."

"You listened on purpose?" he asked, surprised by her comment.

"My sex life hasn't been particularly exciting. I listened occasionally, and to be perfectly honest, I do miss hearing it. I'm surprised you aren't seeing someone. You should be."

"I'm still a bit gun shy, I guess."

"When the horse throws you off, you've gotta get back in the saddle and try again," she advised.

"I asked you out on this date, didn't I?"

"Unless you plan to seduce me after dinner, I don't think this counts."

"Cindy, what makes you think that's not what I'm planning?" he asked teasingly, as he poured her more wine.

"Cindy now, huh? Oh, you're good. Are you?"

"It wasn't my original intention, but since you brought it up..."

"I didn't start this. You did," she laughed.

"Pardon me? I believe you were the one listening to me and Julie. I never listened to you," he said.

"Nothing to listen to. I'm very quiet."

"Then you've got the wrong partner," her son pointed out.

"Apparently, I've always had the wrong partner," Cindy replied.

Mike and his mother had never had a conversation like this. He was astounded but enjoying it.

The server came to the table. "Was everything to your liking," he asked.

"Everything has been wonderful," Cindy assured him.

"Do you still have the dessert sampler?" Mike asked.

"We do, sir."

"Let's have that and two Bavarian coffees with Kahlua," Mike replied.

The server nodded and left the table.

"Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, sir?" his mother asked.

"Let's see. I'm on a date with a beautiful, single woman; a real MILF, I might add. She suspects I'm good in bed and has gotten off listening..."

"Whoa! I never said I got off on it," she said.

"You implied it. Did you?"

"Did I what?" his mother asked innocently.

"Get off on it."

Cindy turned deep red. "That's none of your business."

"So, you did."

She didn't reply as the waiter stepped up with their coffees and the desserts. The conversation stopped for a few minutes as they tried the items on the platter.

"When was the last time you took a vacation?" he asked her.

"When you had your knee surgery, so I could be home with you."

"I mean a real vacation, to have fun and relax," Mike said.

"Six flags, probably."

"I was ten and that was a day trip."

She thought for a moment. "I can't remember," she admitted.

"That's what I thought. Let's take one. The beach maybe."

"That would be expensive."

"It's off season. Prices are a lot cheaper."

"Where?" she asked.

"Miami, Key West, someplace like that."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I can get away from the gym easy enough. You take a week off and we'll go partying."

"With your mother?"

"With my date, who also happens to be my mother," he replied excitedly.

She thought for a moment. "I guess I'm a bit old fashioned. I'd be embarrassed going on vacation with my adult son. What would people think?"

"No one needs to know we're mother and son. We can go as a couple. Come on. We both deserve some time off."

"I don't even own a bathing suit," she protested.

"Buy one."

"I'm white as a sheet."

"Tanning salon," he countered. "Or, how about a cruise?"

"Those are really expensive," she replied.

"I don't think so. We can price them when we get home."

"I always wanted to take a cruise. If we can get one at a reasonable price, you've got a deal," she said grinning.

With the subject now on the cruise, the sexual bantering stopped. After paying the tab, they returned home. Even before changing clothes, they went online to look at cruises. They were both surprised at how low the prices were, even including airfare. It was when they looked at cabins that things got a little awkward.

"Anything less than a king bed is too short for you, and unless we book a suite they only have a single king bed in a room," his mother pointed out.

"So, let's get a cabin with a single king," Mike suggested.

"Mike, it's one thing to tease over dinner. Sharing a bed for a week is a whole different thing for two adults."

"The only time we'll be in the room is at night. We'll be busy doing things from the time we get up until bedtime," he said.

"I suppose we could put something in the bed to separate us."

Mike laughed. "You don't trust me, do you?"

"I don't think I trust either of us," she said honestly. "Does the couch fold out in the room?" They looked again at the cabin. "It does, go ahead and book it," she said.

"You're going to sleep on the couch?" he asked.

"If things get awkward we have that as an option."

"Afraid you'll get poked with morning wood?" he asked jokingly.

"Afraid? No. That's the problem. I like getting poked with morning wood." Cindy turned to her son with a concerned look. "What worries me isn't being poked. It's how I'll react to it. I love you and don't want anything to interfere with our relationship. Mike, I'm the one I don't trust. You don't know me as well as you might think."

"Okay. We've got the couch. Ready to book it?" he asked.

Cindy grinned. "Go for it."

Over the next few minutes, they booked the cruise, flights, and one night in a hotel the night before their departure.

When they retired for the night neither fell asleep quickly. Both had secretly fantasized of the other, but now...now after the teasing, and the plan to share a bed for a week, it had become something different.

Cindy was accustomed to sex a couple of times a week. Now with the absence of Otis, she wouldn't be getting that. She turned to her fingers and vibrator. Although they were a temporary help, neither worked to suppress the drive that was worsening by the day. Thoughts of her son seemed to consume her.

Mike was having a similar issue as his thoughts of his mother filled his head both day and night. He found himself needing relief frequently.

These feelings were fairly new to both, and they avoided each other much of the time. Just the nearness tended to increase their needs. Mike began calling his mother Cindy to prepare for the trip as a couple. He sent her a list of shore excursions and ship activities and over the next week they had booked all of those. Cindy began daily trips to the tanning salon and did some shopping. She bought a dress for the formal night and was even able to pick up two swimsuits. In Nebraska, in the fall, that was no easy task. They were less modest than what she had worn years before, but she liked how she looked in the mirror. Mike was fitted for a tux and sent the measurements to the cruise line.

As she packed her bag the night before departure, Cindy realized she couldn't take her vibrator. The thought of it being found when her bags were being checked mortified her.

They flew out to Houston on Saturday morning, and after arriving were shuttled to their Galveston hotel for the night. Both seemed nervous, but relaxed when they found two queen beds in their suite.

Cindy woke before her son and noticed his erection tenting the sheet covering him. She hadn't seen his penis since he was a young boy. She could tell it was impressive in length. Her hand went between her legs as she lay there looking at it. Her nerves got the better of her after a few minutes and she went to the shower for relief.

Standing under the water with her eyes closed, she imagined pulling back the sheet and sucking his cock for a few minutes before straddling him. Cindy grunted once as she came harder than she had in a long time. She finished her shower, then wrapping her towel around her walked to her suitcase. It was lying on the table at the foot of her son's bed. Cindy picked out her clothes for the day and went to the bathroom to dress.