A Double Dose of Desire

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Married woman teases her lawnboy, helps him with a problem.
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Jimmy Smedick unloaded his lawnmower off the back of the utility trailer he pulls behind his old Toyota pickup truck. This being the home of his favorite customer, Mrs. G, he whisked off his T-shirt, tossing it in the truck, and quick as he could he mowed the front yard.

He likes to do the front yard quickly because, on nice days and even halfway nice ones, Mrs. G is usually out in her private backyard, reading a book. She always stays on her lounge chair on the patio, waving at Jimmy, continuing to read though her eyes are often on him, and his often on her. He loves seeing her there, and on this lovely, sultry, sunny day, she's there again. The drone of the mower lasted for fifteen minutes or so as Jimmy finished up cutting the grass out there in the backyard, then he was done, stopping his mower, his usual friendly greeting to Mrs. G different this time.

"Do you have any aspirin, Mrs. Grant?"

"Oh, sure, Jimmy. You don't feel well?"

"It's just my arm. My elbow. I was playing basketball with my friend and fell on it. It's not bad, it just aches. My mom told me to take aspirin, but I forgot. I thought you might have some."

"Yes, sure Jimmy. Go on inside. Right next to the refrigerator, there's a tray with all that stuff. Aspirin, Advil, Tylenol. Take your pick."

"Thanks Mrs. G. Don't worry, I won't drink your wine. I'll just have water."

Mary Grant smiled. Jimmy is the nicest boy of all the kids in the neighborhood, though she can hardly call him a 'boy' or a 'kid' anymore. In his second year at the community college, he's been doing yard work for her, and for many others in the neighborhood, forever, it seemed. Watching him as he went inside, her mothering instincts kicked in, so she set down her book and got up off the lounge chair where she'd been sunning herself. Yes, she'd developed a naughty habit of sunbathing in various styles of swimsuits whenever Jimmy was there doing his work, he usually without his shirt, mowing grass or clipping bushes, sometimes pruning the smaller trees. She knows Jimmy is always careful about looking at her, and she plays the little game the same way, always careful to look at him when she's pretty sure he won't notice. Walking into the house just now, though, she'd carelessly left her coverup behind on her chair, her bikini style swimsuit looking positively minimal and wiggly in the sunlit kitchen.

"Jimmy, no!" she said, wide-eyed, as she watched him put down the unmarked pill container. "That's...not aspirin!"

"Oh, shit," said Jimmy. "I thought aspirin was blue."

"Why would you think that! Aspirin is never blue!"

"My dad takes it sometimes, at night. My mom always says 'Oh, you're taking your aspirin?' Then she gets a wet towel for his head, and they go to bed."

"Oh," said Mary. "Yes, well...that's maybe something else. But this, this is Viagra, Jimmy. It's Mr. Grant's. Shit, you took one already?"

Jimmy nodded sheepishly. "I took two."

"Fuck!" said Mary, eyes wide, aghast. "Two! Oh my God, that's...that's..."

"Shit, Mrs. G, should I call my mom, or call a doctor or something?"

"No! She'll think I'm...terrible! Oh my Lord. Jimmy, this is..."

"Maybe if I eat something. Mom says food absorbs things."

"Yeah, not this. Wow. I need to think about this for a minute. Jimmy, you know what Viagra is, right? I mean, you're plenty old enough. You probably know all about it. Have you...ever tried it?"

"No, I haven't. I've heard of some guys my age using it, but...it's mostly for old guys, isn't it?"

Mary smirked. "Yes, my husband probably seems old to you. He even seems old to me sometimes."

"Sorry, I didn't mean that."

"No, it's okay, Jimmy. It's just how it is. I'm surprised any of your friends use it, though."

"So, Mr. G, he just takes one?"

"Yes. Two will be...a problem, I think. Especially for a young guy like you. I mean, I'm sure you don't even need it in the first place. Good, Lord, Jimmy. This is a crazy problem you've gotten into."

Jimmy nodded, knowing it was true. He assumed he had a massive boner on the way, didn't know how long it would last, and felt awkward talking to Mrs. G about the details of it. "They used to say something on the television ads, about it lasting for four hours or more."

Mary nodded. "Yes, I remember those ads. If it lasts more than four hours you need to seek medical help."

"Oh my God, really? Like...the emergency room or something?"

"I'm afraid so, Jimmy. I know you don't want to talk about this with me, but maybe I should tell you how it goes with my husband, Mr. G."

Jimmy nodded, eager to hear some worthwhile information that might help him figure out what to do.

"So, he just takes one, like I said. About a half an hour later he's...ready. Do you know what I mean?"

Jimmy nodded.

"After that, it lasts for, oh my gosh, an hour, easily, but sometimes two. Once even longer."

Jimmy nodded, seeing Mrs. G blushing, sensing a strange embarrassment in her that didn't seem unpleasant.

"That's...a long time."

"Yes," said Mary, eyes subtly twinkling. He always says he's got to work it out of his system. I don't know if you know what I mean, but...sort of...sexually. Is your girlfriend home, Jimmy? You could race over there right now and..."

Jimmy shook his head. "We broke up. She's...seeing someone else now."

"Oh," said Mary. "Well, there goes that idea. Jimmy, we've talked enough about this, and we're good enough friends now, I think, that we can stop acting so 'polite' with each other. I'll just say it — if you get even the least bit aroused in the next few hours you're going to have an erection that won't easily go away. Maybe even painfully so."

Jimmy looked surprised. "Painfully?"

"Maybe that's the wrong word for it. I'm no expert, but, doesn't it have to do with lack of...satisfaction? Don't they call it...blue balls, or something like that?"

"I've heard of it," said Jimmy. "Maybe it's because the pills are blue."

"No, it's not that. I could be wrong, but I think it's because the blood flow gets all bottled-up down there, and I think Viagra accentuates it. So...you might be achy, if you don't...take care of things."

Jimmy nodded, still with a somewhat worried look in his eyes.

"Crap, Jimmy, I feel really bad about this. Is your mother home?"

"Yeah, my aunt is there today."

"Well then, I can't send you home with this problem. I've got nothing going on today, so...I'd feel better if you stay here until this is all over. It may be two or three hours or more. Are you supposed to do anybody else's lawn today?"

"No, you're the only one today."

Mary nodded. "Good. It's settled, then, okay? You'll stay for two or three hours. Maybe...just keep working in the yard if you want. I'll pay you for whatever you do. Let's say, three hundred dollars, for three hours work. "I'll take it out of my cash, so Mr. G won't even know about it."

"Three hundred dollars? No, Mrs G, that's way too much."

"No. No it's not. I got you into this mess with my stupid jumble of pills on the counter. I should never leave pharmaceuticals out like that, especially in unmarked containers. I feel responsible, and the least I can do is make your day worthwhile. And keep an eye on you, of course, to make sure you don't have any side effects."

"Side effects?"

"Yes, the 'four hour' rule, to seek medical attention. Hopefully it won't come to that, but we can't ignore it. It's just after noon, so I'm pretty sure this will all be over before Mr. G gets home from work at five-thirty."

Jimmy nodded, his cock already half-hard, as it often is when Mrs. G is within his sight. But this already felt different, a strange new aliveness inside of him, and the bikini Mrs. G had on today was definitely fueling it. Feeling odd about saying this so openly, he did anyway. "I'm...pretty sure it's...already happening. What should I do?"

"Oh, wow. So soon? Okay, Jimmy, we'll get through this. You just have to ride this out, and work it out of you, like we said earlier. There's a bathroom right here off the kitchen, but...why don't you go upstairs, where it's nice and private. Feel free to go up there whenever you need to. What else can I do to help? You should stay hydrated, probably. I have some nice fruit-infused water. Would you like one?"

"Sure." Jimmy kept his eyes on Mary as she bent to reach for two bottles of water on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, her middle-aged body looking rather remarkable through the fog of viagra-fueled horniness that was quickly overtaking his mind.

"Let's sit outside in the shade and think of some more yard work you can do," said Mary.

Jimmy followed her out the kitchen door, onto the patio, his eyes on her thinly-covered ass as it wiggled. Mary sat down on a chair in the shade, but Jimmy didn't. "It's...really happening. I think I should...use your bathroom."

"Oh. Yes, of course," said Mary, seeing Jimmy's blushing embarrassment. "And Jimmy, you don't have to be embarrassed. We're both adults. We both know what's happening. It's all okay. Okay?"

Jimmy nodded, the lump in his soft, jersey cotton gym shorts looking quite big indeed. Wishing he'd worn tighter underwear than the loose boxers he had on, he glanced down at how things looked, then back up into Mary's kind eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have made sure they were aspirin."

"Yes, that's a good lesson learned. But don't be sorry, Jimmy. It's fine. It'll be over in a few hours and we'll laugh about it next time I see you. Now, go on in, and do what you need to. I'll be down here, minding my own business."

Jimmy smiled. Mrs. G is the best, definitely his favorite of all the homeowners he works for, partly because she's so nice, but also because of the fun way she sunbathes whenever the weather is even halfway nice when he's working in the yard. With today's bikini in mind, he knew he'd have no trouble with fantasies up in her bathroom when he was jacking off, so he shyly smiled at her and went inside, finding his way to the stairway for the first time, then to the upstairs of the big, quiet house, seeing the bathroom along the hallway but also seeing Mr. and Mrs. G's bedroom, it's door wide open, Mrs. G's morning clothes lying on the bed, her bra and underpanties on the top of the carelessly made pile.

Jimmy knew he shouldn't be in their room, but he already was, and he picked up Mrs. G's bra, put it to his nose, inhaling the subtle perfume it seemed to be infused with. It was so nice, he set it down and picked up her panties and sniffed them, too. This scent, though, was different, and his hard cock became exceptionally hard. Without thinking clearly about it, he pushed down his shorts, they fell to his ankles, he wrapped the silky panties around his hard cock and he slowly stroked himself that way, quietly moaning as his vision fluttered and blurred.

A few steps took him near the window, this back-of-the-house view of the backyard letting him see Mrs. G, her bikini-clad body languidly reclined on the lounge chair in the sun again, her book in her hand, her sunglasses on. Because of them he couldn't see her eyes, sneaky eyes that were watching him there in the window, even with her face still facing her book.

"Oh my God," she quietly said to herself, her lips barely moving. She quickly put all the pieces of this puzzle together in her mind — Jimmy's apparent nudity in her bedroom, the pink color in his slow-stroking hand, his proximity to her morning-worn clothes, his voyeuristic gaze at her as she read her book in her bikini. "Oh my God," she said again.

A flush of warmth pinkened her entire body. This day had quickly become astonishing, such a simple mistake amongst pill bottles leading to all this wonder and all these feelings. She lay still and watched Jimmy masturbate with her panties, the distant, shadowy dream of it seeming surreal. She wondered how open he was being, but no, he wasn't, he was standing back from the window, not being blatant. What he was doing he was doing in secret, she was pretty sure, but still — it was her in her bikini he was looking at, and her silky panties wrapped around his undoubtedly super hard cock, and the realization of it all made her swoon to the point of dizziness. Yes, this was astonishing all right, and increasingly, wildly, exciting.

Mary wondered how she could tease him. It would be, after all, helping him, in a way. Maybe an ass view, bent over, or maybe I'll lay on my stomach and untie the back of the top of my bikini. Yes, she thought, that's always so sexy looking when women do it in the movies.

And so she did this thing that she'd never been bold enough to do in his presence before, blatantly giving him a bent-over ass view for a moment as she flattened her lounge chair, then lying on her stomach and reaching behind, untying the bikini at her back and her neck, then raising on her elbows to let Jimmy see her bare hanging breasts before flattening herself on the chair's cushion.

Jimmy moaned louder up in the bedroom, his eyes glued to Mrs. G's body down on the patio, her ass the only part of her that was clothed at the moment. With her head lying on her crossed arms, the side of her breast was visible, its plumpness looking ever so feminine, ever so womanly.

It was just a few minutes later when Jimmy was there, on the patio, Mary surprised by his quiet presence. "Oh. Jimmy. Wow, you're as quiet as my cat."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you."

"No, I was just...daydreaming," said Mary. "Do you ever do that?"

Jimmy smiled softly, glad Mrs G was so relaxed even though she was basically topless. "Sure, yeah. My mom used to say I daydream too much."

Mary smiled. "That just means your head is full of good things. Good thoughts, and good ideas. So, we were going to find some work for you to do, but...how did everything go? You're not in any pain, are you?"

"No, no pain."

Mary nodded. "Good. Yes, so we've just got to get through the next few hours. Is the upstairs bathroom private enough? Or maybe you don't care about that. Maybe you're one of those modern men who doesn't worry about old-fashioned privacy. Half the porn these days seems to be public sex, or group sex, and none of it is ever in the dark in a closed room like in the old days."

Jimmy's face showed his surprise at Mrs. G's open talk. "You...watch porn?"

"Sure," she said. "Doesn't everybody? Don't you?"

Jimmy nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, but...I've never told anybody."

"Not even the girlfriend you broke up with?"

Jimmy shook his head.

"Hmm, maybe that was part of the problem between you two. I shouldn't talk, though, because my husband doesn't know I watch it, either. You'll keep my secret, right?"

"Of course."

Mary smiled. "You're a man of few words today."

Jimmy smiled shyly, feeling his cock getting chubby again. It's Mrs. G's pretty smile making it that way, he knew, and the way she's lying there, so nearly nude, so relaxed. This is nice, Jimmy thought. Kind of an awesome way to spend the afternoon.

Mary moved enough to take off her sunglasses, all while keeping her bare breasts pretty much flattened against the cushion. "I don't want to be too nosy, but...is your erection back, so soon?"

Jimmy looked down at the tenting lump she was seeing, his head nodding.

"Wow," Mary said. "Two pills. Powerful stuff. You're just going to have to keep working on it, to get it all out of your bloodstream. At least it's pleasurable work, right?" she smirked.

Jimmy smiled bashfully.

Mary wondered if her panties upstairs were a mess of sticky cum, and she wondered how this next round would go. This next thought, though, spewed out of her mouth before she had a chance to think about the repercussions. "Maybe it's best if we talk about sexy subjects, like porn. Maybe it'll help to work it all out of you quicker."

Jimmy's eyes showed his surprise, a twinkly eyed, gentle surprise, one that seemed to be affecting Mrs. G's blushing face. "Yeah, if you want. I mean...whatever you think will help."

Mary nodded, knowing this was all very dangerous. And yet, it was all so perfect. So quiet, and private, the kind of afternoon that would fit so perfectly into one of the romance novels she likes to read. "You start, Jimmy. Pull up a chair, and tell me about the very last porn clip you watched, then I'll tell you about the last one I watched."

Jimmy's eyes widened. His cock felt so energized, he wondered if he should be upstairs, masturbating again to avoid medical problems, but this sun-warmed talk with Mrs G was just too compelling. Dragging a chair over near her, but not too near, he sat down, holding the tent at his crotch down to a modest level with both his hands. "I...really have to go first?"

"Yup," said Mary. "Don't get all shy on me. You're quiet, but you've never been shy. We're friends now. Especially now. So tell me all about it. The last porn clip you watched."

Jimmy nodded, thinking for a moment. "It was...this morning. A girl, with a vibrator. A big sort of one, with a cord plugged into the wall."

"Was the girl in bed?"

"No, sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall."

"Was she naked? Come on, Jimmy. I need details. Help me picture it all in my mind."

"She was blonde. Pretty, but normal. Like...a regular girl. Her feet were...apart. Her knees were...up. She's got...big tits. Do you mind if I say that?"

Mary smiled sweetly. "Of course I don't mind, Jimmy. You're going to have to say lots of things if you're really going to describe it to me. Help me imagine it. Tell me everything."

"She's got...big tits. And big...nipples. Not like porn girl tits, but...natural. She's just a real girl, I think. I remember her toenails had dark red polish on them."

Mary smiled. "Nice. You've got an eye for details. I like that. What was she doing with the vibrator?"

"It was...on her pussy. It's, like, a big thing, with a cord and a round end on it that looks sort of like a rubber ball."

"Is it white? The ball, and the handle part?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I have one, Jimmy. It's called the Magic Wand. Mine's a newer, cordless one, but I used to have one that plugged in, like the one you saw."

Jimmy sat still, speechless.

"You're surprised. Jimmy, probably half the women in this neighborhood have a vibrator of one kind or another."


"Yup. You men would have them too, if you were built like us. They do make some similar things for men, though. Did you know that?"

Jimmy shook his head.

Mary's eyes showed a bashful twinkle. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but...I have an idea. I think it might help you work out your...problem, but if you think it's too crazy I'll totally understand."

Jimmy sat still, his mind whirling as he wondered. "No, I...probably won't think it's crazy."

Mary smirked embarrassedly. "Yeah, maybe you don't but maybe I do. I should take a minute to think this over and come to my senses."

"Maybe it's not crazy," said Jimmy, quietly hopeful about this mystery.

"I was going to offer you my husband's sex toy. I actually just bought it for him, for his birthday in a few weeks. It's brand new, I haven't given it to him, he hasn't used it. And, crazy me, I pictured myself watching you use it, because...I guess I was thinking all that Viagra in your blood might circulate better if you...if I...oh, I don't know, Jimmy. I'm thinking crazy. I shouldn't say the rest of it. I mean, it's off the charts nutty for me to even say what I already said, but I did, because...I don't know why. You've got me all mixed up today."

Jimmy's hands felt his cock twitching under his soft shorts as he held it down. This was a serious erection, as vigorous as ever before, and it wasn't going away. "That sounds...like it would help. A lot, maybe. What's the rest of it that you...wanted to say?"