A FamFun Weekend


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Tom couldn't manage that same feat with his mother, because her swimsuit made it more difficult, but as he kissed her with passion he got a hand inside the crotch panel of the blue swimsuit and got fingers into both her pussy and her anus. He fingerfucked her all the way to a powerful orgasm. Vera shocked herself by crying out loudly at the moment of her release, but she was saved any embarrassment about this by hearing applause and shouts of congratulations coming from Larry and Jennifer.

Similar sounds were coming to them across the water from other couples similarly engaged. Tom thought it was quite possibly the most controlled and polite orgy ever.

The four moved back close together before wading ashore, and Larry surprised Vera by sweeping her up into his arms and kissing and groping her body thoroughly. Jennifer pulled Tom to her, and he had the presence of mind to get handfuls of her breasts and ass cheeks in the short time that they kissed before heading back to the beach.

Tom thought that if he didn't get to fuck Jennifer that very night he would have had to rate his entire life a dismal failure. Fortunately for his self-assessment of his life's worth, Jennifer eagerly agreed to accompany Tom back to his apartment. Larry kissed his daughter goodbye (for awhile), and took Vera back with him to his apartment. It was agreed that about two hours later, the ladies would be returned to their own apartments and to their own permanent partners.

Jennifer was everything that Tom hoped she'd be in bed, and more. She felt wonderful in his arms, her mouth and nipples and pussy all tasted quite delicious, and she knew how to use all of her body parts in truly thrilling ways. At one point she taught him a position for fucking that he and Vera had never tried. He tried to imagine how it looked from a few feet away, because he wondered if he'd ever seen a porn picture of the thing.

For a long time afterwards, Tom would remember quite vividly the feeling of the two of them rolling over and over on the carpeted apartment floor, their mouths almost continuously engaged in mutual tongue lashings and their bodies joined cock to cunt, as they took turns being on top and controlling the pace of their seemingly endless fuck. It wasn't endless, of course. Tom remembers that it had two separate and equally satisfying endings.

They were resting in each other's arms when the phone rang. It was Larry, of course, who wanted to warn them that he was about to walk Vera back to her apartment. Tom and Jennifer dressed, and started the walk across the resort's courtyard to Larry and Jennifer's apartment. The two couples met each other on the courtyard path, and after lingering goodnight kisses the ladies were exchanged and rejoined their fulltime lovers. By the time Vera and Tom got back to their apartment for the night, they both knew that the next day would bring them sexual adventures like none they'd ever even dreamed of before.

Vera told Tom all about the fun she'd had with Larry. Larry was not only a perfect gentleman about all aspects of sex, but he turned out to be rather good at role-playing Vera's father when she asked him to do that for her. Of course Vera knew well that for Larry the father/daughter game wasn't much of a stretch.

The apartments were very well soundproofed, and were laid out in such a way that the bedrooms in adjoining units didn't share a common wall. But Tom discovered, when he went to the apartment's kitchenette to get a late night snack before bed, that he could hear the muffled but unmistakable sounds of what must have been noisily enthusiastic lovemaking going on in the unit next door. He felt like putting his mouth close to the wall and shouting out, "Screw her, motherfucker!".

But of course he didn't.

Instead, he went back to Vera and screwed her, using up the last of his energy, and the last of his cum, for this night. Both of them pictured Larry doing the same thing to Jennifer. It was a lovely picture. And then both of them pictured the four of them together - Larry and Tom and Vera and Jennifer. It was an even lovelier picture.

* * * * *

At lunch on Sunday, the FamFun staff asked each guest to make an effort in the afternoon hours to meet and become close to a total stranger among the other guests. The purpose behind this request was part of the FamFun philosophy, that periods of separation between permanently attached family lovers were desirable at times. Indeed it was one of the reasons that FamFun existed. The other (and totally unspoken) message was that at FamFun such meetings could reasonably be expected to lead to immediate no-strings sex and that, at least for this afternoon, everyone should treat all casual contact with strangers with this clearly in mind.

As Tom left the Dining Room after lunch he again saw the attractive grandmotherish woman he'd seen briefly when she was just arriving at the resort's office. She was standing at the railing which surrounded the Dining Room's wood deck. She was looking out to sea, a pair of binoculars to her eyes, watching a cluster of sailboats in the distance. Her impossibly short shorts were white this time, but their cut and style was identical to that of the pink version. From the back he recognized her instantly. The boats she was watching intently were obviously involved in a race of some sort.

Tom stepped up to stand beside her. "Can you tell who's winning?" he asked.

"I think I am," she said, still looking through the binoculars, "because you're here and I'm pretty sure you want to fuck me."

'Oh, shit', thought Tom. 'She can read me like a book.' He was totally speechless.

The woman lowered the glasses and turned to look at him. She laughed lightly at his obvious confusion, and smoothed a stray lock of hair from his forehead in a wonderfully maternal gesture.

"Your lovely mother is still in the Dining Room, Tom dear," she said, catching a glimpse of his nametag. "Go back in there and tell her you're going to be busy for a couple of hours. She'll understand. She's been flirting with my nephew all through lunch, so she won't mind being without you for awhile."

Tom did as he was told, aware that it had taken this mysterious and very sexy woman about one minute to take complete control of him and his afternoon.

Vera was indeed in full flirt mode when he arrived at her side. She was laughing and maintaining continuous eye contact with a man who Tom now remembered had been sitting at a table close to their own at lunch. He had a large and somewhat startlingly bald head, the kind that doesn't look entirely natural and is presumed to be clean shaven by its owner at regular intervals. To make up for the lack of hair on his topside, he had grown a bushy graying moustache and full beard that the guy probably thought brought balance to his face. His hand rested lightly on Vera's thigh, just above her knee, half hidden by the hem of her Bermuda length shorts. Her thighs were parted invitingly. Tom realized that his presence here was intrusive. He decided to carried out his errard as quickly as possible.

"Uh, Mom," said Tom, hoping that his interruption of her seduction routine wasn't overly jarring. "I'm going to be busy for a couple of hours ... OK?"

"Sure. That's fine, hon," Vera said, never taking her eyes from her newfound companion.

Tom turned to go, wondering if he was supposed to feel jealous about what his mother was doing. What she'd done the night before with Larry was different, because it was Tom's interest in Jennifer that had brought it all about, but now his mother was picking up men on her own! And doing quite well at it, he noticed. She would probably be in bed with this guy within the hour.

His last look at Vera's boyfriend of the moment was the top of the man's bald pate, in the middle of which was a narrow brownish birthmark about four inches long that ran straight from front to back. Tom did a doubletake at the birthmark, and was instantly struck by the hilarious image of the man's head as the knob end of a giant penis! The eyes on its side were a bit anomalous, of course, but the massive gathering of graying curls farther down seemed quite appropriate. He shook from his mind the mental image of his mother dragging her tongue along the birthmark's line, and went to join the woman waiting for him on the deck outside.

* * * * *

Her name was Gina, and she was indeed 60 years of age. She took Tom's hand and led him off to her apartment without ever asking him if he might have other plans. Once inside her place, she embraced him and kissed him with the kind of intensity usually reserved for honeymooners who have been forced to be apart for a short while. If Tom had thought that small talk and gentle flirtation might have been necessary to smooth the transition from the front door to the bedroom, he was clearly wrong. Gina was wasting no time.

She took off her own clothes quickly, which was easy considering their nature, and then she undressed Tom with the ease and efficiency that can only come from lots of experience. She stood before him for a moment, fully naked, and turned slowly to let him get a good long look at her remarkably fit body. For a fleeting moment Tom wondered if he was physically up to the task of sex with her, but it was far too late to worry about that now.

Up close now, Tom could see that Gina's skin showed the same kinds of flaws that his mother's body was just starting to get, and he had to keep reminding himself that Gina was a lot older than his mother was. Gina's breasts were less firm than Vera's, and would have drooped if they hadn't been naturally smaller than his mother's and had kept much of their girlish form and firmness. Gina had kept her pussy bush in its natural configuration, which immediately drew Tom's attention because he was entirely used to his mother's fully shaved pubic area. Gina's dense but very short pussy curls, like the hair on her head, were a uniform blend of her natural blond color and a very light gray.

Gina took him to her bed, pushed him down onto it, and got in beside him. She began to kiss him. "The idea of this is that along with the sex we're supposed to get to know one another", she said without taking her mouth from his. "I'll start." She proceeded to talk almost steadily, kissing Tom's face and body the whole time. She spoke in brief bursts between her kissings and lickings.

"I was raised ... in Connecticut ... B.A. ... from Wellesley ... English Lit ... major ... got married ... taught high school ... had four boys ... fucked them all ... still do ... and two grandsons too ... I'm a good Catholic ... I don't confess my incest ... God understands that ... but next Sunday ... I may have to ... mention you ... to Father Louis ... he'll understand ...(she took Tom's cock into her mouth for a moment and then released it) ... your turn ... talk to me ... (she went back to sucking Tom's cock vigorously).

Tom began to talk, thinking that this was by far the weirdest foreplay he'd ever been involved with. His speech was unimpeded, but it was sprinkled with the moans and sighs and groans and grunts that the recipients of really good blowjobs can't hold in. "Uh ... we live in Maine now... I work for the phone company ... OUCH! ... sorry ... I just wasn't expecting that ... ooohhh ... fuck that's goooood ... helping a buddy restore an old Mustang ... '67 ... been fucking my Mom for three years ... did you ever notice how much your nephew's head looks like a dick?"

Gina's face fell away from Tom's cock and she roared with laughter. "We noticed that on the day he was born! My sister took it very well, thank God. Her husband jokingly tried to convince everyone that the newborn boy looked exactly like his father's cock, including being the same size. A year and a half later, when Sis was pregnant again, I found out how big a lie that was. And some years after that I found out that it was the son who had the big cock." She said nothing for a moment, as if rethinking her last words in her mind.

"Your mother is in for a big surprise with him," she added a moment later;, and Tom sensed that her nephew's cock was a matter of some family pride. Or concern.

Tom found out what it felt and smelled like to nuzzle into damp pussy hair, and later he learned yet another position for fucking that he and his mother had never tried. He considered the day a complete success, and Gina seemed happy with it too. Tom felt that he'd experienced a kind of sex that men of his age rarely get to enjoy. He loved it.

* * * * *

Gina's nephew, Joey, was in some ways the kinkiest fuck Vera had ever had. The lack of hair on the top of his head was more than made up for by the dark profusion of it all over his torso and limbs. When she trailed kisses over his shoulders and chest, and later over his belly and legs, and still later over his back and butt cheeks, she seemed to be constantly in search of some bare skin to lick, and when she found a patch of it she lingered there awhile just to enjoy the sensation of it. She likened it to finding a small island to rest on in the midst of a vast ocean.

She wondered if she was getting tiny hairs stuck between her teeth. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened to her.

Joey's cock was, to put it simply, the biggest one she'd ever seen. Vera hadn't seen a large number of cocks in her lifetime, but she'd seen enough porn pictures to know at what point 'above average' becomes 'very big'. Joey wasn't huge in the disturbingly freaky way that some porn models are, but his cock was almost more than Vera's pussy could handle. She managed to take it in, after some effort and the application of copious quantities of store-bought lubrication (which Joey carried with him at all times), and once she got used to it she was able to enjoy it. A lot. But her mouth couldn't begin to get very far down on it. Giving Joey head was a matter of working on him in sections. She'd do his knob, and then she'd work her way up and down the sides of his shaft, hoping that her mouth would be in the right place when he began to shoot off. He gave her fair warning of his impending eruption, for which she was grateful.

By the time Joey had had enough, Vera was something of a wreck. But a happy one. She felt that she'd experienced a kind of sex that women rarely get to have, and she was proud of herself for having survived it without suffering any lasting damage. She liked having sex with Joey in a "This should be fun for a change!" sort of way, but she would always prefer the Toms and Larrys of this world.

* * * * *

It was almost time to head back home. Vera and Tom repacked their suitcases, and compared notes about their afternoon fucks. They had already agreed to make a return visit to FamFun in the following summer. Maybe next year they'd go for a full week instead of just a weekend. Vera thought she might have to save up her vacation budget for that. Tom thought he might have to save up his strength for that.

Tom and Vera had agreed not to keep any secrets from each other about the goings-on at FamFun, but in fact neither of them had lived up to that agreement completely. Both of them had kept one little secret from the other. Tom had Jennifer's phone number and email address in his wallet now, and Vera had Larry's business card and private line extension code in her purse. Neither Tom nor Vera had told the other that they had secretly obtained that information, because both wanted to surprise the other by arranging the foursome fuck that all four of them now looked forward to. And they certainly weren't going to wait until next year for it.

If FamFun wanted yet more testimonials from satisfied clients to put into their brochures, all they had to do was ask. Tom and Vera would be happy to report that the place lived up to its name.

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