A Family Christmas Ch. 05

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Dining With Mozart.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/13/2016
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WARNING TO READERS - This is a long, rambling story and VERY British which has been divided into several parts for ease of editing and reading. The individual parts will make more sense if read in sequence as they follow straight on chronologically.

Most, but not all chapters contain some sexually explicit sections and the story has a strong incest theme which some readers may find disturbing and might wish to cease reading now...

Whilst this is a stand-alone story some readers may recognise some of the characters from my submissions from a couple of years back entitled 'The Touch' which can still be found in the Novellas section of Literotica. I do intend to continue with the original series now that I am back home but these new tales were put together without reference to the earlier stories whilst I was recuperating after an operation and follow the fortunes of some of the characters a few years on from the original tales.



Part Five: Dining With Mozart

"So exactly what have you been doing, Jim?" Cora asked me, she was trying to scowl and the poor image on the computer screen distorted her face like one of those crazy mirrors at the funfair and gave her squinty eyes and a long nose. Her voice was scratchy and quite strident through the speakers on the computer monitor. The computer was quite old and I had difficulty looking into the camera at the top of the monitor and speaking into the microphone on the desk. She could see my face if I looked up but only the top of my head when I was speaking.

"We went to Igls yesterday and took the Patcherkofelbahn up to the top of the piste..." I started to explain.

"Who is WE!" my sister snapped, "Have you picked up some ski-whore already ... If you've been screwing some Teutonic snow queen... I'll fucking kill you when I get over there...!"

"Sh-h-h-h-h-h! I am on a hotel computer in the reception, Sis." She was giving me a hard time mostly because I had ripped into her about not telephoning me yesterday. "No, I haven't been skiing yet... Jules drove us up to Igls to have a look at the slopes... We had lunch and then went into Innsbruck...then we spent the evening at the hotel... just talking." I decided not to mention the sauna at this point.

"OK, I believe you..." She said in a softer tone, then paused before coming back with her angry face on again... "So what is all this 'JULES', crap... How come the 'Wicked Witch of the North' is now your new best friend... you are not still thinking about trying to get into her knickers, are you?"

"Shush Cora!" I hissed. I was beginning to wish that I had waited until after breakfast to call her on SKYPE when there were less people in the hotel lobby, or waited until she left the hospital and got home in the afternoon. I was usually the bad tempered twin but Cora was in a real snot that morning. I glanced around to see if any of the hotel guests at the reception desk or sitting waiting to go in to breakfast, had overheard and were watching me.

"She has been really kind and supportive since your accident... she sorted out the police and your car insurance for you... you should be grateful... anyway YOU were the one who wanted me to be nice to her...remember!"

"OK, but I bet her knickers are twice the size of mine..." She chuckled her usual good humour restored at least partially.

She may have been right but it made me think of the picture that was forever engraved on my memory of Julia standing in the bathroom doorway this morning naked except for a pair of cream silk cami-knickers looking totally fucking sexy. I reined in my mouth before it galloped away with me as usual, I really did not need to get into a conversation with my sister about my new found relationship with my aunt... Cora was like Mother she was far too intuitive... Not that I had anything to hide... but there were some things that might have been a bit borderline our recently acquired casual attitude to nudity for example.

Instead I went on the attack. "Little blue knickers with white lace and pink bows... and a matching bra..."

"Why I've got a set just like that as well..." She suddenly twigged to my tease, "Oh you bloody depraved sod, Jim... you've been looking in my luggage... haven't you?" She started to giggle, "They look even better on...but you will have to wait to see that..."

"I really miss you, Sis," I told her.

"I miss you too little brother." She responded, "Just don't go looking for any fuck-buddies amongst the après-ski set... Just wait for me to get there so that we can 'relax' together... I may only have one hand but that is all that I need to keep you happy... and I seriously need some 'relaxing' myself..."

"I think that I am going to have to go soon... There are other people waiting to use the computer.." I told her.

"So what are you going to do today?" She pouted trying to prolong the conversation. I guess she was getting lonely in her hospital room on her own.

"Not really sure... I don't want to ski without you and Mum, so I thought we might take in some culture, maybe do a couple of museums or galleries... I marked a few things in the local paper and left it with Julia to look over..."

The old rattle box lift came to a halt at the ground floor and I looked up to see Julia coming into reception. She spotted me and walked over and peered at the screen over my shoulder.

"Good morning, Coralline, how are you feeling today?" She asked. They exchanged pleasantries then Julia said firmly "I need to steal your brother away now... You know how grumpy he gets if he doesn't get his breakfast coffee..." She managed to make it sound very possessive.

OH SHIT! Julia was winding Cora up! Did she suspect something? Or was it just natural female competitiveness... Either way I needed to get out from between them right now, before Cora twigged and the shit hit the fan!

"Gotta go... Speak to you later Sis... give my love to Mum..." I said and gave her a wave and broke the connection. What is it with women...why can't they play nicely?

I had not really had a chance to speak to Julia earlier that morning, I had taken her a cup of coffee then left her to get dressed whilst I shaved and then pulled on a light grey ski sweater and warm moleskin trousers and made my way down to the hotel reception to use the computer to speak to Cora on her iPad. My aunt had been in her bathroom when I left.

This morning Julia was dressed in a black cashmere polo necked pullover and a black wool knee length skirt over a pair of skin tight black leggings and thick black socks with the tops rolled over her leather walking boots. She wore a wide black leather belt with a large silver buckle which emphasised her waspish waist and firm rounded hips and buttocks. Her legs looked really shapely and slim in the tight pants. She had tied her hair back in a short pony tail which was held with a black hairband and as always her make-up was perfect, just the faintest of eye shadow and that pale red lip stick that tasted of rose petals. She had a expensive looking Gucci black leather shoulder bag with the strap pulling tight in the valley between her breasts making her tits appear very prominent and pointed. It all looked very sheek and modern. If I had not been walking beside her I would not have been able to keep my eyes from devouring her lush figure. I did notice that she was drawing the admiring glances from men of all ages in the lobby.

We went into the dining room, found ourselves a table and ordered a couple of pots of coffee then raided the breakfast bar, for warm rolls, cheese, jams and fruit and a jug of grapefruit juice.

"So how do you feel this morning, James dear?" Julia asked me knowingly. I guess she suspected that I might have something of a hangover... we had after all consumed an entire bottle of malt whisky between us the night before and there was no way that I could pretend that I was an experienced imbiber. Incredibly I felt fine with no noticeable effects from the unaccustomed alcohol intake, but perhaps the aftermath of the booze last night accounted for Julia's slightly waspish treatment of Cora this morning. Close up I thought she looked a little pale, but then we had spent most of the previous day on the go, had taken a sauna and then consumed a bottle of scotch, but otherwise she seemed to be fit and in good spirits.

"I feel great," I assured her, "I thought we could find a couple of exhibitions to visit in Innsbruck today... I marked some possible places I found in the local newspaper..."

"Hum-m-m-m yes," she mused, "Actually James dear, there was something that I had in mind..."

She pulled a torn out page from the 'Tiroler Tageszeitung' from her handbag, smoothed it out and handed it to me. It was a tourist presentation about the Advent Mozart Dinner Concerts held at the Baroque Hall of St. Peter monastery in Salzburg every night until the end of December. "You told me that you like Mozart and Baroque music...I do too so I thought that this would be fun..."

"It would be absolutely fantastic..." I agreed. I had read the article with more than a little wishfulness the day before. "But Salzburg is miles away..."

"Just over 137 kilometers, "She confirmed, "I reckon we could drive it in about 2½ hours if the good weather holds out, it is mostly Autobahn now... Spend the day in the city then take in the Dinner Concert in the evening."

"It sounds fabulous... but it will be a lot of driving for you... are you sure that you want to do that?"

"Yes, I really do." She said with great firmness, "I went to one of these special Dinner Concerts years ago with my parents and your mother and always wanted to go again... And I would very much like it to be with you, James."

I tapped the newspaper page, "It says here that reservations may be made using Visa or MasterCard..." I pulled my wallet from my pocket and thumbed out my credit card and then flipped open my telephone. The tickets were €87 each but included a four course dinner, I was not short of money, I really liked Mozart and it was something that Julia wanted to do and so the cost was irrelevant to me if it made her happy. That she had said she wanted to go with ME made doing it essential.

"Oh no, James... let me pay for this..." She said, but I was already keying in the number of the booking office. To my profound relief the guy at the other end spoke perfect English and confirmed two seats were available at one of the better forward tables for an extra €10 each, took the payment from my card and gave me the reservation number there and then.

"That was very naughty of you James..." Julia scolded, "I won't suggest things if you insist on keep picking up the bill... It is very sweet and gallant of you... but I feel that I am taking advantage."

"I'll let you treat me to lunch... if you want to go all Women's Lib on me..." I laughed.

"Don't be cheeky, young man... I WAS Women's Lib in the 1960s... I was a soldier on the front line in the battle for equality..."

"Did you burn your bra, then?" I chortled.

"If you are going to be a little chauvinist pig... You will end up paying for lunch as well..." she laughed and flicked out with her rolled napkin causing me to leap back with a yelp drawing the attention of one of the breakfast waiters.

"Is everything good, sir?" He asked, concern etched on his elderly face at seeing me leap up from my chair.

"Er... I think it was a wasp..." I lied, trying to hide my laughter. I looked at Julia for support but she was sitting faced away from me her body quivering with her giggling and her napkin stuffed against her mouth. I was seeing a completely different side of my fearsome aunt, the High Court Judge. She had a wicked sense of humour which most people never saw and I found her fun and a pleasure to be with.

"What are we supposed to wear for this dinner?" I asked her when she had calmed down enough to finish her breakfast and talk sensibly. "Mostly... when we come on this holiday... Cora, Mum and I just wear casual ski gear, I haven't brought my suit..."

"When I went to one of these dinners last time it was formal dress, dinner jackets and cocktail dresses..." she replied. "But now it appears to be 'smart casual' whatever that is?"

The photograph in the paper showed a view of the dining tables at the Baroque Hall and I noticed several of the younger men were just wearing polo neck ski shirts and smart trousers and thought that I could probably get away with that too. Most events in Austria during the festive and ski seasons tended to be fairly informal warm dress.

"That usually means a jacket and trousers with a shirt or polo neck sweater for men at home..." I said, "You will be OK because you always look fantastic in whatever you wear, Jules, just keep on what you are wearing... it looks great."

"Thank you my darling... that is very sweet of you," she beamed. "It is likely to be several degrees below freezing at Salzburg in the evening so we will need to keep our warm top coats on until we are inside the monastery..." She added. "We can put our indoor shoes in the car and wear our warm boots to travel in."

We finished with breakfast and went back to our rooms to put our formal shoes into my cabin bag with an extra warm pullover each and collect my camera, and then went back down to reception. I collected our passports from the desk and cashed a traveler's cheque to top up my cash Euros and then sat and enjoyed a cigarette whilst Julia made a couple of quick telephone calls on her mobile... I had noticed that she called into her office every morning after breakfast... I guessed that it was some sort of security thing.

It was still only half past nine when we turned onto the Autobahn A-12 and headed west towards Jenbach. Our car already had a vignette, or toll sticker, attached to the windscreen courtesy of the hire company and so we were free to use the autobahns and dual carriageways unhindered for the duration of our visit. In Austria the toll badge belongs to the hire car not to the driver. Julia had tuned the radio in to one of the local Austrian stations playing classic music, mostly Mozart, Hayden and Strauss as you would expect and we were perfectly content to just watch the scenery which even beneath the winter white blanket of snow was inspiringly awesome and chat about our tastes in music which turned out be very similar, chamber music and opera for the most part and she managed to surprise me yet again by announcing that she really loved to dance.

"Oh shit, does that mean you want to drag me to a disco before we leave?" I moaned, I hated discos and most pop music, but if that was what Julia wanted I guess I could make the effort.

"Don't be an idiot, James.." She responded, "Do I really look like I go to discos?" Dressed in those tight leggings and sweater I thought she would fit in anywhere but didn't push my luck and kept my thoughts to myself.

"Er... no, I guess not... so what sort of dancing do you like?" I crossed my fingers out of sight in my lap and silently prayed that she wasn't into line dancing or salsa... after all she did live in Yorkshire where dance was a way of life and they were the popular dance fads according to various television programmes I had seen.

"Oh just the lower end ballroom stuff really..." she smiled, "The waltz, foxtrot and quick-step and their modern dumbed down variations... I get to go to enough formal dinner dances to keep my hand in...and I even sneak out to the occasional tea dance if I am in York or Harrogate with a free afternoon... has anybody ever bothered to teach you to dance?" I guess that I was getting beyond being shocked by anything that my aunt disclosed, as each layer of her personality peeled back there was another different one beneath waiting to surprise you.

"Actually.. yes," I grinned, and enjoyed the look of surprise that passed over her face, "Mum taught both Cora and I to do a basic waltz and the jive so that we could keep our end up at the jazz galas that she and my sister play at sometimes. I guess that you already know that she is a great dancer..."

"Yes, but she is not as good as me..." she chuckled, "Gill may be the sports queen of the family but I have all the dance floor moves..."

"I just bet you do too..." I teased.

"Only one way to find out..." She responded, "We only have one more night before I have to share you with your mother and sister and there are a multitude of cafés in Innsbruck that have dancing in the evening...tomorrow is our last chance to party, eh!"

I was already well aware that our time alone together was running out... I missed my sister, it wasn't just our special illicit sexual relationship, she was my twin and we were very close...and I was not used to not having her around... But I really did not want my time alone with my incredible aunt to come to an end. In fact I was already thinking of ways that I could keep in touch with her after this holiday ended.

"OK, it's a date..." I enthused. In reality the idea of going to a café to dance with Julia appealed to me far more than spending a night at one of the wild après-ski clubs, although I had promised Cora that we would go to one of the hot spots, maybe Adlers, this trip.

The autobahn was clear and the weather fine so we made good time only picking up one small flurry of snow as we passed the Chiemsee and were passing Siezenheim and Salzburg Airport just a little after mid-day. After some 30 minutes jostling with the traffic into the city Julia tossed me the Salzburg street map and suggested that I navigate us to one of the marked car parks but within another ten minutes I had got us hopelessly lost. We had crossed the river and were close to the old city with the massive Hohensalzburg Fortress looming on our right but the street on which we were driving was unmarked and I could only guess that it might be the Petersbrunstraβe and then suddenly I spotted a sign for Akademiestraβe and spotted a small car park straight ahead. There was a single space left and Julia swung into it and slammed on the brakes, and we heaved a sigh of relief... Parking in Salzburg is a total nightmare but according to the street map we were in fact only about fifteen minutes' walk from the centre of the old city.

We were surprised at how cold it was. The old city of Salzburg, the Altstadt, is a warren of medieval stone buildings and despite it being a bright and sunny afternoon much of our walk into the town was in shadow... the thermometer on the car had given an outside temperature of -7 and we were glad that we had worn our thick mountain coats, woolly hats, scarves and mittens.

"We should find a nice café and get a hot coffee and something light to eat. Then we can have a stroll about the city this afternoon...do the tourist thing..." Julia suggested. She pointed up a street past the cathedral on our left, "If I remember correctly... Most of the interesting cafés were that way, along by the river... But it is twenty-years since I was last here..."

By the time that we had wandered slowly through the winding streets with their colourful pretty facades and multitude of hanging signs we had spent another hour just gaping, pointing and playing the tourist, I even finally managed to persuade Julia to allow me to take some photographs of her at strategic points of interest. In honesty I was less interested in the background that getting some pics of my aunt. We even managed to stumble across the obligatory Japanese couple who were attempting to get somebody to take a photograph of them together outside Mozart's birthplace and in exchange returned the favour and took photographs of Julia and I together with my camera.

There were a multitude of cafés and restaurants to choose from and we meandered from one to the next looking at menus or peering into the windows at what other diners had in front of them.