A Family Christmas Ch. 02

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The Night Before Christmas.
13.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/13/2016
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WARNING TO NEW READERS TO THE SERIES - This is a long, rambling story and VERY British which has been divided into several parts for ease of editing and reading. The individual parts will make more sense if read in sequence as they follow straight on chronologically. Whilst this is a stand-alone story some readers may recognise some of the characters from my submissions from a couple of years back entitled 'The Touch' which can still be found in the Novellas section of Literotica. Interested readers should start reading at NOVELS & NOVELLAS > The Touch> Chapter 1 -- Jamie's Story. These new tales were put together whilst I was recuperating after an operation and follow the fortunes of some of the characters a few years on.

Most, but not all chapters contain some sexually explicit sections and the story has a strong incest theme which some readers may find disturbing and might wish to cease reading now.....




The rest of Christmas week seemed to fly past. My driving test was the second week of January and so I had booked some concentrated lessons with a professional driving instructor for four mornings of that week and another three the week of the test to get me up to standard. I had already taken and passed my theory test but kept making stupid little errors when out on the road and my instructor had not been happy with my taking the test until now. Cora had passed her test first time with only the minimum of lessons and so I came in for a lot of teasing about women drivers being better than men. In our case she did have a point, I had this gut feeling that I was going to be a crap driver all my life.......if I ever got through my driving test at all. It was strange, in most other things I was the practical one and Cora was the artist.

As always Cora was the quick study; she was the one who picked up everything really fast whilst I had to work at learning and success for me was always a frigging slog. Personally, I found being in a car with my sister bloody frightening, she drove much too fast for my liking, seemed to take every corner on two wheels and was constantly slamming on the brakes and skidding to a stop at traffic lights. If she drove me anywhere I tended to make the journey with my eyes closed or chattered inanely just to take my mind off the road.

Mother was a great support, she had taken her advanced driving course when she was in the army, had kept up her refreshers and was licenced to drive everything from a moped to a tank and so she was the one who gave us most of our lessons. Despite my lack of confidence, Dave Benson, my instructor, an ex-copper, reckoned that she had done a good job and was a little surprised with my less than perfect performance. I was just pissed off with myself and wanted to be able to get my wheels on the road. My lack of driving skills were to have a serious impact on our Christmas plans that year and to this day I still suffer feelings of guilt that I was responsible for some of the events that followed.

It was a full week. Both Cora and I had Sixth Form Discos at our respective schools that week and the other evenings were occupied with hanging out at friend's parties some of which we both went to. Being twins our friends were used to us being joined at the hip and doing stuff together more than an ordinary brother and sister.

My friend Mel from the army cadets had invited us to a hook-up party at his place as his parents were away but despite sending texts to half the teenage girls in Berkshire it still turned out to be a bit of a 'stud-party' with more guys than girls. Most of the boys were not really bothered as Mel had obtained a copious stock of beer and by ten o'clock most of the piss-heads in the group were already wasted with the rest well on the way to joining them.

I am not a particularly gregarious person. I don't like crowds of people and have an issue with others getting too personal and intimate too soon and so I am not really a party animal. If I am going to get trashed then I prefer to do it alone or with a small group of close buddies... "Drink furiously with the few rather than foolishly with the flock...." Uncle Ted had counselled me once. Cora didn't really drink at all but liked dancing and was a good socialiser.

Cora was a big sensation at the party, and from the time that we arrived was the centre of a lecherous collection of my mates all trying to get off with her. I wasn't particularly concerned as she was perfectly capable of looking after herself although I must admit that I did have some disturbing twinges of jealousy watching her flirting with other guys. She was the best looking girl in the house and every guy there was going to try to get into her knickers. I did keep a brotherly eye on who she was with. I didn't know all of Mel's friends and some that I did know I wouldn't trust with a pregnant goat and I suspected a few were loaded with tabs or worse. There had been one or two disturbing issues in the town during the summer with local boys getting hold of date rape drugs.

I guess that Cora and I were still a bit over protective of each other....and our 'Relaxation' activities took the urgency out of wanting an active sex life. Whilst most kids our age were shagging like demented rabbits, Cora did not seem interested in relationships and I was still waiting to break my duck. I guess that most of the things that I liked doing did not really throw me into the path of girls who were up for it. A couple of the girls at Army Cadets had made it very plain that they were interested in sharing my sleeping bag at camp that year.... But they were mates.... And you don't shag your mates.

My sister looked great, 100% better than any of the other girls that had turned up. She had been shopping with Mother and had bought a couple of new party outfits for Christmas and was wearing a mauve satin mini-dress with tiny string shoulder-straps and a pleated waist. A careful voyeur might catch a flash of matching mauve silk knickers. I knew they were there and had even pressed the tip of my finger again the silky softness of her camels-toe indentation when she teased me with a quick glimpse before leaving home. Her long slim legs were clad in sexy, dark self-supporting stockings and her dress sandals were black patent matching her small clutch bag which had been in my jacket pocket since we arrived. Mum had spent an hour pinned her hair up and to my eye she looked sensational like she had just stepped off a catwalk.

I guess that I looked my usual slightly rumpled self in beige jeans and a white denim shirt beneath the same rather wrinkly black linen jacket that I had been wearing all that summer, a fashion icon I was not.

I had my own problems. Mel's sister, Frankie, was home from university and had come to the party and I spent the earlier part of the evening darting from room to room trying to avoid her as Mel had said she was keen to hook up with me again. I had not seen her for a couple of years since our one-off blind date and had almost forgotten about her... but she had not forgotten about me. I had not run into her recently but she had gained a reputation as a man-eater, she was rumoured to have had more pricks than a pin-cushion.

She had not changed a lot except that the long blonde hair that I remembered was now cut into a short layered style. Her figure was still impressive, she had a small waist and round firm hips above Junoesque thighs which looked as if they could break a guy's back without effort. I remembered that she had been a county class hockey player once. Most of those girls were dykes and I was a little disappointed that Frankie appeared to still be interested in boys and this boy in particular. Her most impressive feature was her tits, which were like huge melons with large nipples that protruded through her bra and top and seemed to dominate the room, the eyes of every guy that passed her were drawn to her chest.

"Hi...ya....James," I had let my attention wander and she had sneaked up behind me and grabbed my arm... "You probably don't remember me..."

"Yes....yes, I do," I mumbled politely. "How are you Frankie...long time no see..."

Not long enough for me.... I still considered the three hours of our date to have been the most boring 180 minutes of my short life. As much as I would like to be I am not a naturally rude person and could not just brush the poor cow off without at least an attempt at conversation. "Are you enjoying the party?"

"No...not really...!" she whined. "The boys are all pissed or have girlfriends.."

"Oh....right." There was not a lot else that I could say. I glanced around furtively searching for an excuse to get away.... Look for somewhere to hide maybe, or some other poor sod that I could dump her onto.

She hugged my arm against her soft enveloping tit. "...but I think things are just starting to get better....now that I've found you..." She started to propel me towards the door from the sitting room into the hallway. Mel had sensibly placed a large sofa across the bottom of his staircase to deny his randy friends access to the bedrooms. Frankie tugged the settee away without any apparent effort. "We can go up to my room....it's nice and comfortable up there and we can pick up where we left off..." she crooned.

Christ! That was two years ago, she can't believe that I'd been waiting to get into her knickers since then... surely, I thought to myself. I instinctively knew that following Frankie upstairs would get me laid, but it could also get me fucked to death or at the very least seriously injured. Those thighs really were massive and the way she had tossed that couch aside spoke of hidden muscle in her shoulders as well.

She was just tugging me through the gap and onto the staircase when what sounded like a minor riot broke out in the dining room with people shouting, hooting and cheering.

"What's that....?" I exclaimed gratefully. I grabbed at the opportunity to escape. "I think we should go and see....." I broke free of Frankie and headed towards the open door of the dining room just as a totally rat-arsed Mel staggered out...

"James, old man..... jus' the person we need..." he slurred. He looped his arm around my neck and breathed a vapour of pure alcohol into my face. "James, buddy... I think I am in love with your sister...." Mel was always in love with one girl or another...until he got his end away and then he quickly lost interest, but I did not envisage Mel and Cora hitting it off.

"What's going on?" I asked. I felt rather than saw Frankie come up behind me, just as Cora came out through the dining room doorway leading a stampede of cheering merry makers. She had a face like thunder.

"Your sister is fanta-a-a-stic! She has just killed Alan Blewit...you know! " Mel burbled drunkenly. "If you jus' get me a date with her, I'll let you screw Frankie all through the Chris 'mas holidays....."

I started to laugh but didn't get a chance to reply. Frankie pushed past me and punched her brother, hard, in the chest sitting him on his arse on the floor. "You fucking creep, Melvyn.... I'm not your whore to rent out!" She started to kick at him as he scrambled across the floor on his hands and knees whilst everybody else stood laughing and cheering Frankie on.

I saw the opportunity for the great escape and grabbed Cora's hand "Come on, let's go" I urged and tugged her towards the hall stand to get her coat. We fled through the front door and out onto the street under the cover of the noisy exhibition being put on by Mel and Frankie. I doubt that we were even missed.

Cora had not wanted to bring her car and so we had arranged with Mother that she would drop us off at the party and we would get a taxi home instead of calling her out to fetch us. It was a cold night but dry and home was no more than ten minutes away so we decided to walk. I turned up the collar of my jacket and put my arm around her shoulders and she looped hers around my waist. To the casual watcher our body language would have pegged us as just another courting couple walking home after a night out.

"God...what a rubbish party..." Cora grumbled. "I would rather have just stayed at home with you and Mum and watched a movie...." I had to agree with her. I lit a cigarette and passed it back and forth between us as we walked.

"So what was that all about?" I asked after a few minutes silent walking. "What happened with that pratt Alan Blewit?"

Cora laughed. Her laugh was tinkly and mischievous and always gave me a tingly feeling in my balls. "It was all nothing really..... that dick-head Alan was shit-faced and trying it on and wouldn't take no for an answer..." She put her head down so that I could not see her face, "...he got me backed into a corner and shoved his frigging great hairy hand up my skirt...."

"What!!!!!" I exploded and stopped dead. I was more than ready to run back to Melvin's house and thump the fucker. Alan Blewit was at my school but not one of my circle of friends... he looked, smelt and acted like a horny ape most of the time, although in fairness he was a decent scrum half. I had always thought that he was a creep, now I knew so... "Did he hurt you?" I would do serious damage to anybody who upset my lovely sister.

Cora tugged at me to walk on, she knew what my temper was like. "No, I pushed him off..... and when he came back I knee'd him in the balls...! Hard!" She grinned evilly. "Christ, but he went a lovely shade of green and just curled up on the floor in a ball and started mewling like a kitten....."

It was my turn to laugh. My sister was just like my mother, she was beautiful and feminine but had a real tough streak; it did not pay to piss her off. I remember when we were about six, I was being bullied by a gang of older kids and Cora had picked up a tree branch and laid into them like a Viking berserker. It got round the school and we were never bullied very much after that.

We walked on until we were almost at our garden gate when Cora stopped and turned to face me. "And what were you doing coming down the stairs with the scrubber Frankie.... Had you been shagging her...?"

"NO!" I protested. I knew that I had never been upstairs but I could see how it must have looked.

"Prove it."

"How do I do that, for God's sake..."

"Show me your dick....I shall be able to tell...." Her face was perfectly serious but you can never tell with Cora and I was beginning to detect a slight hint of wicked humour in her voice.

"What HERE? In the bloody street"

"Yes..... er ....no.... perhaps not..." She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the garden gate and onto the grass verge beside the gravel drive. "In the summer house... stay on the grass so that Mum doesn't hear us."

We crept down the garden hand in hand and Cora unlocked the summer house. I looked up at the back of the house and all was in darkness. Mother slept in a front bedroom and there had been no upstairs lights when we came in so she was probably asleep already. Cora moved to the windows and dragged on the cord to close the full length curtains plunging the room into almost Stygian darkness.

The summer house was Cora's special place, it had been sound proofed, double glazed and insulated so that she and Mother could use it to practice their music and rehearse their jazz sets without annoying the neighbours. It was an old Edwardian structure with half brick walls, and large windows and Cora had fitted it out with some old furniture, an armchair, a large soft sofa and a table and padded dining chairs. There was a small WC and a kitchen unit with kettle and coffee maker. Her drum kit and guitar stood in one corner next to Mother's digital keyboard. It was perfectly warm as the building had its own heating which kept the temperature stable for the musical instruments.

Cora switched on a small swan neck lamp on the table which produced no more than a round pool of yellow light on the table top, and taking my hand guided me to one of the upright chairs and pushed me down onto the seat. I was reminded of one of those CIA interrogation scenes in an action movie where the suspect is sat on an upright chair and gets slapped around or has his toes broken.

"OK...so show me your cock.... And it had better not have been used tonight....." Cora stepped up to me and unbuttoned the waist of my jeans and pulled at the zipper. She hooked her thumbs into the top of my shorts, nudged me to raise my buttocks off the seat and eased them over my prick which was starting to rise with all the attention it was receiving. She looked up into my face laughing. I had been conned but I didn't care because I knew where this was leading. She kept up the game pretending to study my penis for signs of recent activity. "OK...." She giggled "You are in the clear... I believe you... I just have to do the final test."

She crouched down in front of me and suddenly, I felt her mouth close around the end of my tool the tip of her tongue lightly caressing my penis cap, her head was barely visible in the dark interior of the summer house, the only light was the pale glow of the moon filtering in through the glazed panels above the doors and the small table lamp. Cora ran her hands up my thighs until they came to my dick which she grasped with both hands, and gently started to massage up and down. My stiffening member sprang to full erection forcing the head deeper into her hot mouth and I started to groan softly and rested my hands on the top of her head as I pushed forward slightly trying to thrust further into her mouth but she held me back and just gently ran her tongue around my penis cap and flicked the tip of her tongue into the highly sensitive eye of the snake. I thought that I was going to explode, and remember thinking that I should warn her, but once again she seemed to anticipate my readiness and pulled back.

"Oh no, my lad..." she chuckled standing back up and moving across the room out of sight in gloom. "You're not messing up my new dress..."

"You started this...." I moaned, "You can't just leave me to wank off on my own..."

For a few moments her shadowy form disappeared from view and then she was back wearing only her violet silk bra and knickers and holding a packet of moist wipes from the small washroom which she dropped onto the table after removing one and tucking it into her bra strap.

"You first..." she whispered urgently, "then I need you to make me cum....I really do need it tonight, Jim." We were both getting so that we got withdrawal if we could not 'relax' together every few days... masturbating together had become addictive. I did worry a bit about what was going to happen when we went to university in separate parts of the country.

She knelt down in front of me between my knees and grasped my rigid shaft with both hands and began to slowly move them up and down, collecting a small amount of pre-cum from my leaking glans to lubricate each downward stroke. Gradually she increased the speed of her stokes, gliding her hands the length of my stiff shaft faster and faster until I felt the sap rising again.

"God, Cora I'm going to blow..." I gasped.

"Don't you dare...." She growled. "Hold onto it a bit longer....."

She stood up, turned around and straddled my lap over the chair, her mauve silk clad buttocks level with my chin and then bent her knees and slid slowly down my chest until she was astride my lap with my rigid prick poking out between her thighs and pressing against her pussy separated by only a micro thickness of damp silk. My erection was held tightly by the tops of her thighs and it felt as if I was really inside her love nest I could feel the shape of her pussy lips pressing against the base of my tool, her crotch was warm and wet beneath the silk triangle. She was sitting on my lap supported only by my hands resting lightly on her breasts and the rigid strut of my boner protruding from between her thighs. My cock felt engorged beyond belief and ready to explode. I am only an average sized guy but gripped like that and with the downward pressure of the weight of her body my cock felt ten feet long and carved from oak.