A Fucking Investment Ch. 13


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Masters pulled a fifty out of the pile and handed it to me, with a sly grin.

Jeri looked around seeing John and was instantly furious again. "Hey, goddammit, not him too."

Masters looked amused. "Jesus, this guy really can get to you. You know him? What? Another neighbor?"

Jeri bowed her head and nodded. "Yes."

Masters laughed and laughed. "It's a fucking block party!"

Jeri finally looked up at him, watching as the man slapped his thigh, overwrought with hilarity, or jocularity or whatever you might call it. He laughed his ass off.

She looked over at me and glared. "Fuck you, Joshua. Fuck you! This is all your fucking fault." Her voice was low and menacing but she communicated no threat or promise of repayment for this perceived transgression. She looked beaten.

Masters stopped laughing. He looked her up and down. Her bare breasts betrayed her, her nipples swelled. Something about his look gave her a thrill. She wore a g-string with the garters and black stockings. The high, high heels made her much taller. Masters eyes swept up and down over her like a search light. One of his hands unconsciously rubbed his crotch. Jeri saw the motion and bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling. Whether from fear or rage or anticipation, I could not tell.

"On the desk." He said. His growl brooked no argument.

Jeri flinched, almost like he'd hit her. She dropped the bundle of white cloth where she stood and walked over to the desk, her breasts waving before her, sensual projections of her sensual potential. She turned around. "Does everyone have to stay? Shit, its bad enough when Igor and Hans there are here. Can't they go back to their places and put their sticks back up their butts?"

Masters thought about that for a moment, pinching his nose with one hand. He finally looked up at John. "You a pussy?" He asked.

John nodded. "Wouldn't hurt a spider."

"Would hurt a fly, idiot." Jeri spat at him. "Wouldn't hurt a fly, is how it goes! Idiot. You couldn't hurt a fly. Asshole." She helped us again and I don't think she realized or maybe she just didn't care.

Masters looked back at her and smirked. "The school marm is really pissed tonight. Pat them down, boys, and then git."

Clearly Masters was subject to the spell of the woman's voice and her body, despite his apparent claim on it. I was back to thinking of how to get that hold released. Crowley had friends in low places. He handled that sort of thing for me. I had no idea how. I had another spasm, a thought about how far beyond my neighborhood I had wandered. The back of my neck tickled.

The guy patted me down; that was a first for me. The two guards left, closing the door behind them.

Masters pointed at me. "You best have some weight, buster or I swear I will find out where she lives and I'll fuck up her neighbors, just to keep her in line. Get me?"

"I'll send you particulars in the morning. It might take some time. I am a bit off the reservation, chasing this wild pussy. By Monday for sure." I hoped Crowley could fulfill this promise, cash the check my mouth was writing. I was confident. One of the reasons he was in his position was because of my trust in his abilities to handle just this sort of thing. Those abilities had a robust history with me, and with my father before me.

Masters looked at Jeri. "What the fuck you looking at? Lay down. Tits on the desk. Time for me to come, since you've had yours." He looked at me. "She really does come out there. I tasted her and she has this lemony taste when she comes..." He seemed to realize what he was saying. He had eaten her pussy.

I smiled. "Lemony." I chuckled. I knew what moved the man; uneasy lies the head...

Jeri bent over the desk. Her mammoth tits dragged over the surface, so heavy were they that they made the squeak of skin on a smooth surface. Masters unbuckled his pants. He shucked off his coat and his trousers dropped down his legs. Despite his blocky build, it turned out his legs were positively spindly

I casually walked over to the glass and looked down on the stage. I could see lots of sex occurring in the audience. On the stage, on a small roll-away bed, two women were sixty-nining. I turned around. Jeri's face was lifted up. I looked down her bare back to the straps arched over her ass to the stocking. Masters looked at me.

"I hope you don't mind. I want to see her face when you enter her." I said softly. "I want to know how she feels when you fuck her."

"She'll feel plenty!" Masters growled. He stripped off his shirt and stood behind her naked. His cock was no better than average, nothing if not stubby in size and length. He had nothing to be proud of. But a man's cock is always his cock, his joy if not his pride, regardless of what anyone thinks. Pride in this instance is always secondary to pleasure. Small or large, your cock feels good, no, great sliding into a woman.

"What are you waiting for, George?" Jeri asked, struggling to her elbows, leaving her big tits as pools on the table. "Let's get this show on the road." In the future, I'd learn she called everyone "George" when she wanted something from them. It marked her level of urgency.

Masters gripped her ass, opened her and approached.

"That's my asshole, idiot." Jeri growled tightly.

"Bitch, if you snot off to me, I'll fuck you in every hole and then let these two do you just for spite. So shut the fuck up, if you don't have anything nice to say." He hesitated. "I know that's your fucking ass hole. Don't be so fucking impatient."

Jeri cupped her chin in one hand, elbow on the table, looking up at me. She drummed the fingers of her other hand on the table and Masters glowered at her. He stepped back and whacked her ass, hard, with the flat of his hand. The crack pierced the background noise in the round, dark room. She stopped drumming her fingers. She looked back at him. "Come on, George, get to it. Time's wasting, pussy's drying. If you're going to do it, do it. Quit staring and do something. I'm lubed up and slick, what you waiting for?" She was goading him.

He looked at her till she turned back around cupping her chin in her hand again. For a big girl, she was incredibly limber. Masters resumed his position behind her. I presumed he fingered her because her eyes fluttered. Then it appeared as though he addressed pussy with cock. Jeri dropped her chin and gripped the edge of the desk. Masters pressed against her. Jeri moaned, lifted her head and looked directly at me, her eyes watching mine. She licked her lips once.

I almost offered her my hard cock but thought Masters might not appreciate the distraction. Jeri groaned again, but rolled her eyes. Masters slapped his body against her plush hips. Jeri tried to keep her blase look but her eyes closed. The next moan sounded more convincing. He rammed her again, her ass bunched up between them, like a huge quantity of bread dough boiling out from their connection. Jeri's head lifted, arching her back and neck, hands spreading to grip the edge of the desk. Masters ground against her. She moaned, her tongue snaked out of her mouth, coating her full lips, whipping round and round and round, like she was tasting honey.

Curiously, she kept her head up, showing me her face, her closed eyes while her body jerked from the impact behind her. The woman was strong as well as limber!

"Oh god, she feels so good! Jesus, she is some piece of ass!" Masters continued to hammer her from behind.

John approached from behind and I waved him wide. He came around the flank till he appeared in Masters' view. "You don't mind?" John asked, stepping back.

Masters just grimaced, continuing to ram what cock he possessed into the woman. With the bulge of her ass, I doubted she felt more than a few inches, but it seemed to satisfy him. His face took on an expression of concentration. His hands clamped down onto her ass, squelching into her ample flesh. He pulled her back onto his cock, jerking her so that she flopped like she had no bones.

Jeri, for her part, had lain down flat, gripping the edge of the desk above her head. She lay her cheek on the table No longer bent on her head-end, she raised her ass and began to fuck back at Masters. She rocked her ass forward and then racked it back to meet him, slapping her ass against him. Her big hips shook and wobbled as she fucked him and he pistoned into her.

Masters groaned and ground his body against her plush ass.

"Jesus, you're coming already?"

"Shut up, bitch. You've had yours already."

"You'll want me to suck him, now I suppose?" Jeri Lewis was looking at me. I felt the focus, like a caress. She had stopped fucking the man and lay under him, while he grunted and hunched at her from behind. Her head was turned ahead and she was looking up at me, her chin on the desk.

"Sure. Suck him hard and then fuck him on your back." I said.

A look flashed over her face. She quickly turned it aside, hiding it from me but I recognized the look. I knew prim satisfaction when I saw it. This woman was getting off on being watched while she fucked. Not that I did not understand that sensation, it just surprised me to find it in her. In retrospect, such surprise seemed utterly stupid. Her choice of the stage and how she managed it had an inner motivation, one that kept her coming back for more, pun unintended.

Masters pulled back from her butt and with some solicitude, helped her to stand. She immediately got to her knees. She was avidly licking at his cock when I got around the desk, standing to the side with John, watching them.

"This bitch likes her own taste. I mean, she likes it. It makes her hot as hell to suck her own blow off my cock."

Jeri must have heard but she only pursed her lips and kissed the head of the man's stubby dick. Masters lost track of us, perhaps even where he was, clamping a hand on the back of her head and pushing his cock forward, seeking her attention. She licked the shaft and finally sucked it into her mouth. Her head began to bob, till finally she planted the cock deep in her mouth and held him still, blowing extravagantly through her nose. I saw her swallow several times. Finally, Masters pushed at her forehead and she pulled back.

"Damn, girl, what are you trying to do? Make me blow again?"

"Would that be so bad?"

In that little exchange, I saw that not only did she have a good thing on the stage, she was more or less pleased about pleasing him with her body afterward. That made my project that much more difficult. Shit, I thought. One of my best traits, though, is not to worry about things that don't need to be worried about. This was what it was. I'd see what developed.

Jeri was sitting on the edge of the desk now, her legs wide before her. Her legs were long and formed perfect, black arches down to the floor, directing his approach to her pussy. The black stockings and the straps were still in place, though one had come loose and dangled below her full thigh. Masters was erect once more, utterly revived by her lips on his cock. Who wouldn't be? The dead, not the naked.

Before they joined, she looped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. They kissed like lovers. After a few torrid moments, she reached between them and fit his cock into her body. As he ground against her, she broke the kiss and groaned, pointing her chin to the ceiling. He kissed up the pillar of her neck, before pushing at her shoulders, bending and taking the nipple of one great tit between his lips. Her legs bent behind him, her heels dimpled his ass as she tried to clinch him tighter between her legs. He supported her with an arm around her waist. He sucked and she grunted, falling back onto her hands, her back bent, pushing her tit at him, offering it to his mouth. Her hips pulsed as he ground his body between her legs. She dropped her head back and let him suck first one tit then the other.

When he straightened, her tits glistened. Jeri lay down on the desk, reaching over her head to grip the edge with both hands. "Fuck me, Jake." She whispered. "Do it for me. I want another. Need another. Make me come, Jake. Fuck me!"

I could see her face, it was tipped back, part of the arch of her body that was presenting her pussy to his driving cock. Jake, for his part, lifted first her one leg then the other over his shoulders. He bent her. Jeri grunted and her hips popped up several time, meeting his strokes with pumping strokes of her own. She wasn't passive; not at all. She gave as good as she got.

That heartened me. Jeri Lewis, underneath all of her fire, dearly loved to fuck!

"Bend me, Jake, pound my pussy. Ram it into me." Jeri chanted. Her hands held tight to the desk. It stabilized them. She kept sliding towards the middle of the desk top. From time to time, Masters would halt his jackhammer motion and pull her ass off the edge again. The sound of his body slapping against the plane of her bent thighs filled the room.

Finally, though, when her ass was far from the edge towards the midddle, he just shoved her further and climbed on the desk, grinding down between her long legs. Her legs fell open about his shoulders, widened by his body between them. She slid them down his bare, surging body and locked them around his waist, hitched them higher and locked them around his lower ribs. He was deep in her. Jeri reveled in the penetration. Her pleasure emanated from her like a rumor.

Her head dangled off the opposite edge of the desk. Masters rode her hard, then, ramming his cock into her over and over again. Her tits waved and twitched. Masters was on his hands, his thighs balanced on the edge of the desk. That looked uncomfortable. I walked around and grabbed hold of her hands and pulled them till the edge of the desk hit her at about the middle of the back. Masters looked up and nodded, his knees now on the desk, giving him proper leverage. He fucked her, hard. Jeri was panting, licking her lips constantly now, grunting and moaning as the man hammered into her. Her eyes opened and she watched me, the sensations of their conjunction cast shadows on the windows of her soul. The pleasure of it had control of her now and she rode crest after crest. I kept hold of her hands, staring down the line of her body to their conjunction.

In that position, she had to use her core and middle muscles and she tired quickly. Her hands clung to me and I supported her, holding her by the elbows while her hands gripped mine. I supported her. It was the first time I had touched her skin. Her eyes fluttered and she tried to focus on me as her body lurched.

Masters fucked her.

Her hips finally began to respond. Her feet found purchase on the desk, and with my help, she began to roll her pussy at him, rocking up to meet him and then rolling away to gain momentum as she fucked up at his down stroke. Masters finally bent over her, kissing the stretched expanse of her tits. Finding one, he sucked on it hard. Jeri shook a hand loose from my grasp and whacked him on the side of the head.

"No marks, asshole. They show through the costume, remember!"

Masters grunted and moved his mouth, kissing to her nipple and sucking on it. Suddenly Jeri jerked. Her head dropped, like she lost all strength in her neck. She gave me back her hand and when I had firm hold of her, her whole body bucked, her hips springing up from the desk top. Masters rode her, grinding down into her as her body surged beneath him.

"Oh, god, yes, like that Jake. Fuck me there, Jake. Yes, yes! Oh fuck, Jake, now, now!" Her body clinched, she seized him with her legs. Her hands pulled at mine as she sought to curl up around the cock tickling her fancy. Her torso bowed up and for a crystal moment, they kissed, both arched, their mouths meeting and squelching together.

Then Jeri jerked and screamed. Her whole body bucked and she arched her back, her feet planted on the desk lifted her hips and Masters with them. He began to rabbit-fuck her pussy, hammering her with short strokes.

Till then, I still had control of her hands. She clung to me, communicating the rising tension in her body with the claws of her hands. Her upper torso bent far down, off the desk. She shook loose her hands and she flopped off the edge of the desk. She bent so far, she planted her hands on the floor and pushed up. It gave her an entirely different sort of leverage and she began a rapid fire emulation of Jake's motions between her splayed legs.

They fucked each other with short, hammering motions for several moments, maybe a minute. Finally, Jeri screamed and creamed and her hips arched high, lifting what was now dead weight; Master lay between her full thighs, utterly unmoving. She hissed and arched, lifting the man as her body spasamed and shook. When her ass crashed back to the desk, I thought they were going to flop off onto the floor. I did not want to see that, or more to the point, be there when it happened, if it happened.

I took a step past John. "Come on. Let's git while the gittin is good. John, fuck man, we gotta get outta here!" I grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him away, back to the door. He shambled like he was sleepwalking, or like a zombie. I dragged him down the stairs and through the crowd. He did not speak till we were at the down elevator.

"Shit. Fuck me. I, she, Jesus, she really fucked him. She really did come like that! Jesus!" The elevator arrived. John didn't say anything else till we got into the car. We looked at each other. He grinned. "Well, shit, buddy, we know she loves to fuck anyway. There's that!"

I had to agree. There was that!"

I drove towards Holdingsfield.

John was silent till we were almost back home. Finally he said, "So? Was it worth it?"

I had been chewing over what I had learned. The challenge of solving a woman's sensual puzzle delighted me and Jeri Lewis' more the most. "Of course. Good call. Don't worry about the money. That was research and research costs. Happy to pay."

John nodded in satisfaction. He seemed genuinely happy about my approval. When we stopped on the street by his house, he looked over at me. "So? What do you think about my, about our proposal? Any chance I can keep my wife?"

I should have said "none!" But I was reluctant to crush his dreams. Eve attracted me in a different way than Jeri did but the allure was just as strong. I felt a twinge of regret, even guilt, though. John was decent and I was plotting to take away his wife. Perhaps that was why I did not crush the thought immediately. Unease makes me stall. "Why don't we talk on Monday. I really don't want to commit to something that I don't want to do. I have to tell you, John, Eve..."

He forestalled me, waving a hand at me. "I know. I know. You are not the first. She is alluring and irresistibly so. Monday then. Think about it. I'll, I'll think about it too. Maybe, maybe I can think of something else to help you that will be worth it. Make it worth more. I told you Jeri was up to something. Now we know."

I agreed. "Now we know." We shook hands and he left me. What I wanted to know was how he knew.

At home, I showered, filled with unease. Done, I almost went up stairs and took Jennifer, but the feeling I was fucking the enemy stopped me. I kept telling myself that I did not know for certain she was working both sides of the street but the doubt, the contamination of her delight in serving ruined it for the moment. Maybe I'd have to get over it but, much as I wanted to, as horny as I was, I left her alone. I was distracted too by the visions of Jeri Lewis being fucked and the sounds of her throbbing contralto as she orgasmed on stage.

In my own bed, I could not sleep. My mind would not shut off as I tried to figure how to extract Jeri from her present position and inject her into my portfolio or inject me into her is a better expression. What was Eve up to and was John part of it or just her pawn? What to do about Aurora? And finally the reality that I was biting off more pussy than I could fuck, to mix my metaphors, still bothered me. I almost called Val or Liza but decided these issues were mine and I needed to deal with them on my own. I worried about Sharon. With that thought, sleep finally arrived.
