A Gifted Young Man


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We continued to hug and kiss for several minutes until, finally, I could not resist saying, "You know Sue, that was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. I had no idea a blowjob could be such a mind blowing event. I know I have heard guys talk about blowjobs but thought it was just that, talk." Sue giggled and said, "I know Steve. The girls are always talking about their boy friends going down on them and, like you, I thought most of it was only talk as well although I guess I knew deep inside that most of what they say has to have some basis in fact. Else, how in hell would they know what they are talking about?"

Tentatively, I asked, "So tell me Sue, how in hell did you ever learn to blow a guy that way?" Teasing, she giggled and said, "Oh you don't really want to know do you?" I laughed and said, "Wouldn't have asked if I didn't expect an answer." Sue giggled and said, "Well all right then, I was over visiting Jeanne last week and we talked about blow jobs. I said I didn't know much about going down on a guy and she went and got a dildo from her mother's room and we practiced on it. It was double ended so she put one end in her pussy and let me kiss and suck on the other end." Then, before I could say anything else, she said, "Care to tell me how you know so much about eating pussy." Without hesitation, I said, "Well, I always thought that most of the stuff I read in porn stories on the Internet was bullshit, but thought I would give it a try and see what happened." Sue giggled and said, "Well now you know that at least some of it isn't bullshit. I had no idea that a girl could cum and cum so many times. Jesus Steve, that was wonderful, promise me that you'll do it lots now that I know how good it feels and I'll promise you that you'll never have to jack off again. Unless you want to, that is."

We stayed on Sue's bed for a while longer then both of us sat up and swung our legs over the edge of the bed and sat and talked for a while longer. Mostly about sex and our feelings about the things we had experienced that morning. I said musingly, "I wonder what it would feel like, having my hard cock inside a girl's pussy." Sue said, "I can't imagine, but sure would like to feel a big hard dick way up inside me sometime." I sighed and said, "Well, 'til I figure out how to get some rubbers or you somehow get mom to get you some birth control pills, we will just have to make do going down on one another and using our hands."

Her voice tentative, Sue said, "Steve, I'm curious about something and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but I have seen you looking at mom strangely a few times. Are you having naughty thoughts whenever you look at her that way?" Chagrined, I said, "Oh shit, I didn't think I was being obvious. Yes Hon, I try not to but I cannot help dreaming what she would look like without her clothes, 'course, after this morning some of the mystery is gone. But not much. Her legs are something else and the way her tits thrust out from her chest is almost more than I can stand sometimes." Sue grinned and said, "Thought so. Well there is no need to be ashamed, at least as far as I am concerned. Mom might be pissed if she knew, but I doubt it. I think she may know a little of what is going on in your head else she wouldn't have flashed you the way she did. Well, whatever, I sure as hell would like to see dad naked. It'll probably never happen but I can just imagine what his cock looks like when he has an erection."

I jumped up off the bed and said, "Let's go down and see what's in the frig for lunch." Sue giggled and asked, "Hey Steve, lets stay naked, OK?" Well I had intended to go to my room and put on a pair of shorts. Instead, I said, "Why not. Nobody here but us two horny toads." Totally nude, we made our way to the kitchen where we made sandwiches. We stood arm in arm at the kitchen window, ate and looked out toward the woods across the highway and railroad tracks.

Suddenly, Sue said, "I know what, Steve. Let's put some cold pop in an insulated back pack and go for a walk in the woods." I assured her I thought it a damn good idea and we went to our rooms dressed in shorts and tee shirts and met a few minuets later back in the kitchen. We put pop enough to hold us for a couple of breaks into an insulated backpack and started out for our walk.

We walked steadily for about an hour following first one trail then another until at last we came to a place where the trail we were on dipped into a small stream. I stopped Sue and said, "You know, I think if we turn and follow along this brook for a little way, we will come to a small pond. I don't remember it being big enough to swim in but I'll bet it is big enough so we can get in and cool off." Sue agreed and we turned our steps to follow along upstream. The brook flowed over rocks and made a gentle gurgling sound that masked the sound of our progress. After following the brook for about a hundred and fifty feet we rounded a bend and came upon the small pond I recalled being there and found the pond occupied by a skinny-dipping couple.

It took only a moment to realize we had discovered Frank and Jill Miller who live near us with their parents, Bob and Patricia. Naturally everyone calls Mrs. Miller Patty. Their backs were toward us so they were not immediately aware of our presence. I looked at Sue with raised eyebrows and she made a motion back along the way we had come from and we started a silent retreat. We didn't get far though. Frank turned his head in time to see us and said, "Oops, Jill, I think we have visitors." Jill looked our way quickly and screamed, "Oh shit. What are you two doing way up here?" I laughed and said, "Stumbling in on skinny dipping friends, I guess." Sue added, "You bet, that's what we are doing alright. That and some other stuff if I get lucky."

Jill and Frank are a couple of years older than Sue and I. Frank is twenty I think and Jill is nineteen and both are away at college most of the time. Sue and I are both in our last year in high school and plan to attend the same university come next fall. Except for a minor misunderstanding between me, the principal and my History teacher, I should have graduated last year. I always thought 'Bitch' was a historical expression! Like I said, a minor difference of opinion there.

We stood silently looking at one another until Jill said, "Well, if you kids came up here intending to play in the water, you may as well join us. The water is fine and is a lot cooler than standing around sweating, unless, of course, you want to get sweaty before you get in the water." Sue said, "Shit Jill, neither Steve nor I have our bathing suits with us." Frank asked, "Does it look as though either Jill or I give a shit? Besides most everyone we know goes skinny-dipping whenever possible. No need for you guys to be any different."

Sue and I looked at one another, grinned and began to slip out of our clothing. It took but a moment to get naked and join the other two in the water. Jill said, "Hey Sue, come on over this way. The water is a little deeper here." We both moved to where Jill had indicated and sat with only our heads out of the water. Both girls were on my right so that I could see two pair of delightful tits without having to move my head.

Frank said, "You know, you two look a bit uneasy being naked in mixed company like this. Haven't you seen each other's bodies before?" I shyly replied, "Not until this morning, no." Then I related how we have to share a bathroom and that I had to take a piss really badly that morning while Sue was brushing her teeth and I had no choice other than to use the john or try to get to the toilet on the first floor before I couldn't hold it any longer. Sue laughed and continued the tale. Neither of us mentioned fooling around in the shower later, though. Jill giggled and said, "That's kind of how Frank and I got to be comfortable with seeing the other nude. Thing was, he was in the shower and it was I that had to pee. God how embarrassing it was to have to expose my twat to my brother's eager eyes while I sat on the pot. I noticed how big his cock was and quit worrying about what he could see. Bastard asked me to spread my knees so he could see the pee gush from my pussy and without giving it a thought I did it for him. Oh well, at least I didn't have a monster thing like that sticking out in front of me. "Yeah," said Frank, "Guess she was mesmerized by the sight of me as she didn't bother getting off the pot when she finished peeing. So I thought I would really give her something to see and began to jerk off. Told her she had seen everything I had so she might just as well watch me play with it as well. Christ, I asked her to take her robe off and let me see all of her charms so I could get off better and, by God, she did it. Only she took it a step further and began to play with her pussy. We masturbated in front of each other until we each came." Jill giggled and said, "And we've been having a blast ever since."

Wonderingly, Sue asked, "And do you, you know, do each other or any of that sort of thing?" Jill said, "Oh sure, I jerk Frank off all the time and he likes to play with my pussy and make me cum as well." Frank said, "Jill, you know that isn't what Sue meant, as long as we are confessing all, you guys may as well know we go down on each other too. Yeah, and we have been fucking almost from that first day." He reached an arm around his sister's shoulders and began to fondle her breasts as we talked. Jill lifted her butt from the bottom of the brook bed and shifted until she was sitting between Frank's spread legs She snuggled back against his chest so that her brother had no difficulty reaching from behind to fondle and play with her breasts.

Sue and I looked on wondrously for a few moments and, at my urging, my sister followed Jill's example and moved until she was sitting with my thighs pressed tightly against her butt. I took my cue and reaching around, began to fondle my sister's breasts as well.

My penis began to swell immediately, an event that did not escape Sue's attention and she said, "Oh my, what have we here. Something a girl might play with?" She reached back and grasped my fully erect cock and began sliding her hand back and forward. We were seated facing Frank and Jill and the water was clear enough to allow us to see that Frank, too, was sporting a tremendous hard on and that Jill, after watching Sue for a bit, began to frig her brother as well. The girls both had a great time and laughed uproariously when each managed to get her brother off sending streamers of white cum floating down the brook.

As our dicks began to deflate, each of us reached a hand to his sister's pussy and began to masturbate her as well. I have no doubt but that both of them were delighted to have an audience as both of them kept up a steady flow of talk that can best be described as 'dirty.' The erotic talk and my fingers were all that was necessary to get Sue turned on, and it took no time at all for her to extend her legs and spasm uncontrollably in the first of at least three orgasms.

Jill must have been equally turned on as she, too, began to orgasm after just a few moments with her brother's hand on and in her pussy. Sue leaned her head back against my shoulder and whispered, loud enough for the others to hear, as it turned out, "Oh Jesus Steve, I wish we could really fuck instead of just screwing around this way."

Jill looked up quickly and said in wonder, "You mean you didn't fuck each other this morning after everything else you did?"

"Nope," I said. "We don't have any protection yet." Frank said, "Hell, come on over to our house in the morning after all our folks go to work. I have some rubbers you can use although I think you will find it better to just use your bare dick. At least I like the feel of bare skin on bare skin a lot better, don't I Jill?" Jill laughed and said, "Well that's what you say anyhow. I know I certainly like the feel of your bare dick inside me better than when you wear a condom." She turned to Sue and said, "You know, I have a few pills here in my pack. Why don't you take one now and then you guys come on over in the morning like Frank says and we can fool around and see what happens." She looked at my raging hard on and added, "Perhaps if you would like Steve, you could fuck me as well. God, I can't wait until you cum way up inside my pussy or down my throat if you would rather do it that way. I just love it when a cock spurts cum into one of my holes." She leaned her head back on Franks shoulder and said, "Maybe sometime you guys would like to fill my asshole and my pussy at the same time."

Sue grinned and said, "Hell, with all that, I would think you would like to suck on a cock as well." Jill laughed and said, "Yeah, only I'm not sure daddy would be comfortable doing me at the same time Steve is there doing as well. He doesn't mind me being the meat in a sandwich between him and Frank, though." Her expression changed and she said, "I would love to go down on you while the guys fuck me though. How do you feel about making it with a girl in a foursome, huh, huh, huh?" Sue blushed and said, "Yesterday, I guess the idea would have made me ill. Now, after Steve ate me this morning, I'm not so sure. I think it would be fun to try it though. There is one thing, you eat me and you will have to let me go down on you too." Jill laughed delightedly and said, "Deal."

The four of us got out of the water and went for cans of cold pop. Jill handed Sue one of her pills. Sue washed the pill down with pop, grinned and said, "Hey Steve, thanks to Jill I think we both are going to get lucky and very soon, too." Jill said, "Now if you two don't mind, I came up here to spend time on my back and fuck my brother. You two can stay and watch if you want, I don't much give a shit but I have waited about long enough." She giggled and said, "If I were you two, wild horses wouldn't drag me away. Watching others fuck is almost as good as being fucked. Well, that or sucking cock or maybe having my pussy licked." She reached for Frank and said, "Come on Bro, lets give these guys a show better than any porno film they ever saw 'cause I'll bet the only fucking either of them has ever seen was in adult sex films."

I looked at Frank and noted that he was certainly ready to accommodate his sister's desire to be fucked. His cock seemed to grow with each word out of his sister's mouth. He reached into his backpack and withdrew a digital camera and asked if I would mind taking some photographs of him fucking his sister. Said, "Don't worry too much about getting our faces in the pics. I can either crop the pictures so our faces don't show or I can obliterate recognizable features with editing software. I was going to try to use a small tripod but you taking the pictures will be much better I think."

Jill got onto her back and spread her legs wide while Frank crawled between her spread legs. I was right there snapping the shutter release as Frank, with Jill's hand guiding, slowly lowered his pelvis and pushed his huge cock into his sister's wet cunt.

Sue stood as close to me as she could and reached for my erection with one hand while she buried her other hand within the folds of her pussy. I snapped picture after picture as Frank and Jill bucked and thrust against each other. Before either of them could orgasm, Frank pulled away and asked Jill to roll over and get on her knees so he could fuck her from behind. He grinned and said; "I think Steve will get some really good shots of my pecker sliding in and out of you now." Long before either of them climaxed, white, foamy juices began to seep from Jill's pussy and trickle down across her thighs and drip to the ground. We reviewed the images I captured afterward and found that I was fortunate enough to capture the entire event.

Both Jill and her brother were dripping with sweat by the time she shouted, "Oh God you guys, I'm cumming, give me all your jism now, oh God, fuck me, fuck me." The camera captured every moment as Frank's orgasm discharged spurt after spurt of seminal fluid into his sister. Too bad the camera could not capture sounds as well. The vocal expressions voiced as they came would have gone well with the photographs of cum leaking from Jill's cock stuffed pussy and down across the insides of her thighs.

Once Frank pulled his gleaming cock from his sister's pussy, I returned Frank's camera and Sue and I dressed for the walk back home. We agreed to meet in the morning, said our good by's and left.

It was getting a bit late in the day and Sue and I hurried along as we walked back toward home. Thus we managed to be home before mom and dad arrived back from work. Mom's first words upon finding Sue and I in the family room were, "Hi guys. The yard looks wonderful. Thank you for doing such a nice job mowing and edging." Both Sue and I told her it really was not much of a job since both of us working made it an easy task. Looking around, mom said, "And the house looks really nice too. I see you picked up and cleaned the kitchen and the rest of the house looks as though no one has been here all day. I really appreciate the way you two make it easy for me when I get home." Dad chimed in saying, "Yeah, I think the place looks really nice, inside and out." Then mom said, "Since it is so hot, I brought some salads from the deli so I think dinner will be cool and quick." We assured her that cool and quick salads would be just fine and we all just sat and took it easy for a while.

Later on after dinner was finished and the kitchen cleaned up, we sat outside on the patio and let the coolness of evening overtake us while we chatted. I told mom and dad of our walk in the woods but failed to mention meeting Frank and Jill. I did mention getting into the brook to cool off though. Smiling, mom asked, "My God, you went skinny dipping in broad daylight?" Sue laughed and said, "God Mom, it's not as though we were naked in the middle of a freeway."

Then dad broke the good news. Said he and mom had checked the family finances and decided it was about time to have an in-ground swimming pool installed in the back yard and that workmen would start the project on the following Monday. Of course Sue and I thanked mom and dad profusely. Anxiously, Sue asked, "Does that mean we'll be able to skinny dip right in our own back yard?" Dad's voice was cautious as he answered, "Well, I suppose that since you two seem to have no secrets from one another, there won't be any harm in swimming naked, if that's what you want to do. I'm not sure that I am that liberated, though. What do you think?"

Just before ten o'clock, I announced my intention of going up to my room to fool around with the computer for a while before turning in to bed. Sue said, "Oh may I come along, perhaps you can show me how to work some of those casino games you like to fool with." I told her she would be welcome and we quickly left mom and dad on the patio and went in to play games on the computer. Not much after that, we heard mom and dad climb up the stairs and go into their room. Mom popped in a few minutes later to wish us a good night and to tell us she hoped we wouldn't mind if they left their door open so they might benefit from any cross ventilation their might be. I couldn't help but notice that she was wearing a very lightweight nightgown and that the bright hall light shining from behind clearly revealed that she was not wearing underwear. Fact is that at one point she appeared to be wearing nothing at all. Sue and I bad our mother good night, she winked, said, "You kids be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do." We returned to our game and mom left.

Once we were alone, Sue murmured, "Mom is really getting loose in her old age, isn't she?" I replied, "You mean the thin night gown and forgetting about the back lighting?"