A Grand Father-Daughter Vacation

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It's called a trip of a lifetime - dad made it even better!
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Chapter 1 - Preparations


Wow! Just when I think there's nothing my dad can do to surprise me... he surprises me. As an only child of two well-paid professionals I'll admit to being a little bit spoiled (OK, so my husband would say a LOT spoiled). Even so, I'd like to think I turned out OK. As for my husband's sarcastic take on my upbringing, he DID marry me after all, right? At the same time, my parents' livelihoods mean that one thing I didn't do growing up was to travel a lot so this past winter my dad gave me and Steve an all-expense trip to a Caribbean resort for our anniversary. It was an incredible adults-only resort although that simply meant no kids - not some erotic sexually oriented place although we DID have an incredible couples massage that was something special.

Apparently paying for a trip for his daughter and son-in-law wasn't all he had up his sleeve...

It was Sunday morning before church which meant only one thing - I was at my dad's house for our weekly tradition. It had started back when I lived at home before I was married when my dad would stop by my bedroom in the morning before leaving for work. I'm most definitely NOT a morning person and he had to leave early to beat the tunnel traffic into Pittsburgh so most times I was sound asleep. Given I slept nude (as did both my parents) he just had to pull the covers back to expose me to his lustful gaze as he masturbated over me. Usually he would cum on my legs or butt, sometimes my boobs and very rarely my face. Mission accomplished and his horniness satisfied for the time being, he'd cover me back up and later I'd wake up and smile as I feel his cum on me. Once I was married though, this morning ritual wasn't possible anymore so instead I would visit him Sunday mornings before the two of us went to church. It worked out great as to my never-ending frustration, Steve has never been much of a church-goer so he stayed home and keep an eye on our daughters.

Having this chance once a week to satisfy my dad's needs and desires as only his daughter can is something I look forward to every week. It's also an incredible turn-on to be in church not long after, my pussy still tingling from the feel of my father's cock cumming inside. Going back to my earlier comment about being spoiled though, I'd learned long before that if there was anything I wanted from my dad, asking him while he was fucking me pretty much guaranteed I'd get it! On this day though, it turned out that it was my dad with the surprise and ironically he decided to spring it on me just after he'd first penetrated me as I leaned over the kitchen counter with my sundress pulled up over my bare butt. Yep, no sooner was he buried inside of me and taken just a few strokes then he stopped. Needless to say I was quite surprised as normally once he started there was no stopping him until he ejaculated and filled me with his incestuous cum. I remember how at times when we first started having sex how it even scared me a little seeing the change that came over him after he'd entered me. While I would never dream of asking him to stop, at the same time I wasn't so sure he would even if I asked!

"Ummmmm, something wrong daddy?" I asked when he stopped. Even at 32 years old I still called him daddy, at least when we had sex. He had his hands on my hips and I could feel his thick lush pubic hair tickling my bare bottom.

"Not a thing baby girl... not a single thing," he assured me. Just as I knew he loved me to call him "daddy", so he knew it pleased me to no end for him to call me his "baby girl", especially when he was fucking me!

Everything was silent for a moment as I felt him grind his cock into me slowly, as if he was debating what to do next. Well THAT would be new as I don't think he has EVER debated what to do once we started fucking since the very first time we'd done it on top of my bed.

"Well, so what would you think about taking a trip with your dear-old dad?" he asked.

I assumed he meant a business trip, maybe something to Philadelphia or Cleveland where his firm had satellite offices. Over the years I'd been to both and while I knew none of the people had any idea about the entire situation between me and my dad, few would have believed it.

"Sure, I can get a sitter for when Steve is at work," I replied before he could finish.

My dad chuckled and went on saying, "No, this isn't a business trip. I've actually been planning this for a long time and it's getting to where you need to know so you can make some long-term arrangements for my granddaughters."

I waited for him to continue but evidently just pausing like this with his dick in me was too much for him to maintain any longer. Then I felt his hands clench my hips and suddenly he pulled out and then rammed his erect dick back inside of me again. After several more similar thrusts I figured any more talk about a trip was going to have to wait until he'd finished but then to my surprise he paused yet again!

"Sorry... I just couldn't resist your fantastic pussy," he apologized as if he needed to, "So where was I?"

Turning my head I smiled at him and gently reminded him that the service about to start.

"Oh well, so we'll be a little late. Won't be the first time," he said with a chuckle that made his dick move inside of me causing me to wish he'd wait and finish fucking me before worrying about whatever it was he wanted to talk about. Alas, that wasn't to be the case...

"Remember that rafting trip we took in West Virginia back when you were in high school?"

How could I forget? Like I was terrified most of the trip! Anything where you have to wear a helmet in case you fall out is a little much in my book. Thankfully he seemed to recognize that.

"Now I know you were a little scared but I was thinking we could do something similar that isn't so scary but at the same time let us spend some quality time together. You know... special father-daughter time?"

Oh yes, I knew what he meant... special father-daughter sex time! I just stood there impaled on my dad's cock as he continued.

"One of my clients had scheduled a trip with his son and was about to cancel it due to some scheduling conflicts so he offered it to me. I know it's a little last-minute but normally these things have to be booked over a year in advance so I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

Now I was curious... what sort of trip had to be reserved so far in advance?

"So what do you think about spending a week with your father at the bottom of the Grand Canyon?"

Whoa! Did he just say Grand Canyon? Where the heck did THAT come from? My mind instantly filled with images of monster rapids, scorching hot weather, bugs, and every other thing I didn't like.

"Ummmmm, Grand Canyon?" I questioned him timidly.

"Oh it's nothing like you probably imagine. He showed me brochures and photos from a trip he'd taken a couple years ago. We'll be on a huge raft with a dozen other people. They take care of everything. We just have to show up and they handle the food, tents, and sleeping gear."

The mention of "tents" worried me... I was about to say something about not being for me when I felt him slowly start to fuck me again, drawing himself out slowly and then pushing just as slowly back into me again.

"Oh daddy... that feels so good," I sighed, relieved that he was back to doing what I loved with no more crazy talk about some week-long wilderness trek. I loved the feel of him as he slid in and out so easily with me being as wet and horny as I always was when we met for our traditional time together.

"I've already talked to Linda and Kristi ñ they'll be happy to watch the girls and I'm sure Steve's mom won't mind either. You don't need to take much and I've already bought us any extra gear we'll need."

Unbelievable! Just when I thought he was back on track again he was still going on about this trip we were supposedly going on together. How was I supposed to concentrate on that when he was fucking me? It seemed that for once the tables were turned. Usually it was me teasing him while trying to get him to do something for me so it wasn't like I cold complain. It was sort of ironic that I found myself in the same position he was usually in ñ ready to agree to anything just so we could get back to what we both wanted.

"OK, I'll go," I gasped as he suddenly thrust hard into me, "Now just fuck me... please daddy!"

"Mmmmmmm, anything for my little girl," he groaned as he picked up the pace, slapping his crotch into my bare butt and driving me into the counter top with each thrust of his dick. It wasn't long before I heard those words I wanted so badly to hear...

"Oh god Kelly... I love you so much," he groaned and then he grunted as he started to ejaculate inside of me, "God you feel so good!"

Again and yet again I felt him thrust hard into me, squeezing me into the counter top as his incestuous love filled me. How many times had he done this since we first had sex in my bedroom so many years before? It didn't matter as each time was like the first and I knew it would never be any different no matter how many more times we did it.

"Whoa, now THAT's how to start off a Sunday morning," he panted as he withdrew from me. I quickly grabbed a dishtowel by the sink to catch his cum as it dripped out of me. For a moment I felt a pang of guilt as my mom had always told me not to use them but what other option did I have in such circumstances? I didn't want any to get on my sundress and walk into the sanctuary with a strategically located wet spot! As I wiped myself off carefully, squeezing down to try to drive as much of it out of me now so it wouldn't leak out later, my dad was pulling up his pants and watching me with a grin.

"Do you have any idea how incredibly sexy you look when you do that?" he asked rhetorically. "I wonder how many fathers just fantasize about watching their daughter wiping their sperm as it drips from her pussy?"

"Didn't realize I was putting on a show," I teased him although to be honest, I knew it turned him on which is why I'd made sure he could see me doing it.

As I sat in church, my pussy still tingling, I thought about the trip my dad had planned for us. It certainly wasn't anything I would have ever excepted, that was for sure! I had no idea what it all involved so I knew I'd be spending a lot of time on-line in the next few days. No matter what though, spending an entire week alone with my father doing anything would be a first for me and the anticipation grew the more I thought about it.

Chapter 2 - Arrival


The time between my dad's surprise announcement and our departure on a direct flight to Phoenix from Pittsburgh flew by. I'd checked into the trip and spent hours on-line watching videos and reading about what to pack and expect on the trip. Most of it seemed alright, even exciting with the rapids looking awesome but at least nobody was wearing helmets! I had pretty much everything I needed already except for some rain gear, a water bottle and some other small items which my dad had bought for us. From what I'd read it seemed right up my alley ñ swimming gear, shorts, light-weight tops and a sarong made up most of my packing list.

The flight was non-eventful and once in Phoenix my dad rented a car even though it would be parked for most of the trip. From Phoenix it was a long drive to the Cliff Dwellers Lodge in Marble Canyon, AZ where we relaxed and rested up for the approaching adventure the next day. As we were using what had been his client's reservation, while the names had been changed to ours the accommodations had been made for him and his wife meaning my dad and I shared a room with a single large bed. Checking in, the desk clerk gave my dad an odd look and then a smile. From the expression on his face I got the impression he assumed I was either his young second wife or someone he was having a secret affair as out her in the wilderness a wife would never know. Not that I blamed him as after all, how many fathers would reserve a room with single bed to share with his daughter, even if she WAS in her thirties?

One thing for sure... we were certainly out on the middle of nowhere! I'd never been in the Southwest before and so everything was new and exciting. The lodge where we'd be spending the night was quaint yet still more than adequate. There was a small restaurant which pretty much could (and did) charge whatever it wanted seeing how it was the only one available for miles. Before going there I sat down on the bed next to my dad to discuss something that had been on my mind after seeing the expression on the face of the desk clerk.

"So dad, did you see the look the guy ate the desk gave you at the check-in desk?"

My dad grinned, "Yeah, I bet he thinks your my sexy young wife or concubine, probably assumed I divorced my first one for an upgraded model."

"Yeah, seemed that way but it made me wonder about the rest of the week," I mused, "Any thoughts on what we tell everyone this week?"

"What do you mean?"

Oh I knew exactly what he meant but I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of me making the decision for him. Yeah, somehow I wasn't buying for a minute that my dad hadn't already been giving this a LOT of thought. As a highly paid attorney and partner in his firm, if there was one thing my dad was NOT it was stupid or naive. Huffing just a little in exasperation, I gave him a look which hopefully expressed my doubt in his feigned ignorance after which he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Well, I suppose that's as much up to you as me. After all, we both have wedding rings so it wouldn't be hard to go with that if you're game."

I shook my head in disagreement saying, "No daddy, I'm not calling you 'John' all week long. Besides, even if I tried I'll eventually call you dad sooner or later so don't you think it would be better just to be upfront from the beginning?"

"Well, it will certainly raise some eyebrows and to be honest, I'd sort of planned on us being newlyweds so people wouldn't be surprised if we were a bit 'affectionate' if you know what I mean."

Again, I knew EXACTLY what he meant. Granted, the idea did have some merit but at the same time I wasn't all that happy about it. It wasn't often that I got to have fun with my dad in public and while our "audience" would be small, from the looks of things it would be fun.

"Besides daddy, who will we ever see again?" I countered, "Like who cares what they think? I AM over eighteen you know so nobody can accuse you of molesting me. C'mon daddy... it would be such a turn-on to see their reactions, don't you agree?"

It was my dad's turn to grin as my proposal percolated in his mind. To help motivate him even further I rested my hand on his cock through his shorts and was rewarded by the hardness of a familiar lump underneath.

"So... what do you think daddy?" I asked seductively, rubbing my hand over his crotch.

"I don't know..." he said in a drawn out response, "It may take a little more convincing."

"You mean something like this?" I asked softly as I unzipped his fly and started to undo his belt.

"I'd say you're on the right track."

"This even better?" I whispered seductively as I reached into his boxer shorts and took out his hardening cock.

"Getting there..."

"Then this must be even better," I said as I lowered my head and took him in my mouth.

No words in response this time as my dad gasped sharply at the feel of my wet tongue on the tip of his throbbing dick as I locked my lips around the firm head of his warm cock. As I drew more of my father into my mouth I was rewarded with the feel of his cock swelling to its final stage of erection. Mmmmmmm, I don't care how long I blow men I can't ever imagine growing tired of this sensation. Knowing it's ME that causing this involuntary reaction never ceases to turn me on. Yes indeed... As I've always said, dicks never lie! A man can tell me all day how much I turn him on but a thousand words can't match the sight of his cock growing erect for me. I mean like I've yet to meet the man who can simply will his dick into an erection, nor one who can stop the process when properly motivated.

It had been a long day yet I knew after spending all day next to me on the pane and in the car he had to be horny as heck for me and sure enough it wasn't long before he erupted, filling my mouth with his desire for me. After years of experience I knew my dad well enough to know what he wanted next so I lifted off my head and opened my mouth to show him his incestuous cum coating my tongue. Then with a naughty grin I swallowing it down with a couple of gulps before opening wide again to show it was all in my belly.

"Soooooo... what do you say? Like we're daddy and daughter this week?" I asked with a sly grin, licking my lips and savoring his cum on my tongue. Honestly still I wasn't 100% sure at this point how he wanted to play things. I was certainly old enough to qualify as he young girlfriend which to be fair would make it much easier for all involved. Still, the thought of what people might say or do if they knew I was his daughter and saw what we did together... or at least what I HOPED we would be doing together, was enough to raise goosebumps!

"Do I have a choice?" he pretended to grumble but I knew he was as thrilled as I was at the prospect. The best part was it was true when I pointed out that we would never see any of these people again so who cared what they thought of us?

After getting our clothes back in order we headed off to get a late dinner where we met several other couples and families who were part of our party. I could tell already it was going to be quite a diverse group with both young and old, families, couples and even a few singles. Most were older although there was one family with two teenage boys that looked to be college age. A mother-daughter couple were there as well. Later I learned she was divorced and her daughter was about to be married so this was something they thought would be fun to do together. I was surprised yet please that other than the two sons there were no children and even those two certainly didn't qualify as kids.

Knowing that first impressions are always important, when choosing my outfit earlier I'd figured why not get started on the right foot. As such I'd chosen a pair of faded and ripped denim cutoffs cut so short the pockets showed and a good portion of my butt cheeks were exposed. If that wasn't enough, a couple of long tears in the fabric further provided a view of my butt. My tank top as a couple sizes too small making it so tight that my nipples showed through like it was made of Saran Wrap. Simple sneakers offset the rest of my outfit, helping it be more a hot "girl-next-door" look rather than designated "slut". Other than a gold ankle bracelet my dad had given me as a gift when I was younger that was it. No socks and of course, no bra or panties. In fact, I hadn't even packed any underwear as I expected to be in my bikini bottoms most of the time anyways... or less.

My dad made the introductions and when he introduced me as his daughter I saw a few eyebrows raise on a couple of the wives even though he DID mention that I was happily married with two daughters already missing me back home. I was further rewarded with a few surreptitious looks from some of the guys, especially the two teen boys. While normally I never go to tanning booths I had taken time the past couple of weeks so that I would look better in my bikini and shorts, not to mention hopefully avoiding being too terribly burned by the hot Arizona sun. While it had been a pain to make all the appointments, seeing the looks from around the room I was glad I'd done it.

That night my dad and I had some quick sex before going to sleep a little early as we had an early morning wakeup call, not to mention it had been a LONG day! As we kissed and his tongue met mine I felt his large hand caressing my pussy as his rigid incestuous dick finally entered me, I looked about the room and realized this would be the last time we did it on a bed for the next week! Hopefully the outfitter would have something comfortable to sleep on other than just the ground.