A Great Trip


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I pulled the car up to the curb in front of the hotel and the parking attendant was out in a flash. As we walked through the lobby the desk clerk called us over to him to tell us they had had an early departure and were able to switch us to a room with two queen sized beds. They had gathered our stuff and transferred everything for us. Wow, if that had happened the previous afternoon I wouldn't have had sex with my father. Dad knew exactly what I was thinking and took my hand as we walked to the elevator.

I used the keycard to open the door and found it was a suite rather than just a plain room. It was spacious. Dad was still holding my other hand and as we entered the room he pulled me around and kissed me long and hard.

"Judy, I know what you are thinking and there really isn't anything that can be done about what happened. You know that I enjoyed it and I know that you did too. As I told you a few times there wasn't anything wrong with what we did ... we love each other and are adults."

His kiss warmed me right to my toes. "Dad, I know that and let me let you in on a little secret. I am happier than hell it happened and if you don't get your clothes off quickly I will tear them off."

The sex that afternoon was precious. We lay naked side by side with our hands roaming each other's body. He seemed to be taken with my breasts and kept dipping his head so he could use his mouth on my nipples and then he would rise up and plant a big kiss on my mouth. I let my hand drop to his crotch and held his now soft cock in my grip. I let my fingers massage it a bit and could feel it coming to life. When it was completely hard I took the initiative and pushed him on his back and slid on top of him. I was going to ride him like a bronco.

I was up on my knees with my pussy lips perfectly positioned above the head of his cock. He was holding it vertical with one hand so I could guide myself directly on to it. I dropped down slowly feeling the head of his cock open me up. I stayed like that for just an instant before letting myself go and in one smooth motion dropped all the way. He was in me so deeply it felt as if going to come out of my mouth. He still hadn't got any condoms so we were going to have to go through the crap of him pulling out and spraying the place with his come again.

Damn his cock felt great in me. He was rising up to be in sync with my motions and his very actions were driving himself in me even further or at least in me as far as was humanly possible. It wasn't long before I felt the warmth start deep in my groin and every woman would know the feeling as it came over me. I started to move faster and drop down harder so his pubic hairs were rubbing against my clit with each movement. That was it ... "Dad, I'm coming and it is going to be out of this world."

The juices flowed freely out of my pussy and down his shaft and all of a sudden he pushed me to the side and rose quickly so he was kneeling over my chest and jacked himself off so he was spurting his white hot come all over my chest. I want him to get some condoms but this feels pretty nice too. I am just afraid that one time we wouldn't be able to get him out of me in time and the last thing either of us would want is for me to get pregnant.

Our sightseeing around the rest of downtown London was fantastic. There are a lot of wonderful world famous sights to see but Buckingham Palace is in a class by itself. After seeing everything we had on our to-do list we called an end to London and headed out into the countryside to see rural Southern England. It was beautiful but when we got away from the big cities the hotel facilities were non-existent. We found a number of rooming houses without elevators or rooms with baths. Ugh. We did learn a new phrase 'en-suite' when trying to check into one of the B&B's. It means, "there is a bathroom in the room." Ah well, live and learn as the saying goes.

Our sex life was pretty much as it had been the first few days back in London but I was getting a lot less critical of myself for indulging in sex with my father than I had initially. He has turned out to be one hell of a lover.

The trip through the Chunnel was fascinating and something to talk about but the drive down the French coast was spectacular. The scenery was unforgettable and every mile brought us closer to that history-laden area of WW2 fame ... Normandy. It would take a whole book to describe the sights and feelings that come over anyone visiting there. We did find the very nice little town of Bayeux only about seven or so miles back from the D-Day beaches and yet never received one shell during the battles that raged so close. Our hotel, The Winston Churchill, was the sight of a sexcapade I won't forget soon.

We checked in during the late afternoon, went out for dinner and then walked the streets of the town before returning to our suite. It had two very large rooms and a bathroom larger than some of the rooms we had in England. When we came in from dinner and our walk I stripped and was busy getting my clothes sorted out for the next day when Dad came up behind me and put his arms around me and was cupping my breast. "Mmmm, feels good tiger"

"Judy, I want to do something we have never tried. I want to fuck you from the rear as you are bending over something like a chair."

With that he took my hand and walked me over to the back of an overstuffed chair in the sitting room and positioned me to face the front of the chair before bending me down over the back. I hadn't noticed it but he was as hard as a steel rod and he positioned it in line with my pussy and then took hold of my hips and both pushed his ass at me and pulled mine back at him. That was it. His cock slipped in to the hilt and I gasped. The natural curve of his hard shaft and the upward internal curve of my vaginal canal had his cock touching places completely virgin. Damn, it felt great. For some reason it felt as if it was in me further than it ever had been before. Whatever, it felt terrific and he started a slow but steady thrusting and I was doing the same back to him. After a bit of that he started to pound a lot harder and it felt as if he was going to split me open. "Go easy. It's hurting a little."

I turned and looked at him over my shoulder and he was biting his lower lip and had his eyes shut. It was as if he were in a trance. His thrusting was getting faster and he was pulling me back harder when I heard him moan and knew his orgasm was only a few seconds away. He pulled out and was shooting his come all over the floor in front of him and between my legs. We stayed like that while he was still coming and then I felt something different. He had slipped down and had his face positioned in my pussy but this time from the rear. He had never done that before and the feeling of his tongue hitting the spots with which he was certainly familiar from the front but now touching from the other side was awesome. He pushed me up over the back of the chair even further and then raised up on his knees to get a better angle for his face. I honestly thought I was going to explode with the orgasm he was bringing me to. When I finally let go I actually screamed a little before realizing the commotion we were making and I bit the heel of my hand to quiet myself. My orgasm was the most intense I ever had.

As soon as it was over I pushed back and lifted myself up to a standing position and then reached down and brought him up to join me and the kiss we had seemed to last forever. A minute or so later we heard loud applause coming from the front of our suite that faced a courtyard. We looked over at the window and could see a guy and girl in a window across the courtyard watching us. They had seen our sexual activity and were giving us a round of applause. Dad whispered, "Let's take a bow."

We turned to the window and make the most theatrical bow the couple had ever or will ever see. They roared and their applause was even louder. The guy yelled across to us, "The drinks are on us" in a very heavy French accent

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and when Dad answered it was greeted by a waiter pushing a cart holding a bottle of cognac and one of Champagne in an ice bucket with the appropriate glassware.

Dad opened the cognac and poured us each a glass and we went to the window and yelled "Merci." The couple returned to their window and as we raised our glasses to them took their own version of a theatrical bow. We noticed one difference – they were now both nude and the fellow had a hard on. We laughed uproariously and gave them a round of applause.

We retired to the bedroom and sipped our Champagne as we lay in the bed just recounting the trip so far. What we had seen we that we liked and what we would never recommend others see. Dad is quite the romantic. He told me to lie on my back and he reached his glass over me and poured just a little Champagne in my navel. I almost jumped off the bed with the shock but he then leaned over and licked up ever drop from me. "OK big shot, where did you learn to do that?" I asked.

He never answered me. Perhaps my mother?

The next morning we were down in the breakfast room and met the couple of the night before. She was a stunner and looked as if she had eyes for my dad. The fellow was very nice and they invited us to join them for croissants and coffee. We graciously accepted and settled down for some great laughter. They were Claude and Nicole, both French and spoke very broken English but their English was a million times better than our French.

Our table was over in a corner and there weren't any other customers near us when she said that would like to have done to her what dad had done to me. I said that when we write our book on the subject we'd send them an autographed copy and everyone laughed.

She, the devil that she was, said, maybe you'll, looking at my father, will come over and demonstrate the proper way. I laughed but said. "Nope, no demonstrations." Everyone laughed but her. I better keep an eye on my good-looking father.

We finished our breakfast and said au revoir and retrieved our car from the car park. We were headed south that morning to see some of the famous sights along that coastline and then further inland along the Loire valley and two chateau's I wanted to visit.

We stayed off the main road not wanting to just see the towns and scenery flashing past from a superhighway but we wanted to see the small towns and people along the secondary roads. That first afternoon we checked into a B & B in the town of Le Mans of auto racing fame. It was very nice and we still had almost the whole bottle of cognac from the night before. We had a sip or two and then walked the quaint old town and loved it. We hadn't gotten more than a few blocks when we heard a horn honking rather excitedly. Whoever was blowing it was trying to get someone's attention. You guessed it. It was Nicole from the night before and it was us she was honking at. Damn, they were nice people but the gal could be a problem if she kept on trying to make my father. She pulled up next to us and asked if we wanted to ride with her to her house in the next town up the road. She offered to have her chef prepare a great dinner for us. Her CHEF! Who the hell had we gotten involved with?

We were both a little flustered with the offer and Dad finally agreed and thanked her for her hospitality. Her car was a convertible and she leaned the passenger seat forward for access for me to the back seats allowing Dad to have the front seat with her. I will say the bitch is clever.

A few miles up the road she pulled into a circular stone drive leading up to a magnificent stone house. It couldn't be called a chateau but it was damn big. She had no sooner stopped the car in front of the place when a man came running out to hold open the drivers side door for her and then ran around the car to do the same for the passengers door. Dad and I were wondering who we had met up with. She led us inside and showed us the downstairs area and we were awestruck. It was magnificent.

She led us through the first floor and out the back to a lovely little courtyard and as soon as she sat a butler type came over asking what she would like to drink. She chose a whiskey and soda and we each had a martini.

Dad finally broke the ice. "Nicole, you obviously have impressed us with your lovely home and the servants to care for it and you but at the risk of being rude I have to ask you where did all this come from?"

She laughed and said, "Well, my parents had passed away a few years earlier so I was the only one left of the family. It was all my uncle's and in addition to this home he left me a lovely apartment in Paris and enough money to pay for a lifetime of servants, taxes and maintenance on both places. In addition he left a trust fund that will keep me from having to work for the rest of my life. He had several patents used in automobiles and aerospace so as the song says, 'the money keeps rolling in.'.

I had to speak up and said, " With all of that and your stunning good looks you must have men falling at your feet."

"You are very sweet Judy and yes, I do get a lot of phony guys who want not only a piece of my ass but a large chunk of my money."

We all roared with her candor.

She excused herself and left through the double doors and returned in a few minutes. The butler came over to see if we were ready for another martini that we both refused.

"I ordered lamb chops that I hope you will enjoy."

"Enjoy hell ... that is my favorite dinner of all time." Dad said.

She simply smiled. Like the bitch knew already.

"Guys, I have something to talk with your about and that is what I saw going on in your room from my balcony last night. When I asked about having Glenn demonstrate what you guys had done I knew that would upset you Judy but I didn't know how else to ask. You see, Claude is gay. You might have seen that he was aroused but Glenn that was from looking at you, not at Judy or me. His hard on went down as soon as we went away from the window. The only reason I travel with him is that he keeps the wolves at bay and he is a great conversationalist. You might have also noticed his thing is very small and Glenn I couldn't help but see how large you were. He and I are just friends, nothing more. I would like for the two of you to think about it again and let me know tomorrow. All right?" (This was all said in broken English/French so it took a while.)

Dad and I just looked at each other and nodded affirmatively.

"Good, let's have another drink and I will take you on a tour of the grounds before the lamb is ready."

When she said 'the grounds' we had no idea what she was talking about. The home, garden and the area immediately around the main house sat on about ten acres. But, those ten acres were sitting in the middle of four hundred and fifty acres of farmland. Talk about an estate ... this was one.

The dinner and drinks couldn't have gone over better. She taught us a French card game and we played it until almost midnight. I finally said that I would have to be getting to bed she stood and quickly offered us the use of one of the many bedrooms in the place. Dad graciously refused and she called for the car to drive us back. It was only a few minutes drive and when she pulled up in front of our B&B it sure looked run down compared to where we had just been. We thanked her for everything and promised to give her request serious thought.

We were no sooner in the room and undressed when Dad asked me what I thought. I answered him very simply, "Our sex life will cease the day you are going to fuck every woman who ever throws herself at you."

"Hold on honey. I was thinking about something a lot more intricate than what she suggested. Have you ever had sex with a woman?"

"No, but there were a couple I would liked to have tried it with." I replied.

"Well, we both think she is good looking gorgeous. What would you think about a threesome with her? You wouldn't have to perform on her but I could make it so that she would have to perform on you to get me to perform on her."

"Sounds complicated but I think you are saying you would entertain her if she would do the same for me. Right?"

"Yes, you and I could still get it on with each other during the session."

"Interesting! Let's sleep on it." I suggested.

We spooned that night and he entered me from the rear. The thrusting was slow and easy and when I came I threw myself back at him so hard it caught him by surprise and it almost drove him out of me. No problem, he was holding my breasts at the time so he had a solid handhold.

The next morning we were downstairs for our breakfast and it appeared we were the only ones in the place. I told Dad that we ought to drive past Nicole's place that morning and make her the offer. If she accepts we will stay the night with her, it not we will simply keep going on our way. He thought that might be the way to handle it and off we went.

When we drove up instead of the doorman coming out to greet us it was Nicole and she was in riding clothes. Apparently she has a small stable and was just returning from her morning ride.

"Hi, I hope you guys slept all right. Did you give my question any thought?" Damn, she gets right to the point.

Dad said that maybe we ought to go out to the courtyard where we enjoyed the drinks the previous afternoon to discuss what he and I had talked about.

Once again we went through the place and she called out for coffee and some pastry. It was there almost before she had finished speaking. I don't know how these servants do that.

Dad patiently explained just what we were willing to do if she was willing to go along with it. It was going to be up to her. If she refused there wouldn't be any hard feelings and we would just enjoy our coffee and then leave.

She said "Wait a minute and let me make sure I understand. Glen, you will do to me what I saw you doing to Judy a few nights ago but Judy," and she turned to look at me, "you would like for me to make you feel good sexually. What does that include?"

I was almost embarrassed talking about it but I simply said, "I would like for you to use your mouth and fingers on me to bring me to an orgasm."

"Would you do the same for me?" She asked.

"I don't know. It would depend on how I felt about it as it was going on."

"Well, I've never done anything with a woman at all so it certainly would be something new." She answered.

"The same for me Nicole." I answered.

She looked from one of us to the other and clapped her hands and said, "Let's go."

Dad sort of stuttered, "You mean right now?"

"Well, yes. Would there be something wrong with that?"

"No, no really but we just thought you would want to do it tonight when your house quieted down for the night."

"Oh hell, we can use the guest cottage where I'll put you up for the night and that will be perfect for us today and tonight. Glen, just pull your car over to it and it will be easier to unload your luggage."

It wasn't thirty minutes later that the three of us were stripped naked and getting ready to enjoy what we had discussed over the coffee and pastry. She had a marvelous body. She was twenty-eight and about five foot three and couldn't have weighed more than one hundred and ten. Her breasts were smaller than mine but so was her ass. Her waist was to die for. She was one very lovely woman and I was jealous as hell of her great shape.

She went up to Dad with her arms spread wide and planted a huge kiss on his mouth. He responded with, "Nicole, I would love to see you and Judy in action while I get aroused watching you two."

She instantly turned and came over to me. "Judy should we go over to the bed? I think it would be better don't you?"