A Houseful of Incest Ch. 03


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"Guess so," he said, his voice sounding deflated, "Oh well, thanks anyway."

"I didn't say we wouldn't!" I added in an effort to cheer him up, "Just not right now, ok -- like I said, it looks as if we'll be needed fairly soon!"

I'd said that as I watched Paul's hips moving faster and faster and it was pretty obvious that he'd soon be cumming. Dad was still beside him, his hand still in place where Paul's cock was penetrating his sister, while Dad's other hand was working steadily on his own penis, stropping his foreskin up and down with enthusiasm. Dad himself obviously wouldn't take long to cum either, especially once he was inside Tina's hole but even so his hand was busy sliding up and down his cock as he watched.

"You ready Tina?" asked Paul now, his hips still in full flow, "It won't be long now!"

Tina raised her head from Mum's groin and blew him a kiss, then settled back at her work, causing Mum to gasp anew and Mum's gasp was echoed by Paul.

"Ahhhh!" he cried, "Here it cums!"

Then he was jerking and stiffening and thrusting all in one as he emptied his balls into his sister's eager hole, pumping his incestuous seed into her with happy abandon and the excitement of that moment was enough to set Dad off!

"Ohhh damn, you're making me cum!" he gasped as he knelt upright with his massively stiff cock straining, poised over Tina's rump and not far from Paul's head, "Fuuuck, I can't hold it!"

At that moment and just as Dad was about to fire off over Tina's arse Paul bent down, grabbed Dad's cock, guided it to his mouth and held it there as Dad grunted and unloaded.

"Uhhhhh -- ohhhhh!" gasped Dad as his cock thrust and belched his cum into Paul's mouth, "Damn, never expected that!"

Paul didn't stop sucking his cock until Dad had finished and then he knelt upright, swallowed and looked up at Dad.

"I'm sorry!" he said, looking far from sorry, "It was there right in front of me and I just couldn't resist it!"

"No worries -- no harm done I guess," muttered Dad, looking somewhat embarrassed and bemused, "Ummm, did you enjoy it, that's what matters."

"It was lovely! Tasted amazing too!" exclaimed Paul as he wiped a small blob of cum from his lips, "Never done that before but I'm glad I did."

Tina had somehow ignored the happenings behind her rear end and was still licking and sucking at Mum's pussy -- to great effect apparently, because it was Mum's turn to yell loudly.

"Ahhhh! Ohhhhh, yesssss!" she cried, her whole body shaking and jerking as she came, "Ohhhh Tina, that's wonderful, that's brilliant -- ohhhh ahhhh!"

For a few moments her climactic sounds drowned out all other activity but once she'd calmed down Tina lifted up and turned her wet sticky face towards Dad and Paul and glared at them.

"Hey you two, quit getting all pally and lovey -- how about me?" she asked, "I thought you were going to fuck me next?"

"Can't now, can I?" said Dad as he looked down on his limp cock, "Sorry, the feel of your pussy and Paul's cock pushed me over the top -- I was only trying to make things more exciting but..."

"Never mind, won't I do instead?" I said as I gently pushed Paul aside and held my stiff cock up to Tina, "I'll give you a nice ride if you like!"

"Ohhh, do you think you can?" she asked, her eyes now locked on my cock, "Ohh, silly question -- doesn't look as if that'll be a problem!"

A moment later she'd turned around again and within seconds my cock was plugged deeply into her slippery, juicy, hot vagina, my hands grasping her hips to hold us together as I began to thrust into her.

"Ohhhh that's lovely," she crooned as her arse squirmed against me, "I know I'll cum quickly -- Paul got me all hot and ready."

"You just enjoy yourself," I said, "I'm not in a rush."

"I was going to cum when Paul filled me with his cum but then your Dad interrupted me," explained Tina as we continued to fuck, "That's why it'll be quick this time."

"Any time you like then," I offered, "And as often as you like too!"

Tina laughed lightly then her laugh turned into a groan and then into a gasp as her first climax neared.

"Ohhhhh!" she cried, "Here it cums -- here it cums!"

And she was off into a spasming world of female orgasm, her whole body quivering and shaking, her vagina fluttering, gripping and almost purring around my cock as she came -- then slowly easing down from her peak.

"See, told you!" she said as she turned her head towards me, "That's one, I bet I have another one soon too."

I wasn't going to worry about how many orgasms she had just so long as we were both replete so I carried on thrusting my stiffness into her slippery hole, then I slipped one hand around her hip and located her pussy and her clit, much to her delight.

"Ohhh Chris, yesss!" she panted, "It was so good when your Dad did that -- that's lov...ohhh, ohhhh!"

Suddenly she was convulsing again, another very quick orgasm having crept up on her and her lovely vagina squeezed and pulsated around my cock once again.

"Oh wow," she gasped, "One after another -- ohhh Chris -- don't think I can stop now!"

And she was away yet again, her overexcitement causing her to slump to the floor and making me follow her down. She lay there with my cock still embedded in her, her body quivering and jerking constantly.

"Ohhhh Chris!" she squeaked, her body shaking and shimmering under me, "It's all the time! I can't stop cumming!"

Betty suddenly appeared by her head, quickly stroking her back, then looking up at me.

"Now I know why I love it when you fuck me," she said, her eyes sparkling, "Somehow you always make me cum like this too -- but Tina's really getting into this, isn't she?"

Tina was most certainly 'getting into it' and as Betty spoke Tina's vagina clamped hard around me as she climaxed once again, gripping me hard. The only trouble with her constant orgasms was that they were affecting me too and now, well before I intended, I could feel my own climax approaching.

"Yeah, too much," I grunted as Tina continued to stimulate my cock, "She's going to make me cum any minute now."

"So what, do it, fill her up!" enthused Betty as one hand reached between her legs to rub her own pussy, "Give her everything!"

"I'll try!" I grunted as I thrust harder and harder, now knowing that my orgasm was unstoppable, "Ohhh fuck, here it cums!"

"And me again!" screamed Tina as her vagina gripped my cock tighter and her body jerked and shook, "Ohhh Chris, still cumming!"

And then it was my turn to spasm and freeze and thrust and unload, my spunk seemingly taking most of my strength with it as it emptied from my body and filled Tina's hole.

"Uhhhhh!" I grunted as Tina's body finally ceased it's shuddering and the last big spasm shook me, "Ohhh fuck!"

Tina's pussy had exhausted me and without further ado I slipped from her hole and slumped onto my haunches behind her, leaving her pussy exposed, open and leaking profusely, but I hardly had time to notice before Betty was shoving me out of the way brusquely.

"Move over, quick!" she demanded and a moment later she was bent down and had her mouth clamped onto her daughter's hole, her nose pressed between Tina's buttocks.

"Ohhh Mum!" gasped Tina, "Ohhh wow!"

The only answer from Betty was a slurping noise as she sucked two loads of cum from her daughter's pussy but her actions were enough to set Tina off again.

"Ahhh Mum -- oh, that's super -- that's ahhhh!" screeched Tina as her body convulsed yet again, "Oh Mum, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!"

With Betty's upturned arse quivering madly as she cleaned up Tina's hole it was hardly surprising therefore that someone would make use of it and it was Paul who quickly slipped into place. His rigid cock slid into his mother's slippery hole in seconds and he began thrusting quickly, his cock causing Betty to raise her head.

"Oh it's you!" she said as she looked over her shoulder, "Come on then, give me a load too, please!"

"I will," gasped Paul almost urgently, "Chris got me all hot when I watched him fill Tina up and I knew then that I needed to cum again...and when you got down there I just couldn't resist."

"That's good," answered his mother as she turned back to her daughter's pussy, "Make it another quickie -- that'll be perfect!"

The trio settled to their tasks with Tina gasping almost non-stop as her mother sucked and licked at her pussy and with Paul grunting loudly as he fucked his mother hard. It was great action to watch and I noticed that I'd been joined by both Mum and Dad, with Mum holding onto her husband's stiff cock not far from my head as I remained on my haunches watching the pair at work.

"He's got some good moves," commented Dad as he and Mum watched Paul as he ground his cock into his mother's pussy, "Almost wish I was where Betty is!"

I had to turn my head to look at Dad as his comment was so astonishing.

"What, you want to be fucked do you?" I asked Dad, "Didn't know you were like that."

Dad didn't say anything but his cock remained very stiff and he blushed too.

"He's not really," said Mum, her hand sliding up and down her husband's penis, "It's just the excitement getting to him -- but then again, since he's never tried it perhaps he would enjoy it!"

"Huh!" I added, "So who'd do the deed?"

"Guess it would be you," said Mum with a smile, "You are his son after all."

"What's that got to do with it?" I asked, feeling my penis stiffening yet again, "I'm a normal bloke, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but Dad saw you and Dave playing together," said Mum, "Well, I did too and it looked so much fun so I think it's given your Dad ideas."

"Hmmmph!" I grunted, "That'll be the day!"

A moment later and my attention was pulled back to the fucking couple, where Paul was reaching his climax. His hips were a blur of action as he slammed his cock into his mother's pussy while Betty's back was arched and rigid as she took his penis deep inside her body.

"Here it cums!" advised Paul, as he gripped her hips more firmly, "Ohhh yesss, cumming, cumming, any moment!"

"Yeah, do it, cum for me!" yelled Betty, one hand now rapidly stropping her clit, "Oh god, I'm right with you!"

Suddenly their movements lost all control as the pair climaxed powerfully. Betty's head slumped to press heavily on Tina while Paul rose almost to his feet as he tried to cram his entire body inside her, succeeding only in emptying his balls instead.

"Fuuuuuck!" he cried, "Ohhh Mum, yeah, yeah -- oh fuck!"

And then, almost as quickly as he'd arrived at his climax he was easing himself back down, eventually resting his body on top of his mother's.

As Betty had climaxed, so too Tina had peaked then unwound and now the three of them were just a twitching, shuddering, steaming pile of bodies.

"Bloody hell," said Dad, "They were good, weren't they!"

His cock was still in his wife's hand and she was stropping it quickly and energetically -- I could hear every single movement because the action was so close to my head.

"Your cock feels good too darling," said Mum, "Are you going to cum for me soon?"

"Any minute if you keep that up!" gasped Dad, "Ohhh, even sooner I think!"

"Yeah, come on then, do it!" said Mum eagerly, "Hey Chris, look at this!"

I turned my head to face them and at that moment Dad let loose. A massive jet of cum shot straight at me, splashing onto my chin and neck and it was followed almost instantly by a second jet that targeted my left eye.

"Uhhhh!" grunted Dad as he erupted again, but this time Mum seemed to have her hand over the end of his cock and appeared to have caught most of his spunk in it.

At that moment a towel arrived in my hand and I wiped Dad's cum from my eye sufficiently to see a naked Debbie beside me holding the other end of the towel.

"That looked like fun!" she giggled as she wiped my eye more thoroughly for me, "Terrific shot Dad!"

"Blame your mother, not me," said Dad looking quite sheepish, "She's got some wicked ideas!"

"I thought he'd like it after he was playing with Dave," said Mum as she sucked her husband's cum from her hand, "Anyway, it's supposed to be good for your complexion!"

Debbie bent down and used her lips to suction more of Dad's thick cum from my face, then moved and kissed me, her lips wet and sticky with Dad's emissions. It didn't taste very different from mine to be honest but more importantly, Debbie's lips were warm and loving and we clung together for long moments before she pulled away and began sucking more cum from my body.

"See, that was good for you!" chuckled Mum as she checked for stray blobs of cum, "Your sister might not have come to your rescue if Dad hadn't emptied himself on you!"

It had been a double-edged sword, to be honest. The way his cock had blasted cum at me had made my own cock quickly rise once again and although Dad's facial had shaken me for a moment there was a certain something about the moment that had thrilled me, especially coming on top of Dave's bisexual activity and now that my sweet sister had joined in things were even better.

"It wasn't all that bad," I admitted, "And now that Debbie's here perhaps we can make use of this!"

I dropped my eyes quickly to my cock, guiding Debbie's eyes downwards too and in a moment she smiled hugely, grasped my cock and pulled me towards her.

"Yessss!" she hissed sexily as she pulled me down towards the floor, "Ohhh, that'll be perfect!"

"Huh, I was hoping to have a go," muttered Dad, but Mum hushed him loudly.

"No chance!" she said as she took hold of Dad's exhausted cock, "With this?"

"Perhaps not," agreed Dad, "Oh well, let's go get another drink instead."

Debbie lay on her back, her head on a cushion and pulled me over her.

"I just want some good old-fashioned love," she said as she wriggled her hips to get comfy, "Nice bit of missionary loving, just take it easy, I'm not in a rush."

I leaned forward and kissed my lovely sister, feeling my chest press deliciously against her warm breasts and my cock against her firm belly, then I slid into place with my rigid penis atop her pussy.

"Mmmmm, love you Chris," she moaned into my mouth, "You're the best brother I could ever want."

I put my hand down between us and after sliding my cock around in her wet and slippery juices, I slotted him into place and pushed gently, feeling my cock slide so easily into her depths.

"Ohhhhh yesss!" she sighed, "Ohhhh, that feels wonderful...that's lovely."

"You're lovely too," I said as I began working my hips slowly, bathing my cock inside her vaginal sauna, "Don't know what I'd do without you either."

"We ought to stick together, you and me," said Debbie as her hips gently moved against me, "We get on so well -- and you fuck me so perfectly too!"

"Takes two," I answered as my hips worked a little faster, "And you're beautiful and you're a great cook and..."

"Shushhhh!" breathed Debbie, "Concentrate on making love to me."

That was no problem at all -- she was a simply amazing lover and seemed to make my cock so welcome inside her. And we fitted perfectly together too, physically and mentally. What more could I want.

We moved together contentedly and languidly, ignoring the sounds of sex around us while our bodies melded and began to work with each other, her pussy squeezing and caressing my cock even as I did my best to find all her most responsive places.

"Don't know if I can cum," I admitted, "I think I've unloaded four lots already today -- it'll be a miracle if I can do it again."

"Don't worry if you can't," said Debbie placidly, "There's always tonight or tomorrow and anyway I just might be able to entice one more orgasm from you -- let's see if I can!"

Suddenly her body began to move far more sexily, her vagina seemed to wake from it's languid mood and become vibrant and alive and her enhanced mood seemed to affect me too.

"Ohhh, that's nice!" I grunted as her pussy began working on me, "Bloody hell, what are you doing down there?"

"Getting you off!" grinned Debbie as her hips rolled and twisted wickedly, "I'll make you cum if it takes all day!"

We settled down without speaking now, as our bodies worked together. Her vagina was tighter and more active, as were her hands which were now gripping my arse cheeks. Even her legs were coming into play, curling round over mine to pull me further into her.

"Ohhh Chris, I'm going to cum!" she gasped suddenly, her body trembling and shivering, "Ohhh, here it comes -- I'm cumming, oh Chris, I'm cumming!"

Thankfully with her hands and legs holding me in place I stayed well and truly buried inside her as she climaxed madly, her head lifting to bring her hot wet lips up to mine. We kissed through her climax with our breaths being drawn in gasps through the corners of our mouths, before Debbie flopped to the carpet and giggled madly.

"Oh Chris, that was such a fun cum!" she laughed, "That was terrific!"

"All your doing," I admitted, "Was a good one, wasn't it."

Her body began to work on me again and after the excitement of her climax her pussy was much wetter now but even more exciting and alive and my cock seemed to respond, now feeling harder and possibly more able to send a hot load into my sister. I could feel the way my body was now tighter as it answered my sister's incestuous call to fill her again and knew now that I might just be able to perform another miracle.

I drove my cock deeper into her, bringing out gasps of pleasure but also feeling my balls almost squirming as they prepared to provide another load.

"Fuck, you feel hot!" I exclaimed and Debbie smiled widely at me.

"I'm always hot for you!" she said with a wink as her pussy sucked at my cock even harder, "And if you keep doing that you'll make me cum again too!"

"It's you!" I answered as we started to move faster together, "It's your lovely pussy, you sweet thing!"

"Ohhh Chris," she panted, her vagina now tighter than ever, "I'm just doing what you're doing!"

"It's working, whatever," I grunted, "I can feel it coming -- never thought..."

"Stop thinking, keep fucking!" said Debbie quickly, her whole body now seemingly working to bring us to a united climax, "You're going to make me cum again, I know it!"

I was too wrapped in my own pending climax to answer but instead I let my cock do the talking as I thrust harder and deeper into her lovely, busy, slippery hole -- a hole that was now fully alive and deliciously active. Every set of muscles inside her seemed to be stroking, caressing and sucking my cock and it was more than I could stand.

"Ohhh Deb, you've made me cum!" I gasped as my hips slammed my rigid, pulsating cock into her, "Come on, cum with me, hurry up!"

"Don't worry!" Debbie gasped in reply, her own body tighter than ever, "I'll cum when you do!"

"Better be quick -- I can feel it," I grunted as everything inside me began to freeze, "Uhhhh, here it cums -- now!"

I felt a strong pulse of cum erupt from my cock and then a second spasm pumped another load of cum into her and at that moment Debbie too went rigid and gasped loudly.

"Yessss!" she howled, "I'm cumming -- oh Chris, yesss, yessss!"

Her wild spasms sucked more cum from me -- another three squirts I think were emptied into her wonderful pussy as we writhed and twisted and shook and fucked together and all the time she was crying out as spasm after spasm powered through her pussy and her body.

And then in a moment I was done, exhausted and depleted of cum and energy and I felt my arms buckling as I slumped on top of my still squirming sister.

I lay there as I gathered my breath, then pushed myself up again to take the weight off her and Debbie smiled at me, her face hot and flushed and happy.

"Ohhh Chris, that was perfect!" she sighed, "Oh god, I'm bushed!"

I laughed weakly, unable to muster more of a response, then eventually managed to summons enough to speak.