A Little Itch


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As time passed I got to see a lot more of Amanda than I wanted. She appeared with asshole in his campaign ads and was on TV beside him during the campaign stops. She dressed better in expensive outfits that she could now afford. Their faces were plastered all over town, mocking me and proclaiming to the world just how much of a wimp I was.

Somehow asshole won the election and became mayor. Well la de fucking da!

The up side to the divorce was that I got rid of a lying, cheating wife and our daughter adjusted pretty quickly to the changeover of daddies. Larry never spoke to me again, so I guess that's part of the down side. Very little good came from this avalanche in my life and the fact remained that I was still a fool and a cuckold for the last year of our marriage. However, I still had this little nagging itch that Larry planted in my feeble mind that needed to be scratched. Now, nine months after I found the little condom wrapper corner next to the bathtub and three months after my divorce was final, it was time to scratch that itch.

One day I dropped in to see our new mayor. We sat across from each other like adversaries in an arena. He must have thought that I was such a wimp that I wouldn't do anything now that he had won, but he was wrong. I intended to get my revenge, not with a single shot of a .45 in the chest at point blank range, not by humiliating him in front of the town and his family by exposing his new wife for the whore she was, not by anything violent. I had other plans. Larry planted a seed in my mind about revenge and that's just what I planned to do here, plant a little seed. Besides, the very large police officer standing just outside the door dissuaded me from anything overt.

"So what can I do for you John?" the asshole asked with a slight sneer on his face.

"This is not a business call Herbie, it's personal. I just wanted to give you some information and a warning and you can do with it what you wish. Now, let me finish before you say anything because I need to say everything before you can see the whole picture. Okay?"

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Good. First, I don't care if you repeat any of this to Amanda because she'll just deny everything anyway, she very good at lying, but I'm going to say what I have to say and then I'll get out of what little hair you have left. Recently I've been cleaning up my house, I've got to sell it and move to something smaller. I've found some information that puts a different light on my marriage, something that you need to know too. Well Herb, it's like this. You weren't the first and I'm going to bet you aren't going to be the last. Now what I mean by this is that for the last year you've been screwing Amanda which led to our divorce. That part you know. The part you don't know, and I didn't know until the last few days, is that she had two other affairs during our marriage before you. The first was around the time our daughter was born. And the second was about a year ago, a year before she started shacking up with you. From everything I have each affair lasted just over a year. I don't have the names of the men yet but I have some good clues to who they were. Now one of my problems is that I now have doubts if I'm the father of my own daughter. I'm going to have DNA testing done to see if she's mine. If she isn't and I can find out who her father is then I'm going to pursue legal means to recover three years of child support. I'm fairly sure I have enough proof to make a lawsuit stick but I'm not ready to go there just yet. Now if you are her father then this is just fair warning that I'm coming to get you. If not then you don't anything to worry about. Well, not about the paternity problem that is.

I know that Amanda had two affairs, well three counting you, but there may have been more that I don't know about and I may never know about. Only Amanda knows that. I know she won't tell me and probably won't tell you either but what I do know says that the woman I was married to for eight years, the woman I loved and gave everything to, was a chronic cheating slut.

Now I'm free of her and she's your problem. But it hurts to know that for my entire adult life I've lived a lie. Our marriage vows meant nothing to her. We went to church every Sunday and prayed to God for forgiveness for our sins and for the rest of the week she fucked other men in our marriage bed. Hell, the worst thing is that my daughter may not even be mine. She made a fool out of me and I'll live with that knowledge for the rest of my life.

Well, that's all I want to tell you. Do you have any questions before I go?"

"Yeah, so why are you telling me all this? It doesn't affect me."

"Actually Herb it does. You see, this should be a warning. That's the best I can do for you."

"I still don't understand. Just tell me in simple terms what you're trying to say."

I just sat there with a shit-eating grin on my face as I said in the simplest terms what it all meant.

"Once a cheater, always a cheater. Be warned."

With that said I got up and left his office. As I walked to the parking lot the shit-eating grin changed into a broad ear-to-ear smile. Sometimes the best thing is just a seed of doubt. Mighty oaks grow from tiny acorns, or so the saying goes. So why wouldn't a little doubt about the fidelity of his new wife be a good thing? And does it really matter that none of what I said was true? The seed had been planted in the fertile mind of the man who helped to make a fool out of me in my marriage. It may change nothing but it could be just the right catalyst to cause discord between the newlyweds. Only time will tell.

"Well that itch has been scratched," I said as I drove away.


Four years later.

I'm sitting on the couch watching the local election returns on TV. I smile a bit when they announce that the incumbent mayor Herbert Hubley just lost his bid for reelection. The commentators are speculating that asshole's personal life had more to do with his defeat than his record as mayor. The IRS seized his Ford dealership and that hurt, but what hurt more was his recent arrest for assault on his wife and their pending divorce. That just might have been too much for the voters to handle.

I look down at the top of Megan's head and bend down and give it a gentle kiss. She's the new lady in my life, who right now is sleeping with her head nestled on my shoulder. That's okay. She isn't much of a fan of politics anyway.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Sometimes only one or maybe two options are viable.

Liked it.

fredbrownfredbrown3 months ago

One hundred percent disabled means the VA won't be giving her anything and the judge can't touch it. Story was a 4 to me because I liked the "4 years later" part.

NoBullAlNoBullAl3 months ago

Jeez I hate these stories about a pussy whipped slow witted MC!!! Too many of today’s writers are continuing to use this idea!! This guy is so whipped that he even drives his long time best friend away!!! What a crock of BS!!!

So he loved her…. So what?? Pick your balls up, put them back on quit your pissing and moaning!!!Had an absolutely excellent opportunity to cause lover boy real grief even before the divorce but didn’t take it!!

Talk about stupid!!!

Ridiculous69Ridiculous694 months ago

Too little too late. Hate when husband characters don’t fight for theirs kids and rights. You saved it at the end but made the MC a wimp most of this story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well, the MC was right. He was nothing but a sissy wimp cuck. He didn't bring any pain into anybody's life and his cheating skank slut wife got off Scott free. What a pathetic loser.

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