A Little Neighborly Blackmail

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She didn't want to, but she had no choice.
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This is my first attempt in the NonConsent/Reluctance category. I've tried before but was never happy with how they got started. But with an idea from a friend, I finally wrote one that I hope will please fans of this category.

As always, my stories are complete works of fiction, and all persons are of legal age. Your votes and comments are important to me, so after you read it, please share with me!

It was going to be unusual -- Covid had made it so that our offices were closed, and we would be working from home. As an accountant, that wouldn't be too much of a problem, since the accounts I manage are long established customers, and rarely do I have to actually visit face-to-face with any of them. The biggest adjustment would be not seeing my office mates. Many of us had been working for the company for quite a few years and had developed friendships that went beyond the walls of the office. Nothing inappropriate, just opportunities to socialize with people you know and trust.

But that meant being holed up in my house, alone, for 24 hours a day. That was probably a good thing since I really didn't want to be out where Covid lurked. But it was boring as hell! There was no missus to keep me company. It wasn't because I wasn't a catch -- I was fairly average in height and weight. But I was painfully shy, and after seeing how my dad abused my mom throughout their marriage until she finally had enough, I wasn't too enthralled about establishing my own long-term relationship.

My 40 year old social life wasn't getting me laid too often, if you count maybe once a year as often. It was hard for me to go out trying to find available women to hook up with. I figured since I wasn't planning on establishing anything long term, maybe I would be more attractive to women just seeking a little fun -- I dreamed of being an FWB for someone. But it hadn't happened yet, and when I did manage to go on the occasional date, I found women who were in my situation, but desperately looking for their next husband. It wasn't going to be me.

I did have a nice little three bedroom bungalow in a quiet suburb of the city where I worked. It was more than enough space for me, so when the random family member came and needed to stay the night, I had room. Other than that, there wasn't really anything special about it. I lived in a sub-division that had been built in the 60's, and all the houses were the same design, with the only differences being the paint color others had chosen. Each house had a two-car garage, and that was handy at times when storms would approach and one wanted to protect their cars from hail damage. My row of houses was backed by a grove of trees surrounding a small creek, so we pretty much had the privacy that we craved.

One thing I was sad about was that I didn't really know my neighbors -- well, I take that back. The older couple that lived next to me had been there since I had, and I would do some little tasks that would help them keep their house in order. In return, they would invite me to eat Sunday dinner with them, and the woman could cook amazing home-style food! It was the best trade-off ever -- I help them, they feed me!

On the other side, a new family had moved in a couple of years ago. They had a couple of daughters who looked to be in middle school or a little younger. I didn't know much about them, but I wouldn't have minded getting to know them better, because while he was just an average guy like me, she was smoking hot! Judging by the age of her kids, she could have been anywhere from about 30 to 35, but she didn't look that old. She was a fitness nut, because occasionally I would see her in the mornings heading out for a run as I left for work. That was when I got to see her in her most "on display" look. On hot days, she'd wear tight running shorts and just a sports bra, which let me see that her proportions were just what I liked -- not too big, but big enough to turn the heads of men like me.

We'd talked a few times, but we really had nothing in common other than the design of our houses. Even that gave me a little excitement, knowing when I was in my bedroom, I could imagine her being in hers, and the thought of her showering or changing clothes or even just wearing panties and a short t-shirt around gave me reason to fantasize about her. She didn't work, telling me once that she was a stay-at-home mom because her husband provided for their needs and she wanted never wanted their children to be latch-key kids.

So I started working from home. The company had brought over my computer system and purchased a desk and chair for me, all installed in the second bedroom. From the window, I could see out into the back yard, primarily at the privacy fence between me and the family next door. It would be quiet and offer little distraction, and realistically I should be able to get more done than being at the office. I fired up my system and got to work.

The first two hours went smoothly. The system was working well and my internet connection was fast enough that there was no lag in data transfer. After starting at 8:00 a.m., I decided to take a mid-morning break, which I would have done at the office. I had purchased some fresh fruit and some chips and drinks to have on hand, so I went into the kitchen to retrieve some grapes and a soda. As I headed back into my office, I looked out the front window and noticed that my neighbor was pulling into her garage. She had one of those mid-size SUV's with dark tinted windows that were so popular. I didn't think anything of it as I headed back to work.

Noon break came and I decided to take a full hour for lunch. As I ate my sandwich, I noticed the neighbor backing out of her garage. It was a shame she parked inside all the time because I would have enjoyed looking at her as she got in and out of her SUV. She headed down the street quickly and disappeared.

I finished the day proud of all that I had accomplished. Working from home wasn't going to be too bad. I still hadn't figured out how I was going to make up for the social experiences I was missing, but I knew something would come along. And maybe by working so hard from home, I might be able to figure out how to take some time off here and there. My bosses didn't care when I worked as long as I kept up with my productivity.

I settled into a routine schedule the rest of the week, staying inside and keeping to myself. By Friday, I was ready to relax bit, since my work quota for the week had already been met. I was sitting in the living room watching a little television (which during the daytime is awful!) when I noticed the neighbor lady pulling into her driveway again. Again, I didn't think much of it. After deciding the TV wasn't going to entertain me, I headed back to my office. I opened the windows to relieve some of the stuffy air and that's when I heard something I didn't expect -- it was the sound of laughing and giggling coming from my neighbor's backyard. She was supposed to be alone, but in addition to her voice, I could hear a much deeper voice. Maybe her husband stayed home today and they were going to enjoy a little fun time while their kids were still in school.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to do something that wasn't very nice. I grabbed my cellphone and headed out into my back yard. Making sure it was on silent mode, I quietly walked over to the privacy fence between our yards. I could still hear them, but they weren't giggling as much as they were before. In fact, there were few words being spoken, but the ones that were indicated they weren't just enjoying some morning tea together. Phrases like "Oh god that feels good" and "You love this, don't you" plus the occasional "Oh fuck" let me know that she was either enjoying her husband or was being a very naughty girl.

I don't think she knew I was home, or they probably wouldn't have been outside for their recreation. So I didn't think they would be expecting to see my cellphone peeking up over the privacy fence, and even if they did see it, I really didn't care. I put the phone on video mode and eased it over the top of the fence. I had no way of knowing if I was getting them on camera or not, and I couldn't see the screen because of the angle and the glare of the bright sunshine. So after a few seconds, I pulled the phone back down and looked at the video. I immediately noticed two things -- I had done a pretty good job of getting them on camera, and it wasn't her husband that she was riding.

My mind started spinning with evil thoughts as I raised the phone again for another clip. It sounded like I didn't have much time, because her moans were getting higher in pitch and frequency, and the chaise lounge chair they were using was groaning under the moving weight of their coupling. I pulled the phone back down again and checked the video, and it was pretty clear what they were doing. I had the evidence I wanted, so I quietly headed back into my house.

I figured if they were about done, it wouldn't be long before he would be leaving, so I sat in my living room with my eyes on her house to see what the man looked like, and maybe even get a picture of him as he left. In the meantime, I watched the videos again, and what immediately became apparent was that she was a very active lover who was so incredibly hot without her clothes on. I couldn't see between her legs since she was burying her pussy into his cock as she rode him on top, but her breasts were even better than I imagined.

I also knew that I wanted to experience her fucking ability on my own, and with these two little video clips, I had the ammunition I needed to make that happen -- or to share something with her husband that he may not want to see. Waiting on the opportunity to add a picture of her lover would add to my arsenal of proof that she was being very naughty.

Except he didn't come out, and I was confused. Was it someone that was staying with them and her husband trusted they wouldn't do anything together, or maybe the husband was a cuck and wanted the man there to fuck his wife? That brought up a potential problem. If I accused her of something that was totally acceptable to her husband, I could get in trouble for spying on her like that.

I waited, and the man didn't come out. After about 30 minutes, I saw her backing her SUV out of the driveway, making one of her daily trips to wherever it was she went. And then it hit me -- even though I couldn't see him, she had her lover in the back seat of the SUV, and was taking him back to wherever it was she picked him up. The tinted windows prevented me from seeing if he was in there or not, but it made perfect sense. It also made sense to me now why she was pulling into the garage. With the door shut, her lover could get out without being seen and they could go do their sordid acts together.

Going to that effort to remain in secret led me to believe even further that this was a cheating affair. I thought about the consequences I might face if I admitted to her that I knew her secret, but the potential benefits outvoted the possible consequences. It was time to put a plan into action.

I went into my office and fired up my computer system. As I did that, I plugged my phone into a USB port and began uploading the two videos. I opened them to make sure they were as good as I thought, and watching the two on the bigger computer screen led me to being grateful for the incredibly high definition cameras our newer phones now have. It was crystal clear -- my neighbor WAS sexy, she DID like to fuck, she obviously ENJOYED riding cowgirl, and it WASN'T her husband.

Solving the problem of getting the videos to her wasn't a problem at all. I opened Facebook -- something I rarely did -- and did a search on her name -- Teresa Winslow. Weeding through the options that came up, I finally found her profile and clicked on it. From the picture she had posted -- including several with her loving husband -- I knew I had the right page. I clicked on the "Messenger" tab, and a second window opened up. I loved that even though we weren't friends on Facebook, I could still send her the videos using this platform.

I dropped the videos into the chat, along with a simple message -- "We should talk." Just as I was about to hit the "send" button, I heard her SUV pulling back into the driveway. I knew she would be home when she got it, and I figured she would be alone, although I couldn't be sure about that, since she had been fooling me before. With a simple mouse click, the videos started making their journey to her phone or computer.

Now it was time to sit back and wait. I went back in and watched the videos again, and picked up on some subtle nuances that might come in handy if my plan succeeded. For only 20 seconds of video, I started getting very excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. Studying her body, I saw very few flaws. I had been so focused on how amazing her breasts were that I had failed to study her ass as it crashed down onto her lover's legs. There was just the right amount of jiggle with each thrust, which to me meant just the right balance of firm and soft.

Suddenly my phone pinged -- a new message had arrived. My cock jumped as I looked and saw it was a reply from Teresa. It was time to see what she thought, and as I opened it, it was pretty clear she wasn't too happy."


That made me laugh -- a woman cheating on her husband thought I was a pervert.

"Am I a bigger pervert than the woman getting fucked by someone other than her husband?"

There was a few minutes delay between that message and her reply.

"Why did you video this? Why did you send it to me?"

That was an easy question to answer, but I wasn't ready to give it to her in message form like that.

"Let's be good neighbors and talk about this. Come over and sit down for a chat."

Her next reply came in much more quickly.

"There is no fucking way I'm coming to your house. You think I'm stupid?"

Now it was time to display my intentions.

"Fine -- have it your way. I'll just keep these videos and try not to send them to someone who would be very upset if he saw them."

Now she knew what my intentions were. I could imagine the scenarios that were going through her mind. They were likely similar to my thoughts, but I doubted she was enjoying hers as much as I was enjoying mine.

After a few minutes, she sent her reply.

"Can I come in through your back gate? I don't want anybody else seeing me coming to your house."

Always trying to hide, like how she was getting her lover in and out of the house. I messaged her back, telling her that would be fine. I headed to my kitchen where my back door was and watched as she made her way through my gate and up onto my back porch. Like the gentleman I wasn't being at the time, I opened the door for her.

God, she was more beautiful in person up close. She had on a simple t-shirt that hung loose on her body and a pair of jeans shorts that had the cuffs rolled up a couple of times. She had no socks, and was wearing open sandals on her feet. I'm not a foot guy, but hers looked great. Even her simple clothing could not hide the fact that she was a beautiful woman, and my desire for her grew.

She stepped in and looked quickly around. Without stepping in any further, she turned to me with an 'I Hope You Die' glare and said, "Okay, I'm here -- what's this all about?"

I smiled and tried to be pleasant. "Perhaps it's just a social call. You've lived there for two years now, and we've never really taken the time to get to know each other. Let's go into the living room and sit down where we can be more comfortable."

I pointed through the kitchen door and she led the way. She chose to sit on the very far end of the couch, and I sat in my recliner opposite. She didn't wait for me to get comfortable before she lit into me.

"I can't believe what a disgusting pervert you are! How dare you video personal things that you aren't even supposed to be seeing! Why aren't you at work, anyway? You're never here in the daytime!"

She was mad, and I knew it wasn't going to get better for her. "I'm here because we have switched to working at home. And maybe I'm not a pervert -- maybe I just heard strange noises from your backyard and I was concerned about your welfare so I did some investigation."

She snorted. "Bullshit! You knew what you heard, and because you're such a pervert, you had to get some video for your own twisted needs. Did you jerk off to me yet? Isn't that what you were looking for?"

I replied, "Well...not exactly. At first I was checking to see what was going on. I figured your husband had stayed home a day and you were going to use the time to catch up on some much needed attention. But the man you were with didn't have a familiar voice, so that's when my detective mode set in. When I found out you were a low-down cheater who worked hard to hide the fact that you were fucking other men, I figured there would be some gain for me in knowing your secrets. So far, that's working perfectly."

She looked at me with confusion on her face. "What kind of gain can you get out of it, other than watching me fuck so you can get some great jerk-off material out of it? Can't you get enough porn on the internet without prying into my personal life?"

She was seething by now, but seeing the smile on my face, she suddenly figured out what my gain would be.

"Oh fuck no, no fucking way! If you think I'm going to have sex with you, you really are a complete idiot!"

Oh man, it was fun watching her face turn red in anger, knowing it was probably going to get worse. I continued smiling as I said, "Fine, and like I mentioned before, I'll hopefully be able to keep your private videos out of the hands and eyes of someone that would be very upset if he saw them."

Her anger boiled over, and then tears started streaming down her face. "Why? Why are you doing this to me? My private life is none of your business, so why are you threatening to tear it apart? Don't you have any decency?"

Now I started getting angry, but I kept myself composed. "First of all, since we don't really know each other, I don't care about what you do behind your husband's back. If you want to be a low life cheating bitch, that's up to you. But the fact is that you are a sexy woman, and my social life is pretty dry. So since you don't seem to mind being unfaithful to your husband, I might as well use that to my advantage."

She leaned her forehead and put it in her hands. She was starting to see that I wasn't afraid to be as mean as I needed to get what I wanted, and that there wasn't much she could do to get out of this. She resorted to playing her last card in her deck to try to change my mind.

"Please, there must be something else that I can do to keep you from telling my husband. He would be devastated if he found out, and I couldn't live with that. You name it, anything else and I'll do it. But don't make me have sex with you!"

I took a little offense to what she was insinuating -- that sex with me was so disgusting that she'd do anything to avoid it. But then I looked at it from her position, and I'd probably feel the same way if somebody was forcing me to have sex that I didn't want to have...not like that would EVER happen to me.

But I was firm in my resolve. So I offered a compromise of sorts. "Tell you what -- I won't make you fuck me, but I do want something. I bet you give a mean blowjob."

She got angry again. "NO! I'm not fucking you, and I'm not sticking your cock in my mouth! How do I know what diseases your filthy cock might have?"

I laughed and replied, "I can guarantee you there are no diseases. You generally have to have sex with someone to get any diseases, and that's not happened in a while. But you can go on home, and I'll go back to my office and send a quick email."